Douluo Dalu - Volume 04 - Shrek Seven Devils

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Douluo Dalu - Volume 04 - Shrek Seven Devils Page 11

by Tang Jia San Shao

  Seeing Ye Zhi-Qiu himself walk out before the three, releasing his spirit power before him without using his spirit to withstand the pressure, Dai Mubai’s heart secretly felt a chill. Under these kinds of circumstances, he could be certain that this middle aged person’s spirit power was far above his own.

  “We are from Shrek Academy.”

  Without waiting for Dai Mubai to speak up, Fatty already immensely proudly spoke. While speaking, his naked gaze resolutely stared at Blue Sunshine Academy’s one female student.

  Yu Zhi-Qiu looked blank a moment. In his eyes revealed a thoughtful light, clearly, he was not familiar with Shrek Academy’s name.

  “Shrek Academy? Seems I have not heard of it.”

  Dai Mubai snorted coldly,

  “You are indeed ignorant and inexperienced.”

  Hearing the other party not at all being children of some school, Ye Zhi-Qiu in his heart loosed a breath, but at the same time also couldn’t help but feel somewhat powerless.

  He always believed that Blue Sunshine Academy’s students were already very outstanding. This time’s plan to leave for Star Dou Great Forest was to assist one student having reached thirtieth rank to advance the third spirit ring. Also that was the female student who all along had not come out.

  But before him these several juveniles provoked him greatly.

  Ye Zhi-Qiu understood that these three juveniles indeed were entitled to disdain Blue Sunshine Academy.

  But, possessing such strong spirit power so young, how had they after all practiced.

  The were practically little monsters.

  Of course, although in his heart he had been shaken the other side’s actual strength, if he cowered back so in front of this many diners, Blue Sunshine Academy would at once lose face.

  The students were out of the question, he himself had to earn back Blue Sunshine Academy’s lost face.

  Thinking of this, Ye Zhi-Qiu no longer hesitated, a light flickering within his eyes, he also released his spirit,

  “Black Tortoise[ Xuan gui (玄龟) Black Tortoise is one of the Four Heavenly Beasts, of which White Tiger is another. ], Spirit Enhancement.”

  Beast Spirit, Black Tortoise.

  A black ripple released from within Ye Zhi-Qiu’s body, forcibly pushing back the pressure of Tang San, Dai Mubai and Fatty. His four limbs simultaneously contracted by one third, his back swelling, unexpectedly bearing a huge shell. Black light twinkled over his whole body, a full five spirit rings rising from below, spiralling above his body. The five spirit rings were one white, two yellow, two purple. This Blue Sunshine Academy external affairs department head unexpectedly was an over fiftieth ranked Spirit King level expert.

  Even though Ye Zhi-Qiu’s spirit ring levels were not at all considered very strong, the more than fiftieth ranked spirit power exhibited there instantaneously suppressed the Shrek side.

  Everyone in the entire dining hall cried out in surprise, after all, on the Continent a Spirit King was already a rare Spirit Master, their actual strength considerably formidable. In some kingdoms one could already possess viscount or even earl titles.

  Dai Mubai’s expression changed, gaze floating over to Tang San beside him, Tang San and him shared a look, naturally understood his meaning. Slowly nodding to him once, both hands slowly rising, stroking Twenty Four Moonlit Bridges.

  To handle an opponent with clearly greater spirit power, perhaps they could only use hidden weapons to ensuring a strike. The other side was not after all Zhao Wuji, and would not likely start off leniently.

  Ye Zhi-Qiu’s speech was very pretty,

  “You several children are not sensible, afterwards don’t talk drivel. Call out your Academy teacher.””

  Fatty uncannily called out,

  “At once pulling out your turtle head[ Fatty says Wang ba (王八) which has the meaning of “tortoise”, but also “cuckold” and “bastard”. This originated from the ancient curse Wang ba duan (忘八端) where wang means “forgotten” and ba duan are the eight basics of how to conduct oneself with integrity: filial piety, fraternal duty, loyalty, trustworthiness, courtesy, righteousness, honesty, shame (“孝,悌,忠,信,礼,义,廉,耻”), meaning a person who had forgotten integrity. At some point this was mixed together with the near homonym for tortoise. I don’t know an English analogue, so you get a poop joke instead.], and still want to see our teacher? We several are enough to deal with you.”

  “All of you, all of you Spirit Master uncles, I beseech you, don’t fight inside my small shop, it’s a small business, a small business……”

  The shop owner at this moment already had no choice but to run out: if he did not dissuade them, in the next moment perhaps the entire store would be baptized by the tempest.

  Ye Zhi-Qiu possessed Black Tortoise Spirit, in all his life the most taboo word was ‘turtle head’[ Wang ba (王八) again].

  Originally he only thought to frighten these several juveniles before him once then let it be, after all, he could not want to shoulder the accusation of the old taking unfair advantage of the young, to say nothing of how entirely unclear the strength was of the Academy behind these children.

  But Fatty had offended his taboo, Ye Zhi-Qiu in his heart was angry, but contrary to his anger smiled,

  “Fine, I will substitute for your teacher to educate you. We will go outside.”

  Finished speaking, he turned and walked outside, behind him the black tortoise shell’s swaying appearance looking somewhat reidiculous, but the spirit power he released was considerably vigorous.

  The Blue Sunshine Academy students also followed Ye Zhi-Qiu outside the hotel, Dai Mubai in a low voice said to Tang San:

  “This old fellow is more than fiftieth ranked, but his spirit Black Tortoise is also a kind of considerably decent Beast Spirit. Later on we must be a bit careful, I previously stood up to his attack, but your movements are probably a bit faster. I fear my support won’t last too long.”

  Tang San said:

  “We will not necessarily lose. Although his spirit power is more formidable than ours, his spirit has flaws.”

  By now, the other several people already came up around them, just in time to hear Tang San’s words.

  Tang San said:

  “His spirit is Black Tortoise, I can be certain that he is a defensive type Battle Spirit Master, of his active abilities and passive abilities, the overwhelming majority should be used for defense. Consequently, although his spirit is much more formidable than ours, the threat he is able to bring us with his attacks isn’t big. High spirit power without suitable means to attack can give us what threat? Therefore, to deal with him I propose two methods.”

  Tang San was Grandmaster’s disciple, regarding spirit theory he knew much more than the others, with only one look at Ye Zhi-Qiu’s spirit, he had already made very many judgements.

  “The first method, is to take advantage of our own speed to contend with him, he after all is a teacher, and his spirit power is also much higher than ours, so naturally he will not issue limits to our number of people. Therefore, I suggest to leave it to me, Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing to completely settle this task, because we three are the fastest.”

  “While contending with him, we must launch our fastest speeds to be sure to not let his attacks hit. Afterward again looking for opportunity, looking for his weak points. Carrying out attacks. Only, Black Tortoise’s defense is very powerful so we might not be able to successfully attack him. As a result of having a carapace to protect his body, my Blue Silver Grass thorns and poison perhaps won’t have any effect on him. Consequently, I even more recommend the second method.”

  “With the first kind of method the similarity is that it’s still us three pinning him down. Black Tortoise is affiliated with water[ In Wu Xing, Five Phases Theory, the Water phase is associated with Black Tortoise. Also, it’s a tortoise.], and it just so happens that Fatty’s Phoenix flame mutually subdues it: water can subdue fire, but fire can also equally restrain water. Fa
tty’s flame is also so peculiar. Leaving you to surround him and start the attack, with Oscar’s Sausage support your attack duration would not have any problem. Our goal is attrition. Xiao Wu, you are in charge of support, alternately switching with us three in front, like this everyone can obtain replenishment from Oscar. Although our spirit power is inferior to his, we have little Ao and in addition a numerical advantage, exploiting his lack of methods of attack that are sufficient to threaten us.”

  Listening to Tang San’s proposal, everyone couldn’t help but slap the table and shout with praise, not one person was unwilling.

  “Tang San, what about me?”

  Ning Rongrong’s refined eyebrows wrinkled slightly, looking at Tang San with wide eyes.

  Tang San stared blankly a moment, the reason he had not included Ning Rongrong in the formation was actually because after learning of this girl’s unreasonable nature, he feared she would have the opposite reaction. Thinking it over, he said:

  “Your spirit is special, engage according to the situation.”

  Ning Rongrong clenched her teeth, sensing the others looked at her with a somewhat strange gaze, secretly releasing her ferocity in her heart. She knew that she seemed to already have been excluded from this group, this kind of feeling was absolutely hard to take for her.

  Part 3

  Discussion over, everyone simultaneously walked outside, relying on Tang San’s original battle with Zhao Wuji, they were all very confident, and speaking of challenging powers to promote their own strength was clearly very advantageous.

  Ning Rongrong walked last, suddenly, her ears picked up a low voice,

  “If you want to make everyone acknowledge you, use action to prove that you are part of Shrek.”

  When Ning Rongrong raised her head to look, it was just in time to see Oscar with his face already grown a full beard smiling towards her. For some reason, the rims of her eyes suddenly reddened, with an effort nodding to Oscar.

  Very quickly everyone reached outside, perhaps it was because the five spirit rings over Ye Zhi-Qiu were too eye catching, but in this small town they had attracted very many onlookers.

  While walking out into this small town, Ye Zhi-Qiu had calmed somewhat, watching the seven juveniles walk up, he said in a low voice:

  “I will give you another opportunity, right now there is still time to admit your wrongs.”

  Dai Mubai smiled nefariously,

  “Wrongs? What is called wrong, what is called right? A big fist, is right. First defeat us then talk again.”

  Finally this time Ye Zhi-Qiu could no longer not act, snorting angrily,

  “All of you together, I will take the place of your academy to teach you manners.”

  Fatty smiled darkly, saying:

  “Remember, we’re not people, we’re monsters.”

  Without waiting for Ye Zhi-Qiu to act, Dai Mubai already charged out, the second spirit ring on his body releasing light, intense white radiance condensing in a round ball already spitting out from his mouth, precisely Evil Eye White Tiger’s second spirit ring ability, White Tiger Fierce Light Wave.

  At the same time as Dai Mubai spit out White Tiger Fierce Light Wave, Zhu Zhuqing’s body flashed diagonally, accelerating in a flash and moving around Ye Zhi-Qiu’s side, Tang San also acted at the same time, charging Ye Zhi-Qiu from the other side.

  The long mohican hair on Fatty’s head trembled, the first spirit ring releasing light, spouting a red-purple Phoenix Fire Wire at Ye Zhi-Qiu.

  The four practically indistinguishably struck one after another. Without the slightest amount of fear of the opponent being an over fiftieth ranked Spirit King.

  Facing the fours’ simultaneous attacks, Ye Zhu-Qiu’s whole body flourished with black light. His mouth releasing a deep roar, on his body the first and second two spirit rings simultaneously shone, body rapidly rotating half a turn, revealing the tortoise shell on his back, at the same time, a black light like a river released ghastly cold air.

  The battle had just begun, but Ye Zhi-Qiu at once used his two spirit ring abilities. One was Black Tortoise Protective Form[ (玄龟护体) ], the other was Black Water Freezing[ (玄水冰封) “Black Water Ice Confer/Seal”]. His goal was very simple, sorting out these youngsters in the shortest time, giving them a profound lesson, since he used this tone, he had also manifested Blue Sunshine Academy’s actual strength.

  Although the Shrek Academy students’ power was out of the ordinary, they were after all still young, their spirit power also had a very large gap with his. Ye Zhi-Qiu believed that relying on releasing his fifty third ranked spirit power’s Black Water Freezing, he would be able to directly freeze their whole bodies to a halt.

  The White Tiger Fierce Light Wave exploded on Ye Zhi-Qiu’s back. Just like Tang San judged, Black Tortoise’s defensive power was ranked at the very front among Beast Spirits. His spirit power also exceeded Dai Mubai’s very much, so this one strike did not have any effect at all, Ye Zhi-Qiu’s body had not even moved.

  By now, Tang San had already taken advantage of this to arrive next to Ye Zhi-Qiu, close to the opponent, he deeply felt an extremely cold air hit his face, seemingly like the blood vessels in his whole body froze. Under the shivering cold in his heart, he hurriedly urged Mysterious Heaven Skill to rapidly work within his body, resisting the cold air, his charging figure coming to a sudden stop. But Blue Silver Grass Spirit swiftly dispersed, twining around Ye Zhi-Qiu from all four directions.

  What is called ‘fire and water have no mercy’[ Idiom: Forces of nature are outside of human control.], whether it was freezing cold or burning heat, regarding plant system Spirits both had a certain restraining effect, Blue Silver Grass’ movement speed under the effect of Black Water Freezing clearly became somewhat sluggish.

  Just at this moment, Fatty’s Phoenix Fire Wire had reached the tortoise shell on Ye Zhi-Qiu’s back.

  Even though Fatty’s Phoenix flame’s had been weakened a fair bit by Black Water Freezing, similarly, following Phoenix Fire Wire’s arrival, Black Water Freezing’s chill had also reduced a lot.

  Although the red-purple flame infecting the tortoise shell was unable to pierce through, it did not stop burning, adhering to it like it was viscous.

  Ma Hongjun’s spirit was a variant and it naturally could not be considered ordinary fire, Ye Zhi-Qiu only felt a burning heat on his back and was immediately startled.

  With the help of this instant’s opportunity, Blue Silver Grass already twined up, tightly adhering to his body, Zhu Zhuqing’s illusory silhouette quietly appeared in the dead angle at Ye Zhi-Qiu’s back, launching the first spirit ring ability Hell Rush Stab, directly targeting Ye Zhi-Qiu’s neck.

  Suddenly, Ye Zhi-Qiu’s neck retracted, a strange scene appearing, his entire head unexpectedly withdrawing into his chest, just perfectly avoiding Zhu Zhuqing’s talons, on his body the third spirit ring shone, spouting out a mouthful of mist, covering the Phoenix flame on his back.

  Even though the Phoenix flame burned very powerfully, Ye Zhi-Qiu’s Black Water was also not simple, his spirit power also by far exceeded Fatty’s, and the red-purple flames on the tortoise shell stopped burning.

  Intense cold once again rose, and Tang San practically immediately withdrew his Blue Silver Grass. Otherwise the Blue Silver Grass would have frozen rigid, which would influence himself not a little. Zhu Zhuqing’s cat’s claws swatted once at the tortoise shell, borrowing power to soar out.

  But in that brief moment of contact, Zhu Zhuqing’s hand already froze rigid.

  This time, Dai Mubai by just arrived, without hesitation having started his White Tiger Protective Barrier, within the glittering light of the first spirit ring, a pair of huge tiger paws with sharp blades popping out, directly swatted at Ye Zhi-Qiu’s back.

  Dai Mubai’s spirit power was the most powerful among the Shrek students, but the thirty seventh ranked spirit power attack still had a with a twenty something rank large gap, with two muffled sounds, Ye Zhi-Qiu’s body stagge
red once, stumbling two steps forward, but he very quickly half turned, head also extending from within the chest, mouth wide, a black cold stream spit directly towards Dai Mubai.

  Third spirit ring ability, Black Water Surge[ (玄水激荡)].

  The intense chill gave Dai Mubai’s body a burst of cold, although White Tiger Protective Barrier could isolate the chill, it still could not completely resist, after all the opponent’s spirit power was more than ten ranks stronger than his.

  Just at this moment, the second red-purple flame appeared just right, blocking in front of Dai Mubai’s body, striking together with that black water.

  Thick steam rising, although the flame was suppressed by the Black Water, Dai Mubai also took advantage of this opportunity to very quickly retreat.

  The brief exchange put Tang San somewhat at a loss, ‘don’t tell me my judgement was wrong, and this Black Tortoise actually isn’t a defensive type spirit? No, impossible, how could Teacher’s many years of research be mistaken. This Blue Sunshine Academy teacher’s spirit clearly hasn’t shown any variation. But this dense cold air spirit ability of his is very difficult to handle.’

  Little did they imagine, while Tang San’s group was astonished, Ye Zhi-Qiu was even more amazed. Although the four juveniles’ coordinated attack did not injure him, it caused him some not inconsiderable inconvenience. Especially Ma Hongjun’s spouted Phoenix Fire Wire was deeply felt by Ye Zhi-Qiu, this kind of flame seemingly was precisely his bane. If it was not for that little Fatty’s spirit power being too low, his Black Water would absolutely be unable to resist this kind of eccentric flame.

  And the spirit power added to Dai Mubai’s two palms just now swatting on his tortoise shell was vigorous and tyrannical, brimming with explosive strength, although he had the tortoise shell for protection, they still made the blood and breath in Ye Zhi-Qiu’s body roll. After all, Black Tortoise Protective Form was only his first spirit ring ability, and although Black Tortoise in itself excelled at defense, in the end the first spirit ring ability’s defensive strength was still very limited.


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