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Love at the Italian Lake

Page 20

by Darcie Boleyn

  ‘Of course.’

  He sat in the chair opposite Phoebe’s and pulled a notebook from his rucksack. Sophia watched as he spoke to Phoebe about what poses he thought would work and she gave him a few more ideas. Sophia tried to focus on the email she was answering but her eyes were continuously drawn back to his profile. He’d brushed his hair back from his face and she could see the tiny white blond hairs at his tanned hairline. He was clean-shaven and his strong jaw was smooth and perfectly kissable. As he spoke, he smiled and his eyes crinkled at the corners in that endearing way that made Sophia’s stomach flutter. He’d dressed smartly but simply in light grey chinos with a white shirt that was open at the neck, exposing a few centimetres of skin. Sophia knew how good he’d smell if she went over and pressed her nose there.

  She sighed.

  She suspected he wasn’t free to be hers and she was torturing herself just looking at him. But it was difficult not to want more.

  A whole lot more…

  ‘Okay then, we’d better pop over to the castle and check everything’s good to go there, then head to the bride’s hotel.’ Phoebe pulled her bag out of the drawer, then stood up.

  ‘Exciting!’ Sophia looped her own small Stella McCartney bag across her body, then switched off the computer.

  ‘I won’t take the rucksack,’ Joe said. ‘I’ll carry the camera and I don’t need the notebook now I know what I’m doing.’

  They headed out into the sunshine and all three of them slipped on their sunglasses.

  ‘What a beautiful day to get married,’ Phoebe said as they walked through the cobbled streets and down to the lakeside hotel where the bridal party was staying.

  ‘It’s perfect.’ Sophia agreed.

  Inside the hotel, the receptionist rang up to the bride’s room, then showed them through to the external decking area overlooking the lake.

  A few minutes later, there was a bit of a fuss in the lobby, accompanied by some cheering and applause, then a vision in white satin appeared in front of them.

  ‘You look fabulous, Amelia!’ Phoebe kissed the bride on both cheeks. ‘This is my colleague, Sophia, who’s helping me out at the moment and here’s your photographer, Joe. Anything you want him to do today, you just ask.’

  Amelia nodded, then Joe chatted with her and her father who’d appeared with a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

  As Phoebe and Sophia arranged the bridal party, Joe got to work. He took photographs of the bride alone, then with her father and with her mother and bridesmaids. Each one was beautifully posed, making good use of the hotel, the beach and the dramatic scenery. The bride laughed, a lot, and some of the bridesmaids flirted with Joe. One – who appeared to be the matron of honour – was particularly flirtatious, making saucy puns out of everything Joe asked them to do. But if he noticed her behaviour, or the fact that she was a very attractive woman, he didn’t show it at all. He was a consummate professional, focused on his job and treating everyone with equal respect and ensuring that their time was used to maximize the shots and the lighting.

  It made Sophia proud to watch him. She couldn’t help the flicker of jealousy that pinged through her initially at the attention he got, but when she witnessed his professional coolness towards the matron of honour, she was able to let go of the negative emotion.

  Even though she had no real claim on him, neither would any flirty bridesmaid at this wedding.

  When the photographs were done and the bridal party had enjoyed some refreshments, it was time to go to the castle for the ceremony. Joe took more photographs on the way there, in front of old houses and window boxes bursting with colourful flowers and even one of the bride flashing her garter outside a pizzeria.

  He took lots more outside the ancient castle, then they went in before the bridal party, so Joe could capture the moment as she walked down the aisle. As they made their way up the stone steps, Sophia could hear the strains of a harp accompanied by a string quartet.

  The terrace was gorgeously decorated with white ribbons and flowers. There seemed to be flowers everywhere: tied to the chairs either side of the aisle, the rail that ran around the castle wall and the corners of the cream gazebo that fluttered in the gentle breeze. Guests were milling about, greeting one another before taking their seats. Phoebe moved effortlessly among them, calm and collected, yet acting as if she knew them all on a personal level. She was evidently excellent at her job and Sophia could see that she could learn a lot from her about running a business.

  Joe gently took Sophia’s arm. ‘I think we should stand over there so I can get some good shots but we’ll be out of the way enough too.’

  ‘Of course.’ They went and stood off to the side. Sophia watched as the guests settled, then the registrar and translator took their positions at the table under the gazebo. The handsome groom and his best man were positioned in front of the table, and Sophia noticed how the groom moved from foot to foot, restless and seemingly nervous, as he waited for his bride to appear.

  A hush fell over the terrace and time seemed to stand still for a few seconds. Even the breeze settled and the gazebo stopped fluttering. Then the harpist played a few familiar chords before launching into an instrumental version of John Legend’s ‘All of Me’.

  There was a collective sigh as the bridesmaids, all eight of them, came along the aisle in their mint green satin dresses, the feathers in their fascinators fluttering as the breeze picked up again, seeming to toy with their hair and their long skirts, no doubt offering some sweet relief from the heat of the day.

  Next came the bride on her father’s arm. She glowed as she walked towards the man she loved and Sophia discreetly pulled a tissue from her bag and dabbed at her eyes. She really was getting more emotional by the day.

  Joe was everywhere, moving silently around, capturing the precious moments on his camera as if he’d done this a thousand times before. He caught the bride’s shy smile, the groom’s look of surprise as he saw how beautiful his fiancée was in her Grace Kelly-style backless cream dress and the bride’s father as he hid his emotion behind his sunglasses.

  As the ceremony progressed, Joe reappeared at Sophia’s side and she was lifted by his reassuring presence. He even gently brushed her fingers when she had to wipe away a tear that escaped as the bride and groom exchanged rings.

  And it was done.

  They were married.

  The guests burst into applause.

  Sophia turned to Joe, words she longed to say on the tip of her tongue, but he was already gone, capturing the bride and groom’s first kiss as husband and wife, then as they accepted hugs from family and friends.


  Joe raised his glass of champagne and Sophia and Phoebe clinked theirs against it.

  ‘What a day!’ Phoebe said as she leaned against the terrace wall.

  Sophia kicked off her shoes. ‘That was amazing. I can’t believe you do this for a living, Phoebe.’

  ‘I know… I’m very lucky.’

  ‘You are but it’s not easy. You must have burned off about four thousand calories with all that running around.’

  Phoebe smiled. ‘Something like that. But being around people as they begin a new phase of their lives together is a great ticket to job satisfaction. Don’t you agree?’

  Joe sipped his champagne before answering. It was cool, crisp and refreshing. ‘It should make you smile, certainly. And they were a lovely couple with what seemed like a loving family. They’re lucky but I’m not so sure that happy families are the norm.’

  ‘Oh I’ve dealt with some corkers in my time, believe me.’ Phoebe said as she drained her glass. ‘I’ve had bridezillas, cheating couples being confronted by angry parents and drunken relatives. It all happens in this business but when you get a family like this one today, it makes it all worthwhile. And, in all honesty, the vast majority of people just want to have a good time and are well behaved.’

  ‘I enjoyed this…’ Sophia gestured at the terrace. ‘I think the setting has
a lot to do with it too. Much better than a rainy day in the UK.’

  ‘If you’re in love though it shouldn’t matter where you are, right?’ Joe coughed to hide his embarrassment as the words had escaped before he could stop them.

  ‘I guess so. But it is wonderful here. I mean, look at it now.’ Sophia turned and gazed out at the lake and Joe watched as the breeze toyed with her hair, teasing a few curls away from the rest and making them dance. It took all his strength not to wind them around his fingers then press his mouth to hers. Instead, he checked the lens cap on his camera and adjusted it on the strap around his neck.

  ‘Do you have somewhere to print the photos?’

  Phoebe nodded. ‘First of all though, we can upload them onto the computer back at the office, and go through them on a bigger screen. Then we’ll send an online portfolio to the bride and groom and they can choose what ones they’d like in their album. We won’t print them until they’re happy with their selection.’

  ‘So it doesn’t stop here then?’ Sophia asked.

  Phoebe shook her head. ‘We sort the photographs and the package they requested, then ensure that they were completely satisfied with everything. It’s important we encourage them to write a review as it all helps to secure future clients. And, of course, there’s the all important word of mouth promotion. I’ve had couples book weddings with me because their friends got married out here.’

  ‘The longer I’m in Malcesine, the less I want to go back to England,’ Joe said.

  Phoebe chewed her bottom lip. ‘You know… I’ll be needing the services of a good photographer. You were a natural today, Joe. You don’t have to answer me right away but if you’d like some regular work, I could offer it to you.’

  Joe swallowed hard. She was offering him a job. Out here. Doing something he enjoyed.

  So he did have potential then?


  ‘Of course. And you too, Sophia. You’ve been such an angel and I don’t know how I’d have coped yesterday if you hadn’t saved the day. How’d you fancy working with me? I can’t possibly manage alone.’

  Sophia’s eyes widened. ‘Are you serious?’

  ‘Totally. I think we made a great team. Of course, I do have to decide how to raise funds to buy Analise out of the business now but that’s not your problem.’ She paused. ‘Unless you fancy becoming my new partner, of course!’ She laughed but her eyes showed something more serious. ‘I will need a new business partner. But no pressure on you, Sophia. I know you have things to sort out.’

  ‘I do. But you’ve given me food for thought.’

  Phoebe picked up the empty champagne bottle. ‘Look, I know you two have things to think about now and I suspect matters are… perhaps a bit more complicated than I know about. So I’m going to go back to the office and email a quote I promised I’d send today. Just let me know what you decide. No pressure at all. I’m very impressed and I wanted to strike while the iron’s hot. No sense waiting around and delaying asking you both, as what would that achieve? You might disappear back to the UK and I’ll be here regretting not asking you.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Sophia said as she hugged Phoebe.

  ‘My pleasure. See you later. When you come in we can upload the photographs, Joe.’


  After Phoebe had gone, they stood in silence, gazing out at the water.

  Joe had a chance of a job and so did Sophia. It was almost too good to be true. If his life was more straightforward, then he could have jumped at the opportunity, but he had matters back at home to deal with and he didn’t know if living and working out in Malcesine would lend itself to his situation. After all, there was Charlotte and his ageing parents to think about.

  However… the idea of staying in Italy did appeal to him. He loved being near the lake and surrounded by the breathtaking beauty of the mountains. The airport wasn’t far away and the flight to England was short, so he could get back any time he was needed.

  But then there was Sophia and the situation with them. Would it put pressure on whatever it was that was growing between them? If there was anything there? What if he accepted, then found out that Sophia didn’t want to be with him? How would he feel having to see her regularly and to be around the places they’d enjoyed together but unable to hold her and kiss her?

  None of this was simple and everything came with a possible issue.

  Yet the thought of returning to England and to what life had to offer him there made his heart sink. It wasn’t that he didn’t love his home country, because he did, but there just wasn’t anything there to hold him any more. Charlotte had changed so much over recent years and was so independent now. How much did she really need him to be there every day? Then there were his parents, but did they really want him around? They certainly didn’t make him feel welcome or appreciated. He loved them, of course, but some relationships were best conducted from a distance. It might be good for all of them.

  ‘Do you know what you want to do?’ Sophia broke into his thoughts.

  ‘Not one hundred per cent. Do you?’

  She raised wary eyes to meet his. ‘Not one hundred per cent.’

  So he wouldn’t push her to tell him. He didn’t want her decision to sway his or for his to sway hers. They needed to do what was best for them as individuals.

  ‘Are you coming back to the office, Sophia?’

  ‘In a bit. I’ll catch up.’

  ‘Okay.’ He took her glass. ‘I’ll take these back and see you there. Might take a while to upload all these files.’



  ‘I thought you were amazing today.’

  He took a deep breath then released it slowly.

  ‘I think you’re amazing every day.’

  He leaned in and gently kissed her cheek, then walked away before she could respond, and before he let his emotions get the better of him. Because it was getting harder and harder to stay in control whenever Sophia was around.

  Chapter 21

  Sophia stood on the terrace for a while, thinking about Phoebe’s offer.

  It was so tempting and certainly not impossible. The money from her apartment sale – that would hopefully come through if her colleague bought her apartment as he’d claimed he intended to do – and the savings she’d squirrelled away burned bright in her mind. She had the money to invest in something. Could it be in Phoebe’s business?

  It would give her an investment, a career and it was a fabulous opportunity. Of course, her economics head told her she’d have to look at the figures to ensure that the business was viable, but she could easily do that. And as for the idea of working with Phoebe, well she was lovely and as Sophia had never had a close female friend, it would be nice to enjoy some female companionship. That was something else that being in Malcesine had taught her. She was capable of having a friendship with another woman. The years of bullying at school had worn her down to the point that she just closed herself off and focused on her studies, shunning even the girls who attempted to befriend her. But she was a woman now and had the opportunity to have a grown-up female friend. And she liked knowing that was possible.

  With these uplifting thoughts in her mind, she wandered down to the office and let herself in. She found Phoebe peering at her computer screen.

  ‘No Joe?’

  ‘He left about ten minutes ago. Said he has a shift tonight.’

  ‘Of course! Poor Joe, he’ll be exhausted.’

  Phoebe nodded. ‘Sure will. Hey, Sophia, you should see these photographs though. He’s not just good, he’s extremely talented.’

  ‘I know. I’ve seen photographs he’s taken before. He’s got a great eye for a good picture.’

  ‘Come and look.’ Phoebe waved her over so Sophia pulled up a chair and they went through the photos together.

  ‘The bride and groom will be delighted.’

  ‘I think so. What’s interesting though are these ones. I put them aside because they’re
not really of the wedding guests.’ She opened a folder on her desktop. ‘Tell me what you think.’

  Sophia watched as Phoebe clicked through the images. There were eight in total.

  ‘It’s me.’

  ‘Yes it’s you. They were in with the others and I don’t even know if he realized he’d taken them but look at them.’

  ‘What?’ Sophia shrugged. ‘It’s just me on the terrace with the lovely scenery behind me.’

  Phoebe shook her head. ‘Are you deliberately being so dull? It’s how he sees you, Sophia. You’re the focal point of all these pictures. The scenery, the backdrop of the castle, they’re all beautiful, yes. But his focus is on you and he sees you in a way that suggests to me that he’s totally smitten with you.’

  ‘What?’ Sophia pushed her chair back and inhaled sharply.

  ‘I think Joe has feelings for you.’

  She shook her head, wanting to believe it but terrified to do so. ‘No. It’s not right. He has… he has someone else.’

  ‘What? Who?’

  ‘Some woman back home. I’ve seen photos of her and she’s tall and slim and beautiful and about twenty.’

  ‘Have you asked him about her?’

  ‘No, but—’

  ‘Has he told you about her?’

  ‘Just her name. He mentioned it in conversation.’



  ‘How do you know she’s his girlfriend?’

  ‘I don’t. But I think she is… I mean, it’s pretty likely that she is.’

  ‘You need to ask him, Sophia, because a man in love with a woman does not take pictures like this of another woman. It’s just not what he’d do if he cares about someone else.’

  ‘Right… I’d better be going.’ Sophia picked up her bag and tucked the chair back under the desk.

  ‘Sophia, you can run away from me now but I’m telling you what I see. And don’t forget, I’ve seen the two of you together and I see a lot of couples. I know what I’m talking about.’

  ‘Have to go! Need to get back to see how my mother’s day went.’

  ‘See you Monday?’


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