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Theories of International Politics and Zombies

Page 12

by Daniel W. Drezner


  North American Counter-Zombie Agreement

  North Korea

  nuclear weapons

  offense-defense balance




  paradigms. See international relations theories

  paradox. See feedback loop

  paranormal creatures. See hobbits international relations theories vampires and zombies. Mostly zombies

  People for the Ethical Treatment of Zombies



  plague. See pandemics

  Planet Terror

  policy planning. See also contingency planning

  polio. See also

  pandemics post-apocalypse

  post-humans. See zombies

  Potter, Harry

  power transition

  Presley, Elvis

  prohibition regime

  prospect theory

  public opinion


  rational choice theory

  realism in contrast to neoconservatism

  regime complex. See international

  regimes relative gains concern

  Resident Evil.See also Umbrella Corporation

  Return of the Living Dead

  revolution in military affairs

  Rising, The

  Romero, George

  Rowling, J. K.

  Rumsfeld, Donald

  Russell, Bertrand

  Russian Federation



  Shaun of the Dead

  Smith, Adam

  social sciences


  soft power

  Solnit, Rebecca

  South Africa

  South Korea

  standard operating procedures (SOP)

  stenches. See zombies

  Stern, Jessica

  Sun Tzu

  Survival of the Dead



  terrorist attacks

  Thriller, evil of


  Tragedy of the Commons

  Tragedy of the Zombies

  tuberculosis. See also pandemics

  28 Days Later

  28 Weeks Later

  Twilight series

  Twitchell, James

  UFOs. See aliens

  Ugly Americans

  Umbrella Corporation

  undead. See zombies

  United Kingdom. See Great Britain

  United Nations

  United States

  Vampires, suckiness of

  viably challenged. See zombies

  Waldmann, Paul

  Walking Dead, The

  Waltz, Kenneth apologia to

  Webb, Jen

  Wendt, Alexander

  Whedon, Joss


  World Health Organization

  World War Z

  World Zombie Organization (WZO)


  zombie canon hidden heterogeneity of biases of;

  zombie-industrial complex

  Zombie Research Society

  Zombie Rights Watch

  Zomkie Strippers


  zombies: alliances with humans capabilities of cooperation among contingency plans for definitions of elite disdain of family responses to geographic barriers to groupthink tendencies of Haitian type of infection rate, spread of international cooperation in face of intelligence of lifestyle of metaphorical use of nicknames for origins of as perfect twenty-first-century threat preferences of popular culture and popularity of possibility of scholarly literature on speed of superiority to vampires

  Zombies without Borders





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