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Hannah Page 9

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  Father also stood. “I have a proposition. I’ll have dinner with Chad and get to know him if Hannah will do the same with Pierre.”

  Bridgette walked to them. “I think that’s a fair proposal.” She smiled as if she knew more than she was letting on.

  Hannah nodded. “I’ll agree to one dinner with Pierre.” She folded her arms. “But it is not going to change my mind.”

  Father looked at her and gave her one of the adoring smiles that she’d seen all her life. “Just give Pierre a chance.”

  Bridgette came in between them. “Well, we have that settled. Would you like some lunch before you head back to Shirleyville?”

  Hannah nodded. “If we have time. Father?”

  “Sure. A light lunch because we both have dinner dates tonight.” Father escorted them to the dining room.

  Hannah enjoyed Margaret’s lunch that she’d prepared for them. And for the most part, they had an enjoyable time.

  Father finished his lunch first. “Bridgette, how did you come up with your plan to help young men out of prison?”

  Bridgette grinned. “It started with my Bounty Brigade. Actually, I was attacked by Del. He attacked me, and I stopped him with help from my husband. Sterling wasn’t my husband at the time, but he helped me. I turned Del into the sheriff and learned he had a five-hundred-dollar bounty. I’d never earned so much money in so little time. Well, I learned he had a twin brother and got the idea to offer him help. Judge Taggart had helped me become a lawyer, and one thing led to another. I still have men come in from the badlands to set up a deal with me.”

  Father shook his head. “That sounds like dangerous work.”

  “I interview them in jail. If the men have killed anyone, I don’t take them. And if I get a sense that they will be dangerous, I don’t accept them into the program. The sheriff is with me when I talk to them. Sheriff Levi Smith is my half-brother. So, he takes care of me.” Bridgette sat back and grinned with a satisfying look.

  Father shook his head. “Men will say anything if it will get them out of trouble.”

  Bridgette stood as if she were in court. “True, but I believe deep in the heart of those men who, because of dire circumstances, found themselves outside the law and want to make restitution and payment for their crimes and start over. I offer them a chance by giving them half their bounty and help in finding employment. Then I saw the value of finding them a good woman to work beside them. A good wife gives the men an added motive to make good on their hopes and to live a productive life. After all, I’ve heard it said that the West will be tamed when good women come to the frontier.”

  Father stood. “I have to admit, I like your plan. I’m just not happy that my daughter has been brought into the mix. I have a wonderful man picked out for her. Pierre is equipped to take care of her in ways that Chad doesn’t even know. I hope he does well, but I know Hannah. She wants the best.”

  “Father, I am standing right here with you. Don’t talk about me as if I were invisible. I do have a choice. Pierre, I do not like. Chad, I love.”

  “You can’t know you love him in a matter of days.” Father shook his head and looked at her as if he were totally exasperated. A look Hannah was all too familiar with.

  With hands on her hips, Hannah faced him. “Father, I promise to listen to Pierre and give him a chance. I hope you will do the same with Chad. Besides, Mother told me she had intense feelings for you.”

  Father blushed. “Yes, well. That is beside the point.”

  Bridgette laughed. “Well, I would say you two have an interesting evening with your promises. I assure you, I put a lot of thought and prayer into the people that I match. I don’t take it lightly. But both Chad and Hannah are free to make up their own minds.”

  Father nodded. “I’m glad to hear that. Hannah, we better go so we can get back in time to have our dinner appointments.”

  Hannah hugged Bridgette. “Thank you. I hope we can see each other again. I look forward to living here in Shirleyville. I already have one friend in Francesca.” Hannah grinned as she saw her father bristle. But he might as well get used to the idea. She was marrying Chad.

  Bridgette walked them to the door. “I’m glad you like our little town. But you might be wary of Francesca. She’s a nice woman, but she can be a bit of a gossip.”

  Hannah nodded. “I know. But I still like her. Who knows, if she has a good friend, maybe she won’t be so inclined to spread the news to try and win friends.”

  Bridgette went to the carriage with her. “That’s very wise. I think you might be correct. I look forward to meeting with you again. And you, too, Mr. Durand.”

  Father nodded and helped Hannah into the carriage. “Thank you for the nice lunch. I do feel better after meeting you. I know you have Hannah’s best interest at heart. Good day.”

  Hannah enjoyed the ride back to town as she and her father talked about good times they had together in New York and the beauty of the country in Montana. They were back in Shirleyville by four o’clock.

  Father went to find Pierre.

  Hannah hoped he’d find the Frenchman holding Francesca, but then decided she’d give Pierre the chance her father wanted. In her heart, she knew Chad was the one for her. She walked to the land office and hoped Chad wouldn’t mind meeting with her Father.

  Chapter 12

  Chad had enjoyed the morning when Doug had taken him out. They surveyed the creek that ran along the property between the Murphys and Howards. Chad enjoyed learning, and by the time they left, he was quite adept at using the theodolite to determine angels and measurements.

  Now, back in the office, Chad waded through more stacks of papers. He’d found a few more receipts and money that Doug had failed to record and take to the bank. All of them were to Adler’s bank. Chad had yet to meet the man.

  Bridgette had put Chad’s bounty money in Mr. Satchel’s bank. There seemed to be trouble between some in the town and Adler. Chad didn’t know why, but it made him reluctant to have dealings with Adler.

  Chad put the money in the box that Doug used for money going to the bank. Chad figured there were over two hundred dollars already. And he had at least three more stacks of paper to go through.

  The bell over the door rang, and Chad looked up to see Doug. “I was wondering if you were coming back in today.”

  Doug nodded at him. “I was packing, and then had some things to do to get ready to leave for Florida.”

  Chad handed him the money box. “I have the cash and the receipts in the box ready to take to the bank.”

  Doug looked at him. “Yes, thank you. I hope Mr. Adler hasn’t been harassing the stores that paid their rent.”

  Chad studied his boss. “I’ve gone through two stacks of papers and filed them.” Chad hoped his progress would make Doug feel more at ease.

  “Good. That’s great. I better take this to the bank. I’m happy with the way you’ve learned. Good work, Chad.” Doug left the office with the money box in hand.

  To his amazement, Chad had discovered that he had a real knack for putting things in order. He was good at math and recording payments. Bridgette was right, this job was a good fit for him.

  Now, if he could impress Hannah enough to want to marry him. Chad still couldn’t get the image of Pierre’s kiss out of his mind. Yes, Hannah had stepped away from the Frenchman, but that kiss had impacted her. He could see it in her eyes when she’d told him about it.

  Then again, Hannah had told him about the kiss. She didn’t know he’d seen it. Chad ran a hand through his hair. It was a lot to take in. First, just getting the freedom from prison. He’d wanted nothing other than to ride away and enjoy being alive again. But Bridgette had stopped him. He wouldn’t get the bounty money until he proved himself.

  But when he’d met Hannah. Even before he knew who she was, and she walked past him, his heart had raced. Now, he wanted nothing more than to prove himself and marry her.

  Thinking of Hannah made him smile. She was something else, a
nd like no other woman he’d ever met. Full of life, she barreled into his heart and captured his love. That she loved him, he could see in her eyes.

  All was going so well until her father and that Pierre came to town. Chad shoved a piece of paper across the desk. He wanted to see her. Now, but with these stacks of papers, it was going to be sometime before they could get together.

  And he had to watch his money. He really needed to find a small house to live in and make ready for Hannah. She wanted to live in town. He hadn’t given it much thought, but now that he was working in the land office, it made sense.

  Chad waded through a few more pages and filed them in their proper place. He’d found more mistakes in the filing system and wondered how Doug kept up with anything. Files with an earlier date were in order, but those from six months ago on were a mess.

  He was about to close when the door opened, and Hannah walked in.

  Chad went to her. “Am I glad to see you. How was your day?”

  “I went to see Bridgette. My father went with me.”

  He couldn’t tell if that was good or bad as she wore a wary expression on her face. “And how did that go?”

  “Well, I made a promise to my father that I would have dinner with Pierre, and you would have dinner with my father. Please? If you do this, I hope we can settle our differences. You don’t need to worry about Pierre and me. I don’t even like the man. But I’m sure that Father will like you.”

  “If it’s important to you, I will.” Chad took the key from his pocket. “I can lock up now. Dinner is tonight?”

  She nodded. “I’ll walk with you to my father’s hotel room.” Hannah followed Chad out the door.

  After locking the door, Chad took her hand. “You won’t change your mind, will you? About us?”

  She smiled. “Never. You’re the one for me. There isn’t anything that could come between us.”

  “Let’s get this over with then.” He smiled at her. “I’ll be thinking of you the entire time.”

  “Good. That will give me something to think about while trying to endure the dinner with Pierre.”

  Chad believed her. “So, what am I supposed to talk to your father about?”

  Hannah squeezed his hand. “Your job. Your life and hopes. Just be honest with him. He really only wants what is best for me.”

  Chad stopped her and pulled her to face him. “As do I. If I didn’t think I could make a go of it with the land office job, I wouldn’t ask you to marry me. But I do. Hannah, I know things are going to work out for us. I’ll buy you a house. Spoil you the best I can. And love you more than the moon and the stars.”

  He wanted to kiss her, but he wouldn’t. He’d make her want to kiss him first. Convince her of his love until she wanted to marry him more than anything. He loved her so. He didn’t think it would take long.


  Hannah accompanied Chad to Father’s room. She smiled at them both and thought how nice they looked together when she then turned to see Pierre standing behind her. A grin on his face and flowers in his hands.

  Pierre bowed to her. “I picked these for you. Their beauty was a reminder of the woman I love.”

  Hannah took the flowers and shook her head. “Pierre, you don’t even know me. You can’t love me.”

  “But I can. In France, we have knowledge of love. And I see you, and that is all I can think about it.” He took her hand and started his kissing routine.

  Hannah pulled her hand from him. “None of that. We’re going to have dinner and talk. That’s it.”

  “All right. As you desire, my sweet.” Pierre walked her to the dining room. He nodded to the waiter. “A table in the back where we won’t be disturbed.”

  Hannah wondered if her father and Chad had come here, but she didn’t see them. Father may have taken him to the café. With a sigh, she realized she was on her own with this man. Hannah prayed Francesca would come, but then remembered that Francesca had invited her to have dinner at the boardinghouse. Hannah hoped Francesca was a forgiving woman.

  Pierre seated her at the table and then sat beside her. “I thought I would have the steak.”

  Hannah wanted steak, too. But she ordered fried chicken instead. That annoyed Pierre, who had expected her to order the same as he. That small fact gave her satisfaction.

  “Tell me about yourself, dear Hannah.”

  “I love my freedom. The last thing I want is to be carted to France in a marriage I don’t want.” There, she’d blurted it out.

  “I see.” Pierre frowned. “I was hoping you would give me a chance tonight. Instead, you have stopped me before I could even begin to tell you how I would make you happy.”

  Hannah sighed. She had promised to give him a chance. “All right. Tell me what you have planned. Where would we live? Because I don’t want to leave America.”

  “I had planned to buy a farm outside of New York City. That way, you could visit your parents and still be in the country.”

  “You aren’t planning on returning to France?”

  Pierre took her hand. “Not if my queen doesn’t want to.”

  “What would you do for money?”

  Pierre coughed. “I would make do.”

  “Make do. Father said you were wealthy. Are you?”

  Pierre looked away and then faced her. “Yes, of course.”

  Hannah stared at him. “What do you do?

  “I manage the family holdings.”

  Hannah looked into his eyes. He was hiding something from her. “What kind of business will you manage?”

  “Whatever we have an interest in.” He grinned. “I thought about helping your father with his line of fashion. As you might guess, I have connections in France with the top designers.”

  “Then why don’t you give Francesca a chance. She knows fashion. Even out here in Montana, she manages a lovely dress shop. Some of her designs would rival those from Paris.”

  Pierre stared at her, but he wasn’t looking.

  Hannah grinned. So, he was interested in Francesca. “I really don’t care about the fashion business. Chad is learning how to survey the land, and that interests me. Perhaps being a lawyer. The world is beginning to open up for women. Bridgette told me that in Wyoming, women have the right to vote.”

  “Dear Hannah, you have been raised to be a woman of wealth. I see that in you. After one of the harsh winters here, do you think you’ll still want to live in this rugged land?” Pierre sat back and watched her. His confident manner indicated he thought he’d found her weakness.

  Hannah shook her head. “My mother and father moved us here to America when I was five. I didn’t miss France. The excitement and grandness of my new country filled me from the beginning. I am not like you. The old blood from France. I am the new blood of America. Eager to make my own way in this country of opportunity. Not to go back to old ways that are dying anyway.”

  Pierre frowned. “I thought you would care. France is going through a terrible time right now. The truth is, I, too, am intrigued by your country. The freedom. The opportunity—”

  “Like marrying me?” She really didn’t trust him.

  Pierre looked down. “When I first received the letter from your father, I was intrigued. He sent a picture of you, and I couldn’t get you out of my mind. The more I thought of you, the more I thought how happy we would be. My coming to America was to marry you.”

  “I don’t believe your love for me brought you here.” Hannah stopped while the waiter brought the food. After he left, she glared at Pierre. “I think you came to save yourself.”

  Pierre set down his fork. “I’m sorry you think that way about me. I truly love you and will make you a wonderful husband.”

  Hannah continued to eat. She was hungry, not to mention she knew she’d say something she would regret if she stopped to answer him. The chicken was good, and she finished one leg before she wiped her lips and looked at Pierre.

  “You look like a successful man. Why don’t you stop pretendin
g you love me and make something of yourself? I know Francesca was interested in you. But I am not.” Hannah cut into the other piece of chicken. She would have to compliment the cook.

  Pierre watched her and then ate his steak.

  Finished with their meals, Pierre tapped the table to get her attention. “I am not giving up on you, dear Hannah. I will win over your heart. Won’t you be honest with me?”

  “I have been.” She glanced around the room. “I think we’ve both said enough.”

  Pierre took her hand. “Hannah, I truly want to make you happy.”

  Hannah looked at him. “I will not marry you. Chad is the man who has won my heart.”

  Pierre smiled. “Perhaps there are things you don’t know about him. You may change your mind before too long.”

  Hannah stood. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to go to my room. There is no need for you to walk with me.” The truth was she was anxious to see how Chad had done with her father.

  Pierre remained sitting and sipped the wine he’d ordered. “I will see you again. You’re a lovely woman, Hannah.”

  She shook her head and left him. Without looking back, she thought about how Pierre was a mystery and portrayed himself as a French gentleman. Yet, there was something else. Pierre seemed to have something in the works. She wondered what else he was up to and how she should warn her father.

  But that was a problem for another day.


  Chad waited nervously for Hannah’s father to come down the hotel stairs. Hannah had told him to stay, and her father would come down to go to dinner with him. That was bad enough, but when he saw her with Pierre, and the two of them went into the dining room, it was all he could do to remain sitting and not take her away from that French dandy.

  But Chad’s wait was short-lived, as he heard the hard steps of her father before he saw him. Paul Durand was a forceful man. Probably where Hannah got her strength. Chad stood, conscious of his worn clothes in contrast to Mr. Durand’s impeccable suit and shiny shoes.

  Chad stood tall. He wasn’t going to be shamed. He had a good job, and he was working hard. He put his past behind him and wasn’t going to grovel to get in the man’s good graces.


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