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Hannah Page 10

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  “Mr. Dawson, shall we go? Hannah suggested the café.”

  “Fine with me, Mr. Durand.”

  Hannah’s father strode to the door and held it open. “I guess you know that Hannah and I went to see Bridgette today.”

  “Yes, sir. She told me.”

  “This is Bridgette’s idea, and it’s not a bad one. I believe if Hannah can get to know Pierre, she might think about giving him a chance. After all, the man came all the way from France to marry her. And then he had to travel here. That must she how much he cares for her.” Durand spoke confidently in a way that was meant to quiet Chad.

  Chad grinned to himself. Mr. Durand didn’t know how determined he was. But he hadn’t pushed his way through this hard life to roll over and give up. “And the other part of that bargain is for you to meet me and give me a chance. I assure you; I love your daughter and want only the best for her.”

  “Yes, well, in that case, you will have to admit that Pierre is the best man for her. He’s not been in prison or in trouble. He has the wealth she is accustomed to. And he loves her.”

  Chad nodded. “He might have wealth, but I have a fire in my heart to make a good life for Hannah.” Chad stepped up his pace and grabbed the door and held it open for Mr. Durand.

  They sat at a table near the window, and Chad pointed at the mountain. “This country is beautiful.”

  Mr. Durand set his hat and coat on the empty chair. “Yes, it is. France is a beautiful country. I don’t suppose you have ever been there.”

  “No, sure haven’t.”

  “I was forced to flee my homeland when Hannah was five. I’ve carved out a nice business for my family, and we live comfortably. I think you know my daughter is a head-strong young woman. I have had to place detectives to watch over her. To protect her. What can you offer her?”

  Chad looked the man square in the eyes. “Love. I promise to protect and provide for her. I may not be able to offer her everything you can, or Pierre, but I can give her what she needs above what money can buy.”

  Mr. Durand smiled. “I suppose you think that is love. This is a hard world, Mr. Dawson. Hannah is naïve and not equipped to live in the harsh reality of the world. That’s why I wrote to Pierre and asked him to marry Hannah.”

  “She told me. When we first met each other, we both knew that we were meant for one another. I wouldn’t have believed it myself.” Chad cleared his throat. “When I got out of prison, I only wanted to be free. I had made a deal with Bridgette to marry a good woman, but I’ll be honest, I had no intention of giving up my freedom to some mail-order bride. I only wanted to do what I felt like doing. And I’ll be honest, it wasn’t all good. But Bridgette wouldn’t give me the bounty money unless I at least found a job and a wife.”

  Mr. Durand studied him. “So, you didn’t want to get married.”

  Chad shook his head. “No, I didn’t. Although I think some of it was because I knew I had nothing to offer a woman. Then Bridgette said she was working on a job for me. It’s not easy to come out of prison and know that people look down on you. But I’ve learned to hold my head high.”

  “That’s commendable. But I want more for my daughter. Surely, you can understand that.” Mr. Durand ordered the chicken pot pie.

  Chad ordered the stew. “Mr. Durand, I will give Hannah my life. I have a good job. I’m good with numbers, and soon I can buy a house. I’ll take care of her.”

  “I’m sure you intend to, but you don’t even know one another. Hannah likes the theater and the opera. The posh restaurants. The best clothes. What can you give her? What can this town give her?”

  “A happy life. She’s already made some friends. With the train here, we can visit Chicago and even New York once I get established. I’m just starting right now, but I believe I’m going to make a good living, and I want Hannah by my side.” Chad kept his back straight and his head up. No one was going to tell him he was second-rate.

  “I commend you on taking your chance at a good life seriously. I just think Hannah could do better. Marrying you would be starting at the bottom for her.” Mr. Durand nodded as if he’d given the final blow and then started eating his food.

  Chad shook his head. “I think you misrepresent your daughter. She’s smart, loves this country, and wants to make a difference. We can build a life here. That’s what she wants to do. What we want to do together.”

  Mr. Durand set his fork down. “I’m sure my daughter thinks that is what she wants to do, but when it gets hard, she’ll run. I don’t want to see her ruin her life with a marriage she doesn’t intend to keep. We don’t have divorces in my family.”

  “When we get married, it will be until death do us part. I will make her happy.” Chad was beginning to get irritated with the man. Bad enough that Durand had a low opinion of him, but to think ill of his own daughter was wrong.

  “I like you, Mr. Dawson. I believe you will make good on your second chance at life. But I know my daughter. She will run when things get hard. She always has. That’s why I know she needs a man who is established, such as Pierre.”

  Chad put his fork down with a thud. “Maybe you don’t know your daughter that well. I think I do, and I know she’s brave and courageous. She won’t run from trouble.”

  Mr. Durand smiled. “I would hope not, but she has in the past.”

  “You know, Bridgette said that men out of prison need a good woman to settle them down. Maybe all Hannah needs is a good man to love her. Together, I believe we’ll do well.” Chad was finished. He didn’t want to eat anymore or hear Mr. Durand disparage Hannah.

  Apparently, Mr. Durand was finished too. He threw his napkin on his plate and stood. “I’ll pay for the dinner.”

  Chad shook his head. “I’ll pay. I wouldn’t want you to think I couldn’t pay my way.” He stood and went to the counter. When he turned around, Mr. Durand was walking out the door.

  Chad frowned. At least, he and Hannah had made plans to have breakfast in the morning. They could go over what each had learned. Chad was saddened by the way her father had talked about Hannah. And it made Chad understand some of what he was up against. He figured many in the town were waiting for him to fail.

  Chapter 12

  Hannah awoke early and dressed. She and Chad had made plans to eat breakfast together this morning. She hoped he’d done well at dinner with her father. She loved them both and hoped she wouldn’t have to decide and choose one over the other.

  But it could well come to that. She had no doubt that she would choose Chad. Then again, how silly that she’d known him for such a short time. Yet, it was as if she had been destined to meet him and fall in love.

  She wished her mother was here. Mother would side with her. Hannah knew it. She considered running to the telegraph office to send for her. She’d take it up with her father. If she was going to marry Chad, she wanted Mother with her to give her blessings on her marriage.

  Finished readying for the day, she walked down the stairs and saw Chad waiting for her. He smiled, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. Something was troubling him.

  “Chad, I’m so glad to see you. It seemed like years. How was your visit with my father?”

  He took her elbow and guided her into the dining room. “We had a nice dinner at the café. I paid for it.” He grinned at her.

  “Oh, good. What did my father say?”

  Chad wasn’t quite sure what to tell her. then he decided to tell her that her father didn’t trust him and leave out the part about her weaknesses. “I told him I was working hard as a land agent, and that we wanted to build a life together.”

  Hannah squeezed his hand. “I like that, Chad. Yes, that is what I want. I know he thinks that I won’t be happy without all the money he has, but I know we can make a good life together.”

  “Thanks, Hannah. You don’t know how happy that makes me.” He sat beside her at a table by the window. “Are you sure you won’t miss the wealth your father has, and that Pierre could give you?”

>   Hannah put a finger to his lips. “I won’t miss it at all.” She looked at him. “Well, I am sure it will be difficult. But I think our love for one another will carry us through. I do have some money that I have saved. I put it in Mr. Satchel’s bank at Bridgette’s suggestion. She doesn’t like Adler’s bank for some reason.”

  Chad held her hand. “You keep your money to spend as you see fit. I’ll work hard to put a roof over our heads and food to eat. I’ve started looking at houses.”

  After their breakfast was finished, Hannah smiled. “I’m so excited. I think I’ll wire my mother to come. I’d like her to be at my wedding.”

  “Let’s go. I’ll pay for it.”

  “You don’t have to. I have the money.”

  “No, I feel it’s important that I begin taking care of you.”

  Hannah could feel his love go through her and into her heart.

  Chad stood and held the chair for Hannah. “We can send the telegraph, and then I’ll show you a house that I’m looking at.”

  Hannah kept feeling that lightning bolt. Chad was perfect for her. They walked together to the telegraph, and she sent the wire to her mother. Her mother could be in Shirleyville within the week.

  She wouldn’t tell her father unless she needed to keep him from leaving. As for Pierre, she didn’t want to see him again.

  Chad walked her down the street and toward the park. “It’s a small house, but it’s all we need for now.”

  Hannah walked excitedly with him. She had to admit, none of the houses were even close to what she’d grown up in New York. Brigette’s home was nice but still not as fancy as what she was used to. She braced herself as they rounded a corner.

  And then she fell in love with the small house. It couldn’t be more than a couple of rooms, but it was a bright white with blue trim.

  Chad walked toward the house and stopped at the door. “I found it in the ledgers. It’s vacant and behind in taxes. The owner left town, and I can get it for the back taxes.”

  Hannah peeked in the window. “It looks like they left some time ago.”

  Chad nodded. “I’ll need to pay last year’s taxes and this year’s. So, I can get it with the money from my bounty.” He held her hands. “I won’t have much for you to decorate it with, and I have no idea what the inside looks like.”

  Hannah reached up and kissed his cheek. “I have money for that.”

  “I really want to take care of you.”

  “And you are and will. But I have money of my own, and I expect to be able to use it as I see fit.”

  Chad nodded. And wondered if that was how Sterling felt. Well, Chad loved Hannah enough for her to do as she wished. Within reason,

  She rubbed her hand on the white boards. “I love this house. It will be a good house to start our lives in.”

  “I’ll pay the taxes and then get the deed changed with Sterling.” Chad couldn’t help but feel proud that he was taking care of Hannah. Soon, they’d have a house.

  Chad wanted to kiss her, but he’d wait. “I better get to work.”

  Hannah nodded. “Things will work out. I know they will.”

  “Thanks for believing in me. I better go.” Chad left her and ran down the street.

  Hannah stared at the little house. It was about the size of her bedroom in New York. Yet, it was cute, and the paint was still good. She could be happy in the small house. She would.

  With Chad, she would be happy anywhere. At least, that was what she told herself.


  Chad opened the office and went about straightening up the files. He went through the file cabinet and found the tax sheet for the small house. He wrote down the amount and was happy to see the deed was held by the Satchel bank.

  The bell above the door alerted him that someone had entered. Chad stood and welcomed them to the land office.

  The man wore a suit and looked official if not arrogant. “I’m Gregory Adler, I own and run the bank on Second Street.”

  Chad nodded and held out his hand. “Chad Dawson. I’m the new Land Agent.”

  Mr. Adler shook his hand. “I’m here to check on some of my rental property. They are seriously in arrears.”

  “I just started working here, but I did find some money stashed in the filing cabinet. I wrote down the receipts and who paid.” Chad found the paper and handed it to Mr. Adler.

  The banker looked it over. “Well, it seems the renters are off the hook. Now, you just need to come up with the money.”

  “I gave it to Doug to take to your bank.”

  Mr. Adler fixed a harsh glare at him. “I don’t care who was supposed to do what. You owe me that money.”

  “Doug Godfrey has it. Last night, I was sure he said he was taking it to the bank. He and his wife are leaving for Florida.”

  Adler looked around the office. “I’d say you’ve made it a real mess. With your past, you’re the likely suspect. If you can’t come up with the money, I’ll go to the sheriff.”

  Chad straightened. “I’ve done nothing wrong. Go ahead and go to the sheriff.”

  Adler left, slamming the door behind him.

  Chad looked at the total missing. “Three hundred dollars.” Chad didn’t have that much, even if he used all his bounty money, and he needed it to pay the taxes for the house. Chad would just have to trust that Doug had taken that money to the bank.

  Chapter 13

  Hannah needed a friend. She walked to Francesca’s shop and entered.

  Francesca saw her and frowned. “I thought we were to have dinner at the boarding house last night.”

  “I’m sorry. Things came up with my father and Pierre. Bridgette’s idea that I have dinner with Pierre, but don’t worry, I told him I wasn’t interested.”

  Her friend smiled. “I saw you and Chad. You make such a nice couple.”

  Hannah returned the smile but wasn’t all that sure that Francesca was sincere. More than likely, she was trying to keep Hannah interested in Chad so Francesca could have Pierre. Well, she was welcome to the man.

  With a smile, Francesca walked to her. “Guess what I saw yesterday?”

  Hannah braced herself, hoping it wasn’t anything terrible about Chad. “What?”

  “I saw Pierre talking to Gregory Adler. What do you think he was doing?”

  “I don’t know.” Hannah wondered what he would be doing talking to Adler.

  “They were pointing in the direction of the land office.”

  “Oh, did they. Well, that’s interesting.”

  Francesca folded a blouse and set it on the shelf. “I don’t trust Adler. I wonder why Pierre would be talking to him. Do you think I should warn him about the man?

  Hannah shook her head. “No, I’m not sure how much longer he’ll be here. I wired my mother to come. I really want her here for my wedding.”

  “Are you getting married that soon?”

  Hannah nodded. “I want to. Chad found a house for us. I love him. I know that, and I’m not changing my mind.”

  Francesca looked relieved. “I do like Pierre. Would you mind if I find him and ask him to dinner?”

  Hannah grinned. “If you like him, go ahead. I got the feeling that he has an interest in you, but I don’t trust him. And seeing him with Adler is troubling. You may have him if you want him.”

  Francesca nodded. “At my age, I realize I cannot afford to be too particular. I do want a man to marry me. One that I will enjoy. My few meetings with him have been a delight.”

  “Have you seen him again?”

  “I have to say that I saw him walking about and joined him. We had lunch together. I think you were visiting Bridgette.”

  Hannah looked at a skirt. “Is this new?”

  “Yes, one of my latest designs. Are you interested?”

  Hannah nodded. “But I better learn to live with what I have. Father is sure I will go home with him and marry Pierre because I am spoiled. I may have been spoiled, but I know what I want now.”

  Francesca check
ed her watch. “It’s just about lunchtime. I would eat with you, but I feel that I need to find Pierre and ask him.”

  “Are you paying for his lunch?”

  Francesca paused. “Well, the other dinner we had, his money was tied up in France. So, yes, I did. But I don’t mind.”

  Hannah shook her head. “Don’t let him take advantage of you.”

  “Oh, Hannah, you are so naïve. I will watch my money, but Pierre is a man of his word. And a man of great wealth. I can see that in how he handles himself.”

  Hannah sighed. Maybe, but there was something amiss in the way Pierre handled himself and money. Perhaps, she should find out what Pierre was doing with the Adler Bank.

  So many problems. And Hannah had thought everything would be so easy.


  Nothing had changed over the last week. Hannah worked with Chad. He’d paid the taxes on the house, and Sterling had recorded the deed and taken it to Satchel’s bank.

  Father was still in town and disgusted with her. Hannah hoped her mother came soon. Surely, she would. Then Father would have to explain to Mother why he wouldn’t give his blessing for the marriage.

  Pierre still showed up at inopportune times, pushing his way on her. But he hadn’t kissed her again.

  Today, she’d needed her friend, so she’d gone to visit Francesca. They walked to the park and sat on the swing. Hannah went on about how she loved Chad, and Francesca dreamed of a life with Pierre. In a lull in the conversation, the train whistle blew.

  Excited, Hannah jumped up. “The train is in. Let’s go and see if my mother is on it. The timing would be just about right.”

  Francesca nodded. “I’d like to meet her.”

  Hannah practically ran to the depot. She watched as the big engine chugged into the depot, stopped, and spewed a cloud of steam. Finally, the passengers disembarked.

  Hannah smiled and tugged on Francesca. “She’s here.”

  “Hannah!” Mother ran to her and embraced her in a hug. “Oh, my darling, I was so glad to get your wire. I didn’t wire your father because I wanted to surprise him.”


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