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The Cowboys and the English Teacher [Hot Off The Ranch] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 6

by Luxie Ryder

  ‘No. I don’t want to keep you from your father any longer. I’m fine.’ She turned to Jack. ‘Please don’t stop the truck. Let’s just get this over with.’

  Jack gave her a long, searching look and then nodded to Wyler. ‘She’ll be okay. Stop worrying.’

  Wyler let him get away with the attempt at nonchalance for Betsy’s sake. Truthfully, they were both worried about their father’s reaction. Of course, they wouldn’t tell him outright why the curvaceous English teacher had moved into their little house. They would explain that she was a friend who wanted a chance to experience Texas and let him assume that she had a relationship with one of them.

  Once they knew how things were gonna work out between them all, they would tell him and ask for his blessing. But that could wait until he knew her better and loved her the way that they did.

  As the truck stopped outside the house, Wyler’s attention shifted from the nervous beauty beside him to the thin, regal looking man stepping off the porch. Silas Farmer looked good for his seventy plus years, but nobody could tell that his health wasn’t so great. Wyler blinked away the tears the sight of his father always brought. Everybody should have a man like Silas to look up to.

  He and Jack raced from the truck and over to the older man, remembering just in time not to hug him too hard. He returned their embraces with a slight squeeze of his own. The most he could manage thanks to the muscle wasting disease ravaging his body.

  Silas’ pale blue eyes misted over as he looked up into their faces. Wyler could have sworn he’d shrunk a little. Since when did they tower over him so much?

  ‘It’s great to see you, old man.’ Jack’s voice betrayed the emotion simmering between them all. ‘How are things?’

  ‘Better now my boys are home.’ A smile lit his face as he reached to slap Jack on the shoulder. His attention drifted past his son to the truck and the person sitting inside. ‘You brought company?’

  ‘She’s a friend of ours, Dad. Come to stay for a while, if that’s okay?’ Wyler thought it best he did the talking. Jack could easily let something slip.

  ‘Well damn it, boys. Why did you leave the poor thing sitting in the truck? Let’s see her.’

  ‘Tell you what, you and Jack go get the coffee on and I’ll bring her in to meet you.’

  Two minutes later, Wyler led Betsy into the kitchen. Silas and Jack sat at the table, and the older man began pouring the coffee as he saw them approach.

  Wyler cleared his throat. ‘Dad, this is Betsy Perkins.’

  ‘Hi there, little lady.’ Betsy giggled at Silas’ greeting. Wyler doubted he could love his father more. He had a way of putting people at their ease straight away.

  ‘I’m very pleased to meet you, Mr. Farmer.’

  Wyler knew what his reaction would be. Silas looked behind him, as if searching for someone. ‘Is my father here?’ Betsy got the joke and laughed again. ‘Call me Silas.’

  ‘Okay then. Silas it is.’

  ‘That’s a cute accent you got there.’ He gestured that she should sit next to him. Her gaze flitted to Wyler and Jack, and she looked as if her nerves had grabbed at her again, but she did as he asked. He handed her the coffee. ‘Now what is it you do, Miss Perkins?’

  ‘Betsy,’ she corrected, smiling.

  ‘Betsy it is.’

  Wyler caught Jack’s eye. Things were going better than they could have hoped. The two seemed to genuinely like each other. Jack smiled and gave a slight nod. Wyler let out the breath he’d been holding and began to relax.

  Later, when they’d dropped Betsy off at the house along with the luggage, Jack and Wyler went over to say goodnight to their father.

  They found him in the den, watching the last innings of a ball game. He turned to look at them as they entered. ‘Come in, boys. I want to talk to you.’ He pointed the remote at the TV and turned it off.

  Wyler cast a nervous look at Jack. ‘What’s up, Dad?’

  He didn’t speak until they’d both taken a seat facing him. Silas rubbed at his chin as if still forming his thoughts, then shook his head. ‘Hell. I was gonna ask you outright what the story is with that lovely young woman, but I guess I don’t want to know the details.’

  ‘She’s a friend,’ Jack said. Wyler rolled his eyes at how lame his explanation sounded. Even if Silas wasn’t the wily old man they knew him to be, he’d have seen through Jack straight away.

  Silas’ face told Wyler it didn’t matter what either of them said. He’d made up his mind. Still, he smiled at Jack kindly. ‘Like I said, I don’t need the details. I just want to be sure you boys know what you are doing.’

  ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

  ‘Stop it, Jack.’ Wyler wished his brother would just shut up. He understood that he’d only done what they’d agreed, but why bother to keep up the charade when their father had seen through it in seconds.

  ‘Well, seeing as you asked, what I mean is, you two are both in love with her. I could tell the minute she walked in the room. I know my sons.’

  Silas let his words hang in the air, his eyes going from one to the other. Wyler ducked his head, unwilling to lie to his father, his mind racing over what they would have to do if he put his foot down and refused to let her stay. Sure, the house belonged to them, but they would never disrespect their father in such a way. Fine. They’d just have to find somewhere else to live.

  ‘You can take that look off your face, Wyler. I can’t say I understand what’s going on, but I trust you both. If you can reassure me that you’ve thought about this, I mean really thought about it, then I guess I’m happy if you are.’

  ‘We are happy.’ The conviction in Jack’s statement was evident from his tone.

  ‘And she’s not gonna come between you if things don’t work out?’

  ‘She would never do that, Dad. We’ve agreed—’

  Silas raised his hand, stopping Wyler from replying further. ‘Like I said, I don’t want details. That Betsy seems like a fine young woman who has her head screwed on straight. I just hope she knows what she’s let herself in for.’

  He got up gingerly, ending the conversation. ‘Okay, I’m off to bed. You boys had best get back. It’s not polite to leave your guest alone in a strange house on her first night.’

  They got up to hug him before he left. Wyler kept hold of him for a moment longer than necessary. ‘Thanks,’ he said quietly. Silas patted him on the shoulder and walked from the room.

  They didn’t waste any time leaving the house and racing over to the woman waiting for them. They found her sound asleep in the bath tub.

  ‘Should we wake her?’ Jack whispered, putting the lid down on the toilet to sit on it.

  ‘No, let her rest.’ Wyler squatted down in the tiny space beside the tub to stare at her. ‘She’s had a long day.’

  He didn’t realize he’d fallen asleep too until a gentle hand smoothed the hair from his brow. Betsy had her chin propped on the edge of the tub, gazing into his face. ‘Missed me, huh?’

  Jack woke at the sound of her voice, the sleepiness in his eyes chased away by lust when he caught sight of her glistening wet skin poking through the bubbles. Wyler stood and reached for a large fluffy towel, placing it on the edge of the tub before pulling Jack to his feet and propelling him toward the door. ‘We’ll give you a moment to yourself okay?’

  ‘Hey,’ she called, bringing them back into the room at the sound of her voice. Betsy stood in the tub, bubbles clinging to every one of her curves. She raised her arms, inviting them to lift her out.

  Jack moved first but made the mistake of grabbing the towel, giving Wyler the opportunity to grab her slippery body and press it tightly against him, ignoring the water seeping through his clothes.

  ‘You’re such a cheat.’ Jack nudged Wyler in the back as he followed him from the room.

  ‘You snooze, you lose,’ Wyler taunted.

  ‘Now, now, boys,’ Betsy admonished them both, reaching a hand out to Jack and pulling him in for a kiss as
she rested in Wyler’s arms. ‘Didn’t you ever learn to share?’


  Betsy felt almost weightless as the guys lifted her out of the bath and set her gently down on the thick mat. Wyler handed Jack a towel, which he used to pat her body gently dry as Wyler squeezed the last of the water out of her hair.

  Jack paid special attention to her toes, kissing each one after he’d dried it. Wyler rushed to make sure he got his favorite job, smoothing the body lotion she always used into her skin. His hands slid easily over her shoulders, massaging more than moisturizing anything. But she didn’t mind. They had insisted that tonight would be her night, and they intended to wait on her hand and foot to celebrate their first anniversary.

  Legally, it was her and Wyler’s anniversary. After all, she could only really marry one of them. When her visa had run out after three wonderful months in Texas and the prospect of a permanent separation loomed, Wyler had been the first to offer his hand. But Jack and she had taken their vows too, later that same day, with a lay preacher. If the depth of their emotions counted for anything, she couldn’t be more married to either of them.

  Betsy had been theirs for the last year, and the magic hadn’t died yet. The anniversary was a perfect example of the bond they shared, and Jack and Wyler obviously had no intention of letting a genuine opportunity to pamper her pass them by. Their bath time ritual had become an occasional habit, a way of reconnecting after a long, stressful day.

  She had a surprise for them, too, and she smiled secretly as she anticipated their reaction. But that would come later. For now, she had trouble breathing as their hands worked over her, never mind anything else.

  Jack decided to help Wyler with his task and decided his job would be rubbing the creamy lotion into her calves and thighs. Their joint efforts to seduce her began to make standing difficult and as Jack’s slippery hands skimmed her pussy, her knees gave way. She sagged against Wyler’s hard chest and opened her mouth on a groan as his biceps slid under her armpits to support her weight.

  They’d stripped off their own clothes—only to keep them dry, they’d claimed—as they bathed her, so the soft touch of Wyler’s cock against the cheeks of her ass wasn’t unexpected. Jack did surprise her, though, by lifting one of her legs at a time from the floor and hooking it over his shoulders.

  Betsy lay suspended between her lovers as Jack took his time lowering his mouth to her aching flesh. His breath touched her first, and she squirmed against the sensation, feeling no shame as her muscles squeezed the moisture from her pussy.

  ‘I love it when you get wet like this,’ Jack groaned against her skin, seeming unable to wait another minute to sink his tongue into her vagina. She bucked in their arms when his lips closed over her clit and he replaced his tongue with a thick finger. Jack played her body well, knowing after all this time what would make her come the quickest. Two fingers plunged in and out of her as his mouth sucked a little harder. His eyes found hers and the last thing she saw before she closed them when her orgasm erupted was a gleam of triumph. If Jack loved one thing more than any other, it had to be making her come all over his face.

  Betsy twisted and churned between them, making it hard to hold onto her, but they did. Wyler’s arms shook with the effort of keeping a firm grip of her until the last spasms subsided. Jack put her feet back on the floor and then picked her up to carry her into the bedroom.

  Usually, she let them take the lead, allowing one of them to fuck her while she sucked the other, or sometimes just laying there while they took turns making her come in a variety of ways. But tonight would be different. As soon as they placed her on the bed, she stood and pushed Wyler onto his back. The laugh of surprise died in his throat as she crawled over his legs and up his body. A small sigh of disappointment escaped from his lips as her mouth ignored his eager cock, but it didn’t make her feel bad. She knew he and his brother would love what she had planned for them.

  Betsy straddled his dick and sank onto it without pause. Wyler jerked beneath her, his face contorting as she felt him shudder. She slid up and down on him a couple more times, making sure he had reached the point of no return before she put her plan into action.

  ‘Jack, come behind me.’ She turned to the man whose eyes took in her every movement as he watched her fuck his twin. He did as she asked, kneeling between Wyler’s legs to slot his body against hers. His hand reached around and his fingers found her clit. He began to play with her until she stopped him.

  ‘I don’t want that. Not tonight.’

  His frustrated sigh ruffled her hair. He leaned closer to her ear. ‘What do you want me to do, baby?’

  She tensed a little, unsure now the moment had come that he would do as she asked. ‘I want you in my ass.’

  Wyler’s cock jerked inside her, but he didn’t utter a sound. Betsy had him where she wanted him, and they both seemed to wait with bated breath for Jack to make a move. She felt a ripple go through Jack. Still, he hesitated.

  ‘You won’t hurt me,’ she assured him. ‘I…I’ve been practicing. You remember that dildo I bought last month?’ Both men nodded. ‘Well, this is what it was for.’

  ‘I did wonder,’ Jack murmured, and she felt him smile against the side of her face. ‘I knew damn well and good that you weren’t suffering from a lack of sexual attention.’

  Unable to wait much longer for him to make up his mind, she knew instinctively that he would find it easier to do if it was something she craved. ‘Wyler, there’s a tube of lubricant under your pillow.’

  Taking the tube from him, she grabbed one of Jack’s hands and squeezed some of the slippery fluid onto it. She used her fingers to work it over his and then placed his hand on her ass.

  ‘Please,’ she whined, part acting and part genuinely begging. Betsy leaned across the ever patient Wyler, rewarding him with a kiss as she raised her ass for Jack. He didn’t hesitate and began to work the lube inside her, groaning as his fingers pushed in easily. A moment after he slipped the third one inside her, he pulled them out again quickly and she felt a new, harder sensation press against her ass.

  His fingers bit into the cheeks of her ass as he spread her wide and slid the first, thick inch inside. Her head snapped up at the sensation, and she urged him deeper by pushing against him. The motion brought her down harder on Wyler’s cock, and he groaned as loudly as she did. His arms came up to pin her torso against his and hold her still until Jack was ready. Betsy fought against his restraint and squirmed over his body, trying to force Jack to fill her up.

  Finally, she gasped as she felt his hips against her butt, and she knew he’d sunk in to the hilt. He pulled back a little before trying another gentle thrust. It sent a spasm tearing through her and Wyler, and she both felt its effects. Her breath came in short, hard pants, and she shook as they both began to move inside her and find their own individual rhythms.

  The position wasn’t that comfortable, but that didn’t matter. Her orgasm started very quickly, her body unable to fight the sensations overwhelming it. As the first waves started to roll through her, her head thrashed from side to side until her teeth locked onto Wyler’s bicep and she bit down on it hard and screamed against his skin. He gasped at the pain but then began to tremble and shout as his cock emptied into her. Jack managed one or two more thrusts before his frantic voice joined theirs, and the three of them came with and for each other.

  Jack pulled out even though she knew from experience his legs turned to jelly after he’d come, but she guessed he was still worried about her. He lifted her off of Wyler’s cock and laid her on the bed before allowing himself to collapse.

  Betsy laughed quietly as she lay there with the blood still pounding in her ears, grateful that they lived alone. As the combined sounds of their ragged panting echoed through the room, she felt sure anyone passing by could have heard them struggling to regain their collective breath.

  The minutes ticked by and despite all their plans for dinner and a movie later, she knew they’d
never make it. Her eyes had just begun to close when a deep, husky laugh from the man to her right made her turn to look at him. Jack raised his weary head too, as if trying to see what his brother found so funny. He asked him.

  ‘I hope you don’t think I’m waiting until our next anniversary for my turn,’ he told them both, referring to the special treat she had given them. ‘I mean, only if you want to, Betsy.’

  She ruffled his hair and kissed his cheek. ‘Of course I want to. I haven’t forgotten you, my darling.’

  His happy sigh told her she’d satisfied him for now. Pulling her into the crook of his arm, he stroked her hair as he always did, and placed a sleepy kiss on her head. Jack slid in against her other side and threw his leg over hers.

  The pair, so alike in some ways yet so different in others, shared the ability to fall asleep instantly. Betsy lay between them willing sleep to come, but her heart and mind were too full. She thought back over the journey they’d taken together. She knew she would barely recognize the woman she’d been a year ago if she met her now. The frightened teacher who’d been hiding away in her flat back in England could never have dreamed she would one day be living and loving in Texas.

  She would never have believed in the magic that had made the scales fall from her eyes, allowing her to see herself as she truly was not how she thought she should be. Nor would she have known how right her life would be when she became ‘their’ wife.

  Jack and Wyler hadn’t yet tired of letting her know how much they wanted her and how grateful they were for her. When they woke, she would thank them again. Not just for the love they poured over her, but for the fact that, unlike her, they’d been brave enough to fight for what they wanted.

  As Betsy lay between them, her mind wandered back to their first night together. The magic that had forced her to confront her feelings for them, the magic she had been so afraid of, was still very much a part of their relationship, but it had nothing to do with Mexican folklore and Brujeria.

  The magic they shared was theirs alone, and Betsy longed for them all to remain trapped in its spell.


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