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Craving Her Enemy's Touch

Page 9

by Rachael Thomas

  Even though she was on the other side of the room, deep in conversation with several Italian racing drivers, he was aware of her. Each time she laughed, the gentle sound rippled through the air and he had to defuse the heady pulse of passion or he’d be in danger of dragging her away and doing just what his body demanded.

  He made his welcome speech, repeating it in English for her benefit, but he couldn’t look at her because if he did he wouldn’t be able to stay here in front of everyone and remain calm. His prepared lines became jumbled and he improvised. Something he’d never had to do before.

  ‘Now, to the moment everyone is waiting for,’ he said as the doors of the hotel courtyard were folded back to reveal the shape of his car beneath a black cloth. Appreciative sounds came from those around him but, instead of giving the signal to pull off the cloth, he turned back to the audience.

  Charlie looked up at him as he stood on the presentation stage, questions in her eyes, but he continued with his original plan.

  ‘I’d like to introduce, for those who don’t know her, Charlotte Warrington, sister of the late and very much missed Sebastian Warrington, who played a big part in developing this car.’

  He turned, ignoring the need to look at her again, and gave the signal to reveal the car. Delighted sounds and applause came from everyone as the brilliant red of the car sparkled beneath the lights.

  Finally he looked towards Charlie. She was slowly making her way towards the car, the red of her dress a perfect match for its gleaming paintwork, but the expression on her face sent alarm bells ringing. The smile she’d hidden behind from the moment she’d arrived in front of the cameras was gone. In its place was an expression of sadness that stilled the applause.

  He stepped down and briskly made his way over to her, the audience parting ahead of him. He didn’t know what to say, didn’t know how to offer her support, and he cursed the fact that she’d only seen the plain grey test car until now.


  Slowly she turned to look at him. ‘It’s beautiful, Sandro.’ The fact that she’d shortened his name didn’t go unnoticed. All her barriers were down; she was exposed, vulnerable, and it was because of his carelessness.

  ‘You were meant to see it yesterday afternoon.’ She looked up at him, her eyes greener than he’d ever seen them. He didn’t need to add that their test track kiss had thrown all his plans into disarray. Her expression and hint of a blush told him she knew why.

  ‘Seb would be proud.’ Her soft voice was firm and she turned to those around her, the smile she’d been using all night firmly back in place. The shutters had rolled back.

  * * *

  Charlie looked at Alessandro, blinking back the tears that momentarily threatened. ‘Thank you.’ Her voice was almost a whisper and, despite the throng of people around them, eager to get a good look at the car, it seemed as if it was only them there.

  He moved closer, his eyes holding hers, and her heartbeat sped to an alarming rate. His height and broad shoulders made her feel small and defenceless but the intensity in his eyes cancelled that and she basked in his bold desire for her.

  ‘Seb would also be proud of you.’ His gentle words focused her attention back on the task at hand, giving her a chance to quell the almost primal need racing through her, need that only he could satisfy. ‘You outshine the car.’

  She laughed gently. ‘That’s not what I intended.’ She hadn’t. If she’d known the car was red she would have chosen a different colour dress, but red had been Seb’s favourite. ‘I should have known Seb would have wanted the car to be red.’

  He didn’t say anything and worry flitted through her. His mouth was set in a firm line and she used the offer of more champagne to dilute the tension between them. He followed her lead and took a flute, clinking it against hers as he raised it to her. ‘To Seb.’

  The tribute, spoken sternly, poured cooling water over the fire which was still raging inside her since the kiss a few hours ago outside his apartment. How did he manage to awaken her so completely yet still leave her yearning for more?

  ‘To Seb.’ She took a sip, her gaze remaining locked with his. Those flecks of bronze became more diluted as his eyes darkened again. Whatever was between them wasn’t going away; it was intensifying. Each glance, each touch and definitely each kiss increased the sizzle of attraction.

  She couldn’t deny it any longer.

  She didn’t want to deny it.

  She wanted to be with him, wanted to feel his lips on hers and keep kissing him. She craved his touch and caresses, needed to feel his body against hers. But men like Alessandro Roselli, who had looks and wealth on their side, never wanted more than a brief affair. She’d learnt that the hard way, rebounding from a broken relationship with her childhood boyfriend into the arms of an up-and-coming racing driver, only to find he was using her to further his career.

  Despite that, she still wanted to explore what was between them, but only if he didn’t want any kind of commitment from her. She didn’t want her heart exposed to pain. But would one night be enough to quench the thirst of desire?

  ‘It’s been a successful evening, grazie.’ His words dragged her attention back, his gaze a soft caress and his words so tender and warm, making her yearn to hear it as he kissed her again and again.

  ‘It’s not over yet.’ She couldn’t believe she’d said the words aloud, offering something she’d only just realised she wanted. Judging by the look of surprise on his face, neither could he. But it was what she wanted, she realised as she watched his expression change, riveted to the spot by her bluntness. She wanted to forget all reason and abandon herself to the pleasure of his kisses, his caresses.

  He raised his glass fractionally, not breaking eye contact, and her stomach twisted into knots of excitement and apprehension. ‘Then I will drink to its continued success.’ His rich voice was vibrant and warmth surged through her faster than lightning.

  Shyness took over, banishing the boldness that had made her promise something she wanted but knew she shouldn’t. She lowered her gaze and looked into her champagne as if the bubbles could give her the answers. ‘Sorry, I shouldn’t...’

  Her words of apology, withdrawing her bold statement, were cut off by a familiar voice and she whirled around to see her father. He shook Alessandro’s hand warmly and she marvelled at the ease with which they greeted one another.

  ‘My flight was late.’ Her father smiled at her, seemingly unaware of the tension between her and Alessandro. ‘But I see you have done yourself—and Seb—proud.’

  ‘I didn’t know you were coming.’ She sent up a silent prayer of thanks. Her father’s arrival had stopped her from throwing herself at Alessandro and making a fool of herself into the bargain.

  ‘I’m not staying. I will be leaving for Rome in a few hours, but I had to come and see you emerge like a butterfly back into the real world, and what a very beautiful butterfly you are.’ He looked at her, his smile gentle, and she knew he really was proud and very pleased she’d stepped back into the limelight.

  ‘So, the car—has it gone down well?’ Her father turned to Alessandro and within minutes they were immersed in conversation. One she would normally relish hearing, but she needed to put space between her and Alessandro, cool things down. Maybe now it was time to mingle with potential buyers, do what she’d come here for.

  * * *

  Alessandro watched as Charlie talked animatedly with other people about the car, about its performance, and he recalled how well she’d driven it. She was more than qualified to sing its praises but it wasn’t the drive, however fast, he was remembering. It was the kiss. Holding her in his arms and feeling her body against his.

  Just a few guests lingered now, along with the racing drivers she’d been talking to earlier. Had she given them the same hints she’d given him? The way they hung on her every
word certainly suggested as much.

  An unknown need to be territorial made him stand as close to her as possible, but just doing so infused him once more with sizzling need. ‘Thank you, gentlemen,’ he said firmly, ignoring the way she shot him a startled glance. ‘Any more questions you may have can be directed to my office.’

  The remaining guests left, animated discussion of speed and performance trailing in their wake, but Alessandro watched Charlie as she leant back against the wing of the car, her red dress so perfect a match she almost became one with the slumbering beast.

  Heat scorched through him as he remembered her earlier words and he undid his tie, letting it hang down, and pulled loose his top buttons. He’d never been so suffocated by desire before, had never experienced this continuous aching need.

  He wanted her with a ferocious need, his promise to Seb becoming lost in the mists of heady desire. He should turn and walk away. To have kissed her at the test track had been so wrong. It had unlocked a thirst that needed quenching. Did she feel the same?

  He looked at her and her eyes met his, darkening by the second. She smiled, a shy seductive smile that made his pulse leap. Instantly, he closed the distance between them, taking her in his arms and claiming her lips. She tasted better than ever; the anticipation of the last few hours had been worth the wait.

  He caressed her cheek as he deepened the kiss, her response setting fire to his senses so instantly there was only one way to put out the flames now. Her skin was so soft and as his fingers caressed her bare throat he felt the wild pump of her pulse.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, her breasts pressing against his chest, and he moved her back against the car, pressing into her as heady lust robbed him of all thought.

  ‘Sandro,’ she murmured against his lips, pushing him almost too far.

  It was all he could do to stop himself ripping the red dress from her, wanting to reveal her glorious body to his hungry gaze. Somewhere on the periphery sense prevailed.

  This couldn’t happen here and if he didn’t stop kissing her there was a very real probability that it would. He pulled back from her, seeing her thick dark lashes flutter open to reveal eyes swirling with passion. ‘My car is outside.’

  Would she remember her covert promise to him that the night was still young? Her kiss certainly suggested as much, but did she want him enough to put all their differences aside for one night?

  Shyly she looked up at him, a small sexy smile lifting her lips. Then, without further words, he took her hand and led her away from the car, through the brightly lit room where the hotel staff had started to clear up.

  Movement caught his eye and he glanced over to see a photographer at a table, packing away his camera. Alessandro scrunched his eyes in suspicion, then, as her hand touched his arm, bringing her so close again, he dismissed the idea. He had far more important things to worry about than a rogue photographer.

  He looked down into her upturned face as they stepped out into the warmth of the night, her smile reaching her eyes. ‘It has been a very successful night,’ she said as the car stopped outside the door.

  ‘One I hope will continue in the same way.’

  Demurely she looked down as he opened the car door. Once inside the car, he pulled her close against him, her head resting on his shoulder as if they’d known each other for ever. He didn’t want to kiss her now. He didn’t trust himself to be able to stop if things got heated. No, this was going to be played out in the comfort of his bedroom, where nothing and nobody could disturb them.


  CHARLIE LIFTED THE front of her dress with one hand, the other still firmly in Alessandro’s as they made their way up the marble staircase to his apartment. It was late and she should be tired. Last night she’d hardly slept and this evening she’d enjoyed the champagne just a little too much, but every sense in her body was on high alert.

  Alessandro turned the key in the door and then looked at her, a seductive gentleness in his eyes. ‘I want to kiss you again.’ His voice was hardly above a whisper and his eyes searched her face.

  He was so strikingly handsome, his tie hanging loosely and his white shirt open at the top button—exactly the romantic image that turned a girl’s head. She smiled up at him, suddenly so sure that this was what she wanted. He wasn’t the kind of man to want commitment and, for once in her life, neither did she. She wasn’t looking or thinking beyond this moment.

  ‘I shouldn’t, but I do.’ He moved closer, his height almost as overpowering as the tension that fizzed between them.

  ‘Why shouldn’t you?’ Her voice was husky and she looked up at him, unsure what he meant.

  ‘I promised Seb to look after you, not seduce you.’ The resolute growl in his voice made her heart race faster than any car she’d driven.

  ‘Seb wouldn’t be cross.’ She couldn’t keep the light teasing note from her voice. He was fighting this attraction as much as she was, which made her want him even more. She wanted his kisses, his touch and to be totally his—tonight, at least

  She wanted him more than she had wanted any other man and it scared her, but at least with Alessandro there wasn’t any danger of anything more than a brief affair. The idea of getting involved in another relationship didn’t appeal. She’d been hurt once before and that was enough. ‘I want you to kiss me again, Sandro.’

  ‘But if I do—’ he lowered his voice and his eyes softened as he looked down at her ‘—I’m not going to be able to stop. Not this time.’

  She walked away from him and into the apartment, feeling empowered by his desire for her. Slowly she turned as he shut the apartment door, its click ominous, warning her she’d passed the point of no return. But she didn’t care. She didn’t want to stop. Not now. This passion, which had ebbed and flowed between them since the moment they’d met, needed to reach its conclusion. There wasn’t any other option now.

  He might be the man she still saw as responsible for Seb’s accident, even though her father didn’t, but he was also the man who’d ignited a fire of hot need within her. From the second she’d seen him standing in her garden she’d fallen for him. This attraction was something she couldn’t turn her back on. Not yet. It was a totally new experience for her.

  ‘I don’t want you to stop, Sandro.’ The husky whisper that came from her sounded so unreal and she watched as he stepped towards her, his tie hanging loose, his shirt unbuttoned and the hint of golden skin of his chest creating an evocative image. One which seared into her mind and would, she knew, remain there for ever.

  He took her hand once more and, with a seductive look which whispered a thousand words, he drew her towards him, pulling her close. ‘Mia cara, I have wanted you since the moment I first saw you.’

  A tremor of panic slipped over her, his words too serious. Did he want more than just this moment, this night which held the promise of so much pleasure? It wasn’t what she wanted. She couldn’t give him more. She pushed her hands against his chest, the firmness of it making her breath catch, but she refused to let it sway her from what she had to say, what she had to make clear.

  ‘I don’t do for ever, Sandro.’ She’d been sure all along he just wanted a fling, a brief affair. The image of her and Alessandro, together and happy in the future, didn’t fill her mind. It was more than just risking her heart. It was about letting go of pain and grief and she wasn’t ready to do that yet. But one night meant only putting it aside and not engaging her heart. ‘It’s all I can give you.’

  ‘So serious, cara,’ he said and pressed a light kiss to her forehead. ‘Isn’t my divorce proof that I’m not able to commit to a relationship? Tonight belongs to us, cara.’

  Before he could say anything else she looked up, bringing his lips tantalisingly close to hers, the shock of discovering he was divorced dulled by the passion which sizzled inside her. It proved he d
idn’t do forever either and all she wanted now was to lose herself in the moment, forget the world existed. ‘Kiss me, Sandro.’

  In answer he kissed her so gently she thought she might actually cry. His previous kisses had been hard and demanding, but this was so tender, so loving. He held her as if she were a delicate flower he was afraid he might crush. She swayed towards him, desire making her light-headed as he continued the kiss.

  Just when she thought she couldn’t stand the torment any longer he stopped kissing her and, with blatant intent, led her through to his bedroom. As with the rest of the apartment, old blended stylishly with new and the corner of the room comprised of windows offering unrivalled views of the Duomo, lit up and sparkling like a thousand jewels against the night sky. But all that was lost on her. All she could see was him.

  ‘Un momento.’ He released her hand and closed the cream curtains before flicking on the bedside lamps, creating a room for romance. Then he walked back towards her, slipping off his jacket as he did so and tossing it carelessly onto the armchair that filled another corner of the room.

  ‘Wait,’ she said and walked towards him, smiling coyly, her gaze meeting his from beneath her lowered lashes. With unashamed enticement she reached up, flattened her hands against his chest, revelling in the strength and his ragged intake of breath. Slowly she pulled one end of his tie until it fell from his neck. Holding it up, she dangled it in front of him like a trophy, her brows raised suggestively.

  ‘Tease.’ He reached out, took hold of her waist and pulled her against him, his hold keeping her there, leaving her in no doubt he wanted her.

  Still believing she was in charge, she undid first one button of his shirt and, meeting no resistance, continued with each button until she was forced to gently pull the shirt from his trousers. As she unfastened the final buttons she slid her hands inside and over his chest. Hair covered his muscles, but couldn’t hide them from her exploring hands. The heat of his body emboldened her further.


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