Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel

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Summer Lovers: A Hotwife Novel Page 15

by Lexi Archer

"Just seeing if your reactions are still what they used to be!" Kristi said with a laugh.

  "You bitch!" I shouted back at her. Even though I was shouting I could barely hear myself talking over the sound of the music.

  Then I felt someone else brush against me and this time I was absolutely sure it wasn't Kristi. Mostly because she was standing right in front of me with a huge grin on her face. I saw her eyes dart behind me, over my shoulder, and then back to me. If anything her grin seemed to grow even wider.

  Back in the day that sort of grin meant there was a hot hunk of something behind me. Only at the last moment, just before I turned around, she arched an eyebrow and I let out a disappointed sigh. That arched eyebrow meant that whatever hot hunk of something was behind me wasn't too terribly hot.

  And I immediately caught myself as I turned. Why was I disappointed that the guy wasn't that hot? Why was I even responding to our old signals? I was married, damn it!

  I turned around and immediately saw that Kristi's assessment was more or less right on the money. He was good-looking enough, but not quite hot enough that he'd rise above a seven at the most. If I was a guy then I'd be tempted to call him a butter face with a nose that was just a little too big. Eyes that were just a little too close together. Still, he had some nice muscles on him. They'd probably look good if he was standing in the light of a hotel room and…

  I shook my head. No. I wasn't going there. Especially not for a guy like this.

  "Do you have a problem?" I asked.

  "Yeah I have a problem," he said. His voice was also kind of high-pitched and squeaky. I had to fight the urge not to laugh. "I'm not dancing with you hot stuff!"

  I rolled my eyes. It appeared that the cheesy lines hadn't changed in the couple of years I'd been out of the whole college partying scene. "Yeah well get used to disappointment, because it's not happening!"

  "Bitch!" he said.

  "Yeah go fuck yourself," I shouted right back at him before I whirled around and grinned at Kristi. That had been a lot more fun then I remembered. Maybe because it only happened the one time and it'd been years since I had to deal with that crap. Back in the day when we went out more often and had guys like that all over us it had been more annoying. More likely to send me flying into a rage.

  "I knew you'd enjoy yourself!" Kristi said.

  I smiled. I hated that she was right. Of course she usually was right about these sort of things. She'd been right about Dave, and she'd never led me wrong so far.

  Still, I couldn't let her know that I knew that. "Fuck you too."

  I closed my eyes and started dancing again. I'd forgotten just how much fun it could be just losing myself and going with the music. My only regret was that Dave wasn't out here with me. I always enjoyed having him out on the dance floor, even if he usually did just stand around and shuffle back and forth. I still managed to make it plenty of fun of for both of us. At least I tried to!

  I opened my eyes and looked over my shoulder. Sure enough he was sitting at the edge of the dance floor watching my every move. He fixed me with a goofy smile and gave me an even goofier thumbs up. I smiled back and gave him a little wave.

  When I turned around to say something to Kristi I blinked in surprise. Kristi wasn't there anymore. In fact she wasn't anywhere to be found. Instead I had a delicious specimen of man standing right in front of me looking down at me with the kind of smile that made me want to melt. That made me go wet down between my legs, if you catch my not-so-subtle drift.

  I also felt an instant stab of guilt. I definitely shouldn't be looking at other guys like this. I should only have eyes for my husband. And yet damn. I looked the guy up and down once more and he returned the favor. Okay, so it definitely seemed like he was interested in yours truly. He didn't just happen to wind behind me staring me up and down like that.

  Not that anything was going to happen. There was no chance of that. Still, I could enjoy looking.

  He was muscular but he wasn't particularly broad shouldered. He looked like a guy who spent plenty of time in the gym, something I could appreciate considering my own love for spending time exercising, but he wasn't bulky. He didn't look like a muscle head or anything like that.

  "Hi," he said.

  "Hi yourself," I said right back at him. And I immediately put a hand up to my mouth, my eyes going wide. Why did I say hi to him? This guy wasn't my husband. Dave was the only guy I should be saying hi to out on a dance floor like this!

  "Want to dance?"

  If that question had to come from the other guy then the answer would've been an emphatic no. Only this guy was pretty enough that just looking at him was enough to make me hesitate. To make me actually consider going ahead and indulging in a little dance.

  I'd never told Dave this, but back in the day when I'd go out to the bars with Kristi I would occasionally dance up against some guy if he was pretty enough. It was just a dance, it didn't mean anything, but I'd never told him about it. Initially because I was afraid of how he'd react, afraid that he'd get mad and think I was cheating on him or something and that would be the end of our relationship. It was just dancing, and I didn't think it was worth potentially destroying our entire relationship over something as silly and innocent as a dance.

  Later, of course, I'd developed completely different reasons for not wanting to tell my husband about those times I'd been dancing with other guys. After he started talking about those hall passes, after he started hinting around that he got turned on by the idea of me with another guy, I decided it would be best not to breathe a word to him about what I'd done back in college because I didn't want to add fuel to that particular fire. I didn't want to make him think there was a chance something like that would ever happen again. And so I hadn't told him about it. I'd even lied point-blank about it when he asked me outright if I'd ever done anything with other guys while we were together.

  Oddly enough I ended up feeling just as guilty about lying to him about dancing with other guys while I was with him as I felt back in the day about dancing with them in the first place. That obsession he'd developed had led to some pretty weird and fucked up convoluted logic going through my head.

  And now all of that was coming crashing back down on me once more. All those memories were being dredged up as I briefly considered going ahead and dancing with this guy. After all, it was just an innocent dance. It wasn't going to mean anything. Just like it hadn't meant anything back in the day.

  Only Dave was right over there watching everything. And I knew that even if it wasn't going to mean anything to me, I kept telling myself that despite how warm and tingly I was starting to feel in between my legs, it definitely was going to mean something to him. I was still afraid of that slippery slope. I was still afraid of giving the mouse his cookie.

  Of course all of that naval gazing amounted to nothing in the end because I didn't have a chance to tell this stud no thanks. I didn't have a chance to articulate any of those thoughts. That guy, he was so incredibly hot, just reached out and took my arm in much the same way that Kristi had taken my arm earlier. He pulled and then I was up against him and all rational thought left my mind.

  Damn did he feel good! Dave kept himself in good shape. I made sure of that. But there was just something about this guy. Something about the newness of feeling him against me. Something about the way he took control of the situation and yanked me against his rock hard body, that had me feeling incredible.

  I knew it was wrong. I knew I shouldn't be enjoying dancing with a man who wasn't my husband. And yet at the same time I realized that part of the thrill was in knowing this wasn't my husband. A particular part of the thrill, a surprising part of the thrill, was knowing that Dave was definitely watching me. Definitely watching this guy grinding against me and me grinding right back at him, and he probably had the biggest hard on of his life.

  Of course that meant I'd probably have to do some managing of expectations afterwards. I'd have to make it clear this sort of thing wasn't happen
ing again. But in the moment I decided fuck it. I was going to enjoy myself. I was going to give myself over to how fucking incredible he felt, how fucking naughty I was dancing against another man secure in the knowledge that my husband was watching and enjoying every moment of it.

  For a moment I let myself indulge. Only for a moment though. After all, he was the one who was always going on about that hall pass, so it's not like one little dance was a big deal, right?

  And damn this guy could dance! He had a nice body, and he definitely knew how to move it. He was grinding against me, I could feel his cock pressing up against my body and it sent another thrill running through me. A forbidden thrill. That thing felt huge. Maybe even bigger than what Dave had.

  No, I wasn't going to think about that. I was going to think about how hot it was dancing with him like this. That's all. I definitely wasn't going to think about how incredible his cock felt pressing up against my stomach. I certainly wasn't going to think about what it might feel like to have that cock pressing up inside me and…

  I was getting carried away again. I twirled around the so he was grinding against my ass instead of my pussy. Maybe that would help me to regain some semblance of control. His hands roamed up and down my body as he explored me in a slow and sensual caress that drove me wild. It'd been so damn long since I'd felt anyone other than Dave feeling me up like this. Hell, now that I thought about it I think the last time someone other than my husband actually got up close and personal with me like this was one ill-advised evening when Kristi and I had a little too much to drink and…

  No, I wasn't going to think about that night right now either. I pushed those thoughts away and concentrated on dancing. Concentrated on moving to the beat. Concentrated on moving myself against this delicious man.

  He was taking more and more liberties. One of his hands moved up and cupped my breast. My nipples were straining out for him, but I didn't want him to know that. I didn't want him to know how carried away I was getting. I felt like I was quickly losing control of the situation. There was a quiet voice in the back of my head that was screaming about how wrong this was even as my body was screaming how incredible this felt.

  And for one brief and very scary moment I even found myself thinking about that stupid hall pass. I found myself thinking, only for the briefest of moments that maybe it wasn't such a big deal. Maybe if it was something he wanted so bad then it wouldn't be a bad thing if I indulged his fantasy.

  "Want to go back to my hotel?"

  Damn that whisper was like a lover's caress running over my body. That whisper coupled with those impossible thoughts going through my head scared me. It scared me more than I'd been scared about anything in a long time. Going back to a hotel room with this guy might be fun, it might be a hell of a lot of fun, but it would also be risking so much. My relationship with Dave. My marriage. The life I we'd built together.

  No, to say that thought was scary would be one hell of an understatement. That thought absolutely terrified me to the very core of my soul. It was a thought I wouldn't indulge even if I was tempted in the moment. Even if there was a voice whispering in the back of my head telling me how much fun it would be. About how it wasn't a big deal if my husband wanted it too.

  I turned around and smiled up at him. I ran a finger down his chest as I smiled. His eyes closed and he took in a deep breath. That made me want to a giggle. It was nice to know I could still have that sort of effect on a guy. Particularly a guy who looked as good as this one. But that was as far as this was going to go.

  "You have no idea how much fun that sounds like," I said. "But I don't think my husband would appreciate it."

  He blinked. "Your husband?"

  He looked absolutely incredulous and I wanted to giggle again. I don't know what he was expecting, but hearing I was married probably wasn't on the list judging from how surprised he looked. I held my ring finger out and wiggled it. The light from the diamond on my engagement ring flashed.

  "It's been fun," I said. "But I have to get back to my husband."

  I turned and dove through the crowd before he could say anything else. Both because I didn't want to stick around to see how he'd react to the news that I had a husband and because I was afraid of how I'd react if he was still interested even after he knew I was decidedly taken.

  And it scared me that I wasn't sure how I'd react if he was still interested even knowing I was taken. No, I needed to get the hell out of there. I needed to get the hell out of there right away.

  Only as I broke through the crowd and caught sight of Dave, as I locked eyes with him and saw the huge grin on his face, I realized I wasn't out of the woods yet. No, from the way he was grinning I was only just starting to deal with the consequences of that little slightly forbidden dance.

  7: Fantasies and Reality

  Holy shit.

  Holy fucking shit!

  I couldn't believe what I'd just seen. I couldn't believe what I'd just watched my perfect little goody two shoes wife doing out on the dance floor with another man. It was everything I'd dreamed of and so much more.

  The way her body pressed up against him, the way they swayed back and forth as they looked at each other with unconcealed lust. The way his hands moved up and down her body. It was enough to make my cock absolutely rock hard. So hard that it was straining uncomfortably and threatening to break free from my pants entirely.

  Then she was walking back towards me. I tried my best to smile, but I was afraid of how that smile would look. Of how she would take it. I was weak in the knees. I felt as though I'd lost all control of my body.

  She tried to sit down at the table but I was having none of it. I reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulled her into me. She smiled and let out a delighted giggle and then she was flopping down on top of me, her incredible ass grinding up against my cock and causing me to very nearly lose it right out here on this open air patio. The music washed over us from one direction and the sound of the ocean quietly roaring as waves came in washed in from the other direction.

  And everything was perfect in the world as my gorgeous wife sat down on my lap and I looked up at her. As I took in her beauty that was somehow enhanced after that incredible forbidden dance she'd just indulged in.

  "I can't believe you did that!"

  Worry crossed her face almost immediately and I found myself worrying that she might take what I said the wrong way. That she might think I was upset.

  "I'm not pissed off or anything," I said. "I just can't believe you did that after I've been asking for so long."


  I moved a finger up and held it to her lips. I knew what that tone of voice meant. I knew that she was probably about to launch into telling me it was a one-time thing. That it didn't mean anything. That it wasn't going to happen again.

  Only it meant something to me. It'd been so fucking hot watching her dancing with that guy. And I wanted to enjoy this. I was going to take this moment, and I wasn't going to let her ruin it with discussions that put my fantasy on a crash course back into reality. We could have the conversation she no doubt wanted to have right now in the cold light of morning once the incredible drunken high that was this moment had worn off.

  "Hotel," I said. "Now."

  Laura looked around and I wondered what she was up to. Then she turned back to me, a look of worry on her face. "What about Kristi?"

  I glanced around but I didn't see Kristi in the crowd. I hadn't seen her in a while. It would be pretty hard to miss anyone in an area this small, no matter how thick the crowd was.

  "I'm not sure where she is," I said.

  "We should find her…"

  I shook my head as I stood, half carrying and half lifting Laura as I glanced over the crowd and once more didn't see Kristi. "You can send her a text or something, but she's a big girl. She can take care of herself."

  "I guess so," Laura said.

  Only I wasn't listening. Not really. Kristi was a big girl. She really could take care of he
rself. It wouldn't be the first time we'd been out at a club or a bar and she'd met some guy and ran off with him without letting us know where she was going off to. I figured that was especially going to be the case on this vacation when she was on one hell of a rebound from Mike. I'd long ago learned to stop worrying when she disappeared, but Laura never quite gave up on worrying.

  Whatever. I wanted to get Laura back to the hotel. And so I pulled her along as she tapped into her phone.

  I was so turned on by the time we made it back to the hotel room that I practically beat down the door. As soon as we were through I had Laura up against the wall as I kicked the door shut. My mouth descended on hers and then we were making out right there in the middle of the suite.

  I didn't hear Kristi moving around anywhere in the suite. I definitely didn't hear the kind of noises that'd be associated with her taking someone from that bar back to the hotel for a little bit of fun.

  No, it seemed like we had the place all to ourselves. Which was just fine by me.

  I ran my hands up and down Laura's body. Explored her in the same way that college guy had been exploring her just a few minutes ago out on the dance floor. And as I ran my hands down her tight stomach, cupped her tits, squeezed her ass which elicited a welcome sigh from her, I tried to imagine how he must've felt as he was doing the same. As he was getting a feel of my wife. I'd seen her flash her ring at him towards the end of their dance and I wondered what he was thinking knowing he'd been feeling up a married woman. I wondered if that did anything for him at all.

  I know it sure as fuck turned me on!

  My cock was still rock hard to the point of being on the verge of pain. That's how incredibly turned on I was. And the only way I could relieve that delicious ecstatic pain was in my wife.

  I pulled away from the kiss and looked down at her. She was breathing heavily. Her chest was heaving up and down, her nipples straining out from her top. She was turned on. Really fucking turned on. Probably more turned on than just a make out session with me would allow for.


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