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Tales of the Wolf: Book 02 - Enter the Wolf

Page 12

by A. E. McCullough

  Before any of the companions could say anything, she flashed them a beautiful smile and said, “Tok says you are looking for passage to the lighted lands.”

  The old monk leaned forward. “Possibly. But it would be good manners to introduce yourself first young lady, not all of us are taken aback by your beauty.”

  “Forgive me Master Pau; I thought you already knew who I was when you sat down. I’m Chikk Forlorn, Captain of the Ebony Eagle.”

  Master Pau grinned. “I see that my reputation precedes me.”

  With a nod of his head the monk indicated each of his companions. “Kang, Kamots and my young apprentice, Ronin. We are pleased to make your acquaintance.”

  Captain Forlorn flashed them a dazzling smile. “Okay, now that the formalities are over let’s get down to business. What region of the lighted lands are you trying to reach?”

  Master Pau answered smoothly. “Any port along the western coast. The closer to the Highlands the better but I realize your exits are limited.”

  “Your cargo?”

  “Just three passengers; Kang will not be travelling with us.”


  “Before dusk if possible, I would prefer to depart Otrar before the Sultan learns that I am in town.”

  Captain Forlorn raised an eyebrow at the monk’s statement but since he couldn’t see it she asked, “Anything I should know about?”

  Master Pau shook his head. “No. It’s nothing really. I declined an invitation to one of his parties but I understand that he isn’t very gracious to those who turn him down.”

  Now it was Captain Forlorn’s turn to nod. “You are right about that. I don’t think he has forgiven me from our last encounter.” Since she didn’t volunteer anything more, the companions were left to wonder exactly what she meant. “But back to the matter at hand, five-hundred golden eagles for each passenger, paid in advance.”

  Kang winced at the price. He knew he had that much and more in his backpack but no self-respecting gnome wants to part with that much coin.

  “Fifteen hundred? That’s too much, nine hundred.”

  Captain Forlorn turned her attention onto the gnome. “I was wondering when you were going to speak. How is it that you are concerned about the price when you aren’t traveling with them?”

  “Just because I ain’t leaving Otrar doesn’t mean I want you to take advantage of my friends.”

  Captain Forlorn held up one finger. “First off, five-hundred for each passenger for this voyage isn’t that pricy. If we are to leave before dusk, I will have to travel without cargo and your fee will help off-set the coin I will lose on this trip. Additionally, since you want to avoid the Sultan, fifteen is the price.”

  Kang nodded. There was a crazy logic to it. He knew that she could make that much and more, running a full cargo of rum to the western coast of Terreth. He might understand it but that didn’t mean he had to like it. He decided to make one final counter offer. “Twelve hundred.”

  Captain Forlorn leaned back. She knew that she could push the issue but she was getting bored with the haggling. Besides, she had already spurned Kieran’s romantic advances earlier this morning and she needed to leave Otrar soon.

  “Agreed; payable before we sail. The Eagle is docked at pier ninety-four and we’ll sail as soon as you are onboard.”

  Master Pau stood up. “My thanks captain, we will join you on the Eagle within the hour.”

  As the flamboyant captain and her first mate departed to get the ship ready, the old monk faced his companions. “Well Kang. It has been a pleasure. Ronin and I have a couple of errands to run before we sail. Will you make sure that Kamots finds his way to the ship?”

  Kang shook hands with the blind monk.

  “The pleasure was all mine. And don’t worry about the big guy; I’ll see him safely to the ship.”

  * * * * *

  Once they were alone, Hawkeye looked around the cabaret and made eye contact with a well-armed and armored dark elf sitting alone in a booth on the far wall not far from the back exit.

  Not wanting the dark elf to think that he was trying to challenge him, Hawkeye quickly looked away. A few seconds later, he glanced back only to find that the dark elf was gone.

  However, he did take note of two different dark elves hastily making their way out the back door. These two were nowhere near as well-armed as the first one and judging from the look the bartender shot them; they had just walked out on their bill.

  The ogre made his way out the back door but paused at the threshold for a moment before coming back in. The bouncer made some sort of hand signal to the bartender and returned to his seat.

  Bored and curious, Hawkeye nodded his head toward the back door. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Kang shrugged his shoulders. “Sure. Let me show you a few of the sights of Otrar. We’ll take the scenic route to the ship.”

  Hawkeye stood up and moved toward the back exit with Kang at his side. No one moved to stop them as they walked out the back door.

  * * * * *

  Chalman’s Cabaret was Darnac’s favorite tavern in all of Otrar.

  He loved the whole atmosphere of the establishment. Situated on the harbor, it was the most popular pub for travelers with refined tastes. It wasn’t a bar for common seaman and fisherman; it was way too pricy and too dangerous. Only the movers and shakers of the trade routes found their way to this particular cabaret.

  Chalman always kept a band on hand to entertain his guests. Occasionally, one of the more well known bards of the Subterrus would find their way to the small stage in the cabaret. Tonight, he had his stage band the J-Wailers playing. They were a local favorite and very good. The band was a mixed group of three gnomes, two humans and a hobgoblin. Darnac wasn’t an expert in music but he recognized two string instruments, two horns and one drum. The last member was a fat human female who sang and played what he would call a tambourine. The J-Wailers specialized in a fast, upbeat style of music; to top that off, they only played loud enough to drown out the nearby tables but not loud enough to make conversations difficult. Also, nothing seemed to distract them. Darnac had been in here when there was a full-fledge bar brawl going on and the J-Wailers didn’t stop.

  The Blademaster was just enjoying his second drink when the most unusual troupe entered the establishment. He knew that the blind monk must be Pau and his young protégé. They had been living in a nearby cavern for several years. Darnac had heard several stories concerning the monk’s fighting prowess but had never seen him in Otrar before.

  As interesting as that was, it was the other two companions which stole his attention.

  The gnome in the front of the troupe looked familiar. Darnac wasn’t like most of his kin, thinking all gnomes look alike. Yes, they are similar but then so are dark elves. Gnomes have facial features and mannerisms that are unique to that individual just like anyone else. Additionally, the tattoos on their hairless bodies denoted alot about that particular gnome to someone who paid attention. Just by reading the marks, a person could tell that gnome’s family name, their occupation and even their homeland, if one just took the time to study gnomish culture. Darnac was nowhere near an expert in his understanding of gnomish markings but he did recognize several tats from across the cabaret.

  The first was that this gnome was from Aad and his clan was supposed to be working for Lalith. Secondly, that he was a scout. This could mean many things but when Darnac studied his final companion, only one solution fit the facts.

  The final member of the troupe was tall and broad shouldered. Even though he wore the charcoal grey robes of a monk and leaned heavily on his staff, Darnac didn’t believe him to be a simple monk. This had to be a highlander in disguise, plain and simple. Of course, there was only one highlander supposedly lost in the underground. How or why he was in Otrar was the true question.

  Darnac watched as they met with Captain Forlorn and her first mate. He knew her to be a smuggler, which meant that they were looking to book
passage out of the underground on one of the ships currently docked in Otrar. It was a logical assumption and a good plan. Blackfang had all known tunnels leading to this region of the subterrus under surveillance by members of the Dark Alliance but not the waterways.

  When the barbarian made eye contact with him, Darnac realized that he had been staring and he needed to get some distance on this situation to figure out his next move.

  Leaving a silver eagle on the table, he slipped out the back door. He wasn’t three steps out the exit when he felt the noose slip over his neck.

  Reacting out of pure instinct, Darnac’s hand shot up and under the rope just as it was pulled tight. This was both good and bad. Good in the fact, that his hand was blocking the rope from cutting off his airway and the blood flow to the brain; bad because now his left hand was trapped.

  Darnac saw an orc charging down the pier at him with a sword raised high.

  With his free hand, Darnac pulled out one of his knives and threw it at the charging orc. He was certain it scored a hit but he didn’t get to see it since the ogre holding the garrote sat down and leaned back which pulled him completely off balance.

  Before Darnac could roll out of his disadvantageous position, a second ogre jumped on his legs and wrapped his huge arms around the blademaster’s calves. The ogre behind him kept pulling with the garrote steadily tighter and tighter. Even with his arm blocking its full effects, it still threatened to cut off his airway and the blood flow to his brain. It also forced him to react in a predictable manner. So even though Darnac had one hand free, he had no choice but to use it to pull against the rope that was choking the life out of him.

  Espen made his entrance.

  Stepping out of the nearby shadows, the gnome assassin moved up next to his victim and smirked. Two rough looking dark elves exited the bar and moved to his side.

  Espen rubbed his hands together. “So…this is the great Blademaster of Avarias that I have been hearing about.” He looked back at his assistants. “He doesn’t look too dangerous to me.”

  Darnac knew that this was his end. He had one chance. Fumbling with his free hand, he managed to grab another one of his knives. Although lack of oxygen and blood to the brain was starting to affect his vision and thinking, he knew that he had to do something. But his arm wouldn’t move. Something was stopping it.

  The world was fading to black when he heard someone speaking.

  His brain didn’t recognize the first voice but when someone with a high pitched and nasally voice responded nearby, one part of his mind knew that was the tone of the one responsible for his death.

  Darnac heard a commotion.

  Then, the garrote around his throat loosened slightly and he found that he was able to move his right hand again. Reacting completely out of instinct, the Blademaster stabbed backwards over his shoulder. He knew that he had scored a hit when the rope went slack and the warm splash of blood covered his shoulder.

  Darnac fell to his knees. He struggled to regain his feet but his body wouldn’t respond. All he could do was cough and suck in the sweet air. Minutes passed before two strong hands lifted him up.

  * * * * *

  Hawkeye and Kang froze when they exited the cabaret. It was obvious that they had walked into a mugging of some sort.

  The well-armored dark elf he had noticed earlier was pinned on the ground by two ogres, one with a garrote around his neck while the other held his legs. A dark elf was holding his free hand while a nasty looking gnome and another dark elf watched.

  Hawkeye took a step forward until he was in front of his smaller companion. “I’m sorry. Are we interrupting something?”

  The hairless gnome with all the tattoos growled. “Get lost. This doesn’t concern you.”

  The whiny, nasaly tone of the gnome’s voice immediately grated on Hawkeye’s nerves.

  “True but it does now. I don’t know him and I don’t know you but I don’t like five to one odds. Never have. Never will.”

  “Stupid human,” the gnome sneered. Glancing over his shoulder at his assistant Espen said, “Get him.”

  The dark elf immediately lunged forward with his dagger.

  Hawkeye’s instincts honed to perfection from years of battle kicked in and he reacted without thinking. He grabbed the arm of his attacker with his left hand while his right arm shot forward and latched onto the dark elf’s throat. Then, he began to squeeze. Knowing that the other muggers would be moving against him, Hawkeye pushed hard and launched his assailant out into the water. Experience had taught him to never remain still in combat and so he moved. He also realized that the grey robes he was currently wearing would impede his movement, so he grabbed the folds of his robe and pulled with all his strength. The cloth of the garment wasn’t designed to resist such force and ripped apart into two rags. Of course, he was still moving forward at the same time and shoulder charged the other dark elf. Between his bump and the thug’s reaction, the brigand fell off the narrow pier.

  Hawkeye was pleased with the situation. He was only a few seconds into the battle and already two combatants were out of the fight, at least for the moment. But now the ogres were moving and the nasty gnome with the tattoos was still unaccounted for but then Kang was behind him and Hawkeye knew the scout was covering his back.

  One ogre released the dark elf’s feet and stood up. Its eight foot frame towered over the barbarian but that didn’t slow Hawkeye down one bit. Drawing his knife and tomahawk, he attacked. The ogre stumbled backwards under the vicious assault and was bleeding from several wounds the weapons inflicted. Hawkeye knew that none of his initial attacks would be life threatening but they were bloody and painful; two things that would keep his larger opponent off balance.

  The ogre managed to reach behind his back with one hand a pull out a large club. Smiling a toothless grin, he swung the club at the barbarian’s head.

  Hawkeye ducked under the clumsy swing and slashed at the soft spot of the ogre’s armpit. He knew that if the the monster’s anatomy was similar to a human’s there would be a large artery in that area. He was rewarded with a spray of bright red blood and a howl of pure pain.

  When the ogre tried to twist back to face its attacker, one foot slipped on the wet dock and splash…the beast was in the water.

  Hawkeye turned back to face his last two opponents and froze at the sight.

  Kang was lying in a pool of his own blood.

  Hawkeye could see a bone-handled knife protruding from his throat. The only sign of the heavily tattooed gnome was a trail of blood that led down the pier. The dark elf that he had made eye contact with earlier had managed to kill the ogre that had been choking him with an expertly placed knife thrust through the eye. At the moment, he was doing his best just to regain his breathe.

  Reaching down, Hawkeye helped the slender dark elf warrior to his feet. “Relax. Your attackers are dead or gone.”

  At first Darnac was a bit unstable on his feet but quickly regained his balance. He looked up at the barbarian since he was nearly a foot taller. “Many thanks for your timely arrival.”

  “Don’t mention it. I would’ve done it for anyone. I don’t like bullies.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Five to one odds do not make a fair fight.”

  Darnac cocked his head to the side. “I’m curious, if you had come out of the cabaret and I was fighting one on one or two on one, what would you have done?”

  Hawkeye just shrugged. “I would’ve passed on by. Your business is your own. A man should be able to stand on his own, for good or ill.”

  He gestured to the body of his friend. “Kang was a friend and I will mourn his loss. I will even agonize over leaving him one on one with the tattooed gnome…”

  “Espen. His name is Espen and don’t worry about him, his days are numbered.”

  Hawkeye nodded. “Obviously, Kang was outmatched. Even then, Kang faced him like a man; one on one and although he failed, he didn’t run. He stood his ground and covered my b
ack. I will always honor him in my memories.”

  Darnac realized at that very moment that he truly liked this barbarian.

  He was a man of principles that came to the aid of a stranger just because he was vastly outnumbered. He’d even lost a friend in the process. Hawkeye would mourn the loss but he didn’t feel anger at him or even the assassin Espen. Darnac knew that he wouldn’t be that forgiving if the roles had been reverse. Hell, Darnac wouldn’t risk his neck for a stranger, at least not again. Once was enough.

  Hawkeye moved over to the corpse of his friend and pulled free the bone-handled knife. Wiping the blood off, he reversed the blade and held it out towards the Blademaster.

  “It sounds like you are planning to have a conversation with this Espen fellow. Would you mind returning this to him?”

  “It would be my pleasure.” Darnac grinned and took the knife from him.

  Hawkeye turned back to his friend.

  Darnac found himself in a dilemma.

  Blackfang’s brother had his back to him. But he hadn’t been ordered to kill him or even hunt him. His orders were to deliver the message to Keiran and return by a certain date, period. After what Hawkeye had just done for him, he wasn’t in any hurry to betray the highlander’s location to anyone in the Dark Alliance.

  Hawkeye unbelted the dwarvish short sword and tucked it away. Taking off the gnomes backpack, he slung that over one shoulder. Looking up at the dark elf he asked, “Do you by chance know the proper burial procedures for a gnome?”

  “No, but I know somewhere where we can take him. There’s an undertaker nearby.”

  Hawkeye nodded and gently lifted the dead gnome. Following the dark elf, he was aware of many eyes watching their progression through the busy streets of Otrar but no one accosted them. As a matter of fact, it seemed that everyone moved out of their way as they approached. Within minutes, they were at another nondescript building of stone. His dark elf companion stepped inside, so Hawkeye followed.

  It was one of the strangest rooms he had ever entered. There were about a dozen stone tables spread throughout the room, all but two had a corpse on it. Hawkeye could tell that three were dark elves, five were gnomes but he had no idea what race the other two were due to the wrappings that covered the corpses.


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