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Club Desire: The Complete Series Box Set

Page 36

by Amy Brent

  “I don’t know where your head is at, but I’m trying to tell you that I’m in trouble. There is a hostile takeover going on and I have no idea who’s responsible. I have my best people working on it, but so far they’ve come up empty. I’m worried that we’re going to lose everything and you seem to be smiling for some reason that baffles me. There’s something going on with you and I think that you should do me the courtesy of laying your cards on the table. I am your father and I should know what’s going on in your life.” This was the first time in a long time that he had ever given a damn. He was asking because he was desperate and he wanted my advice on how to deal with the shadow corporation that was looming ever closer.

  “Do you remember about four years ago that I went into a tailspin? I had to go into therapy and I never did explain why. I’m sure that you have been wondering, but then again maybe you haven’t. You probably thought of me as a disappointment and wanted to wash your hands of the whole thing. I showed you that I had weakness and that was a cardinal sin in your eyes.” I swallowed hard, thinking about what happened in the park just this morning. I’d no idea what I was afraid of. With Spencer, I had always believed that the most unpredictable things could happen.

  “I just thought that it was something personal that you wanted to keep to yourself. It’sthe reason why you went to therapy, so that you could get it off your chest and finally put it behind you. I’m guessing that you haven’t put it behind you. I didn’t want to say this at the time, but I guess I have to. Were you foolish enough to get involved with a man and then have your heart broken? I thought that you were different and that you were built with a stronger stock than that.” I thought that I would know better myself, but the heart had a funny way of betraying good judgment and logical sense.

  “I did get involved with a man and he was by far more superior than any other that has come before or since. He came back into my life and I feel like I can’t get out of my own way.” I’d called my therapist and found out that she was on vacation. I didn’t know why I would unload on my father, but he was asking and now I was telling.

  “Nobody should be able to take your power. I thought that I taught you that. The only way to survive is not to trust anyone. I know that I have been married a couple of times, but this last one has really grated on my last nerve. She may not be your biological mother, and trust me, you should be happy for that. That woman and her son Spencer have been the bane of my existence. I castrate myself all the time, metaphorically speaking, for bringing them into our home. You tried to warn me, as well as a lot of others, but I just wouldn’t listen. I had to see it for myself and the bitch has been bleeding me dry.” There was no way that I could tell him that Spencer was the cause of my angst. If I did, I’m sure that he would see me as a problem and not part of the solution.

  “It’s nice of you to take me to this fancy restaurant for dinner, father. You’re right, nobody should be able to take my power. I found that I’ve been able to take it back in some form. He will not be a problem, but I don’t think that I will ever be able to get him away from me. As for your problem with that hostile takeover, I suggest that you talk to the Board of Directors and see where their head is at. You’re the one that has a majority vote. That was made clear from the moment that you put that board together. There’s no way that they could possibly oust you. I thought that you were a genius when you came up with that, but now I see that you were just looking out for number one.” He was breathing a sigh of relief and maybe he just needed some reinforcement and encouraging words to get him to realize that he was the one that was holding all the cards.

  “Now that I think about it, I don’t really have much to worry about. If somebody was trying to come for me, then they would have to realize that I would get a settlement in the millions to step down. They couldn’t take my stock, unless I gave them a signed affidavit. I’m getting tired of the rat race and the politics and the headaches and I would gladly retire . This corporation needs a strong hand at the helm, but I’m through treating it like it was my baby.” He was always about business, but the scare of his heart condition a couple of months ago had made him prioritize. He had changed and I could see that he was willing to take a step back for the right offer. I could help Spencer and convince my father that it was best for him to take the money and run. I think that he had already come to that conclusion on his own. My cooperation and advice was only giving him a reason to think of his twilight years.

  “Where was this man when I was growing up? You spent 18 hour days in the office and I never did see much of you. I’m wondering if you feel any regrets whatsoever for letting me feel that you didn’t love me.” I had no idea why I was opening this can of worms, but I felt like I was entitled to an explanation.

  “I’m sorry that you felt that way. I guess I thought that I needed to leave a legacy and something that I could turn over to you. I know that you’ve never had any interest in running my business. It took some arm turning for you to come to work in the legal department. Seeing you walk away four years ago was like a knife in my stomach and seeing you made things worse. I felt that knife turning just a little bit deeper. I thought that you were being selfish, but now that I have felt my mortality, I know that you were just trying to make yourself happy.” I had my father back and a relationship that I had yearned for growing up. I had Spencer back, but I didn’t know how long he would stick around before running for the hills.

  “I could make your life easier. The cost of this takeover is weighing you down. I have a proposal that you would be a fool not to accept. There has been interest from an outside source that would like to take over a majority share of the company. I can have them send over the document and then you can sign on the dotted line and this ugly chapter of your life can be over. I will make it a condition that I stay on and that I receive the same voting privileges that you did. Is this something that you might be interested in?” I was only doing this so that I could have Spencer, but I also knew that I could bring this company out of the black.

  “I would have to see the offer, but yes, I think that I would like to put this all behind me. The stress is killing me and I’m through trying to make others happy. I don’t want to be this ruthless businessman when the beaches of Cabo are calling my name. Are you sure that you wanna be a part of this company? You’ve never shown any interest before. I’m only asking because I’ve known you all of my life, daughter. I’ve seen your highs and I’ve seen your lows and I would really like to see that you find that happiness that has been kept away from you over the years.”

  I called the number that Spencer had given me and I relayed the information. He was most anxious to complete this transaction through a proxy server. He didn’t want to be mentioned by name and that was perfectly fine by my father. He believed that the offer was coming from a reclusive billionaire. With his signature, he turned over the keys to the kingdom to me and Spencer without his knowledge. I knew Spencer well enough to know that he was a consummate businessman. I had given him everything that he wanted on a silver platter and now I needed to see if I was being used.

  My father got the first flight out to Cabo to meet up with my stepmother. He was an absentee father and I was sure that he would have to do a lot of groveling to get back in her good graces. I had no doubt that his charm would win out in the end.

  I went over to Spencer’s penthouse suite at the Hilton. I knocked on the door and the door swung open to pitch blackness. I was a little hesitant to step into the room, but then I realized that this was just one of his many games. I was barely inside when the door clicked shut behind me like a cell door slamming behind an incarcerated prisoner.

  He was behind me; he grabbed my hands and he lifted them over my head, so that I could feel his features with my fingers. “I knew that I was fighting a losing battle for the last year. I’ve made some headway and I bribed my way into getting inside information on your father’s company. I didn’t even think about using you. It was quite a surprise
to hear your voice and then the proposal of taking your father’s business. I’ve seen him run it into the ground and I’m ready to roll up my sleeves with you to make it great again. I promise that my name will never appear on anything. I will be working with you anonymously. You will have the real power…but in the bedroom…that’s where we both hold the reins of control.” He ran his hands down over my red dress, touching on the swell of my breasts and making my nipples strain against the fabric.

  “I didn’t do this primarily for you. I saw that my father was aging 10 years for every year that passed and I was worried that he was working himself into an early grave.” I had dreamed of the things that we could be, but partners in life and in love had never occurred to me. He was hiking up my dress and putting his hand on the small of my back. I knew exactly what he wanted, but this time it wasn’t going to play out like that.

  I turned and seductively ran my eyes up and down his frame. He was completely naked and he thought that was going to shock me. I put my dark hand on his pale chest and used my fingernails to show him that I had claws and knew how to use them. I grabbed the prize that I was after and I moved it up underneath my dress, so that he could feel that I was going without.

  “You really are a different woman with the curves that are too hard to resist. You have this new confidence and I probably should mind that you’re trying to put me in my place. I should know by now that behind every great man is a woman pulling his strings.” With one concentrated motion, I had his knob encompassed within the silky lips of my sex. That slickened surface beckoned him closer and before long he was as deep as he could possibly be.

  “I don’t want you to think of me as some dainty little flower. I want more than that and I think that you’ll find that I’m more than a match for you.” I’d always been known for someone that was speechless and didn’t have a voice. I’d found my voice and I had Spencer to thank for that. He was bending his knees and lifting me practically off my feet with each stroke of that magnificent tool. “I thought that I was going backward, but now I realize that I am the architect of my own destiny.” I heard him grimace and that was from my fingernails wrapped around his base.

  “I’m getting the feeling that I really didn’t know you at all. I saw something entirely different and I think that I’m the one that showed you that you could be more.” I had my heel up on the door. It was an awkward position with my weight, but I wasn’t about to back down for anyone. “You have always been your own woman and you just needed somebody to show you how to bring that out.” I was pushing myself towards him and even in high heels; I was amazed that I was able to continue this pursuit of delights that would probably make a grown sailor blush.

  When he was gone, I didn’t know where to turn to and now that he was back, I was on the top of the moon. I had lost myself and when he emerged back into my life, I found the woman that I was supposed to be.

  I stared at him the entire time that I was working him over and I was enjoying this special moment of celebration. “I think that we can time this just right for a simultaneous orgasm that we can share together.” This was the path that we would walk together. We were soon grunting our replies like that of something that you would find in the animal kingdom. Sweat was soaking through my dress and making it transparent to the naked eye.


  “Fuck yes…”




  We were screaming at the same time and then it ended with both of us slumping down onto the floor, exhausted and unable to move. I lay in his arms with him stroking my cheek and knew that tomorrow would be the day that would start the rest of our lives together. We were an interracial couple, but we couldn’t have cared less about anyone’s opinion. We were happy.

  Alright now, time for a best seller!

  Turn the page for bestseller: Filthy Doctor



  The doctor will see you now... ALL of you.

  I’m a world-renowned cardiologist, but breaking hearts is what I do best.

  When women are lined up for a turn between my Egyptian cotton bed sheets – it makes it difficult to limit my services to just one.

  With these movie-star looks and a bank account almost as sizeable as the surgical instrument between my legs, you can’t really blame them.

  Rumor has it that my hands work magic – both in the clinic and in the bed.

  It felt like I had everything figured out, until Lucy walked back into my world – causing me to lose all focus.

  We were HOT lovers in high school – and I can remember the night I took her V card.

  Now she's back, as the producer of my reality TV show.

  My brain tells me to leave the past in the past,

  but one look into her sultry blue eyes tells me she still wants me – and I’ve learned so many new talents since our last night together.

  I’m so ready to be her FILTHY DOCTOR.

  Her delicious curves tempt me to take her.

  I want to own that voluptuous body.

  But doing so would mean risking her career and breaking my biggest rule: Never fall in love.


  Cole ordered the driver to take us to his penthouse, then raised the tinted glass behind the front seat so we could have a little privacy. We sat in the back seat making out like the two horny teenagers we once were.

  His tongue hungrily probed my mouth as his warm hand slipped under my blouse and bra to massage my breast and roll my nipples. Little sparks of electricity shot through my body from head to toe, as if I’d touched an electric fence.

  I could feel the intense flood gushing between my legs as my hand slid between his thighs and found his thick cock hard and ready, just like the old days. It felt magical beneath my hand, as if touching it had transported me back in time.

  I moaned into his mouth when his hand slid down to my crotch. He rubbed the fabric between my legs until the heat was so intense I thought my slacks might catch fire.

  “We’re here,” he sighed in my ear as the car rolled to a stop in front of his Manhattan penthouse. It was a short ride that ended not a moment too soon. “Let’s continue this upstairs.”

  “Yes, let’s,” I said, blowing out a long breath and adjusting my blouse as the doorman hurried across the sidewalk to open the car door.

  “I have a huge boner,” Cole whispered with a boyish grin that I recognized from years ago. He took off his jacket to drape over his arm to cover his protruding cock. He slid out of the car and held out his free hand to me.

  When I got out of the car I “accidentally” brushed his cock with my hand. He jumped and I giggled.

  “Let’s go upstairs and I’ll take care of that for you, Dr. Walker,” I said. Without another word, he grabbed my hand and literally dragged me inside the building, across the marble foyer, into the gold-paneled elevator, and into his penthouse suite.

  We attacked each other the moment the elevator doors closed.

  Chapter 1: Dr. Cole Walker

  “You fucking cardiologists… You all think you’re gods or something,” Efram said bitterly, albeit it with a smile, as he stared at me from behind the cup of shitty coffee they served in the hospital cafeteria. Dr. Efram Schoenberg was the top anesthesiologist in the city. That’s why I brought him in for all my complex operations. Patients who died on the operating table rarely paid their bills. It was Efram’s job to keep them breathing while I cut open their chests to repair or replace their hearts. Efram was also one of my best friends and the biggest buster of my balls.

  “We don’t think we’re gods,” I said with a smile. I picked up my cup of coffee and held it up in a toast. “Some of us are gods, Efram. And some of us might even be the God. So, watch what you say. I’d hate to waste a good lightning bolt on your ass.”

  “Jesus, how do you carry the weight of that ego?’ he asked, rolling his eyes. “It must be a terrible burde

  “It’s a burden I willingly bear for the good of mankind,” I said with a smile. I tapped my cup to his and settled back in the hard chair to stretch out my legs and let my eyes wander around the room. It was after four in the afternoon, but the Mercy General cafeteria was still bustling with staff and visitors eating the lousy hospital food left over from lunch because it was convenient and relatively cheap. The food was decent if you didn’t mind the abundance of grease and salt the kitchen used to give the food a semblance of flavor. I ate there only if I was desperately hungry. Otherwise, I choked down the coffee after long operations with Efram and that was it. I was Dr. Cole Walker, after all. I ate for free at five-star restaurants, not shitty hospital cafeterias.

  Efram and I had just come out of a nine-hour heart surgery and admittedly, I was beat. The patient, a fifty-year-old construction worker with total blockage in all three major arteries, was lucky to be alive. Or perhaps I should say that he was lucky that I was in the hospital when the paramedics brought him into the ER after suffering a massive heart attack. No one expected him to live. No one but me, that is. I cracked his chest and manually massaged his heart as he was wheeled into the OR. I stinted his arteries and Efram kept him breathing until I was done. Now he was resting comfortably in ICU. I expected that he’d make a full recovery. How long he would live after that was totally up to him.


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