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The Knowing One

Page 12

by Lexy Wolfe

  "You make me feel incredibly young." Kelafy chuckled and nodded. "As you wish, Almek. Though I confess it will require some adjustment. A lifetime of habits do not change overnight, after all, and there are precious few I feel comfortable being this casual with." The woman tilted her head, her piercing blue eyes fixed on his. "When are you going to tell them?"

  Almek blinked uncomprehendingly at the woman. "Tell them what?"

  Kelafy snorted softly. "Do not try to play that you do not know what I am speaking of. I may not have your years of experience or knowledge, but I am good at what I do, and that is taking care of people." She fixed the man with a stern look. "You remind me of my dead husband, goddess keep him, before he died." She stated flatly, "You are unwell, no matter you show a face that says otherwise."

  Almek sighed, looking into his cup. "You are a very perceptive woman, Kelafy. I am surprised none of my students have noticed before you have."

  The woman smiled faintly. "Don't think I haven't noticed you ensuring they are distracted with other things. Young people's attentions easily wander with minimal encouragement. Though mark my words, Master Ash and his Swordanzen woman will likely pick up on your illness before long." She looked towards the fire. "I think they all suspect something, but are too mindful of your pride to mention anything."

  The Guardian regarded the woman for a long moment. "You speak as someone who has personal experience rather than simply having keen eyes."

  Kelafy sighed, looking down at her tea cup. "As I said, you remind me of my husband. In the last years of his life, I watched him fade away. I would try mentioning something, but he always deflected my observations as 'seeing things.'" Looking back up at Almek, the headwoman stated firmly, "By the time he acknowledged there was something wrong, it was too late to get him help and all I could do was watch him wither away." She wagged a finger at the Dusvet Guardian. "Don't think I'm going to sit by and watch your students have to endure what I had, Almek. They not only serve you, they love you. You are a friend, a teacher, a father to them."

  Setting her cup aside, Kelafy took a blanket folded on another chair and brought it over, laying it over his legs and tucking it snuggly. "I do not care if you think you have lived your life, Dusvet Guardian. You have plenty of more life to live. It breaks my heart to see the deterioration you have suffered between the time you first came to Naveene's Rest and when Master Ash brought me here." She shook her head sharply. "The idea of losing the last Dusvet Guardian... I could not bear the thought of losing such a wonderful man as you—"

  Smiling, Almek leaned forward and rested his hand on Kelafy's shoulder. "I merely need to return to Fortress, Kelafy. Being within the embrace of Fortress's Sanctuary will rejuvenate me and return me to my prime. I assure you, I will be fine. You need not worry about watching me die as you had to watch your husband." The woman gave him a frankly skeptical look and he chuckled. "You are going to spoil me, Kelafy. I have not been doted on like this since I was a century old."

  "Well, you should be doted upon," Kelafy said briskly. "Most everyone deserves a little doting, and you are certainly no exception." They both looked up as one of the servants came to the library door to let Kelafy know a delivery had arrived and she was needed. Sighing in exasperation and waving the other servant on, she said, "It seems we must delay our chat, Dusvet."

  "There is always the future. My time is yours when you are free," Almek said warmly, pleased to see the older Forentan woman blush. He held his cup to her as she reached for the pot to top it off "Now if you are needing anything at all, you send for me. I will know about it if you do not, you can trust me on that, Dusvet Guardian!"

  With amusement and admiration, he watched Kelafy leave the library. Almek chuckled quietly. "I have no doubts in my mind whatsoever you would know, Miss Kelafy."

  Chapter 19

  Great sheets of canvas covered the walls of the suite of rooms that the Desanti called their own, lending an appearance of being inside of a desert tent, except for the doors and the wall-mounted sconces. The original furniture had been removed and a low, wide table of deep mahogany took the place of the footstool that had served as resting place for Lyra's trays of food and drink. Pillows of all sizes surrounded the table.

  "Some people dislike the oil lamps," Terrence said as he leaned forward to adjust the flame in the elegant object. "But most of them are the sort who are too careless and would likely burn themselves out of their homes."

  Seated to Terrence's right, Skyfire blinked in surprise. "I admit, I do not know what I would do without the warmth this brings, but I do not want to endanger the life of this tree that gives us shelter."

  Terrence shook his head, murmuring his gratitude to Lyra as she served them hot tea. "Unless the tree is dead or sickly, fire would not spread very quickly. The great trees in Forenta will cry if they are burning."

  "Cry?" Skyfire wondered in puzzlement. "Forentan trees have eyes?" He arched an eyebrow at Lyra when she clapped her hands over her mouth but failing to suppress her giggles.

  Terrence grinned, but did not outright laugh at his Desanti friend. "Not crying as people do. That is what they call it when they ooze sap to smother flames. That is why we do nothing to harm the living wood." He patted the wood of the floor. "And there are those dedicated in the art of healing trees. They ensure the trees live strong." The young mage smiled. "And why they are so large here." Before he could say more, the door opened to admit Storm, the woman having a decidedly bluish cast to her skin. "Mistress Storm!"

  All three jumped up at once, Terrence closing the door while Skyfire put his arm around Storm to support her to the pillows by the table. The young mage poured tea while Lyra hurried back out of Storm's sleeping room with several blankets. Dropping them to the floor, she took one to shake open and offered it to Skyfire to wrap around her shoulders while she got another to cover her legs. "Mistress Storm, you look like you are frozen!"

  Storm leaned into Skyfire, half closing her eyes. She opened them as Terrence pressed the cup of warm tea into her hands, cupping his hands around hers so she would not drop it. "I do not know this word 'frozen.' But my body is stiff and I can barely feel my face or hands." She closed her eyes with a sigh. "I was fine while we were training, but once I stopped..."

  A delicate frown creased the young Forentan woman's features. "Doesn't it get cold at all in Desantiva?" Lyra asked, perplexed. She picked up the third blanket, her expression torn about whether to add it to the others on Storm.

  "It does," Skyfire murmured, pressing his lips against Storm's temple. "But only in the darkest hours do nights get so bitterly cold. But it does not last but a few hours before the heat of the day begins to return." He relaxed his embrace around Storm as she straightened to sit forward, breathing in the warmth of the tea she was now able to hold on her own. "Desantiva's fire burns within the people, so Desanti usually do not take notice of the cool unless they are children or elders, but your weather is unrelenting."

  "Why were you outside for so long, Mistress? If I would have known the cold would bother you this much, I would have come fetch you inside!" Lyra put her hands on her hips, her determination to take care of the pair undoubted.

  "Ash wanted to walk and talk. It is not often his is not grumpy or uptight. I did not wish to disturb his peace."

  Terrence tilted his head to one side, meeting Skyfire's eyes briefly as the two men traded knowing smiles. "You didn't tell Master Ash you were getting cold, did you?" Storm's response was merely opening her eyes and staring at him, as if the answer was obvious. He chuckled softly. "I did not think so."

  Lyra looked troubled. "Don't the cloaks and gloves help at all?"

  Skyfire smiled reassuringly at the pale girl. "The gloves and cloak you and Lord Ash had given us do help. But the wind blows from beneath or where it is not closed, and we cannot keep it wrapped around us if we would need fight. If it promises to become even colder than it is now, as Terrence said it will, the cold will definitely interfere with our ability t
o protect Lord Almek." Skyfire leaned over take the teacup from Storm's hands, take a sip, and put it back. "You are stubborn, th'yala."

  Taking a long sip of tea, Storm held the cup out to Terrence to refill. "You are only just noticing this now?" she asked dryly. "I will not yield to any hardship and look weak." She leaned back against Skyfire, sighing softly. "Though, I have never felt so tired after doing so little."

  Terrence looked chagrined. "Forgive me, Storm, Skyfire. I do not think anyone realized you would not be... properly equipped for Forenta's weather." He studied Storm curiously. "If I may be so bold as to ask, why did Master Ash wish to speak with you?"

  Nestled against Skyfire, Storm murmured in a sleepy voice, "Ash has asked me to go with him to your Ceremony of Choosing to watch his back." Both Terrence and Skyfire held up their hands to stop Lyra from refuting a need for protection within the Magus Academy. Storm continued speaking, oblivious to the silent interplay. "I do not know how I will be able to perform my duties if my movements are slowed to the pace of an ancient."

  "Well," Lyra stated. "Your clothing is rather thin for this time of year. I guess no one thought that you would not have winter wardrobes." When both Desanti looked at her quizzically, she clarified. "Different sets of clothing for different purposes. You certainly do not travel with much."

  "My friend Jaline would be happy to make you some clothing more suited to the climate here if I asked her," Terrence offered. "For both of you."

  "Swordanzen provide for themselves," Skyfire and Storm stated in unison. Skyfire smiled down at Storm, kissing the top of her head. "If we have the materials to do so, at least."

  "Well, since I will need to have new robes made for the Ceremony of Choosing—"

  Storm opened her eyes, squinting at Terrence. "New robes? But you just got those you wear now. Are those robes not new enough?"

  Terrence shrugged one shoulder. "It is our custom to have different clothing for different occasions and different seasons. The higher your place in society, the more it is expected of you."

  Storm snorted softly and leaned against Skyfire again, watching the journeyman. "It sounds like you would have more clothes than you could carry."

  "Forenten would find the nomadic lifestyle impossibly challenging." Terrence smiled inwardly as the two Desanti glanced at one another with a smug expression. "As I was saying, since I will need to have new robes made for myself, you both could come with me to Market Circle. Jaline can at least help you with finding the materials you will want to use." He watched them with a hopeful expression.

  The two Desanti were silent for a time before they both nodded in agreement to the offer. Both watched Lyra hop to her feet and hurry out, smiling as her voice drifted back about getting some food.

  Chapter 20

  Jaline looked up from her sewing when the shop door opened, her bright smile seeing Terrence turning to shocked surprised as the two Desanti followed him in. She lowered her eyes and curtsied deeply to the two Swordanzen, oblivious to their bewildered expressions at the exaggerated gesture of respect. "Githalin Swordanzen, I am honored you have come to my family's shop."

  Terrence moved to Jaline, capturing her hand to draw her back upright. "Don't curtsy so low. They do not like people being so subservient," he murmured to her in Forentan before returning to the trade common the pair would understand. "Forgive me for not asking sooner, Jaline, but I will be needing a new set of robes for the Ceremony of Choosing in a few days."

  The young woman brightened considerably. "A new Se'edai Magus will be chosen at last?! Oh, thank the goddess. We have been so worried that the acting Se'edai Magus was never going to hold the vote—"

  "There will be no more votes for who sits on the Edai Tredecima," Terrence interrupted firmly, perversely irritated. "A new Voice of the Oracle Stone is to be chosen as well. The Knowing One will choose who will wear the mantle Herself, and there will be no question to their right to the position." He stopped when Skyfire put a hand on his shoulder and nodded, taking a deep breath to calm himself. With an apologetic smile to Jaline for losing his temper, he asked, "Jaline, would you be able to help my friends Skyfire and Storm with finding materials to make new clothes better suited to winter?"

  Jaline looked between the Desanti and Terrence. "It would not be difficult to make new robes for you and something for them—"

  "You honor us with your offer," Storm interrupted, her words heavily accented. "But it is required by Swordanzen traditions we provide for ourselves. We would be grateful if you can assist us in gathering the items we need, however." Storm shrugged one shoulder. "If there were time, we would make such things ourselves. Our traditions do allow for trade with craftsmen when time is too short."

  The young woman blinked in surprise. "You... make your own cloth? And threads and needles and...?"

  "We do not have much cloth in Desantiva. What we have is only used for small things." Skyfire picked up the edge of a bolt of cloth, rubbing it between his thumb and fingers appreciatively. "Only hides, bones and sinews. And beads of glass, stone and metals."

  "Oh! Well, of course then! I know the best merchants to find the finest leathers and fabrics." Holding Terrence's hand tightly, she pulled him out the door, the pair of Desanti watching in amusement as they followed. "I can tell you how to make clothing warmer, too. There is a trick to it, but once you know it, it is not hard. Just some extra work, is all."

  Though the bridges around Market Circle were crowded, the moment people realized the Desanti were walking among them, they parted quickly to get out of their way. Whether Skyfire and Storm noticed the looks they received, some curious, many cautious, a few hostile, their own expressions remained neutral.

  The pair of Swordanzen could not hide their awe at the sheer amount of things they saw, much of it completely alien to them. The childlike wonder they examined everything with and the respect they accorded to many of the merchants thawed much of the chill attitudes that initially were turned towards them. Even the simplest items, such as thread not made of sinews and impossibly thin needles made of metal, were met with amazement.

  "I cannot imagine anywhere being as hot as Terrence said Desantiva is." Jaline hugged Terrence's arm tighter, leaning against him. The young man arched an eyebrow, but smiled patiently at the young woman. "But it would explain why you have such dark skins. The sun must have cooked you!"

  Storm blinked, looking down at herself thoughtfully. "I suppose it would be. I never thought of it that way. Neither Skyfire nor I are the lightest or darkest of our people. There are some who are much darker, and some who are a little lighter." She looked between Terrence and Jaline. "None with blue eyes, though. That is something we had never seen."

  Skyfire looked over at the young Forentan pair and smiled faintly. "I admit I thought you Northern people were deathly sick, being so pale skinned. And foolish for wearing such dark colors during the—" Both Storm and Skyfire stopped abruptly, hands falling to their weapon hilts as they scanned the area in alarm. Forenten began backing away from the two quickly as they saw them reaching for their weapons.

  Eyes were drawn upwards as a terrified shriek split the air two levels above the bridge they stood on. Before anyone else could react, Storm had jumped up onto the rail, Skyfire holding one arm and bracing her. Storm reached out and caught the arm of a young man who had fallen from the bridge above them.

  Dressed in dull brown and grey, the man who was not much older than Terrence stared in shock. Obviously having been in a fight, one eye was becoming swollen shut, ugly bruises beginning to appear. "I have you," Storm assured. With Skyfire's help, the young man was brought in to safety on their bridge.

  "Y-you s-saved—" the young man stammered, swallowing nervously. "B-but y-you are Desanti...!"

  Storm frowned slightly. "You would rather have fallen?"

  "No!" He shook his head to emphasize his denial. "I just... I just thought... I didn't think Desanti saved lives, just took them!"

  "Keenan!" A girl ran past
everyone and flung her arms around the young man. Skyfire put a hand behind his back to keep them both from toppling over the rail in the girl's relieved exuberance. At a more sedate pace, several guardsmen followed her, another young man sporting his own cuts and bruises being dragged along with them.

  "Captain Nolyn." Terrence offered a gesture of respectful greeting.

  "Journeyman Terrence," Nolyn returned simply. He looked over the two Swordanzen openly, a half smile on his lips. "There is no lack of interesting happenings around the two of you, is there, Swordanzen?"

  Storm examined Nolyn as openly as he had them, albeit her expression more critical as she assessed the man. "We have done nothing that goes against your laws, treewalker."

  Nolyn regarded Storm with surprise at both the moniker and the hostility. "I never said you had, Swordanzen Storm." He indicated the glowering young man held by one of the other guardsmen. "However, he should be extremely thankful. His crime would have been much more serious had you not been able to catch Keenan there."

  Crossing her arms, Storm snorted softly. "I did not do it for gratitude." She fixed a hard look on Keenan who looked down, his pale cheeks turning bright red. "If I had done nothing, he would have died."

  "Most people cannot catch someone falling out of the trees."

  "Your people are slow," Storm responded matter of factly.

  Skyfire covered his laughter at Nolyn's expression with a hand over his mouth and a cough. "Most people are slow compared to Githalin Swordanzen Storm." He emphasized her full title.

  "I see." A twinkle of amusement sparkled in Nolyn's eyes. Looking to the other guardsmen, he made a gesture to them. "Rayn, have these three taken care of." The guard spoken to nodded and left, leading Keenan, the girl, and the other battered young man away. Turning to regard the small group, eyes falling on Storm, Nolyn asked formally, "Would you walk with me, Githalin Swordanzen?"


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