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Holt's Holding

Page 2

by a dagmara

  Making my way to my car, I was grateful for the fab key. That was the last thing, I wanted to do. Look for my car keys. I threw my bags into the back seat of the car. Siting in the car, adjusting all the mirrors and staring it, I took in a cleansing breath. I thoroughly loved my Nissan Altima. It had all the comforts of a luxury car without the price tag.

  Funny for a twenty five year old whom just came into the full balance of a trust fund I could afford more. I just didn’t see the purpose. No, I felt no need for flashy items. Moreover, I loved this car. It had reminded me of my mother’s…down to the color. Black

  The only advantage was that this one was new, and I loved the backup camera.

  One final check in the rear view mirror, then my eyes out of habit, landed on the screen of the center console. Letting off the brake, I slowly back the car out of the parking spot, and out of the garage. Like every morning, I knew my drive to Georgetown would be an endless battle down I-95.

  I drove easily out of Baltimore city and entered the beltway. My IPod, blaring thru the speakers, was common.

  I always used this time in the car just to center myself. In many ways, the drive to work was what I needed to prep myself for the endless barrage of; “Lillian get me this…or I need that…Where is…!” I hated the demands my boss put on me.

  Junior editor…right more like his personal slave.

  Pulled from my thoughts, my blue tooth always rang thru the speakers.

  “Good morning Julie.” Gotta love caller ID.

  “Hey love!” Her voice groggy, no surprise there; as this was not normal for her.

  “And how are you doing this morning?” I teased remember her one niter. Hell, I was having a hard time forgetting him.

  “Tired…ugh, I have to pack. I finally got a freelance assignment, so I’m flying out to Haiti in the next three hours.”

  “Wow…I take it your covering the earthquake?” I was happy for her…this was indeed the break she was waiting for. And a good thing remembering her one night stand.

  “Yup…It’s such a shame what happened…but an exciting opportunity for me, and my camera”, she sounded so tired.

  “So, I take it your one niter didn’t give you too much time for sleep!” I teased. Fuck, I knew I shouldn’t have brought him up. Yet, what possessed me, was clearly stupidity. Trying to make light of it, “I guess that’s something you can do on the plane” ok I was a bit jealous remembering the way he looked at me. Hell, I could tell that he was built under that suit, not to mention his height was something I always looked for. I think he was 6’5 or taller.

  Julie laughed with me.

  “Oh lord Lilly…he wasn’t a one niter…” she giggled some more “He’s my half-brother Charlie. I’m sorry I would have told you sooner, but you were out last night.”

  Half-brother? I had forgotten she had mentioned him from time to time. Great, he was even more of an off limit for me now. What am I saying!

  “Oh shit…I thought he was…shit, I was so rude this morning, I just ran out. I don’t even know if he left or not. I got so distracted when my boss called. Shit, he must think me to be a scatter brain.” Ok, I was frazzled. She was my roommate, regardless of how close we were or not, he was her family. I was raised with manners and clearly didn’t bestow him any.

  “That’s a lot shit calling’ Lilly…no worries. Who gives a shit” she paused laughing “I’m sorry for not telling you sooner. I just didn’t know if he were actually going to stay. I offered what seems like forever ago, an invitation to stay with me while his brown stone's renovations were still ensuing. He said that it would be completed by the time he planned to move to the states. I didn’t expect him, honest. Then last night he just showed up. I hope you’re not mad?” Her tone was sincere.

  “It’s fine…he’s your brother. How long is he staying?” Fuck me. Please say a day or two…I can’t afford this type of entanglement.

  “Only for a week, I think…it shouldn’t be an issue…He’ll stay in my room, since I’m going to be gone. Plus, he works a lot, as do you; so I doubt that the two of you will cross paths too much.” Julie paused, and I could tell a warning was coming…I knew what her long pauses meant. Giving her time, I waited a moment for her to throw me her warning.

  “Lil…he’s my brother and all, but he’s well …without totally sounding mean; well he’s not the type of man too…and you are, well…”

  Quick to cut her off, “I get it off limits. No worries, I don’t have time for a man beyond a one night stand. I would not ever get involved with my friends brother. Warning heeded.”

  “Lil not what I meant…he’s just not right for you. He has a bit of a reputation, and well…It’s not you I’m concerned of but him. He’s likely to pursue you just for sport.” Her voice sounded sincere and almost a bit sorry. Interesting.

  “Julie no need to explain anything. As you said, he works a lot, as do I, so I doubt we will actually see one another? Well except when he makes coffee in the morning. Damn, that was about the best part of waking up today. Love me some coffee!” We both laughed.

  “So you’re cool with him staying?” She asked, waiting patiently for my answer.

  “It’s fine…no worries…and congrats on the job!” I did my best to ease her concerns. But, I was concerned. I didn’t even know him, yet my body reacted to him with such need, such intensity leaving me with one simple fact, it intimidated me.

  “Thanks! I’m looking forward to my first assignment!” She sounded so young with all her enthusiasm.

  “You’ll do great. Have a safe trip and see you when you get back.”

  “Thanks Lil!”

  I hung up the phone, and the music replaced the call, thru the speakers. Shit, now I have a male roommate for the next week. I guess the only good thing is that I work too much. Damn he was gorgeous. My mind adrift remembering his eyes, the way he looked at me, and how easily I got caught up in them. That heated draw ran straight to my core. Fuck. I was sure I was already wet with a mere thought of him. This was a problem in my book. A Huge fucking problem.

  Julie was trying to warn me about him. He’s off limits, I had to remind myself.

  Laughing, I almost entertained the idea.

  Whom was I kidding? I was already aroused, and the idea was enough to make my soak my underwear. I was indeed attracted to him. There was something, eerily familiar about him. I can’t put my finger on it. I obviously felt drawn, yet my instincts seemed to scream at me, that he would be a monumental mistake.

  Wow…clearly I need to put him out of my mind.

  OFF Limits!!

  I knew, I would be repeating those words a lot in the next coming days…or, I can just stay away from the apartment as much as possible. The bigger question started to pull my attention; how in the world was I this taken with him? I didn’t know him, and the brief encounter this morning, shouldn’t have produced anything more than a momentary glance his way; that should be quickly forgotten.

  Damn it. He was my roommate’s brother. I never involved myself with anyone’s brother. Nor did I believe in anything at first sight. I wasn’t a romantic, if anything I was the complete opposite. My reputation was one I earned, and something I didn’t allow to bother me as I’ve been label cold, and my favorite, inaccessible. My reputation worked well for me. I liked my reputation, it kept most clear from me and only those who had the courage to come forth.

  Now, here I was, not understanding how in the world he had me in such an unfamiliar place.

  Maybe it was just being caught off guard in my home, that had me. Yes, that had to be it, along with the simple fact, I hadn’t been with anyone in some time now.

  Sex…that was the attraction and need, which had me, wanting him like a schoolgirl.

  It had to be.

  I could fix that problem easily maintaining my rule, no friends’ brothers. However, his scent still lingered in my nose, as was the way his eyes barred into me.

  Crap I’m in trouble.

  I would
need to stay away from the apartment as much as possible.

  Suddenly, my state of feeling hungover was no longer a problem. Now it was the idea of Charlie staying in my apartment a full week.

  Chapter 2

  Shit. I think that has become my word of the day.

  I ran into the office building waving a hello to Peter at the security desk. He was a kind older man whom always made my day. He always offered some type of wisdom when he thought I needed it. This seemed to be a lot these days.

  Ugh, I seriously hate elevators today…Perhaps they are all conspiring against me? I laughed to myself.

  I kept hitting the button, and nothing…of course six elevators, and not one when you freakin need it.

  I stood, and anxiously tapped my foot. Ok, patience was undeniably something I lacked. Looking down at the marble floor, the scent rocked me. I knew that cologne, familiar, not like the apartment but very familiar…I just didn’t know from where? It was mixed with Julie’s brother’s cologne, or maybe this was my lack of sex conjuring it.

  I turned looking to my left then to my right. Pursing my lips and scrunching my brows, I wasn’t sure where it was coming from.

  Finally, the elevator door opened. Pausing and biting my lower lip, I shook my head.

  “Good morning Lil.” The voice, female and devious, with the charm of the Midwest. Willing myself to smile, and shake my head out of my stupidity, I sighed. Gathering my composure, I looked up at Sam from Hr. Sam had become both my friend, and happy hour partner for the better part of the past two years. She was roughly the same height as me; however, she was extremely slender. I envied her legs, which seemed to go on forever, and her perfect hair that held a more strawberry blonde tint. She looked like the prom queen from high school in some Midwest town. I had to admit she even carried the country girl charm.

  “Good morning Sam.” I stepped in. And pressed the top floor.

  “I hear there’s something big going down today.” She offered as if she was in the know.

  “Hmm, I’m not sure.” Sighing, “I’ll be in meetings all day, but not sure why? Mr. Leiber had me change up his schedule only yesterday to fit these meetings in never saying what they were to entail.”

  “I’m not actually supposed to comment, but word is we were taken over by some prodigious corporation based out of London.” She pursed her lips tight and raised her brows. I knew I could count on her to spill.

  “Interesting, I hadn’t heard anything,” Biting down on my lip, I shuffled my stance nervously without realizing that I was even doing it.

  “No-one one had. This was a hush, hush.” Sam shook her head, clearly missing my display of nerves. Which, I was grateful for. I never lacked control of my emotions, and I do mean never. Her presence though, I guess she pulled the need to trust her out of me. I use the term lightly, as I trust no one. Well, perhaps one person. Looking to her, I pulled my steal blanket over body and smiled with interest.

  “Hopefully, they get rid of Mr. Leiber…that would make my day.” I laughed rolling my eyes.

  “They can take Janet with him,” She laughed with as much enthusiasm. We both found ourselves laughing hard, like schoolgirls. Exchanging different insults of our bosses, we didn’t even notice the elevator came to a stop.

  Very quickly, we composed ourselves, stepping back to give space to the gentleman entering. I didn’t bother to look at him as he entered. I needed to reel in my amusement.

  We both nodded to the newest occupant.

  Whoa, he was tall. I looked up to the backside of him. I think I was practically looking straight up he was so damn tall.

  Turning to, Sam I noticed her eyes fixed ahead. The man now standing in front must be extremely attractive, and it was clear she was taken with him.

  Appraising him from behind, he looked like he could be someone’s bodyguard; however; his suit, was too expensive to indicate such a profession. Lowering my gaze back down, I slighted my head appreciating his extremely likeable ass. His slacks, pulled a bit tight from his hands in his pockets, providing a particularly marvelous view of his firm ass.

  Teasingly, I raised my gaze up to Sam.

  Very interesting, in the two years, I have worked here, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her interested in anyone. She looked like she could possibly combust. Thank god, he was getting off a few floors before us.

  He made his way out and as soon as the door shut, I puckered my lips and raised my eyes to her. She understood my gesture.

  “Wholly shit, did you see him?” Her wide and appreciative eyes bore into me. “What I wouldn’t do to take that home with me.” She sounded like a schoolgirl in heat.

  “You don’t say?” I tried not to laugh at her obvious confession. However, I found myself giggling, and tears of laughter pooling.

  “Delicious…that’s what I will call him. And he can bend me over any time.” She laughed. Yes, she undoubtedly mimicked a schoolgirl in heat. I couldn’t help but grin in amusement. I kind of wished I took notice of the front of this stranger.

  “Ok then…clearly, you need to get laid and well.” Pausing, I sighed, “So do I.”

  “Well, may I suggest happy hour after work? We can do a little hunting on our own…well; at least the tequila will be a guarantee.” She smiled at me.

  “Yeah, I hear ya…oh tequila, how you always guarantee a good time and never disappoint.” I teased, but there was more truth to my statement then I wanted to accept. Contrary to what others believed of me, it had been at least six months if not longer, since I had a man between my legs. The thought alone made me shiver. Not for the lack of sex, but the last man.

  The elevator finally came to a halt on the top floor. We both looked to each other and laughed.

  “I’ll see you after work” Sam replied. Walking from the elevator, we went our own prospective ways.

  I pursed my lips tight and smiled, knowing that this would probably be the last smile until five.

  What seemed like hours later of, “I need this, and get me this”, five wasn’t coming quick enough. Settling for a very late lunch at my desk, I finally had a moment to breath. The day was indeed more demanding than I had anticipated, and my hangover was now rearing its head.

  Sam was right, some London outfit bought us out; Vaihn Enterprises.

  It was rumored that the new owner and his partner were only in the thirties, and extremely attractive. However, they were also rumored to be terribly shrewd businessmen.

  I hadn’t had the privilege of running into them, let alone, an introduction. I supposed that wasn’t necessary, since I was pretty much an assistant.

  Ugh …junior editor my ass.

  Personal Bitch, seemed like a better title.

  I was hungry and my salad wasn’t going to do much for me. I sat at my desk going thru emails.

  HR sent out their memo addressing the owners …quick bio and such…I had no interest in their attempt to personify themselves as these glorious new boss.

  Can you say DELETE?

  Next email was apparently an internal sender. Subject COMPLIANCE…

  Wow…kind of brassy. I suspected changes, but didn’t think it was necessary to label a subject title in all caps.

  I’m sure we all got the importance without screaming at us in our inboxes.

  I skimmed thru it and moved to my “Read later” folder.

  Looking at my salad, I just picked away at. My internal IM popped up on my screen…

  User: HR...Conference room flr 5.

  Must be from Sam, she was on the fifth floor. She and I periodically through the work day would IM each other.

  HR-how do you like the new compliance measures?

  -Who cares…new outfit pushing their weight around? I’m too damn busy to even care at the moment.

  HR-not happy with the new ownership?

  -makes no difference.

  HR-how so?

  -They will flaunt their new acquisition like little boys with a new toy…then leave when they’re bored.
  HR-what makes you think they wouldn’t stick around?

  -Please, this is a small ad agency, what would the point be?

  HR-ok I’ll give you that. Have you met the new owners yet?

  -Seriously? No…and have no interest to. Someone has to actually work around here.

  HR-perhaps, you should reconsider. You might think differently of them.

  -that’s doubtful; I know their type, all too well. Ego centric and arrogant asses…yeah, no thank you.

  -shit gotta run…have to head down to storage and pull the poster adds from the last campaign I headed.

  HR-don’t judge too harshly; you might be in for a surprise.

  -ugh…love, you know me …I’m the best judge out there…I can spot out peoples characters perfectly. See later…

  I closed down the IM window and stood walking to the back cabinet, when that cologne hit me again.

  For the life of me, I had no idea where it was coming from. The first vision in my head was of Julie’s brother and the way he looked at me. Fuck! I must be desperate. My damn panties were instantly soaked. Closing my eyes, I shook off the memory.

  Grabbing the keys, I walked past the sea of cubicles and made my way to the Elevators.

  Fiddling with the keys, the doors opened. The cologne, still so intensely present throughout the entire floor. Stepping in, I reached over to hit basement level.

  Stepping back, shit…I wasn’t alone.

  “Oh, dear lord, I’m so sorry.” I offered.

  “No need.” He responded with a hint of amusement…wow, another English accent. Turning to him, he looked young, and dressed well. He reminded me of a bookworm. . It was his overall appearance, the red hair, glasses, tall and straggly build, that his suit, just couldn’t hide.

  “Are you new?” I asked already knowing that by the accent.

  “Yes. I suppose the accent gives me away?” He smiled acknowledging my politeness as the answer was a given.

  “I suppose it does.” I smiled and turned to the doors.


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