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Lovers Unmasked: The Complete Series

Page 2

by Nicole Flockton

  “I’d be glad to answer any questions that are going through your mind.” A soft touch to her forehead had her jumping.

  Being caught off guard daydreaming about him immediately set her on the defensive. “I don’t have any questions. What gave you the idea that I did?”

  His finger still lingered near her hair. Her breath caught as he slowly trailed it down the side of her face. All her senses tuned to the man beside her. The noise of the room and the conversations around her all faded into insignificance, her focus totally on Alex. She could see his lips moving but nothing he was saying penetrated through the sensual fog his simple touch had created. She needed to move away from him.

  Abruptly she pulled her chair out, breaking his contact with her skin and the mist that had held her spellbound.

  Fortunately, the band had started up, signaling the end of dinner, enabling all the guests to move around until the auction commenced. For once, something was on her side.

  “I’m umm, I’m going … umm excuse me.” She picked up her purse and all but ran over to where Phoebe was sitting, plonking herself down in the first available chair she saw.

  She was convinced her face must be the same shade of red as Phoebe’s dress. She couldn’t believe she’d acted like a highly strung virgin on her first night out. She was far from that. She’d had her fair share of relationships, but just one touch from Alex and all that experience had disappeared.

  “Hey Soph, you okay?” Phoebe’s voice penetrated her thoughts.

  She pasted on a smile and faced her friend. “I’m fine. It’s been great so far. Have you been having fun?”

  Sophie watched as Phoebe’s eyes narrowed, disbelief etching her every feature. If she wanted to avoid any further questions she needed to convince her friend right now that everything was, as she said, fine.

  “Seriously, Phoebe, it’s all good. I survived dinner and the unwanted scrutiny my father put me under. Now I’m ready to kick back and welcome the New Year in with a bang.”

  She made herself stop — she chatted like a monkey when she was nervous or covering up how she really felt.

  “Hmmm, well, I’m not sure I believe you,” her friend said. “But I’m with you on having a good time. Speaking of good times, who was that gorgeous hunk you were sitting next to?”

  Sophie groaned inwardly.

  “I don’t know, probably some associate of my father’s. He was talking about house prices before I escaped over here. Anyway, I don’t know how you could possibly tell whether he was gorgeous or not — half his face was covered with a mask.”

  She knew she was babbling again, but she just couldn’t help herself. He was nowhere near her but her nerves were still frazzled.

  “Half his face, honey? I don’t know who you were looking at, but that mask only covered his eyes. Even from here you don’t need to see the face to know whether a man is handsome or not. They just have a presence about them.”

  Sophie knew exactly what she was talking about. She’d been thinking exactly the same thing. Before she could comment further a sexy, accented voice intruded in on them.

  “So, Sophia, are you going to introduce me?”

  Gooseflesh broke out over her skin at the way he said the Italian version of her name.

  She turned and looked over her shoulder. Sitting next to him had given her a false impression of the man. His suit was clearly handmade. The fit was flawless. The jacket molded his broad shoulders lovingly. He stood with the buttons undone and a hand resting casually on his hip, exposing the fine white cotton of his shirt as it stretched across his broad chest.

  “Ahh, this is … ”

  Words escaped her once again.

  “Hi, I’m Phoebe and this is John.”

  She sent Phoebe a grateful smile for coming to her rescue. She knew her payment would be a full explanation of what had happened to her ability to form coherent words.

  “Alex Scavoni. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” He pulled up a chair and slung a casual arm around Sophie’s shoulders. She sat perfectly still, so as not to let him know how much that slight touch affected her. “So, is everyone enjoying themselves?”

  A general murmur of agreement went around the table. Who wouldn’t enjoy a rare night off from the emergency ward? The only reason neither she nor Phoebe was working was because they were about to take a week-long trip to Thailand in a couple of days, although that had taken some careful planning to organize.

  “How about you, Alex, are you enjoying yourself?” asked Phoebe.

  His fingers danced lightly over Sophie’s bare shoulders and she couldn’t control the shiver that roared through her.

  “Yes, it’s turned out to be a better evening than I expected.”

  Sophie tried not to squirm under the speculative gazes of the people around her. No one spoke for what felt like hours but in reality was mere seconds.

  “So, who wants to dance?” asked Phoebe, breaking the tension that had settled around the group.

  The band was doing a cover of a popular song, so Sophie stood and placed her bag on the table, wanting to move away from Alex’s commanding aura. “Count me in.”

  A few others all stood and made their way toward the dance floor. Sophie stopped — guilt at how she’d quickly jumped at Phoebe’s suggestion gnawed at her. Looking at Alex, she asked, “Do you want to join us?”

  His arresting gaze held hers. She stiffened her spine against the urge to melt into the vats of milk chocolate beckoning her.

  “I think I’ll sit this one out, but save the last dance for me.” He stood and raised her hand to his lips once again. “The final dance before the countdown to midnight starts.”

  He walked away, leaving her standing there in a puddle of emotions. She couldn’t believe she was feeling this way after only meeting him a couple of hours ago. Maybe it was the mask that was heightening her emotions and reactions toward him.

  She’d often heard people refer to flirting with eyes, but she’d never experienced it herself. Right at this moment, she didn’t care what he looked like. She even wondered if the spell would be broken once the masks were removed.

  She realized she was gazing into empty space, so she went and joined her friends on the dance floor, grateful for the loud music inhibiting any conversation between her and Phoebe. Sophie knew she would be in for a battering of questions from Phoebe that would rival the Spanish Inquisition. She let herself be carried away with the music in a vain attempt to put Alex Scavoni’s mysteriousness behind her.

  The evening wore on and when the auction occurred, it raised a record amount for the hospital. Sophie noticed that Alex had bid and won a few times.

  There was one particular painting she’d admired and had started to bid for, but the price had risen quickly and exceeded her allowed budget. Disappointment had her tuning out and in the end she hadn’t seen who had won the final bid. She was convinced the seascape would’ve looked fabulous in her riverfront apartment, her only acknowledgment of her father’s wealth.

  She was vain enough to admit she wanted to live in a nice place. A place all of her own where she could relax after a tough day at the hospital. She knew a nurse’s wages wouldn’t allow her that luxury, so she’d used a portion of her trust fund to buy the apartment.

  She made sure her door was always open to her fellow workmates and they often dropped around after they’d finished their shift for a drink and catch up. They were the first group of people who didn’t care about her wealthy background. They accepted her on face value and her dedication to her job.

  The witching hour was closing in and Alex’s words resounded in her ears. Save the last dance for me. With that in mind, she made a quick trip to the powder room to freshen up. Phoebe and her other friends had headed down to the casino after the auction to ring in the new year, Phoebe had pestered her to
join them, but Sophie had her dance with Alex and she wasn’t going to miss that.

  Giving her appearance a once over she was pleased to see that even after all her dancing, her hair still looked good and her makeup still looked attractive. She renewed her lipstick, though, and made use of the facilities.

  She’d turned the corner to head back into the ballroom when she saw Alex leaning casually against the wall just outside the ballroom’s main entrance, chatting to another guest. As if sensing her presence, he turned his attention toward her.

  She stopped, the carpet gripping her shoes and not letting her go. Transfixed, she watched as he finished his conversation and wandered over to her. Amazingly, her feet moved again and she met him halfway.

  “I was about to start looking for you. The band will be playing our dance shortly.”

  “With over five hundred guests here, finding me might have been a challenge for you.”

  “Not really, I’ve known where you’ve been all evening. I never lose sight of my goal.”

  She didn’t like the sound of those words. “Goal? I’m not some sort of team building incentive.”

  “Believe me when I say there is no way I’m thinking of you as a team building incentive.” He closed the distance between them and softly touched her hair. “You’re like a forbidden fruit I know I shouldn’t take. But try as I might, I’m unable to resist the temptation.”

  The man was talking in riddles. One minute he was calling her his goal and the next he was calling her forbidden fruit.

  “So which am I, your goal or your forbidden fruit? Not that I like either reference — I’m a person first and foremost.”

  “You’re both. I’ve been drawn to you since I walked into the room. But I can only offer you tonight.”

  Sophie glanced around. Had she just stepped into the Twilight Zone? The conversation was surreal and she had no idea what to make of it. Was he offering her a one-night stand?

  “So let me get this right. You saw me and I became your goal. But in the process of becoming your goal I turned into your forbidden fruit and now you’re offering me just one night?”

  “Yes. I’m not in a place where I can offer you anything more than tonight.”

  What did he mean? Was he in town on business? Could she do it?

  Before she could voice any questions he continued.

  “But I think you yourself can’t offer anything more than one night, either.”

  How could he tell? How could he know that tonight, for the first time in months, she felt she was an attractive woman? Could she throw caution to the wind? No one would have to know and they would never meet again.

  “I should walk right into that ballroom and leave you standing here.” She shook her head in an attempt to shake some sense into it. “You’re wearing a mask. I have absolutely no idea who you are or what you look like. You could be an axe murderer for all I know.”

  “I’m not axe murderer.” He flicked the feathers on her mask. “It adds to the mystery of it all, don’t you think? Let me reassure you, there will be no regrets and no expectations on my part.” He took a step away, holding out a hand toward her. “Now it’s up to you whether you want to take a chance. Your choice, Sophie. Come and dance with me or you can walk now and join your friends.”

  Some choice that was. If she danced with him, he’d already told her where he wanted the evening to finish. If she walked back into the ballroom, leaving him standing there, she would miss out on something she instinctively knew would be out of this world and amazing.

  She was never one to go for one-night stands, but there was also something so decadent about it. The masks, the mystery, and the fact it was New Year’s Eve only added to the decadence of it all.

  What a way to bring in the New Year.

  She reached out and gripped Alex’s outstretched hand. Decision made. No regrets. This next year was going to be her year.

  “So it begins.” Alex’s words whispered down her spine. Sophie knew it was the beginning in so many different ways.

  Chapter 2

  Sophie didn’t want the dance to end. Alex moved like a dream and she followed as if made just for him. The rest of the crowd melted away — all that existed was her and Alex.

  They’d only been on the dance floor for a short time but in his arms, it was as if time was on slow motion. Sophie’s skin prickled and tightened with each move they made and each touch of Alex’s hand.

  A vacuum of desire surrounded Sophie, enthralling her. The way Alex’s hold tightened and his body hardened further against hers told her he felt the same way. She badly wanted to kiss him, but knew if she did it would be splattered across the gossip pages tomorrow.

  She wanted their first kiss to be at midnight and in private where no one could see them. Could they slip out before the clock struck twelve?

  “It’s nearly that time,” his softly whispered words pulled her out of her dreamy state.

  “Time for what?”

  “Time to say goodbye to the old year and hello to the new one. Time to take off our masks. Time to show yourself to me, Sophia.”

  She didn’t know how she felt about exposing herself. She wasn’t worried about her looks, she knew she was attractive — but would he see the real her? The girl whose self-esteem had recently been battered and bashed until it was unrecognizable?

  Behind the anonymity of her mask, she was able to portray someone she wasn’t normally.

  A light finger stroked the side of her head, breaking up her tumbled thoughts. “What thoughts trouble you so?”

  “I was thinking that I can’t believe it’s nearly midnight. I hadn’t realized it had gotten so late.”

  From behind his mask, his eyes twinkled and she knew he didn’t believe a word she’d said. And why would he, it sounded lame to her ears.

  “Come, let’s go out onto the balcony to watch the fireworks.”

  Suddenly Sophie didn’t want to be around a crowd. What if someone she knew saw her? Her dress was recognizable and everyone attending the ball knew who she was thanks to the earlier introduction.

  All of a sudden, she didn’t think she was brave enough to follow through.

  “Wait,” she cried. “I don’t want to go out onto the balcony. I don’t — ”

  “Shhh.” Alex placed a finger on her lips. “Can you trust me to protect you and what is happening between us, Sophia mia?”

  She looked into his eyes and the desire she saw shining out of them filled her. Her body screamed in agreement.

  “Yes.” The moment she uttered the word she knew it was true. She did trust him.

  “Follow me.” He slipped a strong arm around her waist and she shivered at his touch. He pulled her closer into his embrace as he led her through the crowd of partygoers. She didn’t know how he managed it, but before she knew it they were in a secluded part of the balcony. Darkness shrouded them and a large potted plant hid them from prying eyes.

  The night was balmy, a soft breeze wafted over Sophie’s arms, the fine hairs on them standing to attention. There was no other way to describe the evening except phenomenal, memorable, unforgettable.

  The air was scented with the sweet smell of jasmine and she knew that no matter what the outcome was going to be, whenever she smelled jasmine she would always remember Alex.

  Excitement sizzled along her veins — she was finally going to get to taste Alex, feel his lips on hers. He turned her and she stood loosely in his embrace. Placing her hands on his hard chest, his heartbeat thrummed beneath her fingers in time with the blood coursing through her veins.

  She looked up at him. If she were paper, she would have spontaneously combusted from the fire sparking within the dark depths of his eyes. Her breath hitched as she ran her hands up to his shoulders needing something solid to grip. He felt so good under her
touch and she started caressing the strength beneath the warm fabric.

  Sophie found herself pulled closer, his arms tightening around her. His breath floated over her skin, like snowflakes drifting down at the start of a storm. With his arousal brushing against her belly, heat pooled between her legs. All around her the noise of her fellow partygoers rose, but they remained hidden and untouched by it all. She was in a world that revolved solely around Alex.

  The sound of the crowd counting down penetrated that world. “Ten, nine, eight, seven … ”

  Apprehension warred with excitement. Her stomach muscles clenched and her breath came in short, sharp gasps.

  “Five, four … ”

  The anticipation of experiencing a first kiss built. The moment when their lips would touch for the first time.

  “Three, two, one. Happy New Year!”

  Time stood still as Alex’s hands reached out and framed her face. With slow, precise movements, he reached around to the back of her mask, his fingers brushing her sensitive earlobes. He pulled at the ribbon holding her mask in place. The ties slipped apart like a knife cutting through butter. Her mask fell forward. She made no effort to catch it, letting it fall to the floor.

  Alex leaned in close, his lips mere millimeters from hers.

  “Happy New Year, Sophie.”

  Before she had time to respond or remove his mask, he closed the distance and locked his lips onto hers. This was what she’d been waiting for from the moment they’d met. The touch of lips on lips. It was everything she’d wanted and more. Electricity jolted through her. His lips were firm and soft as they cajoled hers to respond. She didn’t need any encouragement. She wanted this and what this first touch would bring them.

  Rising up on tiptoe, she wound her arms around his neck. Tracing the shape of his skull, hooking her fingers under his mask before slipping it over his head, letting it fall silently to the ground. His hair was soft and springy under her touch. She opened up beneath his onslaught to allow him access into her moist depths. His touch and taste were heaven. She never wanted the kiss to end. It was everything a first kiss should be and more.


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