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Snow Leopard Protector: A WILD Security Book (The Protector Series 3)

Page 7

by Ruby Forrest

  About an hour into this, Hanna- Gale decided that night was drawing too close to leave anything else to chance. She stood, stretched and wandered down stairs and slipped on her shoes. She wanted to cook dinner, but that was probably out of the question seeing as there was nothing in the pantry. So, instead, Hanna- Gale decided to slip out to the little corner store she had seen on her walk that morning, and grab something nice.

  She did just that, strolling down the peaceful streets and enjoying the quiet and the lights starting to flicker on around her. She grabbed something simple and warm from the store, making sure to grab enough for two. She told herself that it was a smart thing to do, in case she got extra hungry later on, but she knew that that was a lie.

  She barely even felt hungry now. In fact, nerves were dancing around her stomach and making her feel a little bit sick. She sighed, but the smile on her face was hard to ignore. When she returned home, she happily set out the food to keep it all warm and set the table, just in case. Then she wandered up to the bathroom to get ready.

  She definitely needed another bath and she relished slipping into the warm water. It seemed to soothe her tension in the most blissful of ways and she was content to sit and soak for a while, letting the water relax her tense muscles. She washed away the grime of the day and washed her hair too, for good measure.

  Stepping out of the bath, she dried herself with the softest towel she had, before rubbing lotion into her skin, spraying on some scented perfume and wrapping herself up in a robe. She styled and dried her hair, making sure it was glossy and wavy, and pulled on a lovely dress with pretty, matching underwear.

  She was feeling good about herself, and once she had put on some simple, but attractive makeup, Hanna- Gale was feeling so much better about herself and about life. She smiled, the relaxing afternoon doing wonders for her stress. She grabbed the book she had been reading, slipped into a pretty pair of heels and made her way down stairs. She dimmed the lighting and lit a few candles, making things as lovely as she could. Then she sat down on the couch and waited, flipping through the pages of her book, happy to wait.

  She told herself that if he didn’t show up within an hour, she would start dinner and just have a peaceful night in, no harm no foul. She could still feel the tingles of pleasure from this morning and she blushed at the memory of his hands on her skin. It was a lovely memory, one that made her feel like she was floating.

  She hoped he came, like he suggested he might. She hoped that she got to see him more often. Lost in her daydreams and the pages of her book, Hanna- Gale almost didn’t hear the knock on the door.

  When she did, she jumped to her feet. Warmth tingled through her, making her smile as she walked to the door. She hadn’t been sure that he would show up, but the thought that he had was making her feel a bit giddy with excitement. She didn’t hesitate in undoing the lock on the door and opening it, a greeting on her lips.

  The greeting and excitement fell to the floor as she stared up at the man in the doorway. There was no way that this was Casey, and the thought sent panic shooting through her. She didn’t know this man and a part of her realized quickly that she didn’t want to. She stepped back and slammed the door shut, without a care for how damn rude she was being. She tried to grab the lock, but the handle was already turning and the door was pushed open. Hanna- Gale stepped back and tried to remember just where she had put her phone.

  He stepped into the room and Hanna- Gale knew immediately that he was part of the snow leopard’s gang. Like with Casey, Hanna- Gale found herself wondering how any human could look this flawless, so big and intimidating.

  He was just as big as Casey, easily, but his hair was tied back in a low ponytail and his eyes flashed as green as the forest. His features were narrower and he walked with a perfect confidence. There was no hint of the bravado that she had seen in Casey. He just was and he knew that no one would cross him.

  “Are you Hanna- Gale?” He sounded almost bored and he smiled, quiet and low when she didn’t answer, “I’m Dan. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  Hanna- Gale couldn’t find her voice, and when she finally did, it came out shaky, “You are trespassing.”

  “I am? So sorry, but as I recall, you opened the door and invited me in.” He walked over to the couch and sat down easily, “Now, you could call the police, or we could have a civil conversation over coffee.”

  He looked at her with eyes that seemed to pierce her soul, “You do have coffee, do you not?”

  Hanna- Gale felt anger and indignation burn her soul and make her feel sick. She felt rooted to the spot and was sure that she was going to say something insane in a moment, so she turned on her heels and stormed into the kitchen. She’d make the damn coffee if it gave her enough time to think straight. Maybe it would even give Casey time to show up. She could only hope.

  When she returned from the kitchen, a tray of coffee in hand, Hanna- Gale was feeling slightly calmer. She had dealt with this before, after all. She could do it again. He was different than Casey, and his quiet exterior made her more nervous than Casey had, but she’d be fine. She’d be professional and charming and let him know that she wasn’t anyone that should be messed with.

  Hanna- Gale set down the tray, cream and sugar set out if he wanted any, and sank down into the couch opposite him, the tray on the table between them.

  “Dan, you said?” She looked at him calmly, “What can I help you with?”

  Dan looked almost surprised at her calm. She didn’t doubt that he had been expecting her to panic. At best, she had been rattled when he pushed his way into her home. This was probably new to him and Hanna- Gale relished the thought.

  “It’s about your property.” He looked at her as he picked up his coffee. He drank it black, no sugar. Hanna- Gale added sugar and cream to her own coffee and took a slow sip, her eyes never leaving him.

  She didn’t say a word and he continued easily, “Casey has been speaking to you about this, but I am unsure if he has impressed the severity of the situation.”

  He wore leathers, hair pulled back low, but he spoke like a lawyer and it made Hanna- Gale uneasy in a way that she didn’t quite understand. She had a feeling that Dan would not let this go very easily. She fought the urge to glance at the door and check for Casey. She was still hoping he would arrive and soon.

  “Oh, he told me all about it.” Hanna- Gale looked at Dan carefully, “But I do not intend on giving up my house, just because it is on your turf. You have no legal right.”

  Dan shrugged, “No, we most certainly do not.” He smiled slowly, “But how much do you think legalities matter in a town like this one?” He leaned back, completely at ease, “You could phone the police if you wanted to, but they won’t touch me.”

  Hanna- Gale straightened up, “Then I will go higher than this town, won’t I?”

  Dan’s eyes flashed, “You do that and you’ll be getting into a lot of trouble.”

  Hanna- Gale shrugged, “You push this and the police you have in your pocket will be sacked by the higher ups.”

  Anger seemed to bubble beneath the surface, but Dan smiled, “You have no idea who you’re messing with. You would be much better off to just get out now, before you get hurt.”

  “Is that a threat?” Hanna- Gale smiled, a sweet tone to her voice.

  “I do not make threats. I make promises.” Dan was leaning in closer and the tension between them crackled through the air, dark and dangerous. It made Hanna- Gale shudder, but she refused to give an inch, no matter how much Dan intimidated her.

  She couldn’t let him see that. A knock at the door made Hanna- Gale jump and they both pulled quickly away from each other, Dan leaning back into the couch and sipping his coffee, Hanna- Gale standing and setting her cup down.

  Her heart was thudding and she hoped against hope that it was Casey. She didn’t think she could handle a second guy who was on Dan’s side. Worry swirled in her stomach. In fact, she could not be sure that Casey would side with her an
yway and the thought frightened her. She needed someone in her corner in this fight and Casey seemed like a pretty good guy to have on her side.

  Swallowing the nervousness that had tightened her stomach so much she felt sick, Hanna- Gale made her way to the door, undid the lock and pulled it open, letting her eyes adjust to the dull light of the gloom outside.

  She made out his size and shape first, the strong build and intimidating height. Then she focused on his features and relief flooded her heart. It was no one else.

  “Casey!” She tried to keep her voice down, stop the racing of her heart. She wanted to hold him tight and forget all of this madness, but they weren’t that close yet. She cleared her throat and shifted her weight, “Come in.”

  She stepped aside and let him pass. He was looking at her with a slightly confused expression and the moment he stepped through the door, Hanna- Gale saw it harden to anger. She wanted to step back, for a moment, but hardened her resolve and shut the door, locking it firmly.

  “When did he get here?” Casey asked, but his eyes never left Dan.

  “About half an hour ago.” She answered, her voice sounding quiet even to her own ears.

  Casey nodded, but didn’t move until Dan spoke, “Casey. Nice of you to join us. Hanna- Gale and I were just having coffee.” He was smiling, but a challenge flashed in his eyes and Hanna- Gale swallowed. The air felt charged, far more charged than when it was just Dan and she and Hanna- Gale had to wonder what the history was between them.

  Casey sauntered forward, casual if not for the anger flashing in his eyes, “I thought you were going to stay out of this.”

  Dan chuckled, “Casey, when did I ever agree to that?”

  Anger crackled between them and Dan slowly rose to his feet.

  “You know my feelings on this.” Casey growled. The sound was low and threatening and Hanna- Gale swore that his eyes were flashing in the most intimidating way.

  “That’s fine. But my feelings are different.” Dan stared him down, “We let one house go and then it’s all over. It’s a slippery slope and I won’t have it, just because you’ve discovered you have feelings!”

  Casey lunged at Dan and Hanna- Gale screamed. It escalated so quickly. Casey was grabbing Dan by the collar and the next thing Hanna- Gale knew they were tumbling on the ground, Casey grabbing Dan and the fight breaking out in a way Hanna- Gale couldn’t have imagined.

  Dan threw the next punch and Hanna- Gale forgot for a moment that she was watching two men fight. They seemed to be shifting before her very eyes, changing in ways she couldn’t imagine.

  It was insane. She didn’t believe her own eyes. There teeth seemed to lengthen, their skin glimmering as if made of scales, their eyes slits and their hands like claws. The way they moved and grabbed and growled, locked in battle, sent shivers down Hanna- Gale.

  She didn’t know what the hell was happening, or even if what she was seeing was real, but it made her tremble. It was insane, it was gorgeous, and it was crazy. It was scary as all hell. Not human. Not human. They looked almost like they were taking on the characteristics of snow leopards and it frightened her out of her suburban, mundane sort of life.

  Casey leapt at Dan, a final blow sending him flying. Hanna- Gale gasped as Dan pushed himself to his feet, making her feel sick. Suddenly, any unhuman appearance was gone and Dan was left breathless and winded, pushing himself up.

  “Fine.” He hissed, “Turn against the whole gang if that’s what you want. But you’ll fucking regret it!”

  Dan turned, jacket torn, a bruise blossoming against his cheek, and stormed out of the house, slamming the door behind him. In shock, Hanna- Gale sank onto the couch, unable to process what the heck had just happened.

  Casey seemed to sense this and he shifted uncomfortably, slowly sitting himself down again, rubbing the back of his neck, “Sorry you had to see that.”

  “What…” Hanna- Gale swallowed, “What did I see?”

  Casey swallowed, and Hanna- Gale realized he looked almost uncomfortable, “Look, there’s a reason we’re called the Snow leopards, okay?” He was blunt, and quickly looked away.

  Hanna- Gale took a deep, shuddering breath as her suspicions were confirmed, “So…”

  “Snow leopard shifters.” He muttered, looking at her darkly, “So you probably do not want to get mixed up with me.” He laughed, a dark sound, “In fact, I work security on top of it, protecting people, protecting you. It’s a conflict of interest.”

  The shock of hearing and seeing the impossible was replaced in an instant with a cold feeling in her stomach at Casey’s words. She could hear the guarded indifference in his voice and Hanna- Gale had a feeling that he’d had people run out on him too many times to count.

  “Yes, I do.”

  Casey glanced up in surprise.

  “I’m freaked out.” Hanna- Gale laughed softly, “I do not know what to think and I need to go after Dan and sort this out.” She pushed herself up, “But I’m not running out on you.”

  She made her way to his side and kissed him, tasting smoke and feeling giddy. His arms wrapped around her waist and Hanna- Gale felt like she could get lost in his arms for hours if she let herself. Reluctantly, she pulled away.

  “Dan’s bad news.” Casey glanced at her darkly.

  Hanna- Gale shrugged, “He’s also the best bet I have.”

  Casey sighed and rummaged in his pocket, shoving a piece of paper in her hands, “He’ll be there.” Casey frowned, “But if you’re not back in an hour, I’m coming after you.”

  Hanna- Gale smiled, “Deal.” Warmth bubbled inside her as she grabbed a jacket and hurried into the cold outside air. She felt like she was floating again, but the giddy shock of finding out that Casey was part snow leopard hadn’t quite finished sinking in yet.

  She didn’t know what the heck she was doing, but she was determined to sort this out, keep her house, and get over the fact that Casey was a shifter. She shivered, remembering the ferocity with which he fought, the way he had touched her.

  Warmth shivered through her and Hanna- Gale realized that she would be okay with dating someone like him. It was exciting, it was new, and it was so, so wrong. It was nothing like her life plan, but then, her life plan had been uprooted days ago.

  She felt like she was floating, spinning out of control, but at the same time, she felt more purposeful than she ever had before. She had something to fight for, she had a life for the first time in years and she was not about to lie down and die.


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