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An Aladdin Retelling: The Stolen Kingdom Series, #1

Page 24

by Bethany Atazadeh



  for a sneak peek at book two:

  The Jinni Key!




  JUST A SHORT YEAR ago, on my birthday, I’d seen him for the first time. My family had sent me off with extra shells and coral, and I’d swam all day, taking my first breath of air on the surface, for a human sunset.

  As a young Meremaid, only fifteen, I’d looked forward to this rite of passage my entire life. I didn’t have long, only an hour or two, before I’d return to our underwater kingdom, so I’d make the most of it. I found a small rock by the shore and pulled myself up onto it. Outside of the water, it dug into me and I disliked immediately. My sisters had said the human world lost its charm quickly, but I ignored that thought, settling onto the rock, waiting for the sunset.

  The burning orb hurt my eyes, which they’d mentioned too, so I took a break from staring at it to admire the rest of the sky. Brilliant blues with streaks of orange and gold and pink.

  I almost missed him, but my eyes caught his shape falling through the clouds and the splash in the distance.

  For a moment, I almost turned back to the sunset, but my curiosity got the better of me. Diving back into the water, my powerful tail carried me to the distant spot in moments. The ripples on the surface showed me the impact, but nothing else. Below, I spotted him.

  Was it a human or a Jinni?

  Either way, I knew the rules: stay away.

  I bit my lip. No one was around. Maybe I’d just swim a little closer. Just to see.

  The fallen creature was a male with pale skin, almost translucent, and deep black hair like I’d never seen back home.

  A Jinni.

  According to the elder-Mere, they were far worse than humans. But this one wasn’t doing anything particularly evil, that I could tell.

  Fascinated, I swam closer to admire him. His eyes were closed and he continued to sink. Bubbles escaped his lips. I chewed on my lip, growing worried when I noticed his lack of gills. Was he drowning?

  It was hard for me to know what to do. A Jinni falling from the sky was on my mother’s list of the vilest things that could ever happen. Interacting with him was, if possible, even worse. But I couldn’t let him die.

  I swam closer and reached out. Poked him. Nothing. Feeling skittish, like he might open his eyes at any moment and surprise me, I swept up behind him and pulled by the arms. He was heavy compared to the Mere. Larger and taller than me, and muscular. I kept my tail away from those strange legs as I began to swim back toward the surface. Who knew what he might do.

  Our heads burst above the water and I inhaled a deep breath for him, showing him what to do. His head lolled to the side.

  Glancing around I found my sunset-gazing rock. It was closer than the land, so I tugged him through the waves and dragged him up onto it. Flopping him onto his back, I lay my tail alongside him, leaning closer. The longer he didn’t move, the less I worried about my mother and the more I worried about him.

  I pulled myself even closer until I could lean down and listen to his chest for a heartbeat. My mother said they were heartless—did she mean literally? I nearly gave up, but then I heard it, faint, but beating. As I lay on his chest, staring at the shadow of a dark beard on his chin, and that sharp jawline, I was puzzled. Why wasn’t he waking up?

  That’s when I realized his chest wasn’t moving at all. His heart might last a bit longer, but he needed to breathe!

  Sitting up, I pushed him onto his side and beat on his back. It was like hitting a whale. No results, no reaction. I let him drop onto his back again and eyed his lips.

  It was just a fairytale. Told at bedtime to little meremaids. Kissing didn’t really bring humans back to life. And he wasn’t a human anyway, so even if it did work, that solution didn’t apply... did it?

  I licked my lips. Reaching out, I touched one finger to his mouth, softly, tracing the shape. Putting my hand on his chest to stabilize myself, I leaned forward, bringing my full weight over him in a hurry. I tilted my face toward his and prepared to do the unthinkable, when he coughed, spasming as water spewed out of his mouth, making him cough harder. The spew of salt water hit my face.

  I jerked back in surprise. He kept coughing violently, vomiting up what seemed like half the ocean.

  When he finally fell back, his eyes were closed and his breathing came in ragged gasps. I’d pulled my tail away from his body, prepared to leap into the water the moment he saw me. But he hadn’t even opened his eyes. I should stay to make sure he was okay. And to see what color they were. The way he lay there unmoving made me think he might still need a kiss.

  “What happened to you?” I whispered, mostly to myself.

  “Banished,” he spoke between ragged breaths, startling me again.

  Mother always said my curiosity would land me in the belly of a shark. Instead of leaving him there to his exiled fate, I slid myself a few inches closer, carefully lowering my upper body onto the rock next to him. Propping my head in my hand to get a better look at him, I said in an even softer whisper, “Why?”

  When his eyes flashed open, it was so unexpected, I froze. Just inches away from my face, they were light blue, the color of the icebergs in the north.

  They closed as suddenly as they’d opened. “You’re so beautiful,” he said, and my heart fluttered. No one called me beautiful. Not when they’d seen my sisters. “I must be dreaming.”

  Half of me wished he could see me in the ocean, where my hair would swirl around me instead of hanging limp and wet on my shoulders, and the water would make my tail shimmer. The other part reminded me that mother would kill me if I brought him home. A dream would be better for both of us.

  My saner side won. “You are dreaming.” I smiled into his eyes when he opened them. I lifted my tail, letting the beautiful red scales shine and sparkle in the sunlight to convince him further. When his eyes caught on it, they widened, before taking me in again, more closely. Maybe I should’ve kept my tail out of it.

  “What’s your name?” I asked, to distract him.

  He sighed, staring at me so openly in his supposed dream state. His eyes traced the shape of my face, my lips. I blushed, thinking about how I’d done the same thing a few minutes ago. But he didn’t know that. Did he?

  “Gideon,” he told me. His eyes were growing more alert and his breathing came easier now.

  I should go. Could the Jinni use their Gifts outside of their land? That made me nervous again. He hadn’t done anything yet... but would I see it coming? What would I even know to look for?

  “What’s your name?” He rolled over to face me. The sudden movement made me flinch and slide away instinctively. “It’s okay,” he said reaching out a hand toward me, “I won’t hurt you.”

  But I panicked.

  Leaping off the rock, I dove into the water away from the hand that had almost touched me. A Jinni hand.

  From underwater, I watched him lean over the rock and peer down into the deep, searching. I let myself sink lower, into the protective darkness. Though his face was distorted, he looked sad. I sighed and watched the bubbles float up to him, jealous of them. But my mother’s voice in my head held me back.

  I stayed close, even as the water grew darker. The sunset was ending. I’d missed it. The whole reason I’d come here in the first place. But for some reason, I didn’t care anymore.

  Gideon gave up looking for me and crashed into the water, swimming like a Merebaby toward the shore. It was only a short distance away, but at the rate he was going, it would take him a while.

  I’d never answered his question. “Rena,” I whispered, wishing he could hear. “My name is Rena.”



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  It took 22 people + one pup to create this story. Writing a book is not a solo journey!

  But before I tell you all about these incredible folks, it’s important to say that none of this would be possible without Jesus. I wouldn’t be here without the hope that I have in my savior.

  Secondly, I have to thank my husband, Mohsen (who asked to be named specifically this time, you’re welcome, babe). He has supported my dream when he didn’t have to and that means a lot. Also, like I mentioned above, my corgi puppy, Penny, even though of course, she can’t read and doesn’t care. I never feel like I’m writing alone because she’s always snuggled up next to me (or bugging me to play laser).

  My family has cheered me on since I began writing, and I know they will continue whether it keeps going well or not, because they have to... just kidding, it’s because they’re also the best, love you guys. Special shout out to my mom who has read all my books and is always willing to help edit and proofread for me, love you mom!

  My critique partner and one of my closest friends, Brittany Wang, has been instrumental in shaping the plot and characters in these pages. Talking to a friend and fellow author who has read my story (multiple times!) and understands good writing, characters, story structure, and so much more, has been revolutionary to my writing process. Thank you, Brittany!

  My editor, Claerie Kavanaugh, taught me about RUE (Resist the Urge to Explain) which is one of my biggest weaknesses. She tightened up the writing and made it overall more enjoyable to read, which I appreciate.

  I also worked with Claire from Eight Little Pages who designed the cover for all four books in this series with the marvelous swirlies and epic castles.

  My beta readers were enthusiastic cheerleaders who kept me going by pointing out the good qualities in the story, as well as offering much needed outside perspective on what wasn’t working in the draft stages. Huge shout out to: Amelia Nichele, Bri R. Leclerc, Brooke Passmore, E.A.Hamm, Emma Woodham, Falan Rowe, H.J.Stack, Kaylee White, Lia Anderson, Maddy Bourman, Maverick Moses, Mickey Miles, Peggy Spencer, R.Dugan, Tianna Peterson, and Valerie Wheeler. And an extra big shout out to my proofreaders, Bri R. Leclerc, Brittany Wang, and Kaylee White, who saved me from some embarrassing boo-boos.

  I also want to thank my Patrons—I didn’t tell them I was doing this, but their support lifts a lot of the burden of the unknown within the writing business, and getting to know each of them has been such a joy. I really appreciate each one of you and want to say thank you!

  And to you, my reader—you are amazing. When I picture you reading this book, well, it’s hard to imagine, send me a picture. Just kidding, but I hope you enjoyed this story! If you did, spread the word, review the heck out of it, and please let me know—it means so much to me!


  Aaran-Shah (AIR-rin-Shah) – Hodafez Shah

  Ahdamon (AH-da-MON) – Lady Eiena’s kingdom in the north

  Amir (Ah-MEER)– King Amir of Sagh, a wealthy neighboring kingdom of Hodafez

  Arie (ARE-ee) – princess of Hodafez (means Lion in Hebrew)

  Arman ­(Are-MAHN) – owner of the Red Rose

  Azadi-Shah (Ah-ZAHD-dee-Shah) – the Shah who gives Arie and Kadin a ride to the Aziz castle

  Aziz (Ah-ZEES) – the kingdom where Arie and Kadin meet (loosely translated it means sweetheart)

  Baba (BAH-buh) – means father

  Bafrin (BAF-frin) – kingdom to the East where Daichi and Ryo are from

  Baradaan (Bar-rah-DON) – kingdom where Kadin and Naveed grew up

  Berange-Shah (Beh-RANGE-Shah) –Hodafez Shah (berange is the persian word for rice)

  Bosh (BAH-sh) – orphan adopted into Kadin’s crew (persian word for yes)

  Captain Tehrani – Captain of the Guard in Aziz

  Chimigi (CHEE-mee-gee) – language and home country of the woman who speaks with Prince Dev (loosely translated it means what do you mean ?)

  Daichi (DIE-chee) – member of Kadin’s crew

  Dev (Deh-v) – prince of Baradaan

  Dusa (DOO-sah) – the name for Arie during the heist; Dusa means sweetheart

  Eiana (EYE-nah) – the Lady Eiena

  Elam (EE-lahm) – creepy man in Aziz

  Enoch (Eee-knock) – the violet-eyed Jinni who helps King Amir

  Farideh (Fair-REE-duh) – Arie’s lady-in-waiting

  Gaspar (Gas-SPAR) – king of Aziz

  Ghormey-Sabzi – a traditional persian dish (roughly translated it means green stew)

  Gideon (Gid-e-un) – Jinni they meet in Aziz

  Haman (HEY-mun) – shopkeeper in Aziz

  Hanna (HAH-nah) – Arie’s mother (means grace or favor in Hebrew)

  Havah (HAH-vuh) – Arie’s lady-in-waiting (means sky)

  Hodafez (Ho-DAH-fes) – Arie’s kingdom (loosely translated in persian it means goodbye)

  Illium (ILL-ee-um) – member of Kadin’s crew

  Jezebel (JEZ-zuh-bell) – queen of the Jinn

  Jinn/Jinni (Gin/GIN-nee) – Jinn is the name of the country and the race of Jinn as a whole (i.e. the Jinn, the land of Jinn); Jinni is the singular, used to refer to an individual Jinni and also as a possessive (i.e. a Jinni, a Jinni’s Gift)

  Kadin (KAY-din) – leader of the crew of thieves

  Madani (Muh-DAWN-ee) – one of the families in Hodafez

  Mahdi (MAH-dee) – king of Hodafez (persian word for guided one)

  Marzban-Shah (MARS-bin-Shah) – Hodafez Shah

  Mere (Meer) – meremaids and mereman, also known as mere-folk

  Naveed (Nah-VEED) – member of Kadin’s crew

  Piruz (Peer-ROOZ) – town Arie is originally aiming for

  Red Rose – the inn and tavern in Baradaan

  Rena (REE-nah) also known as the Grand Tsaretska Marena Yuryevna Mniszech (Zar-ret-ska Mar-reen-na Yer-yev-na Nez-zich) – youngest daughter of the Sea King and Queen

  Reza (REH-zah) – Kadin’s youngest brother

  Rusalka (Roo-SULK-ah) – the underwater kingdom of the Mere

  Ryo (RYE-oh) – member of Kadin’s crew

  Sagh (SAW-gh) – King Amir’s kingdom (persian word for dog)

  Severance – when a Jinni’s Gift is severed from its owner

  Shah – interchangeable title for a governer of provinces within a kingdom or for a monarch (persian word for king)

  Shazada (Shah-ZA-dah) – title that means princess (Arie’s informal nickname is Arie-zada)

  Shirvan-Shah (SURE-vin-Shah) – Hodafez Shah

  Sirjan-Shah – Shah from Arie’s courtship tour

  Tahran-Shah – Shah from Arie’s courtship tour

  Tohmans – name for a large amount of coin

  Yazdan-Shah – Hodafez Shah

  Yik-Shah –Hodafez Shah

  Zhubin (ZOO-bin) – king of Keshdi

  Three Unbreakable Laws of Jinn:

  1) Never use a Gift to deceive

  2) Never use a Gift to steal

  3) Never use a Gift to harm another

  BETHANY ATAZADEH is a Minnesota-based author of YA novels, children’s books, and non-fiction. She graduated from Northwestern College in 2008 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English with a writing emphasis. After graduation, she pursued songwriting, recording, and performing with her band, and writing was no longer a priority. But in 2016, she was inspired by the NaNoWriMo challenge to write a novel in 30 days, and since then she hasn’t stopped. With her degree, she coaches other writers on both YouTube and Patreon, helping them write and publish their books. She is obsessed with stories, chocolate, and her corgi puppy, Penny.



  Instagram: @authorbethanyatazadeh

  Facebook: @authorbethanyatazadeh

  Twitter: @bethanyatazadeh



    Bethany Atazadeh, An Aladdin Retelling: The Stolen Kingdom Series, #1




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