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Tales of the Wolf: Book 02 - Enter the Wolf

Page 20

by A. E. McCullough

  “Where in the Pharos are they located?”

  “At the very top of the tower, I positioned them inside the great lens to keep them warm.”

  Hawkeye pulled out his knife and doodled in the dirt as he thought. After a moment he asked, “Any idea on numbers?”

  “Does this mean you’ll help?” The surprise was evident in her voice.

  “Of course.”

  “But this isn’t your fight? You have a wife and unborn son to get home to, why would you risk yourself to aid me?”

  Hawkeye stabbed his knife in the ground and left it there.

  “Red Crow, a great warrior of my people and a mentor to me once told me something very profound that has stayed with me over all these years. He said, ‘for evil to flourish, it only requires good men to do nothing.’ I cannot stand by and do nothing. How would I explain that to my son? How could I face my goddess on judgement day?”

  Cassandra looked at him, then back at Pau. “You are right. He is the one.”

  “The prophecy unfolds. The Chosen One is coming.” Master Pau smiled and held up his hand to forestall anything Hawkeye was about to say. “Yes, I know who you are and who your wife is. I have been waiting a long time for this.” He placed a hand on his apprentice’s shoulder. “Ronin will be ready to aid your son when the time is right. That I swear.”

  Ronin stood up and bowed. “It will be my honor to aid the Chosen One. I will not fail him.”

  Hawkeye shook his head. “This is a lot to take in. You three are talking as if my son is already born. He’s not. And even then, I have to protect him from the Dark Alliance and those are long odds.”

  Cassandra reached out and gently laid her talon on Hawkeye’s leg. “So true but you must understand that we have waited a long time for this event to come to pass. It’s easy to get excited.”

  “I understand but that is for after tomorrow’s battle. Now, tell me everything you know about the Pharos, the surrounding area and especially, anything you know about the spiders. The beginning of a plan is forming but I need more information.”

  “Very well…”

  Cassandra began describing the Pharos and the surrounding landscape. The more she talked, the firmer Hawkeye’s plan became in his head.

  * * * * *

  As the sun was approaching its zenith, three shadows disengaged themselves from the nearby trees and began making their way up the rocky slope toward the tower.

  Hawkeye could tell that the Pharos was built out of some sort of smooth white stone and towered over the surrounding landscape. There were three buildings at the base of the tower but these were built out of the local stones and seemed to blend into the landscape. There was a mass of webs which ran between the buildings and to the base of the tower. The massive door which would’ve barred entrance into the tower was hanging from its hinges and swaying in the wind. Once the three warriors had reached bow range, they sank down to hide behind the large rocks which littered this area and waited.

  They didn’t have to wait too long before they heard Cassandra and Pau coming from the south. Phase two of the plan had called for them to attract as much attention as possible and to lead the spider soldiers away from the nest. Hawkeye hadn’t specified how and really didn’t know what the two had come up with but he trusted the old man and the griffin to do their part.

  Phase three was the tricky part. Once the main body of the soldiers had left the nest, the three warriors each had a role to play. Midach was to set ablaze all webs covering the outbuildings. Ronin was to follow Hawkeye inside the tower but ignore all combat and rush up the stairs to the eggs. Hawkeye was supposed to engage any and all spiders found inside. He knew that there were thousands of ways this plan could go wrong but it was the best he could come up with given their limited resources.

  Phase one had been the simplest. During the night, Cassandra had carried Pau back to the outskirts of Hidden Harbor and he had purchased some additional supplies they needed; more arrows for him, a crossbow for Midach and a dozen clay jars filled with liquid fire.

  Phase two seemed to be going good. Pau was singing some sort of drinking song at the top of his lungs. Within minutes, the spiders were moving south. The good news, he only saw three of the pony sized spiders. The bad news, about two dozen spiders the size of goats followed them.

  Hawkeye stood up as soon as the spiders were out of sight. “Let’s go.”

  The three warriors charged forward and out popped three sentries. These weren’t the large pony-sized spiders, nor were they as small as the goat ones but somewhere in between.

  Hawkeye didn’t hesitate. Barely breaking stride, he fired once then twice. Both scored critical hits and the sentries were knocked backwards. He didn’t give the third one a second thought since Midach had decided to see what a grenade of liquid fire does when broken over a spider’s body. For the record, it catches aflame. But, since it didn’t kill it out right, the burning spider ran back to its nest and helped spread the flames.

  Hawkeye and Ronin made a beeline for the tower door. Bolting through, the highlander skidded to a stop. The whole room was covered in webs that ranged in height from a few inchies off the floor to head level. In the direct center of a room was a large glob of webs that could only be described as a funnel. A quick glance to his left and Hawkeye located the staircase that spiraled up on the inside of the tower.

  Ronin didn’t say a word but slipped off to the left. As he reached the stairs, he just barely grazed one of the lower webs.

  It must’ve acted as a tripwire and alerted whatever was inside the web funnel. Two hairy legs with alternating red and black stripes were the first things to emerge. Judging from their size, Hawkeye knew that this had to be the queen of this particular spider community.

  Without waiting for it to totally exit the funnel web, Hawkeye began firing arrows and backing out of the tower. He wanted to draw it away from Ronin and the eggs.

  It worked.

  Hawkeye was fifty feet outside the tower and out of the corner of his eye he saw that all the surrounding webs were ablaze. Focusing his attention on the queen spider as she was squeezing through the tower door, Hawkeye got his first good look at it.

  The queen spider stood as tall as a horse and its body was as wide as three bison side-by-side. Its body was covered in short grayish-white hairs that made it look a bit fluffy. The alternating red and black stripes were only on its legs, while the rest of the body was black. Its fangs were as long as swords and black as midnight; greenish venom could be seen leaking from their tips. However the most captivating features were its eyes. Hawkeye was shocked to realize that the queen spider actually had four eyes; two smaller ones on the very front of her head and two larger ones higher up and on the side of her head.

  He had already shot the queen with a dozen arrows and it didn’t seem to be slowing her down. Pulling out a specially crafted arrow, he unwrapped the fur padding on the small clay jar that had taken the place of its arrowhead. Knowing that his experimental arrow wouldn’t fly very far, Hawkeye figured this was the best time to use it; before the massive spider got all the way through the door. Fitting the arrow to his bow, he adjusted his aim slightly to account for the wind and the weight of the arrow.

  Releasing it, he called out. “Fire in the hole!”

  * * * * *

  The arrow flew straight and true. The queen saw no reason to dodge the incoming missile. She had been stuck numerous times by the pitful barbarian and although the arrows stung slightly, they wouldn’t be able to stop her. And as soon as she was through this small portal, she would feast on the flesh of the aggravating barbarian.

  Then, the missle struck her head and the world was awash with pain.

  Something had struck her in the face and it burned. It ate at her eyes and in that moment she knew that she was blind. Struggling to move forward, she couldn’t. She was still trapped in the small portal. Flailing her front legs, she tried to wipe off the burning liquid only to find that it spread to her le

  Suddenly, there was a sharp pain underneath and she was falling. For some reason, she had lost control of her legs. A sense of peace flowed over her consciousness and then…nothing.

  * * * * *

  When the liquid fire arrow broke on the queen’s head, Hawkeye knew they had the advantage.

  She was still caught in the doorway and just as he had hoped, she panicked. He knew that most creatures were instinctively afraid of fire and he’d gambled that the queen would be also.

  As she flailed about, Midach rushed in and struck a mighty blow on the joint between the two carapaces. As the front half fell forward and the back half twitched in the doorway, they knew they had won. Midach wasn’t one to leave anything to chance, took out his last two liquid fire grenades and smashed them over the twitching corpses.

  He wrinkled his nose. “Gods above! That stinks!”

  Hawkeye laughed but studied the surrounding area with an expert eye. All of the webs were burnt or burning and no living spiders were in sight. It was a good feeling.

  “Come my friend. Let’s see if Pau and Cassie need our help.”

  Midach joined his friend and they started to head south but stopped when they reached the edge of the compound. Master Pau and Cassandra were walking up the slope seemingly no worse for the wear. Ronin had come back down now that it was safe. He was only supposed to remove the eggs if the situation seemed dire.

  Cassandra launched herself to check on her clutch while the four companions set about clearing out the outbuildings. Once the webs finished burning themselves out, they made the gruesome discovery of the remains of the monks. There were only bones and clothing left but Ronin recognized one of the medallions, it was the grandmaster. They spent the rest of the day burying the monks. It was hard work but satisfying since it was the right thing to do and everyone knew it.

  Hawkeye had just lain down for the night when Cassandra walked up. He was bone-weary tired but it would be rude to brush off a visit from her.

  Forcing himself to sit up, he smiled. “Greetings Cassie, what can I do for you this fine evening?”

  “That is not the right question. The true question is what I can do for you? You and Midach risked yourselves to save my eggs. You had nothing to gain and everything to lose. How can I ever repay you?”

  Hawkeye yawned. “I’m sorry. I ask nothing and I expect nothing. I only did what I felt was the right thing to do.”

  “Either way, you have my gratitude. Speak and if it is in my power, I will grant it.”

  Hawkeye shook his head. “I want nothing more than a good night’s sleep before I begin my journey home to my wife. I am pleased that everything worked out for you.”

  He tried to forestall another yawn but was unable. “I’m sorry Cassie; I need to get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day. We can talk again before I depart.”

  Cassandra backed up a few steps. “Yes. Sleep. Rest. Tomorrow will be a big day for you.”

  Hawkeye thought he heard a strange tone in her voice but the sweet embrace of sleep called his name and he could not resist. One part of his brain registered Cassandra and Pau talking but what they were saying was far beyond him as sleep finally claimed him.

  Chapter 24

  Even in his sleep, Hawkeye heard a strange noise. Nothing dangerous. Not the type of sound that put his battle instincts on alert but one that just seemed out of place. It was a rapid tapping sound that repeated itself intermittently. He didn’t want to wake up. He was comfortable and warm but the tapping sound was starting to annoy him, so he finally opened his eyes.

  He blinked several times to help make sense of what he was seeing. He was lying at the base of a large tree and looking up at a small bird. Its wings and the upper part of its body were mostly black. While its back, throat and belly was white. There was a white bar above and below its eyes and white spots covering his wings. Hawkeye recognized it as a Hairy Woodpecker and realized that it was a male due to the red patch on the back of its head. As far as he knew, this particular woodpecker was only native to the Highlands.

  Then it hit him. He was lying under a huge spruce tree.

  Bolting upright, he looked around and saw that Midach was a few feet away from him also sound asleep. Master Pau, Ronin and Cassandra were nowhere to be seen.

  Hawkeye took a good look at the spruce and guessed that the trunk had to be three to five feet around, while its limbs stretched out thirty or forty feet. Heavy snow could be seen completely surrounding the tree. They were in a naturally formed shelter caused by the thick foliage of the spruce tree.

  Not knowing how they got there, Hawkeye knew that they were back in the Highlands. They had to be. He nudged his friend. “Midach, wake up. Time to go home.”

  The stubborn dwarf rolled over and mumbled, “Just a few more minutes.”

  Poking him again, he added. “We’re already in the Highlands.”

  Midach rolled onto his back and blinked his eyes. Hawkeye guessed his brain was going through the same process he had when he first woke up. When Midach finally sat up and looked around, he had a blank look on his face.


  Hawkeye shrugged. “No idea.”

  “Bah. Magic. That’s what it had to be.”

  “True, but whose…Cassandra’s or Pau’s?”

  Midach stretched. “Does it really matter? If we are in the Highlands we’re almost home.”

  “That is very true, let’s dig our way out and find out where we are.”

  Putting actions to words, the two friends were soon standing on the crest of a hill looking out over the snow covered landscape of the Highlands. A day’s travel to the west was the imposing mountains of Darkmoor. But closer at hand and due north was the smoke of Sikya’s cooking fires. The friends were home or nearly so.

  Midach turned to his friend with a huge grin plastered on his face. “Shall we?”

  “Aye. Let’s go.”

  The snows were deep, extremely deep. Hawkeye had to lead the way and plow a path for his shorter friend to travel in. Even though the village of Sikya was probably only six miles away from where they started, it took nearly all day to traverse the valley.

  It was an hour before sunset when they heard the challenge of the sentry. “Halt. Who goes there?”

  Neither of the companions could see the sentry but then, they were tired and cold and didn’t really care at that moment. “I am Kamots Hawkeye, the Wolflord, and this is Midach Bonecrusher.”

  “Hawkeye! Is it really you?”

  “I recognize the voice but it has been a long time and many miles, show yourself so I can put a face and name to your voice.”

  Seconds later, a large horned owl landed a few feet in front of him. Calling on Luna’s gift, the sentry let the transformation from owl to highlander come over him. Dressed in traditional leathers and fur lined moccasins, Hawkeye immediately recognized the young shaman.

  “Sun Dancer? Is that you?”

  Grasping the warlord on both shoulders, Sun Dancer nodded. “Aye, it is. It is good to see you. We feared that you were lost.”

  Hawkeye shook his head. “Not from lack of trying by the Dark Alliance. It has been a long journey. How’s my wife?”

  “She will be pleased to see you, as will many others.”

  Midach cleared his throat. “This is all well and good but it’s cold, I’m tired, hungry and very thirsty if ye get my meaning.”

  Remembering his manners, Sun Dancer nodded and waved them forward. “Forgive me master dwarf, you are right. Let’s get you both to Sikya.”

  They fell in behind the young shaman and within minutes, they were on the cleared paths which wound through the forests and to the village. It was sundown by the time they reached Sikya and the whole village had gathered at the main gate to greet the companions. It was a joyous occasion. As they stepped through the gates, everyone gathered cheered. Midach was honored as a local hero. All praised his courage and skill at finding their warlord and bringing him home.

sp; Before Hawkeye was ten steps into the village, Tatianna rushed out and wrapped her arms around her husband. For a moment neither spoke, they were too engrossed in their embrace. A moment later, they separated enough to talk.

  “Hello my beloved. I have returned.”

  “Aurora be praised.” Tatianna said with a smile. “I was afraid that I would never see you again.”

  Suddenly, she winced in pain and almost fell. Reaching out quickly, Hawkeye grabbed her. Although he didn’t say a word, his grey eyes spoke of his concern.

  Tatianna waved a dismissive hand and flashed him a crooked grin. “Don’t worry my husband, it is only our son. He has a tremendous kick.”

  “Of course he does, he’s my son!”

  They both laughed at Hawkeye’s arrogant remark. Wrapping one arm around his wife, he turned to face his uncle as the old shaman joined them. Maybe it was his imagination but Anasazi looked older; the lines in his face seemed deeper, his hair whiter and the sparkle in his eyes not as bright.

  “Hello Uncle.”

  “Nephew. It took you long enough to get here.”

  “Blackfang did his best to trap me underground. I have also found out why the gnomes have joined the Dark Alliance. Their ancient homeland was destroyed and we have been blamed. The gnomes have declared a holy war against us. Additionally, Blackfang has been recruiting heavily in the underground.”

  Anasazi slapped his nephew on the shoulder. “Relax. All things come to those who wait. Answers will come in time. We can discuss those matters and a great deal more tomorrow. Spend time with your wife, enjoy the feast and relax. Be at peace for one night. Tomorrow will still come and in the light of a new day we will find the answers together.”

  Turning away, the old shaman walked back into the village.

  The lovers watched him go. They just held each other in silence for several minutes before Tatianna finally spoke. “Your uncle is wise. Tomorrow will be here soon enough and with the rising sun comes the worries. Tonight, I want the wild and carefree warrior I met and fell in love with.”


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