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Poison's Kiss (Book 2 Deadly Beauties)

Page 18

by C. M. Owens

  We step out of the car, and I walk up beside him as he gauges the wild party going on inside the small lake house.

  "I'm sorry about all of this," I murmur softly, trying to give him an outlet for his anger.

  He loves taking out his fury on me, so I can be an emotional punching bag if that's what he needs right now

  "It's not your fault, Alyssa. Sierra needs to learn Amy isn't mine to take care of. We're not like her and Deke. She keeps thinking we are, and she's only messing up Amy's head that much more. If anything, she should be the one getting her ass reamed by me. Not the other way around."

  My hand slides up his arm, a comforting motion... I think. "I'm sorry you're hurting. You can vent on me. I've grown an extra layer of skin, so take your best shot. I won't tell Dray."

  He smiles lightly, and then he shakes his head. "That won't be necessary, but thanks for the offer. I think you've had enough emotional blows to last you a while, especially after losing your friend."

  A tear stings my eye, but I suck it back, putting on my best fake strong face. "Let's find this witch and tear her apart."

  A dangerous smirk quirks up on his lips, and then his eyes flash blue. "I plan to."

  As crazy as it sounds, those glowing blues don't scare me. This bitch deserves to feel his dragon's breath venom. Light witch or not, I won't have mercy on a human who tortured and killed Thad.

  We walk in, and I'm quickly joined by Dice who speaks to Kane.

  "So, your lycan girls didn't get a read on the scent the girl left behind?"

  Kane shakes his head, speaking low enough to escape the ears of the humans amongst the loud music.

  "No. She's smart enough to know to use a scent masker. How she knows so much about our world, I don't know. I'm going to head around the back, see if anyone looks familiar. Alyssa, you coming with me or staying with Dice?"

  "I'll come with you," I quickly insert, taking his proffered hand.

  No way am I staying with the incubus that seems so fascinated by me. But Dice is quick to interject.

  "Actually, it wouldn't be wise for the two of you to be seen together. If you split up, you'll be less of a target. Not to mention, it'll give me a chance to see who's watching you, and it'll give you a chance to see who's watching her."

  Kane tightens his lips, but he releases my hand. "Touch her, and I'll make it very painful for you. She's dealt with enough lately."

  That didn't sound like possessiveness. That sounded distinctly like concern, genuine worry even.

  "I won't touch her. I can swear to you Drackus's threat was enough to make me watch my toes. Just keep your eyes open. If she's human, she has a coven. I'm sure they know what she's doing, and if one of them is here, they'll be watching the two of you."

  Dice takes my hand, and I shiver against the currents flowing over his skin.

  "Dice," I growl, pulling back and clutching my hand to my chest.

  Kane is already out of reach or he might have made good on his threat.

  "See. That was me testing my theory. You're an anomaly, Alyssa Coldwell, and it's driving me mad. How did you do that?"

  "Do what?" I ask while keeping my hands tucked close to me, not giving him a chance to try any more of his mojo on me.

  "You're not immune to projection, but you're immune to everything else it seems. You channeled my draw, and then you denied my desire's touch. That was a touch that should have sent your clothes to the floor without a second thought."

  "You're getting on my nerves," I mumble, watching to see if anyone is watching Kane.

  "You're getting under my skin. I want to study you. That's how crazy you're making me. I almost feel... impotent. That's a terrible feeling for an incubus."

  I laugh instead of slapping him the way I want to. I'm glad I make him feel impotent. Smug bastard.

  He stops walking, his devious grin spreading as he relishes the sexual energy in the room, or at least that's what I think he's doing until I follow his gaze and learn the true reason he's smiling that way.

  My heart sinks to the floor as my lips part just barely, denying my jaw the right to fall unhinged. My whole body trembles as waves of disbelief and betrayal stride through me.

  Gage is leaned over a girl with red hair, tilting her chin up before his lips grace hers. His lean, toned body is taunting hers, and she slides her hands up his sides in response, touching the man I thought to be mine.

  Her hands move on up to tangle in that soft hair I've gripped for so many reasons. His lip ring folds between her lips as he draws her in for a deeper kiss. If ever I wanted to kill an innocent mortal, this is that time.

  "I thought the two of you were together," Dice says, enjoying this moment for some sadistic reason.

  "So did I."

  The heartbreak and humiliation in my tone can't be ignored. I came to find a dirty witch, and instead I found a cheating warlock.

  He's smiling as he leans over to whisper something in her ear, and she laughs at whatever sweet or dirty thing he has just said. I've been on the receiving end of those whispers, and I know how good he is. He sure as hell fooled me.

  He takes her hand in his, smiling as he starts leading her away. That grin he bears falls quickly when his eyes find mine, fury steaming my shades of colors within.

  I can't hear the words over the music, but I can see them, read them as they spill over his lips. "Oh fuck."

  Chapter 17

  Breaking Point

  I don't give him time to chase after me without vaporizing as I shove people aside on my way out the door. I don't care if I have to bleed myself dry, I'll recast every spell to keep him out.

  Just as I taste the fresh air of the impure night, I hear him calling for me, his shouts pleading in tone.

  "Alyssa! Stop! Please stop! I can ex-"

  "Don't you dare say you can explain!" I scream while whipping around, ready to fight - enraged at this point.

  His eyes are panicked as he runs his hand through his hair. I turn back, returning to my retreat, but he materializes in front of me, risking exposure as he grips my arms.

  "Please listen. I was-"

  "Don't! Don't tell me you were just talking, because I saw a hell of a lot more. I realize why you were so opposed to defining our relationship now. It's because there isn't one. I'm just the dumb girl who thought you wanted more than sex. You've definitely proven me the naive fool you once blatantly accused me of being. You win. You were right."

  I shove him to the side as I continue on my stalk, but he materializes in front of me again, restraining me.

  "Let me go, or I'll fucking make you wish you never fucked me over," I hiss, venom seeping from every orifice of my body.

  "No. Not until you let me explain. Alyssa, I'm trying to find a lead."

  "By sticking your tongue down another girl's throat? I guess you're really taking one for the team. Go play some more. You've got nothing stopping you now; not that anything was stopping you before."

  "Damn it, Alyssa. I was just working a fucking angle. We have to hurry and find-"

  "An angle?" I blare in interruption once again. "You were definitely working an angle. Which angle was next? Her legs around your waist? Your body over hers? If you'll excuse me, I've had enough visual scars left behind by your angles for one night!"

  He holds me tighter, refusing to let me go.

  "I won't let you leave until you listen to me. This is nothing. She's nothing. It's a fucking job, Alyssa - a means of gathering Intel."

  "Let. Me. Go."

  "No," he says, his stubbornness steadily becoming nothing more than a futile attempt to maintain control over the situation.

  "Don't make me hurt you," I growl, my eyes still flipping through their random shades.

  "Alyssa, you can't hurt me. I'm twice as strong as you while you're in your mortal f-"

  Before he can finish that foolish statement, he's sailing backwards, digging up dirt and rocks and then slamming into the lake with a thunderous splash. When he starts to
climb out, feeling the weight of my hit in his chest, I hit him again with another powerful blow, this time using his body to tear down trees across the yard.

  The loud crashes draw out startled and curious spectators. I'm forced to stop tearing the dark user apart. His eye isn't cut because of the trees; it's because of my power. That second slap of force caught him like a right uppercut.

  He spits out blood in near shock, never having known the strength I've held back for the safety of others. I stare down at him, kneeling when I reach him so I can whisper.

  "Don't forget where I come from. Stay. The fuck. Away. From. Me. Or I'll finish the job."

  The darkness in my tone is unmistakable. The powerful high is taking me, and I love it. The grass beneath me wilts before turning to ash, and Gage's eyes widen, stunned and engrossed in the show of power consuming me.

  Thunder rumbles across the sky, sounding out my rage, and I lift my head back to revel in the harsh rain that begins pelting like bullets against my face.

  "Alyssa, you have to stop, baby," Gage says, but that just pisses me off more.

  "Baby? You're one stupid son of a bitch. Call me anything again, and I'll cut your tongue out."

  As the earth cleanses me, I feel the high slipping, the darkness falling away with the rain. At least it's brief when it comes, but it's so painful when it goes.

  I gasp hard as it flees me completely, and the rain hides the tears that start to fall.

  "Don't ever, ever speak to me again," I choke out through strained emotion.

  I turn away, ready to walk back to Edgebrook even if it takes me days. I refuse to stay here.

  "What the hell?" Kane asks as he rushes over to Gage.

  "I just really fucked up. Stop her. Don't let her go alone."

  I don't want the night stalker who broke my heart seeing me fall apart at the hands of another follower of the dark. I decide to run and leave them behind. I can find a car on the way. I need out of all of this.

  "Alyssa!" The very sound of Kane yelling for me threatens to infuriate me all the more.

  "No! Go away!"

  He grabs me from behind and whirls me around.

  "It's too fucking dangerous for you to go storming off into the night. Get in the car, and I'll drive you home."

  My teeth grind together as I shake my head, wiping my tears as I let an exasperated, exhausted, and bitter laugh free. "You just love this, don’t you?"

  "Alyssa, I don't even know what the hell is going on. Just get in the car, and you can tell me on the way back."

  I push his hand away when he tries to tug me at the elbow, and Zee runs up to join us.

  "Someone want to clue me in?" he asks, looking from me to Gage who is working hard to knock out the humans' memories from the last few minutes.

  "Mr. Magic got frisky with the wrong girl," Dice chirps, acting as though he's getting high right now.

  "Shut your mouth, Dice," Gage interjects when he joins us, then he turns to me. "Alyssa, please. I swear this is business."

  I cross my arms, my heart beating too fast to keep a rhythm. "It sure as hell looked more like pleasure to me." Then I turn back to Kane who seems to be piecing it all together. "Zee can drive me back. You can take that twisted freak with you."

  "Hey," Dice spews, feigning offense.

  "Why are you taking this out on me?" Kane gripes, glancing over at Gage who is gripping his head.

  "Because the two of you are the worst things that ever happened to me." Kane's face drops, as though I've wounded him. I don't care. I don't care that Gage looks like I've just ripped his heart out. "I want both of you gone. I can take care of myself."

  Zee tightens his lips, but he nods - reluctantly so. Apparently I've also insulted him by taking a shot at Kane.

  "Forget it. I'll call a cab. None of you had better return to my house. Your shit will be in the yard in a few hours. You can get it from there."

  I start walking off, but Zee grabs my hand this time. "What did I do?"

  I glare at him while he feigns innocence.

  "You're with Kane. That's obvious. Right now, I'm alone. I'd rather be alone while I'm alone."

  "What did I do?" Dice asks in confusion, like the idiot he is.

  "You love this. You're feeding off of it. I know an incubus loves a good argument between lovers. It fuels you more than feeding. Go. To. Hell."

  He raises his arms up, genuinely perplexed. "It's my nature. Don't hold that against me. Right now, I'm almost buzzing because it's so thick with sexual energy being released from your anger."

  Gage starts to touch me, but I jerk back, leaving him to grab only air. "I mean it. I want all of you out."

  I walk off, pulling out my phone and scrolling through web to find the number to a cab company. Screw them all. I'd rather die alone than with people so willing to break me around every turn.

  With my mother struggling with her own issues, Frankie dealing with her, and Aunt Hilly going through her withdrawal from the light officials, my family is indisposed. I really miss Thad right now.

  It's sad to say that I barely knew him, but he was my only real friend. Now... I don't have anyone.

  No one chases me this time, and I'm thankful for that. I'm sick of all the ups and downs. I'm ready to just go back to being Alyssa Coldwell and enjoying my mortal life while it still exists.

  As promised, I used my magic to throw everyone's shit outside, and then I recast the spell to keep everyone out. But I keep forgetting Kane is frigging immune.

  He strolls in, unaffected by the death glare I'm offering him from the corner of my house. I hold my hot tea to me, letting the aroma try to bring me calmness. It's not working.

  "Alyssa, we need to talk."

  I say nothing. I just look away, refusing to acknowledge him. I keep hoping if I shut my eyes, I'll open them to see he has left me in peace.

  "Fine. I'll talk," he says with exasperation. "Gage told me what happened, and I realize you're pissed at him, but that has absolutely nothing to do with Zee or me. You're still welcome to hate Dice. That guy's a prick."

  Involuntarily, the corners of my lips try to tug into a smile, but I refrain, banishing the reaction too quickly for him to fully notice before he continues.

  "You need us here, and we need you to be around. Personally, I'd like to have someone other than Zee vouching for my whereabouts at all times, since this bitch is trying to set me up. He's my best friend, so it'd be hard for them to take his word. You need someone vouching for you as well."

  I lean back, letting his words fully resonate before countering, "I'll call Drackus, and I'll see if he can send someone less abhorrent than Dice. As for you staying, the answer is no. You know plenty of people who can vouch for you. Don't play that game. I can't do this anymore. I was in love with you, and you destroyed me. Then I fell for Gage, thinking someone cared about me enough to make it matter, but again I was destroyed. And I thought my mother had bad taste in men."

  I stand up to walk away, but he catches my free hand in his while I hold my tea a little tighter.

  "You really were in love with me, weren't you? It wasn't a game or a scheme of any kind?"

  "Don't do this right now, Kane. I'm hurt enough as it is. With you and Gage, my heart is smashed. With the loss of Thad, I'm aching. Just leave me in peace instead of pieces this time. Please."

  He tightens his lips, his hand still holding mine, but he finally releases me.

  "You had no idea what I was. I just assumed you did because you never revealed your mark. All witches reveal their marks upon entering any type of friendship or relationship."

  I breathe out heavily, realizing his reason for suspicion. He sits down on my sofa, acting as though it's all sinking in. I sit back down beside him and hold my hand out - my palm facing up as I slide the back of my hand onto his leg.

  "This is something you can't tell anyone... including Zee, Deke, or any of the others."

  He narrows his eyes as he silently questions my intentions.

>   "Okay. I can manage that. You don't want me to tell them about your palm? Should I be reading it or something?"

  I smile slightly, and then I take a steadying breath. "Don't break physical contact or this will hurt."

  He tenses but nods. The lines of my palm shift, change, and meld together to form the mark I've rarely shown. The lights spark and sizzle, red and blue fusing together and growing stronger by the second until he starts to grow dizzy beside me.

  His eyes are forced to glow blue to prove his night stalker nature. His fangs peek out of hiding, but I'm not afraid. Instead of viewing him like he's a monster, I find him beautiful. The purity of him being so unguarded as he's forced to reveal himself is almost endearing. He slinks back - my magic being more than he can tolerate in his weakened state. It lets me know he's not completely immune after all.

  "Fuck," he murmurs breathlessly as the power subsides, sinking back down to slumber, and I pull my hand away.

  "That's why I didn't use it. If you had been human, that would have killed you. It's not something I tell anyone outside of my family very often. As a matter of fact, there are now five people who know - you, Mom, Dad, me, and Gage."

  He huffs, leaning his head back, and I watch as the glowing blues fizzle from sight. The darkness in my house hides his brilliant greens, but his tense posture tells me he realizes I was telling the truth. I'm not ready for this conversation. I don't know if I ever will be.

  "A witch and a night stalker together but oblivious to the truth about each other. The entire fey nation would laugh at that," he almost groans out, rubbing his face in exasperation.

  "Well, we're not together anymore. Now we're a witch and a night stalker with scars." I sigh, admiring his dark beauty in the shadows of the room.

  So many things have happened since we met, split up, and somehow became entwined due to a couple of crazy bitches.

  "Alyssa, I-"

  "Kane, please go. Right now, I need some time alone. I keep trusting all the wrong people, and it's starting to take its toll on me."


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