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Page 5

by Lorna Jean Roberts

  Hanna snorted and rose to her feet. This time he let her go.

  “That’s not going to work.”

  “Why not?” He leaned back in lazy satisfaction.

  He’d get to keep her close, where he could watch over her and he didn’t have to stop himself from tearing one of Cooper’s brothers limb from limb when they groped her.

  “How exactly will you explain me? What? In the last month, during all your free time, you suddenly acquired a girlfriend?”

  “They won’t know for sure how long we’ve been seeing each other.”

  “So why would you bring me to live with you, into an unstable environment?” she asked skeptically.

  “Same reasoning goes for Cooper’s brothers, Hanna. Why would one of them bring their girlfriend along?”

  “We can say that we didn’t realize it would be this bad. That they thought I could stay with Laney but realized that we’d rather be together, especially when we realized how tired and rundown Laney is.”

  “It’s only going to work if you can stand to be close to them. We already know you’re comfortable with me.”

  “I need to get to know them, Marcus. I need a place to live and this is the only solution I’ve got. If I’m forced to be around them then I have to get to know them. Besides, there is one vital flaw in your plan.”

  “What’s that?” he snarled. He was losing the argument and not liking it one bit.

  “No one’s ever going to believe that you’re attracted to me.”

  He gaped at her. “What are you talking about?”

  “You’ll have enough on your plate without having to pretend to feel something you don’t. No one is going to believe we’re together.”

  “That’s where you’re wrong, sweetheart. Because wanting you is one thing I don’t have to pretend.”


  Hanna beat the wooden spoon through the thick cake mixture, her mind whirling.

  “I think it’s dead.”

  She whirled at Marcus’ voice. He leaned against the doorway. Damn, he could move quietly.

  “W-what?” Breathless, she tried desperately not to blush.

  “The batter. No need to beat it to death, I think it’s gone.”

  She looked down at the bowl and sighed, setting it on the counter.

  “Why did you say it?” She was done with worrying. She wanted answers.

  “Why did I say what?” he replied.

  “You know what.” She turned to face him. “Why’d you say you wanted me?”

  He stared at her impassively, his arms folded across his thick chest. “Because I do.”

  Hanna sucked in a deep breath and shook her head. He took one step forward then another, stalking toward her. She was unable to speak, unable to form a reply, a thought. A few inches away from her, he stopped, and she could feel the heat of his body. His scent reached out, swirling around her. It took every ounce of control she had not to close her eyes and lean into him, caress him.

  “Tell me to step away, Hanna.” His low tone shivered across her skin. “Tell me you don’t want this. Tell me to back off. Because I’m a real bastard, sweetheart, and I will push you. I will push you unless you tell me to back off right now.”

  “I can’t. I want this. I want you.”

  Raising his hand slowly, Marcus cupped her cheek. Hanna’s heart went into overtime. Sweat broke out down her back. Heat from his hand seared her skin, traveled throughout her body. Her clit tingled.

  “W-what’s happening to me?” she asked. These feelings running through her body were like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

  “Tell me what you feel.”

  Feeling heavy, drugged, she could barely string her words together. “I-I feel hot, tingly. I can’t seem to…to catch my breath. My stomach is queasy, b-but not like I’m going to throw up.”

  “And what about lower down?” He grabbed her hip with his free hand, not touching her anywhere else. But still she could feel the warmth of his body, his scent surrounded her. Her wolf arched, basking in his touch, his scent.


  “Hanna?” he asked insistently. “Tell me what you’re thinking.”

  “I’ve gone mad. I can’t think.”

  “Your body wants me. I can smell your arousal. Haven’t you experienced this before?” Something dark moved through his eyes. She blinked. It was gone.

  “No, no, nothing like this. I, ahh,” she stumbled over her words.

  “Hanna, look at me.”

  She glanced up at him nervously.

  “How many men have you had sex with?” he asked, placing his hand under her chin so he could study her intently.

  “Just one,” she whispered.

  He closed his eyes.

  “I’m sorry.”

  His eyes shot open, staring down at her in surprise. “Sorry? Why?”

  “For not being very experienced.”

  He enveloped her in his arms, holding her so tightly she could scarcely breathe. “Tink, you don’t ever have to apologize for that. Not ever.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. “So Dan was your only lover?”

  “Yes. We only had sex a few times. I think he knew I wasn’t attracted to him that way.”

  “What was your long-term plan? You couldn’t stay with him forever.”

  Hanna swallowed hard. “I owed Dan my loyalty. I may not have been attracted to him but he was my friend. You’ve seen how odd I am. Even if I had wanted to leave Dan, I was afraid that no one would take me in.”

  “Ahh Hanna.” Marcus cupped her cheeks. “We’ll find you a home, baby.”

  But not with you.

  She stifled her pain.

  “What was that thought?” he asked with concern.

  “Nothing,” she muttered, looking over his shoulder.

  “Hanna,” he growled.

  “Marcus,” she mimicked.

  “Brat,” he scolded. “You’re in trouble enough as it is, I wouldn’t go adding to the spanking you’ve got coming.”

  “Spanking?” she squeaked. “What? Why?”

  “Don’t think that I’ve forgotten you told me to hush earlier. And I’m still furious that you agreed to put yourself in danger.”

  “Danger? Marcus, I—”

  “Damn it, I don’t want to hear any excuses. I’m going to kiss you now.”

  Hanna barely had time to take a breath before his mouth covered hers. She froze. His lips caressed hers, his tongue flicking along the seam of her lips.

  He eased back. “Open for me, baby.”

  “Mar—” He lost no time swooping in on her once again, his tongue slipping inside her mouth. She trembled, a whole-body shudder as sensations raced through her, rocking her soul.

  Her wolf purred, rubbing against her skin, wanting more.

  Hanna’s nipples stiffened and she pressed her chest against him, searching for friction, relief.

  Marcus drew back, breathing hard, his eyes slumberous and filled with lust.

  “Fuck, that was hot.” He kissed down her neck, clasping her around her waist, and lifted her to sit on the counter. “Raise your t-shirt.”

  “What?” she gasped, barely able to catch her breath. Marcus on the other hand seemed focused, calm. His eyes bore into her.

  “Raise your t-shirt. I want to see your breasts.”

  She blushed. “I can’t do that.”

  “Why not?” he asked with a raised brow. He clasped hold of the counter behind her, effectively trapping her.

  “It…It’s daylight and I’m not…I’m not—”

  “You’re not what?”

  “Very attractive or feminine. I’m built like a boy.”

  “Who told you that? Dan?” Marcus growled.

  She shook her head, pinching her lips closed.

  Marcus grabbed her hand and pulled it toward his cock. Hanna’s cheeks grew hot as she felt his hard erection. “Say this after me, I am a sexy woman.”

  “I can’t say that.” She gaped at him, her chee
ks burning.

  “Hanna,” he growled. “We can wait here all day or you can just do as I say.”

  Stubborn bastard would do it too.

  “I am a sexy woman,” she repeated grudgingly.

  “I am so hot, Marcus is about to come in his pants like a fucking teenager.”

  Her jaw dropped.

  “Say it,” he ordered.

  No way, nuh-uh. She shook her head. Marcus simply stared at her, waiting. They stood that way, battling silently for endless, long minutes. Finally, Hanna broke. “I am so hot, you’re about to come in your pants.”

  “Close enough. You going to take your t-shirt off or what?”

  “So romantic,” she muttered. But she wasn’t turned-off by his impatient gruffness. Dan had always been so solicitous, never pushing her for more than she had been willing to give. Marcus would push her for everything and she had a feeling he’d keep coming back for more.

  Hanna pulled her t-shirt up and over her head. Her bra was plain white cotton and for the first time in her life she wished she had sexy underwear. But really she didn’t see the point in wearing a bra. Not as if she had much there that needed support.

  She stared at Marcus nervously, but he never looked up from her chest. He rested his hands on her thighs. Pushing her legs apart, he stepped between them. Suddenly her pussy was against his hard stomach, her cotton shorts providing little protection.

  She gulped.

  Dear Lord, she hoped he couldn’t feel how wet she was.

  He rubbed his stomach against her folds. She wished she had the nerve to strip off his t-shirt, to remove her shorts and panties so they were skin-to-skin. She groaned.

  “You like that, Hanna?”

  She could only whimper. Like? That didn’t nearly describe it.

  He dropped his head and found her nipple with his mouth through the thin cotton, sucking hard.

  “Fuck, that’s sexy.”

  She looked down, her nipple strained through the wet patch on her bra.

  Marcus moved to her other breast. Dizzy with an awakening bliss, Hanna arched back, resting her weight on her hands. Marcus leaned into her, not breaking contact, his stomach rasping against her clit. Her head fell back, her mouth dropping open in a silent moan.

  He ground the ridges of his stomach against her as he sucked on her nipple. Suddenly the walls of her sheath clenched and released, throbbed. Hanna let go with a scream, swept up in a pleasure so intense, she had to hold on to Marcus to keep herself steady in the onslaught.

  Opening her eyes, Hanna found Marcus hovering over her, his eyes filled with lust and concern.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  She was stiff with shock, gaping at him.

  “No. Back off. Let me go. Now.”

  He stood back and she jumped down, racing to her bedroom where she quickly locked the door.

  “Hanna!” he called out. “Get back here now. Damn it, Hanna!”

  She bit back a sob. Christ, what was wrong with her? She’d just experienced the most amazing orgasm, and here she was, hiding in the bedroom as though she were an immature teenager.

  “Way to act normal, Hanna,” she muttered to herself.

  Moving to the mirror, she stared at herself, astonished by what she saw. Her lips were red and swollen, her eyes glistening and wide. She was still panting, each quick breath pushing out her small breasts, which now seemed bigger, her nipples more prominent where they pressed against her bra.

  The walls of her sheath continued to pulse, aftereffects from the orgasm rocking through her. This had never happened before. It was exhilarating, exciting and terrifying.

  Hanna hugged herself and sat on the bed, rocking. Stupid. Foolish. Why had she run off? What an idiot she’d made of herself. How could she ever face Marcus again? She didn’t even know why, for god’s sake. With a growl of disgust she stood and grabbed the first thing her hand found—a portable alarm clock. She smashed it against the wall.

  Chapter Four

  The clock hit the window, shattering the glass, leaving a gaping hole. An alarm immediately sounded.

  “Hanna! Open this door now!” Stunned, Hanna had never heard Marcus roar like that.

  “Stand back from the door, I’m coming in.”

  Marcus smashed through the door with his shoulder, the wood cracking and splintering.

  Coming to a sudden stop, he stared at her then the window. He hit a button on his wristwatch and the alarm immediately stopped. Jumping toward her, he picked her up and carried her away from the open window.

  “What happened?” he snapped. “Are you hurt?”

  She shook her head, mortified. Idiot. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to—”

  His phone rang. He set Hanna down on the end of the bed and pulled his cell from his pocket.

  “Yeah,” he snarled into the phone. “No, we’re fine. I broke a window. Does it matter how? I need someone to come over and fix it. Now.”

  He growled and, scooping her up against his chest, easily stepped over the mess on the floor, the leftovers of the door he’d smashed to bits. Her body stirred at his closeness.

  “Marcus, what are you doing?”

  He marched to his bedroom and, pushing open the door, placed her on his bed.

  Hanna looked around in interest, not having been in his bedroom before. It was smaller than hers. A bit messy, clothes strewn on the chair, books lying on the floor by his bed, but otherwise clean.

  “Wait here. I have to secure the window. Do not move.”

  Marcus left. Hanna scanned the room, staring at the mess, until it all became too much. She was shaky, on edge, and she couldn’t talk herself out of it. She slipped off the bed and bent to pick up the clothes off the floor. She worked silently, tidying the room as she tried to bring herself under control.

  “Damn it, Hanna, what did I tell you?” She winced, looking over her shoulder. He stormed into the bedroom, his face thunderous. She supposed the sensible reaction to his ire would have been fear. But Marcus wouldn’t hurt her and she quite liked that he didn’t treat her as though she were fragile, or worse, not quite right in the head.

  He snatched up a shirt, hanging it up in the wardrobe. “If anyone’s going to put my clothes away it’s going to be me, goddammit,” he muttered. He turned to her with a large, blue t-shirt and plopped it over her head. “You need to cover yourself up.”

  “Oh.” She blushed, she hadn’t even realized she was still half-naked. Marcus cupped her chin and lifted her face. She averted her eyes, not wanting to see what he was thinking.

  “I like you topless,” he said gruffly. “But I don’t want anyone else seeing you that way. Got it.” It wasn’t really a question, but she nodded in agreement anyway. He turned away with a grunt.

  Her wolf basked in his possessiveness and the way his scent surrounded them. His t-shirt hung over her frame almost to her knees. Hanna crossed her arms over her stomach.


  She shoved that thought down. The fact that he didn’t want others seeing her half-naked didn’t mean he felt anything toward her. Well, nothing more than lust, that is.

  “Who’s coming to fix the window?” How would they explain what happened? Laney, Cooper and Rye were the only ones who knew they were here and they already thought she was touched in the head. They talked to her as though she might break with one harsh word. She shouldn’t be bothered what they thought. Yet she was.

  He shrugged. “Rye will bring over something to board it up with. We’ll get it fixed later.”

  She tapped her fingers against her thigh.

  “I’m going to go with Cooper’s plan,” she told him. “I can’t pretend to be your girlfriend, Marcus. You know that none of your packmates would buy into it. Plus, I have to give myself a chance to get to know Cooper’s brothers. If I’m pretending to be your girlfriend, I’ll have less chance to do that without raising suspicions.”

  Pretending to be his girlfriend would serve nothing except make her rely on him more. An
d make it so much more difficult to say goodbye.

  He folded a t-shirt and turned to her. “What if you can’t stand them?” he asked.

  “Then I’ll pretend the best I can until another solution presents itself.” She sounded confident, even to her own ears. “This is my chance for a home, Marcus. I can’t mess it up.”

  And I have to stop relying on you when I can’t have you.

  Marcus growled. “Are you sure you won’t change your mind?”

  “I’m sure.” The intense look in his eyes left her breathless.

  “I still don’t like it.”

  “I know,” she said. “But it’s for the best.”

  He groaned and she was sure she heard him mutter as he bent over to pick up a stray sock. She couldn’t help but stare at his butt as he bent over, her clit throbbing as need ran through her. She took a deep breath, almost averting her eyes in embarrassment as he turned and stared at her thoughtfully.

  “Are you checking out my ass?” he asked.

  She blushed, horrified he’d caught her.

  “N-no,” she squeaked.

  His lips twitched.

  “You must be sick of being cooped up here with me. I mean, you must want to get back to your pack. Don’t you miss anyone?”

  He raised his eyebrows. “I miss my family. But there’s no lover waiting for me, if that’s what you’re asking. Do you really think I’d suggest you act as my girlfriend if I was already taken? That I would kiss you if there was someone else?”

  No, she knew he wouldn’t betray someone he cared about that way.

  “Don’t think much of me, do you? No, there is no one waiting for me. And no, I’m not tired of living here. It’s my job to keep you safe. You move back to Silverton and my job becomes one hundred times harder.”

  Oh, well, that made sense. Even if it did hurt her heart.

  Her wolf snarled, unhappy with his reply. She wasn’t sure what she’d wanted. A declaration of love? For him to tell her that he wasn’t about to let her put herself at risk because he couldn’t imagine life without her? She almost snorted. One mind-shattering orgasm and suddenly she expected devotion, love— What an idiot.


  “Hmm?” She looked over at him.

  “Were you trying to leave?”


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