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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel

Page 7

by Lexi Archer

  "You're pretty smart," Michelle said.

  She leaned in and gave me a kiss. A kiss that went on for a little while before she pulled away. "I also wondered how the hell Jeff knew that you and I were together, and why he’d be making such a production about me betraying you, for that matter."

  "Because he was trying to use it as an excuse to get into your pants?" I asked.

  "It's even better than that," Michelle said. "You're not going to believe this when I tell you the whole story."

  "I'm all ears," I said.

  "The whole thing was a setup. The rumor you heard in the break room? Jeff getting up close and personal with me? All a setup."

  I blinked. And suddenly the way Michelle had been acting started to make more sense. It explained why she didn’t seem surprised when I told her about the rumor. Presumably she’d already gotten everything out of Jeff. That devious rat bastard.

  "You mean they were working together so Jeff could get with you or something?"

  My mind reeled. I had difficulty imagining they would even attempt to do something that devious. Besides, what motivation did Samantha and Jennifer have for working with Jeff to try and get into my girlfriend's pants?

  It didn't make any sense. If they were fucking him then it's not like they'd want him to get with another woman. Unless maybe they had the female version of whatever obsession had taken me. That idea seemed even crazier than my obsession. For some reason I had trouble imagining girls having the same version of this fantasy, though I suppose anything was possible.

  "Not exactly," Michelle said. "It turns out they suspected you and I were dating and decided to test it. They decided to spread some rumors and hit on both of us. See how we'd react when it happened right in front of each other. The rumors were just the first stage of their devious plan."

  "I don't believe it," I said. "All that was to prove we were dating? How is that even supposed to work?"

  Michelle shrugged. "It's simple enough. They spread rumors to make both of us think something is going on. Now that I think back on it, I'm pretty sure Samantha made a pretty clumsy effort to drop a hint that you were interested in Jennifer one day when we were going over her schedule, but I was too busy at the time to even notice. Not to mention that I had no doubt you’d never cheat on me."

  Guilt burned at those words. I'd certainly had my doubts as to whether or not Michelle would ever cheat on me. Then again, those doubts were partially because I very much wanted it to be true. My obsession with hearing about her fucking other guys had turned into an obsession with making her cheating on me. It had driven me to do crazy things.

  Still, the guilt burned.

  "So I’m guessing Jeff decided to go a little further than Jennifer and Samantha? Take advantage of the situation?"

  Though to be fair it seemed Jennifer and Samantha also decided to take advantage of the situation in the wave pool. Just a little bit.

  "Boy did he. The girls were just supposed to make me jealous, but Jeff decided he was going to use the opportunity to try and take things all the way with me. And it might have worked if he hadn't made that slipup."

  "It did work with me," I whispered.

  I felt like shit as I said it. Here I'd been getting pissed off at the idea of Michelle cheating on me, and I was the one who actually did it while she was the one who recognized what was going on and managed to avoid any trouble. At least I thought she’d avoided trouble. I couldn't believe.

  "You mean that little display with Samantha and Jennifer? They weren’t just grinding against you under the water?"

  Michelle's voice was suddenly very quiet. I wasn't precisely sure what to make of that. Was she angry? Was she curious? Either way, it didn't seem like a particularly good tone of voice.

  I sighed. I might as well come out with the truth now. It was going to come out eventually. There was no better time to rip off the bandage than now.

  "It might've gone a little farther than that," I said. "Like Samantha ended up jerking me off against Jennifer."

  I braced for the inevitable ugly reaction. I figured this was it. This was probably the bit that would signal the end of our relationship. Only instead Michelle stared at me. There was a twinkle in her eyes. She leaned forward. Pressed her lips against mine.

  Okay then. This was pretty hot, and it definitely wasn't the sort of reaction I expected. But I went with it as she growled and pressed me down against her desk and climbed on top of me.

  Fuck! Talk about unintended consequences, but these were the kind of unintended consequences I could live with!

  10: Making Up

  "Tell me about what you did with Samantha and Jennifer," Michelle breathed.

  I blinked in surprise. That was the last thing I expected her to say, but at the same time I knew a good situation when I found it. It seemed Michelle was getting turned on by the reverse of this scenario that had been turning me on for the past couple of weeks. Talk about a pleasant development.

  I guess it was true. There was a reverse version of this fantasy for women. Only it wasn’t Jennifer and Samantha that had it. It was my girlfriend.

  "They were both grinding against me," I said.

  Michelle moaned and reached down. Her hand worked at my pants and pulled down until my cock sprang free. Her hand moved up and undid her top. Her tits spilled out and I gasped. God she was beautiful. Her body was perfect in every way. I loved the way her tits looked.

  "Yeah? Go on," she said.

  "Samantha reached down and started jerking me off. Pressing my cock against her friend as she jerked me off. I think she was getting off on grinding me against Jennifer and knowing that we weren't going to be able to fuck," I said.

  Michelle hopped off of her desk for the briefest of moments. When she came back up she wasn't wearing any bottoms. She pressed down and I felt the warmth of her pussy against my cock. I reached down and grabbed her hips. Stopped her.

  It was one thing to talk about Jennifer and Samantha having a little bit of fun with me, but I was also curious. I needed to know what the hell happened between her and Jeff when they were getting so up close and personal with one another in the wave pool.

  "Tell me about Jeff," I said. "What did he do to you in the wave pool?"

  Michelle bit her lip and moved her hips from side to side. It caused her pussy to run against the head of my cock. That wet warmth that I loved so much, but I held her on the edge of inevitability. I needed to know this, and I needed to know it before I fucked her.

  "Out with it," I said. "What did the two of you do?"

  Michelle gasped. "He was running his hands all over me while we were together. I knew you could see, and it felt so wrong, but he was so hot…"

  My cock twitched at that. Fuck that was hot! Everything I'd dreamed of happening between Michelle and another guy, and it had actually happened just a few feet away from where I'd had my own fun with Samantha and Jennifer. Talk about a surprise. Damn!

  "What else?"

  "He might have fingered me," Michelle said, biting her lip.

  I felt lightheaded. I felt like I was swimming through a haze as though I'd had too much to drink. It was incredible. He’d fingered her! Another man had been inside my girlfriend. And that was so damn hot! It was more than I could take!

  The little minx. Here I felt guilty about what I’d done with Samantha and Jennifer and the whole time she was hiding this from me. Not that I could complain. It was what I wanted, after all.

  I wasn't able to resist her any longer. I pulled her down and her pussy enveloped my cock. I threw my head back and let out a loud scream as she took me inside her. I didn't care if other people heard what was going on.

  Let them hear. Besides, everybody was out in the park. Maybe Jeff was lurking around out there somewhere. He wasn't anywhere to be found when Michelle found me, after all. Where was he?

  "Is fingering all that happened?"

  Michelle stopped right as her pussy was at the base of my cock. I was buried inside h
er totally and completely, and it was driving me nuts. It was taking every bit of my concentration not to blow my load inside her.

  "What are you talking about?" she asked.

  "What else did he do? Jeff isn’t the kind of guy who's going to stop with just fingering you," I gasped.

  It was pure torture being inside her like this. Pure torture feeling her pussy wrapped around me and knowing that just a few short minutes ago it had been wrapped around another man's fingers. Hell, maybe she'd done a hell of a lot more than that!

  "Maybe he did more…" she said as she bit her lip.

  There we were. That was what I was talking about. I gasped and squeezed my eyes shut. Had to concentrate on anything but the feeling of her pussy wrapped around me. I was going to explode. It was too much. I was almost afraid to ask the next question, but I had to know even if it was going to run the risk of sending me over the edge.

  "What else did he do?" I gasped.

  "He tried to fuck me right there in the wave pool," she said.

  Though it came out more as a moan than anything else. I had to pull her off. I felt my cock twitch and I barely managed to get my hand down on my cock in time to stop it from a spurting.

  I didn't want to come yet. I wanted to hear the full story, but the feelings were too intense. It was too much. Going from fantasizing about this obsession to suddenly finding that it had come true in a major way was overwhelming.

  "What's wrong?" she asked.

  "Don't want to come yet," I barely managed to grunt out.

  Damn was it hard to maintain control. My cock twitched in my hand and the feeling of my fingers down at the base trying to hold it in was almost enough to send me over the edge instead. Trying to hold back this orgasm was almost as great as any orgasm I'd ever felt, only somehow I didn't explode. I managed to keep it under control.


  "Fuck, this really turns you on doesn't it?" Michelle asked.

  "You didn’t believe me?" I gasped.

  “I believe you now!” she said.

  I waited another moment until I thought it was safe. My cock was still rock hard. Now there was something. Usually when I was that close to coming and I didn't actually go over the edge it was enough to make my cock deflate even though I hadn't blown a load.

  I guess hearing about Michelle and Jeff was too much. That and I was a little less sensitive considering I'd just had fun with Jennifer and Samantha in the wave pool. Thinking about that caused my cock to twitch again and I quickly removed my hand.

  "Is it safe?" Michelle asked.

  "As safe as it's going to be," I said.

  "Good, because I have more to tell you…"

  She moved up over me. Her breasts hung over my body and I reached up to grab one. God I loved the sight of her tits when she was hanging over me. She reached down between her legs and positioned the head of my cock at her entrance. I wondered what more she had to tell me, but I didn’t have to wait long.

  "It felt just like this," she said. "The head of his cock pressed up against my bikini, and he reached down and pulled it aside. He could've fucked me right there. I was that hot, I was that pissed off at you."

  Fuck. This was way hotter than him fingering her! I couldn’t believe it. They nearly fucked right in front of me and I had no idea! I needed more.

  "Yeah? So did he?"

  "You mean did he slide inside me like this? Did he feel your girlfriend's pussy with his cock just like you're doing right now?"

  She punctuated her point by sliding down on my cock. I imagined his cock moving up inside her at the same pace. I groaned and threw my head back. Let out a roar. God it was too much. It was too fucking intense. And then it finally happened.

  I'd managed to stave off the inevitable, but that inevitable moment came roaring back with a vengeance as she talked about Jeff filling her pussy.

  And so I exploded, wondering the whole time if the warmth I felt, if the slick lubrication down between her legs, was a result of another man blowing his load inside her.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and stars danced in front of my vision. It was intense. It was too much. I was holding my breath and I very nearly passed out. When I finally looked up at her she was biting her lip and moaning quietly.

  When I was finally done she looked down and grinned.

  "Yeah, I know he really wanted to do exactly that," she said. "Of course he didn't get to."

  I threw my head back against the desk and cursed. That fucking hurt! I had to remember I was on a hard surface and not on a bed. The only soft thing was right above me, still impaled on my cock.

  "So he didn't fuck you?" I asked.

  "Of course he didn't fuck me," she said. "At least not that time."

  "Not that time?"

  "Well you're the one who just told me you have a fantasy about watching me with another man. It seems like that's sort of a fantasy we should maybe explore, don't you think?"

  Damn. It was a good thing I'd already blown my load twice and needed time to recharge. Otherwise that would've sent me over the edge again. As it was I felt some more come dribble out of my cock and into Michelle in response to that line even though I'd already finished.


  I licked my lips. "So you want to try this?"

  Michelle pulled off of me. I looked down and saw some of my come dribbling out from between her legs. And I thought about how nice it would be if I was looking down and seeing another man's load dripping from between her legs even as I wondered what the hell was wrong with me that the idea turned me on so much.

  "I figure at this point we probably don't want revenge.”

  “We don’t?”

  “Wouldn’t it be far more fun to have some fun with Jeff and maybe even Jennifer and Samantha?"

  "You really want to do this? You're not just pulling my leg?"

  "Well you want Jennifer and Samantha, you want me to do Jeff, and I have to admit that the idea of having a little bit of fun with all of them is getting me turned on in a major way. So why not? We’re only young and stupid once!”

  "Well if you're up for it then I'm up for it!"

  Michelle leaned down and kissed me again. "Good. Glad you see things my way.”

  "What would you think about inviting Alan along as well?"

  I don't know why I said that. It just suddenly occurred to me that he'd been listening in on me and Michelle for awhile now, and he probably had one hell of a case of blue balls thinking about her.

  "Really? Alan?"

  "What can I say? I know how turned on he gets listening to us fucking," I said. "Plus that evens things out. Three guys, three girls. I know he'd be up for it."

  Michelle grinned. "I suppose he does deserve a reward for keeping his mouth shut about this," she said. "Now the trick is going to be getting Jennifer and Samantha in on it."

  I smiled. "I don't think you need to worry about that too much. Let's go out and see what there is to see."

  Now it was Michelle's turn to look surprised. "Tonight? You want to move that fast?"

  I shrugged. "Why not? There's no time like the present."

  "I can't believe we’re going through with this," Michelle said, disbelief touching her voice.

  It occurred to me that maybe the fantasy of doing this and the reality of going through with it were two very different things for her, no matter how confident she tried to sound. Only there was no way I wasn't going through with this at this point. No, we were too far along. I was too turned on. There was no way this wasn't happening!

  Still, I figured it’d be a good idea to give her one final out. I didn’t think she’d actually take that out anyways. No, she might be suddenly hesitant, but she was just as turned on as I was.

  "Last chance to back out," I said.

  Her face resolved. "Hell no. Not a chance I'm backing out on this!"

  "Good, then let's round everybody up and get them back to the apartment! But before we go, I'm going to need a quick picture from you."

p; "A picture?"

  "I figure we send you after Jeff and that's easy enough. I’ll probably be able to entice Jennifer and Samantha given the way they were hanging all over me. I'm going to need a little something to prove to Alan that we’re not bullshitting, though."

  Michelle grinned. “I think we can work something out. Give me a minute to get cleaned up.”

  11: The Plan

  My first stop after parting from Michelle was to go back out to the wave pool. Sure enough Jennifer and Samantha were still out there, but they didn't catch sight of me. Just as planned. I moved off into the park.

  I was looking for Alan first.

  I found him at the top of a slide trying to hit on Megan. I didn't see the girl I'd seen Megan making out with earlier at the wave pool, but considering that poor Megan was the next in line to go down the slide the girl she was with was probably on the slide. Sure enough a moment later she popped out of the tube at the bottom.

  I shook my head. Alan wasn't having any luck with the ladies this summer. And he probably had no idea he was hitting on a girl who was into other girls. Not that there was anything wrong with that choice, it was actually pretty damn hot and I was hoping I might get to see something like that up close and personal with Michelle and Jennifer and Samantha here in a little while. It's just that it didn't bode well for Alan's chances with Megan.

  Megan went down as soon as it was obvious her special friend was through, leaving Alan up there alone. He shrugged and went down next. When he got to the bottom it looked like he was going to go for Megan again, but I walked up and stopped him.

  "Luke? What are you doing? I have a good thing going with Megan here!"

  I shook my head and put an arm around his shoulders. He really could be oblivious sometimes. Besides, I was doing him a favor by potentially ending his dry spell. Even if he didn’t know that’s what I was doing. Even if he thought I was pulling him away from a not-so-sure thing with Megan.

  "You aren't getting anywhere with Megan tonight," I said.

  "What are you talking about, I…"

  I nodded in the direction of Megan and her friend who were rapidly retreating. Megan glanced over her shoulder and looked relieved when she saw me there with my arm around Alan’s shoulder. I winked and she favored me with a small smile. Alan followed my gaze.


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