Douluo Dalu - Volume 04 - Shrek Seven Devils

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 04 - Shrek Seven Devils Page 10

by Tang Jia San Shao

  At the same time as the youth kicked, Dai Mubai acted.

  Did a tiger have a good temperament? The answer was of course not. These last few days enduring not a little anger from Zhu Zhuqing, Dai Mubai’s heart had long held in the rage. Confronted with the other party’s provocation, how would he let this kind of opportunity slip by.

  With a muffled peng sound, the Blue Sunshine youth only felt as if his foot kicked an iron panel, the entire calf shaking and numb, immediately following, Dai Mubai already slapped out.

  The youth’s complexion dropped greatly, raising both hands wanting to hold back Dai Mubai’s hand, but who could have expected that his hands would be shocked open by the added spirit power in Dai Mubai’s palm, and that one palm still solidly slapped his stomach.

  The youth’s counted as having a large stature, but from Dai Mubai’s palm strike his entire body bent backwards, thrown flying like a completely weightless scarecrow, in succession knocking down two tables, flying towards the Blue Sunshine Academy group.

  The Blue Sunshine Academy’s middle aged man hastily stood up, raising both hands, grabbing the youth’s shoulders and catching him. The youth’s complexion was pale, with retching sounds, spewing out a mouthful of blood, his entire body becoming completely listless.

  Dai Mubai straightened, by means of previous palm’s motion stretching his waist,

  “I truly am embarrassed, it was an accident.”

  The Evil Eye White Tiger’s true colors showed, on his face was disdain and contempt, wearing intense aggressiveness. Let alone strangers, even if it was his people seeing him all felt somewhat at risk of a beating.

  At the commotion within the dining hall, the diners near the two tables of Shrek Academy and Blue Sunshine Academy hastily got out of the way, so as to avoid disaster to the pond fish[ Half of the idiom “A fire at the city gates, is also a disaster to the fish in the pond”, which means that innocent bystanders will get hurt. The logic is that even though the fish feel safe in the water while the city is burning, as the water is used to put out the fire the pond will dry up and the fish will die.], but the majority of the people did not immediately leave the dining hall, rather looking at the scene with excitement. One must know, ordinarily wanting to see a confrontation between Spirit Masters one would have to go to a Great Spirit Arena, but that was considerably expensive, right now they could watch freely, ordinary people naturally would be excited at spirits. Let alone in this place, where Spirit Masters constantly appeared.

  How could the Blue Sunshine Academy group still endure it, the remaining six Academy uniformed people stood up, glaring towards the Shrek Academy’s table. Wanting to rush over, they were stopped by that middle aged man.

  The middle aged man continued helping the youth to sit on a chair, with a calm face shouting to Dai Mubai:

  “What Academy do you children belong to?”

  Light flickered in Dai Mubai’s double pupil evil eyes,

  “Interrogating[ (盘道么?) RAW is “winding mountain road?” which makes no sense to me, so I will assume typo and use a homonym (盘倒)]? You don’t deserve it.”

  Speaking, he again sat back down on his seat.

  Fatty’s movements were very quick, especially when eating things, right now he had already started, while eating still said:

  “En, the taste is okay, only lacking some heat. Passable food.”

  That Blue Sunshine Academy teacher’s face was already ashen from anger,

  “Fine you arrogant brats, instruct them for me.”

  The Blue Sunshine Academy students moved at once after his words, besides the one injured by Dai Mubai and the female student, the other five immediately rushed towards Tang San’s group’s table.

  “A fight? I like it.”

  Xiao Wu excitedly hopped up from her seat, without the slightest hesitation going to meet them.

  Xiao Wu had acted, so naturally Tang San would not stay idle, also standing up, both eyes already covered by a faint purple layer.

  * * *

  [1] (恢复) “to recover”

  [2] Idiom: Make the best of local resources.

  [3] Cang Hui (苍晖) “Deep Blue/Green Sunshine”

  [4] Half of the idiom “A fire at the city gates, is also a disaster to the fish in the pond”, which means that innocent bystanders will get hurt. The logic is that even though the fish feel safe in the water while the city is burning, as the water is used to put out the fire the pond will dry up and the fish will die.

  [5] (盘道么?) RAW is “winding mountain road?” which makes no sense to me, so I will assume typo and use a homonym (盘倒)

  Chapter 027: Not Daring To Cause Trouble Is Mediocrity

  Part 1

  Neither side directly brought out their spirits, the opposing five youths saw that the person meeting them unexpectedly was a delicate and pretty little miss. Although she appeared young, at present Xiao Wu was already about one metre seventy tall, winking with adorable big eyes, advancing with an appearance harmless to men and beasts. They couldn’t help but immediately lose some of their anger.

  Oscar standing next to Tang San, in a low voice said:

  “Won’t you also catch up, don’t let Xiao Wu come to grief.”

  Oscar had not seen Xiao Wu genuinely use her skill, and naturally did not know her true strength. But since the other side came from an advanced Spirit Master academy they should have at least twentieth ranked or higher spirit power level, and there were five of them.

  Tang San did not step forward, slightly smiling, said:

  “You too are deceived by Xiao Wu’s external appearance. These several fellows must have bad luck.”

  After many years of continuous cultivation, Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye had already truly entered the detailed realm. His ability to see things naturally wasn’t merely like before.

  Purple Demon Eye was divided into the four surveying, detailed, mustard seed and boundless stages, in the surveying realm one was able to substantially improve vision power, and furthermore clearly grasp every existing detail.

  After entering the detailed realm, according to what Tang San originally remembered of Mysterious Heaven Treasure Record’s accounts, Purple Demon Eye’s effect should be seeing even more clearly, and grasping even richer detail, but detail realm Purple Demon Eye could further grant a mental state where everything slowed down, allowing him to react in the shortest possible time.

  After Tang San’s Purple Demon Eye genuinely entered the detailed realm, he discovered that in this world, Purple Demon Eye had some differences. Besides its original capabilities, he was also able to see Spirit Masters’ amount of spirit power.

  But there was a condition, he could only see spirit power of spirit masters with spirit power lower than his. When stronger than his, Purple Demon Eye saw nothing..

  Although he did not know how that came about, to Tang San, this undoubtedly was a considerably useful ability, at the least capable of helping him decide whether the opponent’s spirit power was stronger than his.

  Right now, he relied on Purple Demon Eye to clearly see the other side’s Blue Sunshine Academy’s seven students. Besides that female student and that teacher who he was unable to see through, he was very clear about the other six students’ spirit power.

  The spirit power of the youth who previously provoked and was beaten back by Dai Mubai was twenty seventh ranked, and of these five people in front of him right now none had surpassed twenty fifth rank.

  Tang San only too thoroughly understood Xiao Wu’s real combat experience, she also had twenty ninth ranked spirit power, under circumstances without preparations, Tang San could be sure that it was impossible for Xiao Wu to come to grief, to say nothing of also having him at her side.

  The five youths advancement halted, but this did not mean Xiao Wu would stop.

  Xiao Wu blinked with her big eyes, saying with a smile:

  “All of you big brothers, hello.”

  The five youths were distracted simul
taneously, unable to help looking at each other in dismay. Blocked by a little miss looking this adorable, their aggressive manner immediately went motionless, hesitating for a moment, not knowing what to do.

  But as they looked at each other, Xiao Wu moved. Her feet seemingly slipping she completely tumbled forward at once, body toppling in the direction of a youth.

  That youth subconsciously raised his hands thinking to support Xiao Wu, but suddenly saw a black shiny braid flying through the air. Before he even had time to react, his neck was already firmly bound by Xiao Wu’s scorpion braid. At just this moment Xiao Wu’s body also stopped tumbling, leaping up with body curling, jumping with her back to that student, both feet directly stomping towards the other party’s stomach.

  With one’s neck bound it was easy to panic, and seeing Xiao Wu’s both feet stomp at him the youth hastily raised both hands to block. But how could he have expected Xiao Wu to not at all use her feet to attack, but only as a fulcrum. In practically only a split second, his entire body flew forward following Xiao Wu’s front handspring.

  Originally even if it was Tang San, the first time he encountered Xiao Wu’s Soft Skill he got the worst of it, let alone these academics before him: advanced Spirit Master academy students without much combat experience.

  Xiao Wu’s movements were extremely fast, and without stopping her feet for the slightest moment, drawing support from the previous hand flip momentum, while throwing one person both her feet fell onto another person.

  By now, the four remaining youths still had not completely reacted, the youth confronting Xiao Wu’s second attack hastily held up both hands, thinking to block Xiao Wu’s attack, but was Xiao Wu’s soft skill so easy to resist?

  Both his arms indeed blocked Xiao Wu’s feet, but this Blue Sunshine student was shocked to discover, Xiao Wu’s feet unexpectedly did not carry any strength, and soft like noodles both feet sliding, already boring through under his arms, accurately pressing at both sides of his neck, next, Xiao Wu’s front flip turned into a backflip, violating inertia, and a second person was also thrown.

  All this happened in a flash, the diners all around saw the Blue Sunshine Academy five rushing forward, but unexpectedly in a moment a beautiful young miss efficiently threw two of them.

  That Blue Sunshine Academy teacher seeing Xiao Wu’s attack methods was also stunned a moment, alarm mixing with anger, snarling:

  “Idiots, use spirits.”

  On the other side, Oscar exerted himself to rub his eyes, unable to help saying:

  “Fuck me, so fierce. Luckily I haven’t offended your Xiao Wu.”

  Tang San smiled slightly without speaking, by now, Dai Mubai once again stood up, in a low voice saying:

  “Xiao Wu, come back. With us male students here, why use you schoolgirls to fight.”

  Between flickers, Dai Mubai already reached Xiao Wu’s side. Xiao Wu turned her head to look towards Tang San, and as Tang San nodded towards her, she without attacking again walked back calmly.

  Fatty Ma Hongjun in ate two mouthfuls in quick succession, and while chewing the food in his mouth, somewhat reluctantly walked out, standing by Dai Mubai’s side. Kneading a pair of chubby hands, making cracking sounds.

  Tang San walked up to meet Xiao Wu, and exchanged positions with her, standing at Dai Mubai’s other side.

  Three juveniles against five youths, it looked like Tang San’s side appeared much weaker, but was their actual strength contrasted this way?

  Xiao Wu previously did not use her spirit, therefore, although those two thrown fellows were confused and distracted, they were not genuinely injured. The five Blue Sunshine students again gathered together, fury already reaching a peak, practically without hesitation using their spirits.

  How could they also want to believe that they with advanced Spirit Master academy student rank would be unable to beat these juveniles.

  For a moment, all kinds of light flashed. The five youths spirit rings color were the same, all had one white and one yellow, representing one ten year spirit ring and one hundred year spirit ring.

  The five were naturally without exception Battle Spirit Masters, comprised of two Tool Spirit Battle Spirit Masters and three Beast Spirit Battle Spirit Masters.

  The two Tool Spirits respectively were Pike and Trident[ (三股叉) “Three Part Pitchfork”, which differs slightly from the regular word for trident (三叉戟) “Three Pronged Halberd”, so it may be he just has a pitchfork.], the three Beast Spirits following were Deer, Sheep[ (羊) Alternatively “Goat”.] and Horse. Judging by the spirits themselves, all could be considered powerful.

  Seeing their opponents release their spirits, Dai Mubai’s evil eyes even held a bit more disdain,

  “This is what’s called advanced spirit master academy disciples? And ten year spirit rings? Younger brothers, let them have a look at spirit rings.”

  This among the Shrek Academy students oldest Evil Eye White Tiger never was a reasonable person, this bit, Tang San already discovered long ago the first time they met. Unless you made him acknowledge you in strength, Dai Mubai’s arrogant manner would not vary.

  “White Tiger, Body Enhancement.”

  A layer of pale white light abruptly emerged from his body, Dai Mubai’s both arms simultaneously stretched to either side, chest sticking out, cracking sounds echoing from his whole skeleton, muscles abruptly swelling, the clothes he wore filling out.

  Each muscle became extremely distinct under his clothes, even the air at his side seemed to already become wild.

  The blonde hair in a moment became alternating black and white, white taking up the majority, several locks of black hair exceptionally distinct within.

  On his forehead appeared four faint lines, three horizontal and one vertical, happening to form the character ‘king’[ Wang (王)].

  His hands changed the most, growing to no less than twice their former size, white fur completely covering the backs of the hands, flicking between the ten fingers, short dagger-like talons continuously stretched out and withdrew from the palm.

  Each of those talons was like the edge of a knife, length exceeding eight cun[ 8寸 = 27 cm], shining with quiet cold.

  Dai Mubai’s upper body slowly leaned forward, the four pupils of his evil eyes becoming a deep serene blue, emitting intangible ice cold murderous intent, brimming with tyrannical deterring force, under his feet, three brilliant rings of light rose successively, quietly ascending, two yellow and one purple, spirit rings wandering between, surging spirit power forming pressure like billows hitting the face.

  Perhaps it was because of spirits mutually subduing each other, on the other side the three Beast Spirit Battle Spirit Masters couldn’t help but tremble and recoil several steps at the same time as Dai Mubai completed his Spirit Body Enhancement.

  Facing Tiger, how could Deer, Sheep and Horse not be afraid?

  Especially that on Dai Mubai’s body representing a thousand year spirit ring, even more made the confronting five Blue Sunshine Academy students’ hearts shake greatly.

  At the same time as Dai Mubai released his spirit, Tang San and Ma Hongjun also set free their strength.

  “Phoenix, body enhancement.”

  Red-purple light rushed out from within Fatty’s body, the short hair on his head abruptly becoming long and furthermore gathering to the center, becoming a mohican type hair style. Two yellow spirit rings simultaneously rose from under his feet, long feathers extending along his bare thick and solid arms. Both hands also took on the shape of claws.

  Part 2

  Scorching air whirled around Fatty’s body, even though his height was not a little shorter than the opposing Blue Sunshine students, after that purple flame released from within his body, his imposing manner became completely different, matching Dai Mubai’s White Tiger Spirit, suppressing the other side with a kind of feeling like being unable to breathe easy.

  Only Tang San’s spirit still could be considered calm, two like Ma Hongjun’s yellow spirit ri
ngs rose from under his feet, dense blue silver grass quietly released, centering on his body, slowly spreading.

  Basically without needing to fight, after only Dai Mubai released three spirit rings, the opposing five Blue Sunshine students already lost heart. They understood clearly how large a gap came from the difference of one spirit ring’s strength, let alone when this person’s third spirit ring was on the thousand year level, how were they still capable of contending with that.

  What brought these several Blue Sunshine Academy students hearts extremely out of balance was, these few juveniles looked much younger than them, but the strength they brought out was already above theirs.


  That Blue Sunshine Academy’s teacher finally couldn’t help but stand forward, waving a hand towards his students,

  “You withdraw.”

  The students were in mental disequilibrium, and this teacher’s heart indeed was extremely shocked, he clearly recognized that the opposing three juveniles, whether it was this somewhat older in the middle or the two on either side looking like only twelve or thirteen years old, all could be said to be geniuses among geniuses. Especially this one in the middle, he looked at most seventeen years old, but already possessed three spirit rings, reaching Spirit Elder realm, this was an unprecedented matter to him. Especially that thousand year spirit ring, so dazzling to the eyes.

  This teacher after all was already in his middle age, seeing Dai Mubai release his genuine strength, in his heart he already considered very many possibilities. Let alone speaking of his several students being able to match the opponent, even if they could prevail over the other side, he still would not let them fight. Somewhat inconveniently could not be provoked.

  “I am Blue Sunshine Academy’s external affairs department director Ye Zhi-Qiu[ (叶知秋) “Page Know Autumn”]. May I ask, what school are you from?”


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