Book Read Free


Page 27

by Wilna Adriaanse

  “Does Uncle know?”

  “Yes. I think he’ll cooperate with the devil himself at the moment if it means he’ll get her back.”

  “What is it about that girl that she makes trouble for so many people?”

  Ellie heard the sharp tone in his voice. “Do you think she causes trouble for people?”

  He ran his hand over his head and face. Ellie felt sorry for him. He looked almost bewildered. Elroy was definitely not Reggie. He had an amiable nature. She’d believe anything about Reggie. Not about Elroy.

  “I scheme she doesn’t do it on purpose, but it’s a kind of curse to be born so beautiful. Especially if you come from our kind of community. You have to fight hard to get to the top. I think she fought so hard that she didn’t always remember there are a lot of people who care about her.”

  “What’s your relationship with her?”

  “We’re cool. She and Reggie and I more or less grew up together. Reggie staked his claim early on, so I never had any dreams. We’re good friends.”

  “Elroy, I’m asking you again, if you know anything, please tell me.”

  He nodded. “I will.”

  Ellie got ready to leave. “How are the two guards who were in the crash?”

  “They’ll survive.”

  “You weren’t on duty that night?”

  “No, I had other things to do.”

  Back in the bakkie, Clive looked at her before he switched on the engine. “That was a lengthy conversation.”

  She said nothing until they had been driving for some time. “Elroy knows something, but he’s either too afraid to talk or he’s involved … and I find that hard to swallow.”

  “You should know by now you can never predict what anyone would or wouldn’t do.”

  “I know, but you develop a feeling over the years and my gut tells me Elroy wouldn’t be involved in something like this. People’s eyes reveal much more than they know. Elroy has innocent eyes.”

  “Sometimes circumstances cause people to lose their innocence and act against their better nature.”

  “We should have him followed for a day or two,” Ellie said.

  “Don’t you think this conversation will have spooked him? If he’s involved, he’s unlikely to get reckless.”

  “Let me think about it for a bit.”


  Nick walked out of Ken Visser’s office building, having been informed by his secretary that he was in a meeting. She couldn’t say when he’d be back. It had not stopped Nick from opening the door to his office, much to the annoyance of the woman with the scarlet lips. He had also paid a visit to the parking garage to make sure that Visser’s car was not in its usual spot, but his parking spot was empty.

  His cellphone rang just as he was getting into his bakkie.

  Speak of the devil … He was just about to call Gabriella to find out whether she knew where her husband was.

  “Nicky, where are you?”

  “What’s the matter?”

  “My mom phoned me this morning to say she and my dad are flying to Cape Town this afternoon. She asked me to send someone to fetch them at the airport. They were supposed to have landed at two, but they’re still not here. And they’re not answering their phones.”

  “Why didn’t they – or you – let me know they were coming? I would have fetched them.”

  “I don’t know. Maybe my dad had things to do before he wanted you to know he was here.”

  “Who did you send to the airport?”


  “Well, he’s reliable. Did you try his phone?”

  “Yes, it just rings.”

  “I’ll see if I can find out anything.”

  Nick made a U-turn and drove to the airport via the city. If the old man didn’t want him to know about their visit, it meant he was worried.

  On his way to the airport he tried each of the phones in turn. No reply from any of them. Before he could cancel the last call he heard sirens behind him. Two police cars with flashing lights sped past and he felt the hair in his neck stand on end. Automatically he accelerated.

  At the offramp to the airport he saw the cars brake before picking up speed again. A few hundred yards further, both cars made a sharp U-turn and sped back in the outgoing lane. He was just behind them when both cars braked sharply and came to a stop. The doors flew open.

  Then he saw the Range Rover, and he knew. He swallowed the nausea that was pushing up in his throat. The vehicle was in the middle of the road, where it was about to merge with the N2. The traffic was backing up and he had to hoot to get past.

  All the windows of the Range Rover were smashed. Brian lay slumped over the steering wheel. The two older Allegrettis seemed to be leaning against each other in the back seat. The interior was covered with blood, Nick saw when he arrived on the scene.

  “Get away from the vehicle!” a policeman shouted.

  Nick took out his company identification card. “These people are Vincenzo Allegretti and his wife. I am his chief of security.”

  The policeman looked at the card. “Do you have any idea what happened?”

  “I wasn’t here, but from what I can see, they seem to have been shot.”

  “Well, yes, smartass, I could have guessed that myself. Who did it and why?”

  “If I’d known, I would have told you. I’ve just arrived.” Nick took out his phone and called Clive. “We have a huge fuck-up. How soon can you be at the airport?” He explained where he was.

  “We’re not too far away. What’s going on?”

  “The older Allegrettis and their driver have been shot dead.”

  “Shit. We’re on our way.”

  “What’s going on?” Ellie asked when Clive had ended the call.

  “Old man Allegretti and his wife were shot dead on their way from the airport. Malherbe is at the scene.”

  Ellie lowered her head into her hands. She took a few deep breaths.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes. It just feels like this war has so many different faces that you can’t keep up.”

  They drove fast and saw the flashing lights from a distance. When they stopped and got out of the car, Nick and the police were in a rip-roaring argument. The police did not want Nick present at the scene, while he insisted they touch nothing until Captain Barnard arrived.

  As they approached, Ellie saw a muscle jump in Nick’s jaw. His body was fraught with tension. If anyone made a wrong move now, he would annihilate everything and everyone in sight.

  “Phone Ahmed. Tell him I want his best. This is a fuck-up. I want the bastards who did it.”

  Two more police vehicles drew up and Nick pointed at them. “See that they don’t go near the car.”

  Clive intervened while Ellie called Brigadier Ahmed. “Boys and girls,” he said, “I’m sorry, but this is strictly hands off. It’s part of another investigation. Our guys are on their way.”

  “It’s in our area.”

  “I understand, and thanks for responding so quickly but, as I’ve said, unfortunately this is another team’s crime scene. If they get here and you’ve been all over the scene, more than heads are going to roll. So play nice, please, and help me keep the spectators away from the scene. I presume you have tape in your vehicles?”

  “Who are you?”

  “Captain Clive Barnard.” Clive flashed his identification card. “It would help if you started asking whether there were any eyewitnesses.”

  The police officers stood around a while longer before they reluctantly approached the onlookers, who had begun to crowd around.

  One of the officers fetched a roll of tape from his car and they started cordoning off as large an area around the scene as they could.

  Two policemen began to talk to the public, in search of eyewitnesses. After a while they came back to report that no one had seen anything.

  Two more vehicles drew up with flashing lights. Ellie was glad to see Ahmed. They were going to have to call in favour
s in high places to control the scene.

  “How did you get here so fast?” Ahmed asked Nick when he got out of the car.

  Nick told him about Gabriella’s call.

  “Do you think she’s involved?”

  “No. She might be guilty of many other things, but she wouldn’t have had her parents killed.”

  Ahmed approached the scene and Ellie went to join Nick. “Do you think it could be Enzio?” she asked. “It could give him immediate access to money.”

  He didn’t seem to have heard her. His gaze was fixed on the scene in front of him, where Ahmed and his team were now taking control. He wanted to be there, Ellie realised. The biggest punishment was to stand here, like a casual observer. He liked being in control.

  “If it was Enzio, God help him if I find him first.”

  “You’ll have to tell Gabriella, before she hears it from someone else.”

  Again, he seemed not to have heard, but a moment later he nodded. “I just want to make sure the local guys don’t make trouble. We can’t fuck up this scene.”

  “Ahmed will see that it doesn’t happen. And Clive is here as well.”

  He looked at her. “Why do you want me gone?”

  At first she thought he was joking, but when she looked into his eyes she realised he was serious.

  “You’re endangering the investigation. Some of these people don’t know who you are. One wrong word and it’ll be a shitshow.”

  “I know what I’m doing.”

  “Not at the moment. You’re too angry. I’ll see you at home. We can talk everything through then.”

  She saw his fists open and close. It was a long time since she had seen anyone so angry. His gaze swept over the scene one more time before he turned and walked to his bakkie.

  “What’s that white car doing over there?” Ellie asked one of the policemen and motioned at a white Honda parked on the shoulder. She seemed to remember that the car had been there when they arrived. All the other cars had left. Only police vehicles remained, and those from the Forensic Unit, who had just arrived.

  The policeman shook his head. “I don’t know.”

  Ellie approached cautiously. From behind, she thought she saw someone at the wheel. She took out her firearm and let it dangle at her side. On closer inspection, she saw a grey head in the driver’s seat. There didn’t seem to be any passengers in the car.

  Ellie tapped on the window. An elderly woman looked up. Ellie motioned for her to wind down the window. The woman kept staring straight ahead. Ellie tapped again.

  “Ma’am, please wind down your window.” Ellie felt her muscles tense. As she began to raise the hand holding the firearm, the window slowly rolled down.

  “Ma’am, it’s dangerous to park here. Do you have a problem?”

  The woman shook her head, then burst into tears.

  “The car was right in front of me,” she sobbed. “The other one came from behind …” She took a deep breath. “They just started shooting.” She wiped her face with her hand, but the tears wouldn’t stop. “It was like the movies.”

  “Which car are you talking about?”

  The woman pointed at the Range Rover. “The other car came past and began to shoot. I can’t believe it.”

  Goosebumps appeared all over Ellie’s body.

  “Ma’am, is there someone we can call to come and help you?”

  There was a moment’s silence before she shook her head. “My daughter is on her way to London. I’ve just dropped her off. She was with me for two weeks.”

  “Is there no one else? No other children?”

  “No,” she sighed. She took another deep breath. “My husband is long dead and we had only the one child.”

  “Unfortunately we’ll have to ask you a few questions, but I’ll have the paramedics give you something for shock. And I’ll see that you get home.” She extended her hand through the window. “My name is Ellie.”

  “Petro Steyn.”

  “Mrs Steyn, please try to calm down. We won’t keep you long.”

  “What kind of person just starts shooting at people?”

  Ellie didn’t think she expected a reply. She phoned Clive.

  “Do you see me next to the white car?” Ellie waved.


  “I want you to come here. And call the paramedics.”

  Nick didn’t get out immediately after he’d stopped at Gabriella and Ken Visser’s home. This part of the job was one of the things he didn’t miss at all.

  He pressed the bell and Gabriella opened the door. Her eyes swept over his face and she started to scream. She collapsed, but Nick helped her up and held her against him. Sobs tore through her body and he felt his shirt grow wet. He kept stroking her hair.

  “I’m very sorry,” he whispered in her ear. “So very sorry.”

  “Where …?”

  “The N2 link-up.”

  “I want to go there.”

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” But she had already turned around. He took her arm. “Gabi, it’s not a pleasant sight.”

  “I don’t care.”

  When she got into the bakkie she started speaking in Italian. Nick understood just enough to know she was swearing. Cursing everyone who might be involved.

  “Is Ken home?”

  “No, I don’t know where he is.”

  “Shall I phone him to come?”


  Nick had scarcely stopped at the scene when Gabriella opened the door and set off at a run. The policemen had their hands full to restrain her. Nick grabbed her as she was about to punch one of them.

  “The forensic guys are looking for clues. If you go in there now, you’ll make their work more difficult. You’ll interfere with the scene.”

  “I don’t care!” she shouted.

  Nick took her by the shoulders and turned her around until she was facing him.

  “If you want us to find the people who did this, you need to listen to me. As soon as the forensic team has finished, I’ll take you to your parents.”

  “Maybe they’re still alive.”

  “They’re not alive.”

  He drew her close and she sobbed against his chest. “I’m going to kill my brother. That worthless piece of shit!”

  Ellie looked at the woman, cursing and sobbing in turn. Her insides turned cold. In her imagination she saw a roadblock and a body under a blanket. She had got there just before they took him away. She couldn’t believe that the little heap under the blanket was her father. How was it possible when he had always looked like a giant to her?

  She wondered if Gabriella would also look at her parents and wonder why they looked so small. Death, she had learnt, diminishes one.

  When Nick looked over Gabriella’s shoulder, Ellie gestured that when he had finished she wanted to see him. He nodded.

  Ellie bent down beside Petro Steyn again. She was in the back seat of the paramedics’ car. They had given her something for shock and were monitoring her blood pressure.

  When the forensic team had finished, Nick walked Gabriella over to the car. Ellie felt Gabriella’s sobs resonate inside her, growing louder.

  She wanted to turn away, but she couldn’t bring herself to move.

  After a while Nick brought Gabriella to the paramedics, instructing them to give her a sedative.

  He looked at Ellie. “You wanted to see me.”

  Ellie motioned at the older woman. “This is Mrs Steyn. She dropped her daughter off at the airport and was driving behind the Allegrettis when a vehicle came from behind and opened fire.”

  “Where did you find her?”

  “She was so shocked that she couldn’t carry on driving, so she stopped over there.”

  “I want to speak to her.” He looked at Gabriella, who was standing next to a policewoman.

  “Do you want someone to take Gabriella home?” Ellie asked.

  “No, I can’t leave her on her own. I’ll have to get a friend to stay with her.” Nick crou
ched beside the open car door. “Mrs Steyn, I’m Nick Malherbe. I worked for Mr Allegretti. I’d appreciate it if you could tell me what you saw.”

  Ellie watched as Petro Steyn took a deep breath before getting out of the car. Whatever they had given her seemed to have worked, because she didn’t look quite as bewildered as before.

  “I’d just dropped my daughter off and I was driving back to the city. I live in Newlands. There wasn’t much traffic. Just me and the car in front of me.” She pointed at the Range Rover. “We had just merged with the other lane when a big black vehicle overtook me from behind. What a rude driver, I thought. When he drew level with the Range Rover I suddenly heard explosions. The next moment the car ahead of me lurched and stopped. Right in front of me. It swerved slightly and I almost crashed into it from behind. It was only when I swerved myself that I saw that all the windows were shattered. I couldn’t see much, but I saw the driver slumped over the wheel.”

  “Do you know what kind of vehicle it was?”

  She shook her head. “It was big. Something you don’t often see on the road.”

  “You didn’t happen to see the registration number?”

  “I remember it was a Gauteng number.”

  “Could you see how many people were inside?”

  She thought for a moment, gazing at the Range Rover and the place where the shooting had taken place.

  “I think there were two. The driver and the shooter. I saw only one barrel. I couldn’t see what they looked like. The windows were tinted.”

  “Will you give us your contact details, please? In case we have more questions.”

  “I’ll see that she gets home and take down her details,” said Ellie.

  A paramedic approached to take Petro Steyn’s blood pressure again and Nick and Ellie moved out of the way.

  “Show her photos of big vehicles. Bakkies, four-by-fours, anything you think may qualify as large. It would help if we knew what kind of vehicle we’re looking for.”

  Ellie nearly asked if he thought this was her first investigation, but she could see his attention had strayed. He was looking at the Range Rover, where the three bodies were being removed. He walked across to Gabriella and put his arm around her shoulders.

  Gabriella is lucky to have him here, Ellie thought. Thinking back, she couldn’t remember if anyone had held her that night at the roadblock.


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