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Page 12

by Patricia Pacjac Carroll

  Trying to button her blouse, Hannah shook her head. “That is not true. I have finally gone after something I wanted. You always told me that I needed to follow my passion.”

  Yanking on her hair, Mother caused a shriek from Hannah but continued to tame Hannah’s hair into submission. “You will be polite to Pierre. I am counting on you not to embarrass us.”

  Hannah wondered if there was more to the yanks on her hair than Mother wanting to make it presentable. “I won’t embarrass you. I wonder if Chad is downstairs.”

  “Well, if he is, I guess he can join us. Might as well get that over with. Stand still. Goodness, Hannah, you weren’t this bad when you were seven.”

  Hannah tamped her anger. Mother had no right to treat her in such a manner, but then again, Hannah had fallen asleep. She hated to let her parents and Chad down. What had she been thinking?

  Finally, Hannah looked in the mirror and considered herself as good as it was going to get. She regretted not wearing the blue dress for Chad, but this would have to do.

  “You do look lovely, Hannah.” Mother smiled at her. “You are a lovely woman.”

  “Thank you, Mother. Let’s go.” Hannah followed her mother out of her room and down the stairs. Hannah looked for Chad, but she didn’t see him or Father and Pierre.

  They reached the bottom of the stairs, and the clerk told them the men were in the diner waiting for them.

  Hannah braced herself as she wondered what Father would have said to Chad.

  Mother waved. “There they are in the back.”

  Hannah smiled. Chad was seated between Pierre and Father. No doubt to keep him from sitting next to her. Hannah waved at Chad and looked right at him, hoping he would see her attention was on him.

  Chad made quite a contrast to her father and Pierre. Chad wore his best pants and shirt but looked out of place compared to the black suits. But he was smiling. He would hold his own against the men with their cultured ways.

  Mother took her hand and pulled her toward the table. And sure enough, seated Hannah next to Pierre.

  “Sorry we are late.” Mother smiled at Pierre.

  Hannah smiled at Chad. “I fell asleep looking at the mountain. Our mountain.”

  Pierre cleared his throat and took Hannah’s hand in his. “You look lovely as ever, dear.”

  Her skin crawled at Pierre calling her dear. “Thank you. I hope you all have been having a nice visit.”

  Chad grinned. “I told them about the house.”

  Hannah turned to her mother. “I was going to surprise you. I’ll take you to see it once we have a chance to fix it up a little.”

  Pierre squeezed her hand. “I’m sure it wouldn’t compare to the castle I had planned on buying you.”

  Hannah stared at him. “I do not want a place with dungeons.” She looked at Chad. “I want a quaint little house that we can grow in together, and when the time is right, build another house.”

  Chad started to speak when Hannah’s father spoke up. “Enough talk of houses. Let’s order, and then we can get into the seriousness of the reason for this dinner. Chad, this was supposed to be with Pierre only. We were to have dinner with you tomorrow.” Father gave Hannah a displeased look. “I take it you fell asleep in your room, Hannah.”

  “Yes, Father. I did. The air out here is so refreshing. Don’t you think, Mother?”

  Mother finished sipping her water, paused, and then answered. “Yes, it is fresh and clean.”

  Pierre ordered steak for himself and tried to order the same for Hannah.

  She stopped him and looked at the waiter. “I’ll have the stew. A favorite of mine.” She glanced at Pierre. She didn’t want Pierre to think he could rule her in any way.

  Pierre nodded. “Very well. Stew it is.” He stared at her, and his look wasn’t pleasing. She had humiliated him in front of her parents.

  Hannah looked at Chad. The tension around the table was tougher than the steak Pierre struggled to cut. Hannah found that odd since the diner usually had excellent food. Then again, perhaps Pierre had insulted the cook and waiter one too many times.

  As if on cue, Pierre set his fork down. “In France, food is an art. We take our time to find the best cuts of meat. Prepare the best bread. And find the finest vegetables. And of course, our wine is the best in the world.”

  Father nodded. “Viva la France.”

  Mother raised her glass and clinked hers with Father and Pierre.

  Hannah raised hers. “Let freedom ring.”

  Chad grinned and clinked his glass with hers.

  Silence fell over the table broken only by silverware clinking on the plates. Finally, dinner was finished.

  Father tapped his fist on the table. “I have some things to say.”

  Everyone looked at him. Hannah cringed as she felt one of her father’s lectures coming.

  “My wife and I have only the best interest of our daughter at heart. I believe Pierre Monluc to be the best candidate for marriage to Hannah.” Father looked at Pierre. “I must warn you that she is a very independent woman who will no doubt give you a run for your money if she doesn’t run through all your money.”

  Hannah gasped and stood. “That is not right. Chad and I will work hard together.”

  “Please sit and hear me out, Hannah.”

  Sitting down, she glanced at Chad. He was calm and looked at her with a slight grin as if to say everything would be all right.

  Hannah trusted him. Tried to anyway. She looked at Father.

  “Hannah, your mother and I, believe it would be in your best interest to marry Pierre. I know you don’t agree, but I think Chad will agree that he does not have the money to take care of you. It is our prayer that you will reconsider and withdraw your bid to marry him. If he loves you, he will do the same.” Father glanced at Chad.

  Mother nodded. “We only want what is best for you, Hannah. You have always been impulsive.” She looked at Chad. “You look like a nice young man. But look around you. You’re not even dressed appropriately for our class of people and those that Hannah is accustomed to dining with. If you truly love her, you will see that Pierre is the match for our daughter.”

  Father sat down and nodded at Mother.

  Chad stood. “I know that I am not the man you desire for Hannah. But I promise you this, I will love her with all my heart. Yes, I have a past that was less than honorable, but that is in the past. My future is bright. I have a good job. A house that Hannah and I can be happy in. And the opportunity to better myself. I won’t let Hannah down. Thank you for hearing me out.”

  Father drew in a hard breath bordering on frustration.

  Pierre tapped his glass with a spoon and stood. “Mr. Dawson gives a good talk. I am sure he sincerely means it. But right now, Hannah will have to struggle. The future is uncertain.” Pierre tugged on his mustache. “I didn’t want to say anything, but I’ve been doing some investigating. Mr. Adler, the owner of Adler’s Bank, told me the land office is missing a sum of over two nearly three hundred dollars. Mr. Dawson, you are responsible for that money. Mr. Adler said he was going to talk to the sheriff. You may find yourself back in prison, isn’t that correct?”

  Chad’s face paled. “I gave that money to Doug. He was supposed to take it to the bank.”

  Pierre stared at him. “Don’t you risk going back to prison?”

  Chad stood. “I have done nothing wrong.”

  “You’ll have to prove that. I don’t want to see Hannah at risk of being a woman married to a prisoner and living alone, waiting for you to get out. You would have no prospect of employment. What would Hannah do?” Pierre looked at her. “Dear Hannah, I can’t bear the thought of you languishing in poverty because of his checkered past and suspicious activities.” He knelt in front of her. “I’m asking to marry you, Hannah Durand. I promise to make you the happiest woman in America. Your dreams are my desire.”

  Hannah’s cheeks grew warm as people had stopped eating and were watching. Chad stared at her with c
oncern. Father and Mother watched her with hope in their eyes.

  Her heart raced. Pierre had said all the right words, but there were no lightning bolts. No heart in his words. Chad had spoken from the heart and soul of his being. Pierre? She didn’t know what his motives were. He didn’t know her. Not at all. And what he did know, he shouldn’t like. So why was Pierre so set on marrying her.

  Hannah stood. “I am sorry, Pierre. My heart belongs to Chad.”

  Pierre, still on his knee, shook his head. “Even if he is in prison? What will you do, Hannah? I can’t bear to see you hurt.”

  “Chad has done nothing wrong. I am sure it will all be cleared up. Regardless, I will not marry you. Not today, not tomorrow, and not ever.”

  Upset with Pierre and her parents, she turned and looked back at Chad and left the dining room. Pierre was up to something, and she was going to find out what. Her first thought was to see Adler and his bank. But then she had heard enough about him to believe he wasn’t a trustworthy man either.

  Francesca. She would get the truth out of Pierre. And Bridgette would know how to defend Chad.


  Chad excused himself and ran after Hannah, catching her outside the hotel. “Hannah, wait.”

  She stopped. “I—”

  “Hannah, I didn’t take that money.”

  “I know. Something about Pierre isn’t right. I’m going to ask Francesca to investigate.”

  Chad frowned. “She likes him. Do you think that’s wise?”

  “Yes, I do. If anyone can get the truth out of him, it would be the town gossip. All I must do is give her reason to be curious. She’ll do the rest. Besides, it is to her advantage to get me not to marry him.”

  Chad shrugged. He was beginning to think Hannah was a lot like Bridgette. First, he needed to go to the sheriff and find out what was going on with the missing money.

  Hannah grabbed him and placed a kiss on his cheek. “I know you’re innocent. You might talk to Sterling and tell him what is going on, too. That way, he can get Bridgette here if she needs to represent you as your lawyer.”

  Chad nodded. Hannah was way ahead of him. “I will. I’ll see Sterling first. Then I’ll go to the sheriff.”

  “Good. I’m going to talk to Francesca.” And without another word, Hannah was on her way to Francesca’s store.

  Chad drew in a ragged breath. It was a good thing he had friends. By himself, he figured he’d already be in jail and on his way to prison. He stopped by the office and picked up the receipt book and then went to the courthouse. He hoped Sterling was still there.

  After a few knocks on the door, Chad realized he’d have to see Sterling in the morning.

  Chapter 16

  Hannah found Francesca working late in her shop.

  Francesca smiled and let her in. “So, tell me how things are going? I’ve heard some disturbing things about Chad.”

  Hannah relayed what she knew.

  Nodding, Francesca shut the door and put up the closed sign. “What else happened? How was your dinner with Pierre?”

  “I fell asleep and forgot to tell Chad not to show up. The most embarrassing part was Pierre kneeled in front of me and proposed. I said no, of course.”

  “Good, I mean, of course. You don’t love him, do you?”

  “No.” Hannah had to grin. Francesca really did like the Frenchman. “I have a big favor to ask.”

  “Sure, anything.” Curiosity shone in Francesca’s eyes.

  “I want you to get close to Pierre and just casually ask him about his house in France. What he does. That sort of thing.”

  “You got it. I wonder if I could find him tonight. Think he’d be at the hotel?”

  “I’m sure of it. I left him with my parents, who still think he is wonderful.”

  Francesca frowned. “I think he is wonderful.”

  Hannah nodded. “For you. But not for me. Remember, I love Chad. And just so you know that Chad did nothing wrong, the missing money was with Doug.”

  Francesca agreed. “I thought it sounded funny. There would be no reason for Chad to steal any money. Not with a good job.” She smiled. “And with the girl of his dreams in love with him.”

  “We bought a house. Chad saw he could get it for back taxes. Now, all I need is my parents’ blessing. I really want them to like Chad and be happy for us.”

  Francesca hugged her. “They will. And soon.” She grinned. “I am going to win Pierre’s heart and show them that he didn’t really want to marry you after all.”

  “That would be wonderful. Thank you, Francesca. I do want to say that I really don’t trust Pierre. So, don’t get hurt.”

  Francesca smiled. “I’ve been hurt before. Thank you for the warning. But this time, I don’t know, I feel different about him. I know he thinks he wants you, but I really believe that he is the man I have been waiting for.” She smiled. “I may just give your parents something to look at with Pierre.”

  Hannah sighed. “I’m going back to the hotel and try and make peace with my parents. Let me know if you find anything out about Pierre.”

  “I will. And Hannah, know that your parents care about you. Many of us would have loved to have parents that cared enough to come across the country to try and help. They only want the best for you.”

  Hannah nodded. “I know. But I’m a grown woman. It’s time that I acted like it and made my own decisions.” She left the dress shop and made her way to the hotel. Hannah hoped Francesca would find something out.

  She heard her name called and turned to see Chad walking toward her.

  Hannah’s troubles fled as she went to him and leaned against his chest. “I’m so glad to see you. I was feeling so lonely and worried.”

  Chad put his arms around her. “Now, don’t worry. Everything is going to work out.”

  “I hope so. But my parents. The missing money, we—”

  He smoothed her hair, tucking a wayward curl behind her ear. “I love you, Hannah. Nothing is going to come between us. Not unless you want it to.”

  “I don’t.” Hannah stopped talking and looked at him. The sun was gone now, and the moon was rising. She could see the light in his eyes. She put an arm around his neck and drew him to her and kissed him.

  Chad returned the kiss with tender passion. Then he stepped back. “Not now, Hannah. I don’t want to give your parents a reason to think wrong of us. We’ll do this right. We have to.”

  She nodded and buried her head against his chest. “You’re right. I’m just so afraid of losing you.”

  He held her at arm’s length and looked in her eyes. “You won’t lose me. Are you afraid that you like Pierre more than you want to admit? That your parents might be right?”

  She shook her head. “No. They aren’t right. Yes, I have led a sheltered life, but I’m willing to let all that go to be with you. I promise. I’ll not regret a minute of it as long as we are together.”

  “Be sure, Hannah. I want you to be sure.” He let her go. “I better get you back to the hotel. I’ll see you tomorrow. Breakfast?”

  She nodded and walked with him. Her heart sure, her mind in turmoil.


  After a fitful sleep, Hannah awoke and dressed. She ran down the stairs and to the diner. After a scan across the room, she saw him. Her heart warmed. She’d had a horrible nightmare that Chad meant nothing to her. But seeing him, she knew he was the one for her.

  She ran to him and sat beside him. “I hope I’m not too late.”

  “No, but I want to speak to Sterling as soon as he gets into town.” Chad smiled at her. “I can’t wait to wake up and see you every morning.”

  “Soon.” Hannah looked at him dreamily. The nightmare was gone.

  “There he is!”

  Startled, Hannah turned to see Adler with the sheriff. They marched over to the table. Adler pointed at Chad. “Ask him where the money is. I didn’t have problems until he started working for Doug.”

  Chad stood. “I’ve done nothing wrong.”<
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  Hannah stood with him. And then saw her parents and Pierre enter the room.

  The sheriff frowned. “You’ve been accused of stealing money from the land office. Rent that should have gone to Mr. Adler’s bank.”

  “I gave the money I found in the files to Doug. He was taking it to the bank.”

  Hannah held Chad’s hand and felt him shaking.

  Adler shook his head. “He spent time on prison for theft. Taking up your old lifestyle, kid?”

  Chad whispered for Hannah to find Sterling and Bridgette. “I didn’t take the money.”

  Adler stepped in front of him. “I don’t believe you. Mr. Merritt said you bought a house. How did you do that? Where did you get the money to buy a house?”

  “I have money. Ask Bridgette and Mr. Satchel.”

  The sheriff put a hand on his shoulder. “I have to take you in for questioning.”

  Chad pulled away.

  “Just questioning. Don’t make me have to cuff you. Let’s go.”

  Hannah stopped and watched as the sheriff took Chad out of the room. She ran for the door, but her father stopped her.

  “I’m sorry, Hannah.”

  “He’s innocent. I have to get Bridgette.” She pulled away only to face Pierre.

  “It’s best you found out now. Before you made the mistake of marrying a thief. He’s on his way back to prison.”

  “No, he isn’t.”

  Mother put her arms around her and hugged her. “Come with me. We’ll sit down and get you some hot tea.”

  “Oh, Mother. Don’t you see, I have to get Bridgette. She’s Chad’s lawyer. Please let me go.”

  Father was behind her now. “Let’s go to our suite.” His strong arms went around her, and Pierre took her by the arm.

  Hannah shook her head, but the men held her firm and took her up the stairs. Mother followed behind.

  Pierre held Hannah’s hand. “It’s going to be all right.”

  Once in the suite, Hannah sat on the divan by the window. “Chad did not steal any money.”

  Father sighed. “Hannah, he spent a year in prison because he did steal. It doesn’t look good for him.”


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