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Competing With the Star (Star #2)

Page 14

by Krysten Lindsay Hager

  Simone’s eyes looked like they were going to fall out of her head. We walked over to the other side of the drugstore with all the souvenir stuff, but Simone hung back.

  “I take it we won’t be buying matching bracelets or anything here to commemorate this lovely trip,” Asia said. “Seriously, Pilar. What the crap was that?”

  “Hey, don’t blame me. It’s about time someone stood up to her. You don’t do that to someone you call a friend and pretend it’s all fine.”

  “Are you even talking about Hadley, or you and Connor?”

  “Both actually.”

  “Well, Nick and Connor need to take responsibility for their own actions,” Asia said. “It can’t all be her fault.”

  “What’s the common denominator here?” Pilar said.

  “Simone can’t help it that she’s so pretty.”

  “Seriously?” Pilar rolled her eyes. “That’s what you come back with?”

  “She’s my best friend and she’s devastated over what happened. She’s terrified she’ll lose Hadley as a friend.”

  Asia put her arm around me and I didn’t say anything. Pilar looked upset, but Simone was walking up and I didn’t want to get into it in front of her.

  “I just talked you up to Dylan,” Simone said. “He was worried you weren’t over your boyfriend, so I told him that was a thing of the past and he should still text you.”

  “Just stop it,” I said. “I don’t want you trying to push me into anything.”

  She looked hurt. Her round blue eyes filled with tears and she began crying. “You don’t have to be mean. I’m just trying to help.”

  Asia moved over to give her a hug and looked over at me, pleading. “She didn’t mean it, right, Hadley?”

  “I’m just…I’m not ready for another guy and not feeling up to talking about it.”

  “I just want you to be happy. He’s so sweet. Isn’t he cute, guys?” Simone said, wiping her nose on her shirt sleeve.

  “I’m not ready,” I said.

  “Okay, well, I just thought it’d be nice for you to have some hot guy to go out with for your sixteenth birthday. I want that day to be special for you.”

  She seemed sincere and I was torn between feeling bad that she was so upset, worried about our friendship, and being angry that she was the reason I didn’t have Nick to celebrate with on my birthday. But maybe that was his own fault and not hers. Her crying had made me feel awful and now I just wanted to tell her it would all be okay.

  “Let’s go check out the stuffed animals,” Pilar said.

  Simone and Asia were looking at the Hello Kitty display when I saw the tiny red panda on the shelf. My heart hurt remembering how Nick had won one for me.

  “Why does she always do that?” Pilar said, coming up to me. “She cries and suddenly you feel like the bad person. Sometimes I wonder if it’s real or her acting.”

  “You think that was fake?”

  “Well, maybe not this time. I think she’s genuinely freaking out that you’ll dump her as a friend. That and she’s not that great an actress,” Pilar said, elbowing me. “C’mon. You have to laugh at that. It’s funny.”

  I tried to hide my smile.

  “My mom just texted me that the boys are sleeping over at our house. Nick will be under my roof tonight,” Pilar said. “Do you want me to spy?”

  “Yes, yes I do. I’d love to hear what they talk about.”

  “Wouldn’t it be great to be invisible for, like, ten minutes and go into their world?” she asked.

  I bit my lip. Until a few months ago I had felt invisible around people. But Simone and Nick had both changed that for me and now it felt like I could lose one or both of them.

  The four of us went to another shop and I pretended to try on clothes to get away again. I noticed Pilar going into a dressing room too. I expected her to text me, but my phone stayed silent.

  “You guys? The shops are all closing. You want to get ice cream or just text my mom and head back?” Simone asked.

  “I’m ready to go,” I said.

  We headed back to the car and this time it was completely quiet on the ride home.

  Chapter Twenty

  Pilar called me the next morning. “Okay, I didn’t spy, but I overheard some stuff. I asked my brother and he didn’t want to spill at first, but I know that he and Will snuck out last weekend, so he owes me.”

  “What did you find out?”

  “Nick is super mad at you for not believing him.”

  “Are you serious? He said he was upset I was still talking to Simone and not him, but he didn’t seem angry.”

  “Yeah, well, he was getting it all out with the guys. He said it was like Simone got off scot-free and he took the hit. My brother said he was furious.”

  “Wow, so he’s mad at me.”

  “Do you care? I mean, are you still thinking there’s a chance for you guys to get back together?” she asked.

  “Honestly, my first thought was, ‘oh crap, does that mean he’s going to go find somebody else?’ Is that lame? Am I stupid?”

  “No, you still care about him. That doesn’t turn off just because something happened. If it did then I’d be over Lucas.”

  “Part of me feels like Nick’s telling the truth,” I said. “Just the way he acted at the nursing home. I felt like he was being sincere. But what guy wouldn’t be into a TV star kissing them?”

  “I interrogated my brother and he said even when the guys were like, ‘oh man, what was it like to kiss Simone, she’s so hot,’ Nick never caved and bragged or anything. He just said she was more trouble than she was worth. The closest he came to saying anything about it was…”

  “What? Tell me.”

  “People say I’m too blunt sometimes,” she said. “I dunno…”

  “Just tell me.”

  “He said he had fanaticized about kissing Simone for a long time and yet when it happened he was finally over her and had moved on and now it just ruined everything,” she said. “I don’t know if that makes you feel better or worse.”

  “I don’t know either.”

  “I gotta go. Homework. At least this week is only three days. You’re so lucky your birthday falls during parent/teacher conference week. It’s like the universe is giving you four days of no school and sleeping in.”

  “Yeah, talk to you later.”

  Mom and I went over the menu for my party on Thursday. Most of my conferences were scheduled for Friday, so my parents suggested I have everyone over the first day off we had. Since it was just a few girls coming, Mom suggested we get fancy takeout from this Italian place I liked and then have the cupcakes.

  I was getting ready for bed when I saw I had a text from Asia.

  Asia: Hey, are we okay?

  Me: Yeah, why?

  Asia: I feel like maybe I took Simone’s side too much yesterday. Pilar was right. You’re entitled to how you feel. Simone did a crappy thing. She’s my best friend, but she can be thoughtless sometimes. She was just trying to help with that Dylan guy. She feels super bad.

  Me: I get that. It’s just going to take me a while to get past this.

  Asia: Yeah. Looking forward to your party this week. Oh, Morgan said she can’t make it. She has some yoga class that night with Reagan.

  I sent back a sad face, but inside I was cheering. It probably wasn’t so much Morgan blowing me off as it was Reagan convincing her not to go because she wasn’t invited.

  I texted Pilar to tell her Morgan wasn’t coming to the party.

  Pilar: I was right—the universe is giving you gifts. LOL

  Me: Hahaha.

  Pilar: Better make a birthday wish. Good things come in threes after all.

  Me: Do you think that Dylan guy was one of the three wishes?

  Pilar: No, because I don’t think you were wishing for anybody new. Now if Simone is abducted by aliens, then I’ll know your wish came true ;) jk

  Me: LOL Hey, do you want to spend the night after my party?

I sat back, waiting for her response. We had gotten closer, but maybe it was due to her being fed up about Simone and I had misread things and she didn’t feel as close to me as I thought.

  Pilar: Sounds fun.

  My shoulders relaxed.

  Me: Is it cool if it’s just us? Or did you want me to ask the others?

  Pilar: I think it’d be fun with just us. Oh, I ordered your present today. I did express shipping so it should be here in time :)

  Me: Thanks!! Gotta get to bed. TTYL

  Pilar: Night.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I had been hoping to run into Nick at school, but it was like he disappeared from the earth. Finally on Wednesday, I asked the girls at lunch if anyone knew where he was.

  “Why? Are you guys talking again?” Simone asked.

  “Obviously not or she’d know where he was,” Asia said, licking pudding off her spoon. “His classes are all on the other side of school so I only see him when…well, when he used to come to your locker.”

  Finally, I got desperate and asked Lucas in the hallway if he had seen Nick.

  “No, he’s home sick,” he said. “Do you want me to give him a message?”

  “No, just…sorry to hear he isn’t feeling well. Is it serious?”

  “Nah, I think he’s over it now, but milking it for another day off. Hey, how’s Pilar doing?” he asked.

  “She’s fine.” She’s too good for you, but she’s fine.

  “Tell her I said hey, okay?”

  I nodded and went to my locker. Charlotte was waiting for me.

  “Guess what? Will is helping out with the science fair and he asked me to have dinner with him after,” she said.

  “That is so cool.”

  “Are you okay with it? You did sort of go out with him at the beginning of the school year. I know you said it was fine before, but I wanted to check.”

  “Of course, go. Have fun, but don’t let Simone sit near him,” I said, and she giggled.

  “So how are you doing?”

  “I just wish I could know for sure Nick was telling me the truth. I don’t want to get back with him and spend my time wondering if he’d rather be with the teen TV dream, you know?”

  “Yeah, but if he wanted to be with her so bad, wouldn’t he be trying to get with her now?” she asked.

  I shrugged. “Possibly, but it’s a small school, and maybe he doesn’t want to cause extra drama.”

  “He seems like a sweet guy. He never ignored me like some of those jerks do. It’s possible that nice guys make mistakes, but they are sorry and won’t do it again.”

  “Are you saying I should forgive him and take him back even if they did kiss? Like, if he got caught up in the moment.”

  “He’s never once backed down from his story. And he also talked to me about it. He texted me yesterday and said he would never try to hurt you. He keeps trying to talk to you after school, but he said Pilar has this…what did he call it? Invisible fortress around you. He thinks she’s protecting you from how Lucas and Connor hurt her.”

  “She has been a good friend.”

  “And who saw that one coming?” Charlotte said with a smile. “But Nick has always been a good friend to you too. Can you say the same about Simone?”

  “She stuck up for me before and if it weren’t for Simone no one would have even noticed I was alive before,” I said.

  “I noticed. Nick noticed.”

  I nodded. “Yeah, true, but I better get going and get home. Gotta set up for my birthday dinner with my grandparents tonight.”

  “Have fun. See ya tomorrow.”

  I ended up walking home alone and I wondered if I should text Nick and at least tell him I hoped he was feeling better. After all, it was no fun to be sick, but I would only be doing it to remind him I was still there and hope he wasn’t trying to talk to any other girls.

  I went straight to my grandparents’ house where they had put up streamers and balloons for my birthday.

  “There’s my birthday girl,” Grandpa said, giving me a hug. “Come here for a minute.”

  Grandpa pulled me into the library and grabbed a bag out of the cabinet. “Put this in your book bag. This is your secret present from me. Grandma is not to know a thing about it. This gift is just between us and if you get caught with it, then I know nothing. I’m not kidding—I will deny everything.”

  “Grandpa. Did you get me porn?” I asked with a straight face.

  “Oh, what a funny girl. But in your grandmother’s eyes, it’s almost just as bad.”

  “Okay, watch the door. Now I gotta look,” I opened my bag and saw a card and a set of DVDs. The card said:

  We Hope You Enjoy Your New Subscription to Celebrity Scoopers Magazine: Your Source for all the Entertainment Gossip.

  And the DVD set was the special edition fan set of Charmed Lives, the show Grandpa, Char, her grandfather, and I were addicted to.

  “I heard they only made two thousand of these DVDs and only members of the fan club got them,” I said.

  “Check your birthday card,” he said.

  I opened the card and inside was a gold Charmed Lives fan club membership card.

  “Grandpa, you didn’t! This is awesome.”

  “You should know I have ulterior motives. I want to access the special website with the code. You must share the show spoilers with me, but never let anyone know about this gift…and by that I mean your grandmother and aunts. They don’t appreciate fine art like Charmed Lives. You can tell your friends though.”

  “Thank you so much!”

  “You deserve it, kiddo. You’ve been getting excellent grades. I know changing schools and uprooting your life isn’t easy and you have done a great job settling into this new area and we are all proud of you.”

  I went to wash up before joining them in the kitchen when I heard my phone get a text.

  Nick: Hey, Lucas said you were asking about me. Is everything okay?

  He was checking up to make sure I was all right. That was so sweet and thoughtful. It made me miss how we used to be—sharing everything from our day and how I felt so much better knowing he was out there to talk to. All that had been taken away from me by one little kiss.

  Me: Hadn’t seen you around and wondered if anything was going on with your grandpa.

  Nick: He’s okay. I wasn’t feeling well though.

  Me: I hope you feel better.

  Nick: Thanks. I’m doing okay now. I just hope I didn’t get Grandpa sick or anything. I’m better now, but I just worry about that sort of thing. Anyway, I hope you have a nice birthday.

  Me: Thank you. I’m doing a big dinner with my family tonight.

  Nick: Have a good time.

  Me: Thanks.

  “Hadley, come and open your presents,” Aunt Faith said.

  “Coming.” I went into the living room with mixed feelings. It was nice Nick and I were talking again, but sad that it wasn’t like it used to be.

  “Okay, this one’s from me,” Aunt Faith said.

  I recognized the box from a store downtown. She had great taste, so anything she bought would be amazing. I tore off the lid and inside was a long red sweater dress—exactly like one Valeria had worn on the cover of a magazine recently. It was perfect—a touch dressy for school, but perfect for…oh crap, a date.

  “I thought you could use something a little nicer for Saturday nights,” she said, winking.

  “Thanks, I love it.”

  Grandma handed me an envelope and said, “It’s fifty dollars as usual. If you were smart, you’d hand it back and I’ll put it in your savings account.”

  Aunt Faith met my eyes and smirked at me.

  “But just to show we’re not boring, we also got you something else. I know you liked basketball and baseball, so we’re paying for you to get the sports channels at your house so you can get all the games. My friend, Margie, said once kids start dating you should keep a close eye on them, so we figured if you and Nick are safely at the house under y
our parents’ watch, nothing bad can happen. So hope you two enjoy it,” she said, smiling.

  Aunt Faith’s smile faded. Oh crap, Grandma had gone out of her way to do a nice thing for me and she had no clue Nick and I weren’t together anymore.

  “Thank you, that’s so thoughtful,” I said, and got up and hugged her and Grandpa.

  “Nick’s such a nice young man and so polite,” Grandpa said. “We thought you two would like it. And if you want to invite your old grandpa to watch a game or two, I would not object.”

  “Of course. You’re always welcome to come watch with us.”

  Actually, Grandpa would probably be my only viewing buddy.

  My parents gave me a gift certificate to a bookstore and one for a clothing boutique downtown that I liked. We got up to go into the dining room and Aunt Faith held me back.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “I dunno. Maybe.”

  She hugged me. “It will be okay. You will get through it. One day at a time.”

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  I woke up on my birthday and checked my phone. I had a bunch of birthday texts—even Morgan had sent one. It just said ‘Happy birthday’, but I was shocked she sent anything at all. I didn’t have one from Nick, but he had wished me happy birthday yesterday.

  Mom made me birthday cake pancakes for breakfast with frosting and rainbow sprinkles. I had been so caught up with all the drama, that I forgot how they were one of my favorite birthday traditions. The pancakes were delicious, but so sweet and sugary that even I couldn’t finish the stack.

  “When she falls over in a diabetic coma, we can bring balloons to the hospital.” Dad laughed as he took his fork to steal a pancake off my plate.


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