Keep It Sexy (KIS Series Book 3)
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“I want to kiss you,” she whispered. My fingers dug into her skin. I was afraid I’d hurt her when she whimpered, but when I saw where she was looking, I knew it had nothing to do with my grip, but from my now tented towel. My hands slowly traveled from her hips then fanned on each side of her ass, and I squeezed.
“Then kiss me,” I murmured in a low breath.
Her small hands grabbed the sides of my neck, pulling me to her mouth. The closer we got, the tighter I squeezed. Billie’s breath was shallow, and I knew at this point she’d let me do whatever I wanted to her. I knew if I took off her shirt and sweats she’d let me. But right now all I wanted was to feel her lips against mine. Have her soft curves pressed against me, clothed. The first time our lips touched, it hardly felt like a kiss. She skimmed her mouth from one end of mine to the other, barely touching. I watched with hooded eyes every move she made. When her eyes closed, I shut mine and took over.
My fingers sunk into her skin, and she yelped when she came crashing into my erection. She gripped tighter against my neck and I felt her body become putty in my arms. I kissed her slowly, open mouthed. I wasn’t sure if I could handle the feel of her tongue against mine at the moment. But when her mouth parted, I let go of her ass and took her face in my hands, moving her slightly as I deepened the kiss and swallowed the moan she gave me. Her tongue was lax, wet and so fucking sweet. We were both breathing forcefully through our nose when Billie’s hand fell down to touch my stomach. I grunted, taking in a shallow breath, curious and afraid of what her next move would be.
She delicately moved down to the towel, but when my phone rang she stopped instantly. Ava’s custom ring tone seemed to boom in my apartment: “Christian, pick up the phone, it’s Ava.”
We thought it would be funny when we first set that up, but right now at this very moment I hated hearing her voice. Billie stepped away from me like I was suddenly made of fire and she had burnt herself. She looked down with two shaky fingers on her swollen red lips. Fuuuck, I loathed Ava right now. Billie walked to the breakfast bar where I usually left my wallet, keys, and phone and handed me the ringing monstrosity. With a tight smile, I thanked her and tightened my towel around my body once again before answering.
“Hey, baby,” I answered out of habit, and instantly winced. My attention snapped to see Billie turn her back to me. I’m an asshole.
“Hey, Chris, I’m sorry to do this to you again, but I’m feeling sick.” She sounded like shit.
“Ava, you need to go get checked out.”
“Yeah, I know. And I understand if you want to fire me after…after the last conver—”
“I’m not going to fire you, just go get seen, all right?” My tone was harsher than I’d ever spoken to her, but I was angry at her for more than just interrupting what was happening with Billie and I.
“Sure. And…thanks, Chris…for everything.”
“You’re welcome. Feel better.” I didn’t even bother waiting for her goodbye. We were going to be so short-handed today. Jade was off and I didn’t want to call her in, not after the plans she and her husband had. Billie and Claudia were already working. I needed to hire more people, soon.
“She called off again?” Billie asked, bringing me back to the present. I threw my phone on the couch and nodded.
“What’s the deal with you two?” she asked. It wasn’t accusing, she was simply curious.
“We’ve known each other since we were in our teens. We messed around until she moved and I hadn’t seen her for a year until recently.”
Billie lowered her head. “You have feelings for her?”
“I loved her.” It was an automatic reply, but I wasn’t sure if that’s how I really felt anymore or if I told myself this so many times I just started believing it. And I wasn’t going to lie to Billie like other men in her life. She didn’t trust easily so I was going to be as forthcoming as possible. Billie glanced up, looking adorably confused and relieved.
“Loved?” Reaching over, I pulled Billie back so she stood in between my legs.
“Honestly, I’m not sure if it’s love anymore.”
The left side of Billie’s mouth curved up a little. “Well, if you’re not sure then maybe it wasn’t love after all.”
I lowered my face to hers and nipped at her bottom lip. “Maybe.”
“What are we doing, Chris?” She breathed heavily while I placed my hands on her ass. I loved how my hands covered her.
“Kissing,” I said in between kisses. She whimpered against my mouth when our tongues moved against each other. She surprised me when she jumped on my lap, careful not to unwrap the towel or…hurt me. She fisted my hair and pulled.
“You know what I mean,” she replied with fire in her voice. I grunted, and when I leaned to kiss her again she pulled on my hair harder. I loved how she was the perfect combination of sass and sweet. Closing my eyes, I rested my forehead against hers as she eased up on her grip.
“I don’t know, chiquita.” I sighed. “Truth, no bullshit?” She nodded against me.
“No bullshit.”
“I like you. A lot.”
“I like you too.” She smiled.
“But,” we both said.
“But,” she continued, “If I had a quarter for every time a boyfriend cheated on me, I’d be rich. They all had dark hair, dark eyes, and tattoos, just like you.”
I picked her up while she squealed and sat us down on the couch. I frowned. I didn’t like how she was putting me into this category when she didn’t even know my past. When she tried to get off my lap, I stopped her.
“I’ve never cheated on a girlfriend.” I pinched her butt when she gave me a skeptical look. “Honest, I’ve had a few and to the few I’d been faithful. I don’t make it a habit to walk in my father’s footsteps.” Regrettably, she glanced down like she remembered something.
“Let’s just be friends, okay?” She was backtracking. Whatever I said made her remember something. I had a feeling what it was, but I wasn’t going to push it.
“Friends who kiss?” I said playfully, while lifting her chin with my finger. When her teasing stare was back, I smiled and kissed her slowly. Leisurely sucking on her bottom lip.
“You’re bad,” she said against my lips. Smiling wickedly, I gripped the back of her neck and kissed her hard.
“You haven’t seen anything yet, Sybil.”
Chapter Seventeen
Out of any night, tonight was the worst time to be distracted. We were short-handed and so busy. I seriously considered submitting a request to the Global Government—if there was such a thing—to make Christian’s body the eighth wonder of the world. The man had ridiculous muscles, like obnoxiously hard and defined…and brawny…and hard…God, I was officially obsessing over him. It wasn’t the first time I had found a man attractive. I’ve had my share of good-looking men in my bed, but with Chris, damn, I felt distracted and wound up so tightly since meeting him.
Not to mention the boy could kiss. He made sure every part of my lips was well attended and satisfied. And now, since seeing him naked, I wasn’t sure if distracted was a sufficient enough word to describe what I was feeling. The only thing that made me feel better was seeing Christian just as distracted. He’d dropped God knows how many glasses already and every time he would look over to me with a knowing smile. I was watching him wipe down yet another mess when two familiar people sat down at the bar in front of me.
“What can I get you, ladies?” I smiled too broadly. I was trying to keep this professional. Even though Jade and I were fine, I still felt a little territorial and jealous.
“Hi!” Vanessa greeted me with her bubbly personality. She and Ava were night and day. “Can I have a lemonade and an order of cheese fries, please?”
“Of course. What about you, sweetheart?” I asked Mallory.
“Coming right up.” I punched both orders into the POS system as Christian came over to us
“Hi, girls.” He gave them that smile that made women melt.
“Hi, Christian,” they said in unison like two schoolgirls.
“Billie’s a good addition to the team, right?” He leaned his elbow on the bar as he stared at me, his gaze traveling to my bare legs and back up to my face. He was looking at me like he was ready to devour my body. I tilted my head with wide eyes before wiping my hands on my apron.
“Your order will be ready in a few minutes.”
They smiled, looking between Christian and me, confused. Abruptly, there was a woman’s cry and people yelling toward the front of the bar. When Vin—our security guard—whistled, we knew there was a fight breaking out. Christian jumped over the bar as a huge angry black man barreled his way. Before he could reach Chris, Vin gripped his shoulders to stop him.
“You motherfucker!” The man shoved against Vin’s big frame in an attempt to get to Christian. He was pissed. Suddenly, a blonde rushed to him and tugged on his arm. The big angry man yanked it away, then called her a whore.
Christian appeared surprised until he got a good look at the girl. I saw the look on his face and imagined him cursing himself. A circle of patrons formed around them with cell phones in their hands. I knew Chris wouldn’t want his bar to be known for anything other than a great place to have a good time—not an establishment that was known for having a whore for an owner.
“Listen, she didn’t tell me she had a man,” he said over the crowd. “If I’d known it, I would’ve never let her suck my dick.”
Oh, Christ, Christian. Hoots and hollers soon erupted, and once again he appeared furious at himself. Yeah, maybe that wasn’t the best thing to say. Idiot. The man growled and let out a string of swear words, fighting harder to get through Vin. Christian sighed in obvious annoyance.
“Let him go, Vin,” he said. Was he crazy, stupid, or both? Vin turned his bald head slightly, scowling.
“You sure, boss?”
“Yeah, man, let ’em go.” Vin slowly stepped back, standing next to Christian. The guy was big and could possibly kick his ass.
“No disrespect, dude, but your girl wasn’t acting like she was taken. She was all over me. Pulling on my belt buckle and shit before we were even off the dance floor.” Christian clearly had a death wish. The man sneered and looked at the blonde.
“Is this true?” he asked her. She sniffled, then looked down. The big guy turned completely in her direction, dropping to his knees. He started to cry.
“What the fuck, Brandi, I thought we were going to get married. How could you do this to me again?”
Again? Damn.
“Hey, guys, how ’bout I call you guys a cab. My treat. I’ll even pay for your dinner, but not here, somewhere else. Here’s some money.” Chris opened his wallet and crumpled the money into the guy’s hand. “Vin will escort you out,” he added, patting the emotional wreck on the back. “Take care.”
Vin easily picked him up off the floor and gently gripped the girl’s arm, escorting them outside. Once they walked out, everyone returned to whatever they’d been doing before the confrontation. It was all very amusing until I realized he was still messing around with girls. I wasn’t an idiot. We weren’t in a relationship. I barely knew him and I knew he was a man-whore, but the thought never really crossed my mind, even after seeing a picture of Hannah’s tits on his phone. Now it was right in front of my face. This was Christian; he slept around, and even though he said he had never cheated on any of his girlfriends, I found that very hard to believe.
“What?” he asked, moving closer to me. He was trying to make out the emotions on my face. I shook my head to force away what I was feeling.
“Smooth, slick. Real smooth,” I said, my voice deceptively calm.
“You think so?” He frowned, propping his elbows on the slab of wood.
“What did you win by telling that poor man that you slept with his girl?”
“I didn’t sleep with her. She sucked my dick.” Jesus, Christian isn’t anything if not blunt. So, maybe he’s not lying about his past? I felt my jaw clench at the visual of her giving him head. Bile burned my stomach.
“You know what I mean.” My words came out through gritted teeth. Christian glared at me, then stood up.
“I need to see you in my office,” he said calmly. I looked around, catching the intrigued looks from Vanessa and Mallory.
“We’re crazy busy,” I said, flabbergasted. Surely, he was kidding.
“Now.” He was forceful, but gentle.
Christian left without saying another word. Quickly, I went into the kitchen and retrieved Vanessa and Mallory’s order. Placing it in front of them, I smiled tightly before practically running to Christian’s office. Bobbing and weaving past people, I was made aware how busy we were and how stupid this was of Christian to do this right now. I knocked quickly on his door before opening it. I hadn’t stepped over the threshold when he jerked me inside and slammed me against the closed door. Holy shit.
“Did that upset you, Billie?” he asked as he caged me in. “Did the thought of another woman’s mouth on my cock make you jealous?”
Fuck, yes! But I didn’t say that. I scoffed and ignored the fever building in my bones.
“I don’t do jealous.”
He grunted, un-amused. “Sure you do. I just saw it all over your face.” He lowered his face so he was breathing against my neck. “I’ll let you in on a little secret,” he whispered. “I haven’t thought or fantasized about anyone but you from the moment you walked into my bar.”
Christian nipped my earlobe and my eyes rolled to the back of my head. They fluttered closed when his warm lips moved down my neck then to my jaw line. A whimper escaped me, unleashing Christian as he growled, pressing his hands against the backs of my thighs. He lifted me up like it was nothing. My legs circled around his waist as he pulled the back of my hair and kissed me hard and deep and oh, so fucking good. His hands stayed on my thighs, but I could tell by the way they shook and moved back and forth he was antsy to get his hands and fingers elsewhere. Christian’s fingers dug into my skin. I whimpered, breaking our kiss. We were breathing fast with short uneven breaths.
“I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?” he asked, gulping for air. I kept my eyes closed, praying my breathing and heart would slow down so I could speak.
“Yeah, but in a good way.”
He hissed, bringing my lips closer to his. “I want you so bad, and you being in a skirt is making me…a little crazy. I could easily pull your panties to the side and fuck you against this door.”
I moaned, nipping his bottom lip. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.” I grinned slightly. He chuckled, lifting me off of him like I was a doll and placed me back on my feet.
“Stay with me tonight,” he said, cupping my face in his hands. “We…we don’t have to do anything, just spend the night with me. That way I won’t worry about you being alone in Jade’s house and I can have your sexy ass all to myself.” His thumb caressed my face. With the way he was looking at me, how was I going to say no? I pushed off my tiptoes and kissed him sweetly.
Christian smirked, giving me his dimples. “Love me some sweet Billie.”
Chapter Eighteen
Watching Billie’s expression after the confrontation at the bar made me feel like a complete dick, but at the same time seeing her jealous flicked on a switch inside of me I never knew existed. I felt like I belonged to someone, enough that she felt jealous because she had claimed me even though we were just friends. I thrived off that feeling. I wanted to belong to her and only her. Before she had come into my office I had had a mini panic attack. Was I ready for this? Was I ready to leave the random sex scene for this girl? And the answer hit me like a ton of bricks when she walked into my office. She was so fucking beautiful, with her milky skin and big brown eyes. I was constantly on edge around her because I never knew what she was going to say or do. I f
ucking loved it. I craved it. I craved her. I was ready to make her mine. Now, the only issue was convincing her.
We got back to the bar after our make-out session to some very pissed off customers, and I ended up giving out a lot of free drinks. I didn’t miss the quizzical looks Vanessa and Mallory were giving me. Clearly something was up between Billie and me, but they didn’t know me well enough to ask. It was one of the busiest nights we’d had in a long time. Besides the little mishap, Billie and I worked well together.
It was last call, and the crowd grew smaller until two minutes before closing. As I waved to the last customer, a tall, taut man with silver curly hair and a beard to match stalked in. His black boots scraped against the concrete floor as he neared the bar. I was about to tell him we were closing in a few minutes when Billie walked in from the swinging kitchen doors. She had a tray of clean glasses in her hands. When she saw the stranger she froze in her tracks, causing the glasses to clink against each other.
“Da,” she choked.
I tried not to appear surprised. This…this was Don McAllister? The man looked like he had one too many beers in his stomach, and aside from his dark clothing he looked like someone’s grandfather and not the notorious con man everyone said he was. Billie set the tray on the bar, rounding it.
“What are you doing here?” she asked.
Don’s bright green eyes lit up and filled with warmth at the sight of her. “Billie girl.” He beamed. His accent was barely there, but his voice was deep and scruffy. “I wanted to see where you work, is all.” He took a quick look around the bar, then saw me. “Is this your bar, boyo?” The word reminded me of Connor, but Don seemed to be here because he was curious and not to start any problems.
“Yes, sir. Christian Rodriguez,” I replied, extending my hand over the bar. Don’s firm handshake was a symbol of respect.
“I’m glad to see you’ve finally chosen a man who respects his elders.” He didn’t even bother giving me his name; he knew I knew who he was. Don smirked at me but was speaking to Billie.