by Snow, Olivia
“Where’s her bike?” I heard Christian growl, as we got closer. None of them looked in our direction. Connor, who was standing in the middle, smirked at him while he put his hands in his pockets.
“Not sure what you’re talking about, bud.”
Donnie snickered, but Lincoln’s jaw clenched while he looked away.
“What the hell is this about, Lincoln?” Don pushed by me and stood in front of his first-born son. But no one said anything. Don’s chest began to rise and fall sharply; he was getting mad. He looked around at the group. “Someone better tell me what the fuck is going on before I lose my shit!”
My head was spinning. Nothing made sense. This was out of character for my brothers, and Connor never undermined Don. I stepped in front of Christian, and his eyes immediately found mine.
“Are you okay?” he asked, bending his knees so we were at eye level. I nodded, wanting so badly to step into his arms.
“Whatever the fuck happened, I want it over and done with, Connor.” Don glared at him, and then looked in Lincoln’s direction. “Now.” Lincoln nodded before Don stomped back into the house. With my back facing Connor, I could feel and imagine the glare in his eyes. It burned the back of my neck. I heard his sinister chuckled before he spoke.
“Just remember when you’re inside of her that I was the first one there. I fucked her first. I tasted that pussy first.” In a matter of seconds, I was pushed aside and spun around as Chris pounced on Connor.
It was unexpected. Nobody was prepared for Christian to react this way. Well, maybe Connor knew he would, and that’s why he said what he said. I turned around in their direction, witnessing limbs and arms flying and landing on faces and body parts. I couldn’t really see who was on whom or whose blood was spilling. With my heart in my throat, I yelled for them to stop, but they didn’t. I didn’t know what to do.
Suddenly, there was a gunshot fired in the air. Everyone froze and that’s when I was able to see Christian and Connor gripping on each other’s shirts with Connor’s eye bleeding and Christian’s nose spewing blood. Angel and Donnie were mid-punch on the asphalt as Linc stood off to the side looking at his shoes. Don stalked to Connor and Christian, then held the gun to Christian’s forehead. My stomach along with my heart sank to my feet. I was breathless; I felt the blood draining from my face. Christian didn’t let go of Connor and that’s when Don cocked the gun and I snapped. I jumped in front of Christian gripping the cold metal in my hands, and I lowered it to my forehead. Everyone stood in shocked silence. From the corner of my eye, I could see Angel and Donnie rising from the ground and Lincoln walking slowly in our direction.
“Billie,” Chris warned softly. He placed his hands on my waist and tried to move me but when he noticed Don’s jaw clenched, he stopped.
“What the fuck are you doing, Billie?” Don’s voice sounded like gravel. And Connor’s glare said everything. He was going to make sure I regretted my decision. Because I was choosing Christian over him, over my family.
I took in a deep breath, knowing Don wouldn’t shoot me, but I also knew Christian was now intertwined in this, with me. His life, his family, everything he held dear was now in jeopardy. It was the reason why I tried to stay away from him, but now it was past being too late. I never feared Connor, not until this very moment. He leaned in and whispered into Don’s ear. Don bowed his head, agreeing with whatever Connor said, then lowered the gun.
“Get off my street before I break your heart,” he said with remorse and disappointment.
Right then, I felt like I was looking into the stained glass of Mary Magdalene’s remorseful face. And I felt my heart crack just a little.
Chapter Twenty-One
The first time I had a gun pointed at me wasn’t anywhere close to these circumstances. How had I gone from sleeping next to her this morning to having her dad press a gun against my forehead? When he cocked the gun the entire morning leading up to this played like a movie in my head.
I’d slept great, better than I had in a long time. I’d had sleepovers before with other women. But with Billie, it felt…right. She fit next to me perfectly. I was having a hard time focusing on anything else but her. I thought we were finally on the same page but she’d managed to fill her head with doubt and pushed me away. I knew my past bothered her, and she didn’t want me involved with her family, which wouldn’t be an issue. I was done with that type of life. Money didn’t interest me, nor did power. I was content busting my ass and working for myself and doing things the right way, the legal way. I wouldn’t be one to fall under the spell of the Grifter. I wasn’t one to follow in people’s footsteps or be anyone’s bitch.
After I dropped Billie off at Jade’s house, we had left things on an awkward note. I knew she felt my distance and that made me feel like a jackass but I wasn’t sure what to do anymore. She was confused, I was confused, and we didn’t seem to know where to take things. I was planning on going to the grocery store when I heard loud glass breaking outside of my apartment. The alarm of my car went off. I rushed downstairs and out the building to see all the windows on Big Bertha busted. My jaw clenched so tightly I felt my bones pop.
My instincts were to punch something, anything. Rage pumped through my blood. I could feel the heat through my skin. Seconds later, Billie called, and I knew immediately her family had something to do with this. But as I was talking to her I received a video clip of a bike that looked just like hers on fire. The video stopped right as it exploded. While Billie checked the garage for her bike, I texted Angel, asking him to pick me up. He didn’t ask why or what was going on, just replied with a simple, be there in five.
I waited for Billie to say something but the line was quiet until Jade’s terrified voice asked what was going on. I explained what happened to my windows and the video clip while I paced down the sidewalk, waiting impatiently for Angel. I realized Billie would put two and two together. She would connect the dots and know who was behind this mess. Then I overheard Jade shrieking about Pete giving Billie his keys. I felt hopeless and frantic.
I started pacing again when Angel raced into the parking lot. I ran to his silver Charger, which always reminded me of a bullet. I hadn’t closed the door when he sped onto the street.
“McAllisters,” I said. Angel nodded, reaching under his seat. He grabbed a Glock and handed it to me.
“She’s going to do something stupid, Chris.” Jade was still screaming in my ear as I looked at the piece in my lap. What the fuck was I doing? “Christian! Please, please, make sure she’s okay.” I grabbed the gun, testing its weight on my hand. It had been a long time since I’d held one. I cleared my throat, looking forward.
“Yeah, Jade. I’ll make sure she’s fine.” I hung up, slipping the gun behind the waist of my jeans so it rested against my back.
“I take it the McAllister crew fucked up your ride?” Angel asked. I nodded, feeling the disguise I wore two years ago slip back on. “You sure you want to do this? There’s no going back after this.”
I swallowed thickly, remembering how I told myself I’d walk away from this life and never turn back, but here I was at the ready for…for Billie. Shit. I rubbed my face, still undecided.
“Is she really worth all this?” Angel asked. I was starting to get pissed at him even though he was asking the questions I should be asking myself.
“I don’t know, man,” I finally said.
“All right, Chris. You know I’m down for whatever. I’ve been wanting to kick Donnie McAllister’s ass for a long time.”
I frowned, looking in his direction. This was news to me.
Angel scoffed and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. “He fucked my girl.”
“Listen, Angel, we’re not going in there to start a war, all right? We’re going to get answers and keep Billie safe.”
He didn’t reply, but I knew he heard me and wasn’t going to start anything unless they did. I coul
d tell we were getting closer by the way Angel started rocking slightly against his seat. He turned slowly into a street lined with brick houses on each side. Even though all the houses looked the same, their lawns differed. Some were kept up while others were dry and patched with wells of dirt. We could see a car blocks away from us suddenly Angel sped up.
“That’s them. That’s their car.” Angel raced in their direction, coming to a screeching stop when they did. We both jumped out the car. As soon as I saw Connor’s smug face, I remembered why I was here and my uncertainty vanished. It was wrong, but it felt right to be here with a Glock pressed to my back all in the name of Billie. Everything after getting out of the car was a blur. After what felt like seconds, I was standing in front of Don McAllister with blood spewing out of my nose.
When Billie stepped in front of me, I felt my heart rip open. It was a stupid fucking gesture but I’d never had someone value me so much that they’d jeopardize everything for me. I tried to move her away, but when Don clenched his jaw I felt like that pissed him off even more. Like he was trying to find a way to dislike me, and me trying to protect her in return made him madder. And you don’t want to make an already angry man madder, especially when he has a gun in his hand.
My stare snapped back and forth, taking in my surroundings. I was in enemy territory and I knew if I pulled out the gun in my back, Don would not be the only one to step out of their home with a piece. I had noticed three different people peeking out through their windows and two opening their front doors to watch. Don lowered his gun and mumbled something to Billie before he walked away. The blood was pouring into my mouth and as I turned to spit, Billie turned around to look at me. It was the first time since this shit had gone down that I had time to truly inspect her face. She looked tired and worried, but most of all hurt. Billie reached out and grabbed my face, tilting me side to side.
“We gotta go, Chris,” Angel said, inspecting his knuckles. Covertly, I looked at Donnie. Angel had gotten some good punches on his face. I took Billie’s hand in mine and lowered them.
“Give me Pete’s keys,” I said softly. She huffed but didn’t argue, handing me the keys. “Follow me,” I said to Angel, while I unzipped my hoodie to take it off. Billie took it from my hands and I smiled at her. Reaching for the hem of my shirt, I took it off, using it to wipe the blood from my nose. Connor snorted, then mumbled something as I took my hoodie back from Billie and zipped it up. She was looking at my ass and I knew she had seen the gun. “Come on, sexy,” I said, taking her hands in mine. As we walked toward Pete’s truck, Connor stepped in front us.
“Let it go, Connor,” Lincoln gritted. My free hand twitched from wanting to pull the gun out from my waistband. Billie must have been thinking the same thing because she squeezed my hand tighter and looked up at me with wide eyes.
“You’re really going to do this?” he asked Billie.
“How many times does she have to say it, man? She doesn’t fucking want you,” I snapped.
Connor stepped closer. I was letting go of Billie’s hand when she gripped it and said, “Christian, please.” The way she said it broke my fucking heart, and to add to my pain her tormented face did me in. I nodded, then pulled her to the passenger side of the truck. I opened the door and waited until she hopped in before closing it.
“Aw, look, how sweet. The spic’s so gentlemanly.”
I said nothing, but I felt the tension in my neck as I pressed my lips together into a thin line.
“This isn’t over,” he said.
I looked him up and down. “Nah, man, it’s not.” I pushed past him, jerking the car door open.
I pulled away and easily found my way out of the neighborhood into the familiar streets of Denver. I kept looking in the rearview mirror to make sure Angel was behind me and to make sure they didn’t follow us.
“Chris, I—”
I raised my hand, silently asking her to be quiet. I wasn’t in the mood to talk yet but I also didn’t want her to feel that I was mad at her, because I wasn’t. If anything, what I was feeling for her was nothing like I ever experienced before. Leaning in her direction, I gripped her thigh and slid her over to me. Pete’s truck was older so the bucket seats made it easier for her to sit beside me. Just as her thigh touched mine, she cuddled up on my side, breathing deeply. I draped my arm over her shoulder, bringing her closer before I kissed the top of her head. When I parked outside of Jade’s house, Billie appeared unsure of what to do next.
“Come on.” We climbed out. As I closed the truck door, Jade stepped out of the front door of her house. She looked back and forth between Billie and me and gasped at the dry blood on my face, neck, and chest.
“Oh my God, Billie, what happened?”
Soon, her husband was right next to her.
“Go get an overnight bag, Billie. You’re staying with me tonight.”
She gaped tilting her head. “What? No, Chris, I’m—”
“Billie, please don’t fucking argue with me right now. Just go get a bag. Please.” I tried my best not to sound like a dick, but under the circumstances I think I was doing a mighty good fucking job of staying calm. Pete, Jade’s husband, who I had only met three other times, pushed past his wife and sneered at me.
“Don’t boss her around like that, Christian, who the fuck do you think you are?”
I looked down, shaking my head. “Pete, this isn’t the time to get all alpha dog on me. I’m full of fucking rage and I’m ready to snap. So back. The. Fuck. Up.”
Pete stepped up, and I knew it wouldn’t be fair to fight him. He was a lot taller but I knew the damage I could cause. Luckily, Jade intervened, pushing us apart.
“All right, all right, guys, we’re on the same team here. Tensions are running high. We all just need to cool it for a while.” She looked between us. “Billie, go get your bag. You’ll stay with Chris tonight, okay?” Billie didn’t say anything before heading inside the house. I watched her slumped shoulders disappear and felt like an asshole. Rubbing my face, I sighed.
“Pete, I’m sorry, man. It’s been a weird fucking day.”
“Yeah, dude, I get it. But I don’t think Billie staying with you is the best thing right now.”
“I…” I released a shaky breath because I wasn’t sure what I was saying. “I gotta keep her with me.” Both Jade and Pete looked at me like I had grown three heads. “Uh…I’ll wait for her inside the car.”
I hurried in Angel’s direction. What I should have done was stay with Jade and Pete because the expression on Angel’s face was worse. When I sat inside his car, he let out a long whistle.
“You got it bad, son.”
I laid my head back on the headrest and groaned. “Shut up, man.”
He chuckled, then griped from what I assumed was from the pain on his jaw. Soon, Billie came out, hugging Jade and saying something to her that made her frown. I got out of the car and opened the door for her. She marched down the concrete steps, pissed. Billie sat inside while I stood outside the door waiting for her to move so I could sit next to her. But she just glared at me.
“Scoot over,” I said.
“Oh, more demands? You haven’t gotten your fill?”
“I’m sorry, okay? I shouldn’t boss you around like that. I’m a dick.”
“Yeah, you are.”
That cute wrinkle appeared and I smiled, knowing it was going to piss her off even more.
“You think this is funny?” she snapped.
“No, you’re just so damn cute.”
Wrong thing to say. Her eyes enlarged and the tendons on her neck stood out.
“Get. In. The. Fucking. Car.” She fumed. I didn’t say anything else. I just did as I was told.
Chapter Twenty-Two
A tornado of emotions swirled inside of me. I wasn’t sure which one to pinpoint. And by the time we got to Christian’s, I felt worse. He said goodbye to Angel and thanked him before he got out of the car. I didn’t wait for Christian to open
my door like he wanted to. I jumped out as soon as the car was parked, then noticed Angel lean in to him like he wanted a private conversation, so I walked inside the building to wait for Christian. I waited for about five minutes before he came inside. He extended his hand, leading me to the stairs up to his apartment. Inside, I felt a rush of comfort, something I hadn’t felt in a long time. It scared me to feel this way after such a short amount of time.
“I’m going to take a shower,” he said, checking the front door, then the windows. We both knew being together would make things worse, but I understood why he wanted me here. My family didn’t like me with Christian, so if they were going to do something, it was best they came to us instead of involving other people. So what did that mean? Was I moving in with Christian?
That was absurd. I hardly knew him. Maybe I knew him more than I liked to admit, but living together? That was crazy. Which reminded me that I had to email Abby and let her know I wasn’t interested in a roommate anymore. It would be too dangerous for her. Once Christian went inside the bathroom I figured I’d start getting ready for work. Today had been crazy and felt sort of like a Twilight Zone episode. I closed his bedroom door behind me, slowly taking off my clothes as I really looked around in his room.
It was simple and clean like the rest of his apartment. His queen size bed was placed in the middle of the room with the headboard against the only window. There was a dresser with a mirror across from the bed and a closet door on the adjacent wall. The navy blue and cream color scheme of his comforter set complemented the dark wood of his furniture. It was all very manly and modest—very Christian. I stood in my black underwear as I pulled out my uniform from my bag when the bedroom door flew open. Christian stood frozen in only his jeans; he’d cleaned off his face while in the bathroom because the dry blood on his skin was gone. I could hear the shower running from the bathroom. His gaze traveled from my forehead and slowly down my toes. He gulped, unable to break his stare from my body.