In the Red Zone
Page 7
“Damn, Kiana,” Frank said with shuddering breaths. “You have the most luscious ass I’ve ever held.”
He gave her behind one more squeeze as though to prove his point, and she laughed. Frank Kelly would never be the serious sort of guy she needed to settle down with, but he was definitely amusing enough to keep around. She gave him one final peck on the lips before prying his hands off her skin-tight jeans. “I have a meeting at eight in the morning.”
“And I have a few favors to call in.” He moved to her car. “Give me a few days to pull everything together.”
Finding her keys, she opened her door and started the engine. “I’m grateful for anything you can do to help the foundation.”
“I’m not just doing it for the foundation.” His eyes never left her face as he closed her door and stepped back. Even in silence, he drove his point home. He wanted her.
Her pulse quickened, and she drove away before she lost all common sense and invited him back to her place for what would most certainly be a night of orgasmic sex. But would the pleasure be worth the pain that would follow?
No, it was better to be safe. He was trying to stay on her good side, and she needed to stay on his, especially if he followed through on his offer. Launching headfirst into a purely physical relationship with him would leave her breathless, but in the end, they’d have to go their separate ways. Romeo would add another notch on his headboard while she’d go back to being the responsible adult she had to be for both Savannah and the foundation.
It just wasn’t worth the risk.
But that still didn’t keep her from lying awake in her cold, lonely bed and replaying how good it had felt to be in his arms.
Chapter Seven
Kiana watched Savannah on the nanny cam as her daughter teetered across the floor and climbed onto her unicorn rocking horse. Madison, her nanny, cheered as the twenty-month-old moved back and forth without assistance.
At her desk, Kiana clapped and cheered, wishing she could be there to witness it in person instead of on a computer screen. Her daughter never ceased to amaze her. Every day brought something new. And she hoped Savannah would one day grow up to be a confident young woman who knew the value of her own self-worth.
But in order to teach her that, I need to demonstrate it for her.
Which meant back to work. If she could turn this foundation into a success, she’d be one step closer to becoming the role model she wanted to be for her daughter.
She clicked off the nanny cam and opened a spreadsheet. The first page contained the costs of the gala, all in the red. But the second sheet made her smile. It showed that the number of tickets sold had more than tripled since they’d placed the ad with Frank’s picture last Sunday. Not bad for two weeks’ worth of work, especially considering the large spike that had occurred since she’d gone to the game with him ten days ago.
Of course, she hadn’t heard a peep from him since then, either. He’d said he needed a few days to round up some items for the auction, but his silence raised all kinds of doubts. Like, had she scared him away by mentioning her history with Malcolm? Or had her reaction to him touching the back of her neck made him question getting involved with a basket case like her?
She lowered her head to her desk and heaved a heavy sigh. As much as she wanted to keep things professional, he’d managed to get under her skin. That last kiss just sealed the deal. And ten lonely nights had done nothing to ease the ache of desire that flared every time she replayed it.
Focus, girl. You have more important things to worry about than him.
She lifted her head and smoothed her hair back just a split second before she heard the low rumble of a man’s voice outside her office. She glanced at her screen to make sure the nanny cam window was closed.
Sherita’s high-pitched laughter filled the office when Frank opened the door. He wore his usual flirtatious grin and laughed back. “Just think about it,” he said before turning his attention to Kiana. “Good morning, lovely lady.”
“Do you ever lay off the charm?” she asked, rising from her chair.
“Nope. It’s encoded in my DNA.” He winked and held out a file folder. “I just wanted to stop by and show you my progress.”
She took the folder and opened it. The first page was a spreadsheet listing the items donated by Frank’s team members. The second page listed items from the Hawks, including a signed jersey from Doug Boutry. The rest of the pages were pictures of the items.
Her throat choked up as she went through them. “Frank, this is amazing!”
“It’s just the start.” He sat down at the desk and took over her mouse. “I’ve talked with a local tech company here, and they’ve set up an online auction site for you to use since we’ll probably run out of space in the ballroom at the rate we’re going.”
A few clicks later, she was staring at a professional website listing some of the items in the folder. “Frank, it’s too much.”
“No, it’s not.” His expression grew serious. “When I sign up to do something, I never give less than a hundred and ten percent. And I’m just getting warmed up.”
“But why?”
“I thought the answer was obvious.” His voice softened, and his gaze fell to her lips.
Before she knew what was happening, she had moved between him and the desk. What started out as a simple kiss of appreciation quickly morphed into the same wild and unrestrained passion from the other night. She threaded her fingers through his short hair and teased the opening of his mouth with her tongue. She wasted no time once he granted her access to it, tasting the hint of peppermint toothpaste that lingered inside. She breathed in his clean scent and fell further into the blissful insanity of desire.
Frank stood and cupped her ass in his hands before lifting her up on the desk. Then he pushed her dress up until it was bunched around her hips. With gentle hands, he guided her legs around his waist while he ground against her, each movement of his hips replicating what she wanted him to do to her in the bedroom. He paused long enough to murmur her name in a sexy growl that only made her want him even more before kissing her senseless once again.
She locked her ankles around him and pressed him as tightly against her as she could. With their previous kisses, she’d held back, ever fearful someone would catch her losing control like this. But behind the closed door of her office, she didn’t fear getting caught by anyone other than Sherita, and she already knew her best friend would only cheer her on if she walked in on them.
Frank squeezed her ass. “Damn it, Kiana. I don’t know how much longer I can keep being a gentleman when you kiss me like that.”
“Then what would you do?” she asked.
His pupils expanded, and the heat in his voice sent delicious shivers down her spine. “You know exactly what I’d do. I’d strip you naked. Then I’d taste every inch of your skin.” He paused to draw her earlobe into his mouth and flick his tongue over it, earning another shiver from her. “Then, once I had you hot and wet and ready for me, I’d make you come so hard, you’d be left sated and exhausted until morning.”
“And then what?”
His low chuckle made her insides quiver in anticipation. “And then I’d do it all over again.”
Now she understood why his teammates called him Romeo, because she was more than ready to surrender to him and let him carry out his promises right there on her desk.
Thankfully, the pause allowed her to hear another voice.
Her brother’s.
A chill of fear washed over her, and she pushed Frank away. A glance at the clock said it was eleven thirty. “Shit! I forgot that Tre and Denise were coming over for lunch.”
She jumped off the desk and pulled her dress down. Her cheeks burned, and a quick glance in the mirror revealed a guilty flush and undeniably swollen lips. All they’d have to do was take one look at her to know exactly what she and Frank had been doing moments before. And she wasn’t ready to announce that she and Frank were an item, especiall
y when she wasn’t sure where their so-called relationship stood.
At least Sherita seemed to be stalling them, judging by the conversation on the other side of the door.
For his part, Frank didn’t seem too mussed up from their makeout session. His shirt had managed to stay neatly tucked in, and his closely cropped hair showed no signs of the disorder her fingers had caused when she’d run them through it moments before. He stepped back with a wince and covered the bulge in his jeans with the file folder, his chest still rising and falling faster than normal.
But thankfully, by the time Tre and Denise entered her office, she and Frank had managed to get themselves in order.
Her brother stopped short when he saw his teammate, his eyes narrowing. “What are you doing here?”
“Just showing Kiana something I’ve been working on.” He squared his shoulders and stared at Tre like he had every right to be there. “I was demonstrating a few things I’d like to try. That is, if she was open to the idea.”
A new wave of heat rose into her cheeks, and she stared at the top of her desk. If he followed through on what he promised, she was more than open to the idea. Unfortunately, a night of pleasure in his bed had nothing to do with the foundation she needed to run during the day.
The staring match intensified, only now she was bearing some of the anger from Tre’s glare. Time to diffuse it before the boys got into a fistfight.
After she introduced Frank to Denise, she beckoned her brother and stepmother over to her computer. “Come see what Frank set up for the foundation.”
Denise came over first and smiled when she saw the auction website. She clicked through some of the listings, her smile widening. “Look at all the items!”
That was all Tre needed to end his silent standoff. He joined his mother at the computer screen. “Where did you get all this?”
“I just asked around,” Frank replied with a shrug. “I have a few more things in works, though.”
His gaze fell on Kiana in an unspoken dare that asked if she was up to accepting his offer.
She turned away before he saw how tempted she was. Her heart hammered in her chest, but she managed to keep her voice level as she said, “The online auction might be a good idea. It will raise awareness for the foundation beyond the local level and help us raise more funds.”
“I couldn’t agree more.” Denise placed her hand on Frank’s arm and smiled up at him. “We can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done.”
Frank turned his charming grin on her. “I’m just getting started, Mrs. Dyer. Your husband was an inspiration to me, and this is my chance to pay it forward.”
“And what else are you planning on doing?” Tre asked in a way that clearly said keep your hands off my sister.
“Depends on when Kiana tells me to stop.”
Her pulse went into overdrive. Oh, dear Lord, would these boys just grow up? “So far, I’m liking everything Frank’s done.”
And that includes what was happening a few minutes ago.
Frank caught the underlying meaning of her answer and bounced on his heels. “Good to know, because as I mentioned, I have a few more things up my sleeve.”
“Such as?” Tre asked, his frown deepening.
“My brother is asking some of his hockey buddies for items, for example. After all, hockey gear can be pricey, but the kids still need good brain buckets if they want to play.”
The boy was so good at playing the innocent act, Kiana wondered how many times he’d gotten away with it. At least it kept her from getting a tongue lashing from her brother, although she’d probably hear about it later once Frank left.
Denise, however, remained the peacekeeper. “And the foundation would gladly fund any youth hockey programs in need.”
“I’ll pass that on to Ben so he can drum up some more support.”
Tre’s expression darkened into something akin to jealousy. “Well, that’s nice and all, but we have lunch reservations.”
It was his way of ending the conversation before Frank got any more praise, but Kiana was grateful they had a reason to leave. Any more time in Frank’s presence, and she might forget herself.
“Would you like to join us?” Denise asked.
Frank took one look at Tre before shaking his head. “Thank you, Mrs. Dyer, but I have a plane to catch.”
That got her attention. Kiana lifted her gaze to him, trying to decipher what the next step in his plan was. “Where are you going?”
“Orlando,” he replied as though he were just taking a jaunt to another part of the city. “The Braves are down there for spring training, after all.”
Her jaw dropped, which was the only reason why she didn’t say anything when he kissed her cheek and made his way to the door.
“I’ll be in touch,” Frank said with a wave before leaving the office.
“Such a nice young man,” Denise said.
“He’s anything but that.” Tre’s hands tightened into fists. “What exactly are you up to?”
“What do you mean?” If Frank could play innocent, so could she.
“You know exactly what I mean.” He grabbed her keyboard and entered in a web address.
A picture of her and Frank kissing at the Hawks game appeared on the screen.
Kiana’s foot twitched, and her tongue tumbled over an appropriate answer. “It was for the Kiss Cam.”
“Uh-huh.” The tone in his voice said he didn’t believe her. “I’ve already warned you once, but I’m going to warn you again. Stay away from Frank. He’s nothing but a player.”
Kiana closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “I know, I know.”
“Then why are you falling for his line of bullshit?”
“Watch your language,” Denise snapped. “And last I checked, Kiana was a grown woman who is capable of making her own choices.”
“Yeah, and look at her track record. She’s just like her white trash mama.”
“Don’t talk to your sister that way. I raised you better than that.” Denise glared at Tre, who responded by lowering his eyes.
But the damage had been done. Tre’s accusation hit her like a blow to the chest. The line of men that streamed through her mother’s bedroom. The loud arguments that sometimes ended with slaps and punches and broken furniture. And then the night where the sound of a single gunshot ended it all. “Please, Tre, you don’t have to remind me.”
“Good, because I want to bring up one more thing. You’ve got to think of that little girl of yours. How do you think Frank’s going to react when you tell him about Savannah?”
She bit her bottom lip and looked away.
“I thought so.” Tre crossed his arms over his puffed-out chest. “You know as well as I do he’s not someone you want around her, so you’d better keep that in mind the next time Romeo tests out his moves on you.”
She wilted inside. Tre was right. Frank might be one hell of a kisser, but he’d probably take off running the moment he learned she had a kid. That is, if she ever trusted him enough to tell him about Savannah. She’d gone to great lengths to protect her daughter from her ex, and that included limiting the number of people who knew where she was or even of her existence. She refused to drag Savannah into the hell that had been her own childhood with the revolving door of her mother’s “boyfriends.” She had to be better than her mother.
“Point made,” she muttered.
“Good. Now let’s go before they give away our table.” Tre led the way out of the office, but Denise trailed alongside her.
A sympathetic smile lingered on the older woman’s lips. “Don’t listen to him, Kiana. Listen to your heart and your gut. Between the two of them, they’ll never steer you wrong.”
The problem was, her heart and her gut were at odds. Her gut warned her to keep Frank Kelly at arm’s length, but her heart wondered if there was more to him than the player he pretended to be.
Chapter Eight
Frank breathed in the balmy central Florida air that was
scented with orange blossoms. The sun had set hours ago, but the heat of the day still lingered to the point where sweat prickled his skin as he sat on his balcony with his phone in his hand. Just like before, his stomach was a tangle of nerves as he worked up the courage to call Kiana.
But this time, it was for a different reason.
Before, he wasn’t sure if the attraction was mutual, but the heat of their kiss this afternoon left no question about that. She wanted him as much as he wanted her. It was her behavior around her family that bothered him more now. How she could go from hot to cold so quickly. How she refused to make eye contact with him. How Tre’s accusatory glare was as equally directed toward her as it was him.
And his gut told him it was better to get to the bottom of it now than be blindsided down the road.
He dialed her number and waited for her to pick up. Just when he thought he was going to end up in voice mail purgatory, she picked up.
“Hello,” she said in a voice barely above a whisper.
“Hey, lovely lady.”
A sharp intake of breath answered him, followed by a long pause. “Let me move to another room.”
He heard the muffled sound of her voice, followed by the soft shutting of a door, and his fingers twitched. Where was she? And what was she doing that she needed to step away to talk to him?
“Sorry about that, Frank,” she said, still speaking in the same hushed tone. “Why are you calling so late?”
“It’s not even nine.” He forced himself to sound casual, even though his sweat production had doubled in less than a minute. “What are you doing?”
“I’m at home.”
He was tempted to ask if she was alone, but he already knew the answer. Why else would she cover the phone and speak to someone else before stepping into another room? He rubbed his hand on his shirt and scratched the back of his head. “It’s really nice down here in Orlando.”
“Did you call just to gloat?”
She responded with that low, sexy laugh of hers, and some of the tension fled his shoulders. “Is that all?”