Love Contract (The Match Broker)

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Love Contract (The Match Broker) Page 16

by Watson, Lisa

  “Mom,” Adrian warned.

  “What?” she said innocently before releasing them. “I was just going to say that I’d love to have a picture of the two of you.”

  Her son looked skeptical. “You have a few already, don’t you?”

  “Yes, but those are all before you decided to get together. It’s different now.”

  “They’re still the same two people,” her husband noted as they all gathered on the deck outside.

  “Oh, Cliff, really. Get the camera, will you?”

  Her husband shook his head and disappeared back into the house.

  “I’m so glad you joined us for dinner, Milán.”

  “Thanks for having me, Jeanie.”

  “Oh, honey, you’re welcome any time. I swear, I just can’t believe the news,” Norma Jean gushed. “Finally, the two of you are off the market. I never thought this day would come, and trust me I’ve been waiting for Lord-knows-how-long.”

  “The Lord and everyone else on earth know down to the second,” Adrian said drily.

  “Oh, don’t spoil this for me, sweetheart. You know I love Milán like a daughter,” she said grabbing both of their hands. She squeezed them tightly. “So, have you consummated your relationship yet?”

  “What?” Adrian choked out.

  “Have you had sex?” Norma Jean clarified.

  Milán’s face turned red and she placed a hand over her mouth.

  “I understood the question. This is not a topic we’re discussing,” her son warned.

  “Okay, okay. But you know it’s perfectly natural—”


  “Here we are,” Adrian’s father announced coming back out onto the deck carrying his digital camera. “You two ready?”

  “More than ready,” Adrian said eyeing his mother with a not-so-subtle glare as he stood up and helped Milán to her feet. He wrapped an arm around her.

  Heathcliffe glanced between his wife and son. “Do I even want to know?”

  “No,” everyone said quickly.

  After a few pictures, Norma Jean ushered everyone back into the house for dessert. Adrian and Milán took the plates into the dining room while Norma Jean brought in the deep-dish apple pie and ice cream. They were all about to sit down when the doorbell rang.

  “That will be Justin and Sabrina,” Adrian said getting up from the table to let them in.

  “Hey,” he said opening the door. “Good to see you both.”

  “Hi, yourself,” Sabrina said hugging him. She stood aside while Justin and Adrian patted each other on the shoulder.

  They headed back into the dining room. When they entered, Norma Jean smiled warmly. “I’m so glad you two were able to join us for dessert. We’ve got such great news,” she began. “Wait till you hear.”

  As soon as Justin and Sabrina were seated, Norma Jean filled them in.

  Sabrina turned a shocked gaze to Milán. “I can’t believe you two didn’t say anything when we went out a few days ago.”

  “We just… Well it sort of happened recently,” Milán confessed. “We haven’t really had a chance to tell anyone, except Adrian’s parents.”

  The next twenty minutes were spent in jovial conversation. Everyone caught each other up on the latest news. Adrian filled his family in on his upcoming vacation.

  “That sounds exciting, dear. Milán, are you going?” Norma Jean asked.

  “No, I’ll be out of town, too. My sisters and I will be on vacation. We plan a new getaway every year.”

  “What a great idea. You know, Adrian. Your father and I aren’t busy. We could go with you. It’s been quite some time since we’ve gone Caribbean.”

  “Thanks, Mom, but I’ll take a rain check,” Adrian laughed.


  Later, when Adrian was driving Milán back to her house, he asked, “Are you free tomorrow? If so, I’d like to take you someplace.”

  Milán glanced over at him. “Seguro. ¿A dónde va?”

  “No estoy diciendo. Es una sorpresa.”

  “That’s not fair. You know I don’t like surprises,” she complained.

  Adrian chuckled. “We both know that’s not true. You’ll just have to wait and see, cariño.”


  The next day, Milán found out that the “someplace” that Adrian mentioned taking her to was actually many places. After picking her up, Adrian announced that they were going sightseeing. Milán was thrilled.

  “I’ve had several places on my list of things to see, but I haven’t quite made it yet,” she told him.

  “Good. Our first stop is Navy Pier.”

  Upon arrival they rode the fifteen-story Ferris wheel. While they were taking in a panoramic view of Chicago and Lake Michigan, Adrian filled Milán in on some of the history. “It’s been a Chicago landmark since 1916,” he informed her. “It was originally called Municipal Pier, and built for both shipping and entertainment purposes. It was renamed to Navy Pier to pay homage to the military branch after World War II. It was completely revamped in the 1990s to what you see now, one of the Midwest’s number one tourist destinations.”

  “It’s so beautiful,” Milán enthused.

  When they were back on the ground, Adrian guided her through a few of the shops, promenades and attractions. They stopped at Garrett Popcorn Shops to get what Adrian called a staple.

  “It’s the Chicago Mix,” he said handing her the gallon tin. “It’s CaramelCrisp and CheeseCorn.”

  “Isn’t this too much?” Milán asked as they headed out of the store.

  He popped the top and said with authority, “You won’t think so after you taste it.”

  He was right. Milán took a mouthful of the yummy mix and declared herself a believer.

  “This is the only way I want my popcorn now,” she said between bites.

  When she saw the Smith Museum of Stained Glass Windows, she stopped in her tracks. Seeing the look on Milán’s face, Adrian smiled and nudged her inside.

  They walked through galleries that housed over one hundred and fifty secular and religious-themed windows.

  Next Adrian took Milán to see the historic Buckingham fountain in Grant Park. While she was marveling at the architecture, Adrian glanced at his watch.

  “We’ve got a few minutes before the show.”

  “What show?” she inquired.

  He placed an arm around her waist and whispered into her ear, “Wait for it.”

  The crowd began to cheer when a water show began. Milán laughed and clapped right along with the other people as the center jet shot water way up in the air.

  “It lasts for twenty minutes and happens every hour on the hour,” Adrian informed her. “I’ll bring you back one day at night. Then the water display is accompanied with music and lights.”

  “Ahora dónde?” she asked when the show was over.

  “¿Tienes hambre?”

  “Un poco,” she replied. “Can we see a few more places before we eat?”

  Adrian took her to the Shedd Aquarium and the Art Institute before they decided to stop for lunch at Lou Malnati’s Gold Coast location for deep-dish pizza.

  They placed their order for a Malnati Chicago Classic and conversed about their day.

  “I’m glad you took me sightseeing, Adrian. This has been such a fun day. By the time the night’s over, I’ll probably have gained five pounds,” she groaned.

  “Even if you did, you’d wear it in all the right places,” he said, lasciviously.

  They teased each other up until their pizza arrived. Milán took one look at it and said, “I hope they have doggie bags.”


  When dinner was over, they decided to call it a night since both had early morning meetings. It was quiet in the car on the ride back to Milán’s loft. They listened to one of Adrian’s favorite jazz stations while Milán gazed out the window at the scenery flashing by.

  Adrian rested his right hand on Milán’s left thigh. “¿Dormido?”

  “No, pero podría pronto

  He laughed. “You and me both.”

  When they reached her apartment, Adrian walked her to her door. When Milán opened the door and went in she turned around. “Would you like to come in?”

  In a split second, Adrian had backed her up against her front door and was kissing her passionately. Milán wrapped her arms around his neck. One minute later, they parted.

  “Yes, but probably not a good idea,” he replied with slow deliberation.

  “Sí, no buena idea,” she said, breathlessly. “Bueños noches, Adrian. Gracias por hoy.”

  He kissed her a final time and released her. “Con mucho gusto.”

  Milán shut the door behind Adrian and locked it. She leaned against it for a moment and placed her hand on her chest. “El es muy caliente.”

  Chapter 24

  One week passed in complete chaos for Milán and Adrian. Both were swamped with work with little time to spend together outside the office. They were finally able to squeeze in a late dinner at a neighborhood restaurant near Adrian’s house.

  “I can’t believe that we’re both leaving tomorrow,” Milán said, tiredly.

  He swept a lock of hair behind her ear. “I know. It’s been crazy lately. Not much time for extracurricular activities,” he lamented.

  “I miss you,” she confessed.

  “I miss you, too. I wish you were going with me.”

  “Not as much as I do,” she joked. “I wish I could reschedule my trip.”

  “Your sisters would kill you.”

  “Muertos,” she laughed. “I still don’t know where we’re going, but one thing is for sure, I’m definitely ready for a vacation. I’m exhausted.”

  “We’ll both be back in a week, and we can make up for lost time then.”

  Milán entwined her fingers with Adrian’s. “¿Promesa?”

  He leaned in and kissed her. “Prometo.”

  After their meal, they walked back to Adrian’s house. When they got there, he said, “How about we both shower and meet up in my room?”

  “Deal,” she said heading up the stairs while he locked up.

  Milán took a quick shower and put on a purple silk chemise with a matching robe that she’d left there in case of impromptu sleepovers. She went to Adrian’s door and tapped lightly. His muffled voice bid her to enter.

  “You know you don’t have to knock,” he told her. “Just come in.”

  She waved her hand in the direction of his bare chest and pajama bottoms. “What if you were in the middle of changing?”

  The smoldering look he gave her could have ignited a candle. “I wouldn’t mind in the least.”

  “Nor would I.”

  Adrian’s head snapped up at her words. “Eso es peligroso, cariño.”

  She bit her lower lip. “I know it’s dangerous, but I find that I can’t help myself when I’m with you.”

  Without warning, Adrian strode over and hauled Milán up against him. His lips closed over hers with an intensity he’d never shown before. Milán’s knees almost buckled. He released her arms and she immediately grasped his shoulders for support. Before she could utter a word, he picked her up and headed for the bed. He lowered her onto the thick mattress.

  “Adrian,” Milán choked out.

  “There’s no way we’re not making love tonight.” His eyes raked over her flushed face.

  “No,” she said quickly raising herself up on her elbows. “Our first time can’t be the day before we both leave. That would be horrible.”

  “Why?” he demanded. “It’s the perfect going away gift,” he countered running his lips down the side of her neck.

  “Please,” she implored him. “Can’t we wait a week? When we get back I promise we’ll spend an entire weekend locked away here. It will be incredible,” she assured him.

  “It could be incredible now,” he said thickly.

  Milán kissed him before running a hand up his back. “Yo se.”

  He stared down at her. “You’re killing me.”

  “So you’ve said.” She gazed up at him with an expectant look.

  “Fine,” he grumbled. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but we’ll wait. One week, Milán. After that—”

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him. “Soy todo tuyo.”

  “Good.” He grinned and unbelted her robe. He slid the material open with his right hand, and then ran it slowly down her stomach.

  “¿Qué estás haciendo?” she asked suspiciously.

  The smile he gave her was definitely carnal. “Giving you something to remember me by.”


  Milán returned the magazine to the seat pocket in front of her. There was no way she could concentrate on what she was reading. Not when her thoughts kept drifting back to her incredible night with Adrian. She closed her eyes. Luckily for her, the two passengers seated next to her were engrossed in a book and a laptop movie, respectively. Her flight to Miami would be just under three hours. That allowed her all sorts of time to recall some of the heart-stopping details from last night. Adrian had given her much more than just something to remember him by. He’d ignited a passion in her that refused to be doused.

  Madre de misericordia. Adrian had rocked her with a desire that left her senseless. From the moment his hand slid down her body, Adrian hadn’t stopped his fingers from tormenting her until she was shaking beneath him begging for release. And when it came, Milán practically saw stars. She’d writhed beneath him as wave after wave of pleasure ravaged her body. Once his fingers stilled, Adrian held Milán until her body stopped trembling and her breathing returned to normal.

  Intent on returning the favor, she wasn’t happy when Adrian told her that he would wait until they came home to finish what they’d started.

  “Tonight is all about you, Lani,” he’d told her.

  Remembering his words, it was like her body was on a countdown until they were in each other’s arms again. Until they consummated their love. That thought caused Milán to snap to attention. Her eyes wrenched open and her breath was shallow. Their love? Did Adrian love her? More importantly, did she love him? How could she be certain of his affections? Everything was incredible between them, and had been for months. Now, they were even more simpatico, but…was it love? ¡Que dilemma! She groaned inwardly. Deciding not to think everything to death, Milán tried to relax against her seat and will herself to fall asleep.

  Hours later, her plane landed at Miami International Airport. Pulling her luggage behind her, she walked to their rendezvous point. When she saw her sister, she stepped up the pace. “Nyah,” she cried stopping in front of her.

  “¡Es muy bueno verte!” Her sister hugged her tightly. “Te he echado.”

  “I’ve missed you, too,” Milán said excitedly.

  Before either sister could speak, they were engulfed in Elena’s embrace.

  “What a family reunion.” Elena laughed as the three of them hugged and kissed each other.

  “I’m so glad to see both of you,” Milán replied, her eyes full of tears. “It’s been too long.”

  “That’s what this trip is for,” Elena said picking up a piece of Milán’s luggage.

  “Speaking of which,” Milán said taking the other bag, “it’s time to tell me where we’re going.”

  “You’re right.” Nyah grinned and cast a conspiratorial glance at Elena. “The Caribbean awaits, Lani. We are heading to the Bahamas!”

  Chapter 25

  Adrian had been in the Bahamas for four days and was ready to leave. It was not that the white sandy beaches were unappealing, or the idyllic views not breathtaking enough. The problem was thoughts of Milán kept invading his business, and his peace of mind. Delectable remnants of their last night together caused his body to react at the most inopportune times. He had sent her a few playful text messages to entertain himself but also to let her know she was on his mind.

  “Adrian, are you listening to me?” Tomás Moreno said loudly.

Oh, sorry.” Adrian ran a hand over his face.

  “Is something wrong? I know the last place wasn’t all that great, but we have several more to look over before we head back to Nassau.”

  “It’s true, I thought the property too small, and the landscaping wasn’t that appealing either, but that isn’t the issue. I just have a few things on my mind.” Adrian took a deep breath. “So what’s next?”

  “Next,” his buddy said eagerly, “we check out an eco-friendly hotel that just came on the market, and then we’re heading to the Harbour Lobster and Fish Company in Port Lucaya for lunch. I thought we’d go Cajun today.”

  “Sounds good,” Adrian said trying to sound enthusiastic. “I’m ready.”


  “Milán, are you ready?”

  “In a minute,” she called from the bathroom. “I’m just putting sunscreen on.”

  “How much body do you have left?” Elena complained. “You’ve been in there twenty minutes.”

  “You’re on vacation, remember?” Milán reasoned. “Why in the world would you be clock-watching? Relax.”

  “She’s never been good at that,” Nyah chimed in. She reached for her camera. “You two meet me outside. I’m going to be by the pool doing some people watching.”

  “You mean man watching,” Milán called out.

  “Well of course. Vacation, right? If I don’t engage in some hot, torrid fling while I’m here, what’s the point?”

  “You need to find one for Milán while you’re at it,” Elena joked. “She’s strung tighter than a bow.”

  “Not interested.” Milán came back into the room and grabbed her beach bag off the bed.

  Nyah made a face. “Oh right, you’re saving yourself for Mr. Wonderful.”

  “Saving herself?” Elena spun around to stare at her Nyah. “She didn’t take my advice and drop the panties?”

  “Oh she dropped them, all right,” Nyah joked. “She just didn’t keep them down.”

  “Hey,” Milán interrupted. “Am I not standing right here?”

  “You stand right there. I’m going to find myself a date for this evening,” Nyah boldly proclaimed.

  When their hotel door slammed seconds later, Elena regarded her sister. “You love him, don’t you?”


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