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The Knowing One

Page 29

by Lexy Wolfe

  "Enough!" Ash's shout was sharp enough to get through Taylin's healing trance. She jerked back with a small cry of surprise, Almek blinking in disorientation. Both Desanti gasped as the draw on their life forces was abruptly ended. Leaning on Lyra and Ash, the Desanti's complexions had a sickly grey cast to them.

  Taylin blinked several times, getting reoriented. She looked startled as she regarded both Desanti. The healer covered her mouth, eyes going wide. "Oh, gods... forgive me! The-the healing trance was so deep, I didn't realize—"

  "It is... okay," Storm assured, panting heavily. Ash was frowning at her. "Skyfire and I... just need to recover longer. The cold... Thandar's talons, it was so cold."

  Almek, looking decidedly less grey, pressed his lips together. "I do not want to risk endangering the Swordanzen's lives. No healing unless it is absolutely necessary. And no more than would be needed." He squeezed Taylin's hand. "You've given me more time to return to Fortress. For that, I am eternally grateful. To all of you. But I am just one old man. All of you are the future of our world."

  "You are not just an old man, Master Almek. You are the last Dusvet Guardian. Our master. Our teacher. Our friend. We need you," Ash said in a low voice, still protectively holding Storm as the Desanti closed her eyes in sleep. "The world needs you, too." The others nodded, voicing their own agreement with the sentiment. He looked at Storm, eyes dark. "This little bit will still not be enough."

  "It is more than I had," Almek stated firmly. "There is yet hope."

  Chapter 53

  The Swordanzen's recovery was painfully and unexpectedly slow. They slept like the dead for a full day, and for large parts of the days thereafter. Their appetite non-existent, Lyra could barely convince them to drink the teas and broths she brought them. Having grown accustomed to their much shorter sleep patterns, it was their companions' turn to fret over the desert folk. To reassure themselves the two Desanti were not dying, their companions watched over them as they slept, with frequent arguments over whose turn it would be to sit with them.

  When Storm and Skyfire were awake, both seemed lost in their thoughts, oblivious to the others. It was nearly a week before Storm and Skyfire were anywhere near their normal selves, though they were lost in thought more often than not.

  Mureln looked over at Ash as the mage joined him by the corral to watch the Desanti as the two went through the motions of their sword routines. "I have never seen them move so lethargically," Mureln said unhappily to the mage. "It is as if time itself slowed around them."

  "Is Taylin well?" Ash asked absently, his eyes following Storm. The two Desanti stopped, Skyfire moving close to put a comforting hand on Storm's shoulder. She merely shook her head, not responding to whatever he said. Sheathing their weapons, Skyfire could only watch as Storm turned away and disappeared into the house. The man sighed heavily, turning towards the stables to tend to the drizzen. He managed a sad smile as Lyra hurried to join him.

  "Physically? As if she had not used any energy healing at all. Her healing seems to draw on them first before it will draw on her own energy. And with Almek refusing to allow Taylin to heal him any further..." Mureln shook his head. "She is trying to come to terms with the fact that she may kill the Swordanzen in trying to keep Almek with us when his deterioration reaches a critical point."

  Ash pressed his lips together. He put a hand on Mureln's shoulder. "I am going to talk with Storm. Hopefully I can bring a smile back to her eyes."

  Mureln nodded once. "Good luck, Ash. I have faith if anyone can bring our old Storm back to us, it is you."

  "I know she's somewhere," Ash muttered under his breath after nearly an hour of searching the house. "I'm beginning to wonder if I'll find her at—" He paused at the upper balcony, spotting her seated on the branch outside. She was alone as he had hoped, but the infinite sadness in her eyes as she watched the sunset made his heart ache for her. "Storm," he called, knowing better than not to announce himself. The last time she had been startled, Taylin was thankfully close enough to save the poor servant Storm had stabbed.

  The Swordanzen woman blinked once before turning to regard the mage. "Ash." The single word spoke volumes, seeming to hold the weight of utter despair within it.

  "What's the matter?" He sat next to the woman, watching her profile. She did not reply for so long, he reached carefully to brush a loose tendril of hair behind her ear gently. The light touch was enough to get the full impact of her emotions. So intense, he nearly flinched back. "You are homesick." He could not repress the note of surprise completely.

  Storm closed her eyes, turning her face away slightly. "Desantiva might have been just an empty wasteland to you, but it was my home. I knew it better than I knew myself. Every rock, every creature, every scent, every tribe that called it home." She reached up to tug one half of her cloak closer, hunching forward a little. "The cold of the night would be banished by the glorious warmth of the day." Closing her eyes, she tilted her face upwards. "I could feel the warmth of the sun's fire touch my soul." Opening her eyes, she sighed. "There is no warmth here. No fire. No heart."

  Ash was silent, simply listening to her. "In the cold months, we seek warmth in the company of our families and friends inside our homes or the Rests and Hollows." He reached for her hand, getting to his feet and gently drawing her to hers. "Come with me." He added after a moment, "Please."

  Storm did not move for a time, studying him with an unreadable expression. After a bit, she rose without a word, allowing him to guide her inside. They walked up the long inner spiral stairs until they ended. She jumped back, eyes wide, when he touched a place on the wall, the surface shivering and fading to reveal a hidden door. He opened the door and turned back to her, offering her his hand in silence. Warily, she finally put her hand in his, allowing him to draw her inside.

  The warm, darkened room was filled with scents that were reminiscent of the desert. He spoke softly, the golden glow of sunstone lanterns coming to life to reveal a room that looked very much like the interior of a Desanti tent. Storm took several steps forward, turning in circles with a look of shock and wonder. "What... is this?"

  Ash closed the door, lowering the canvas to complete the appearance of a tent interior. "I know you cannot go home to Desantiva." He smiled a little, watching her explore the room with a childlike expression of wonder, touching everything. "So I wanted to bring something of Desantiva to you. At least, as close as I can manage for now."

  "It feels like a warm evening at sunset... it even smells like home!" She looked at him finally, eyes bright with emotion. "But how? Why?" she asked breathlessly. "To do this..."

  "To see you like this," he answered quietly. "So open, so happy." He approached her to unfasten her cloak, gently taking it off her shoulders. He kept his back to her as he draped it over a stand. "After the battle to save my mother, I had dreaded the day when the Raging One would return to Desantiva. The day you would be forever gone from my life."

  He sighed heavily, lowering his head in shame. "But when your father left, and you remained, I was so relieved to know I would not be losing you after all. But the hurt in your eyes..." He shook his head, unable to express his emotions in words. "I just want... you to be happy. As much as you can be in a place you do not want to be. So I tried to make something as close to Desantiva as I could manage." Closing his eyes, he confessed, "I wanted to bring you here sooner but I could not... I did not know how to say... what I wanted to tell you. About how I feel about you. Something always seemed to get in the way."

  He flinched when he felt her hands touch his shoulders. "Ash," Storm said softly, turning him around to face her. When he opened his eyes to look into hers, she stood up on her toes slightly, kissing him. Startled, Ash didn't want to move in case he was dreaming this moment he had longed for. Then he slowly put his arms around her.

  When they finally ended the kiss, they looked into each other's eyes. He caressed her cheek gently, his voice soft. "Storm, this place is for you. The door will open for you.
Whenever you need to feel like you are home..."

  "Only if you are with me." Storm leaned into his embrace, resting her head on his shoulder. "Then I will know the peace that has eluded me for so long. With you, my ally."

  The mage's heart lurched, aching at the wall Storm held between them. With a sigh, Ash closed his eyes, tightening his arms around the woman. "If only it could be more," Ash murmured with a sigh.

  Storm sighed softly, closing her eyes, but not able to stop a single tear from rolling down her cheek. "If only, yes."

  Chapter 54

  Everyone looked up when Storm and Skyfire appeared at the start of the evening meal, rising to welcome the pair and arrange chairs to give them room. Storm looked up at Kelafy and said, "We would like some food tonight, please."

  Kelafy almost dropped her jaw in surprise. "Truly? I mean, of course!" The others, equally surprised and relieved, started talking over one another to the desert pair.

  Nolyn, sitting near Ash, looked perplexed. Ash leaned over and whispered, "It is rare they join us for meals. This is an uncommon treat."

  "I see," Nolyn said, hiding a smile behind is glass. He cleared his throat, gaining the entire table's attention. "Ellis wanted me to tell you he can't delay the meeting," the guardsman master mage said, switching to trade common for the benefit of the others at the table. "The rest of the Edai Tredecima needs to hear firsthand what happened in Market Circle and they may have questions for others of us." Feeling Storm and Skyfire's eyes on him, he looked to see the two frowning at him. "Did I say something to offend you?"

  "What do they know of what happened with Lord Almek?" Storm asked flatly.

  Nolyn stared at them a moment, then understood their concern. "Nothing. The delay was explained as... ah, you two needing time to recover from a winter illness." He met Storm's intense gaze without wavering until she was satisfied he did not lie. "Only the Se'edai is aware of what caused the delay, and he has no more desire to expose any weaknesses to the distrusted members of the Edai Tredecima than the rest of us."

  Almek gritted his teeth unhappily. "I would rather not expose the Desanti to potential threats."

  Skyfire stated evenly, "Living with constant threats is something Swordanzen must become accustomed to, Lord Almek. Challenges must be faced, no matter one's condition. Especially from other Swordanzen." Skyfire flinched when Storm shot a dark look at him.

  The others looked up sharply, startled. "What do you mean, 'especially from other Swordanzen'?" Almek demanded, looking between Storm and Skyfire.

  Storm shrugged and waved a hand, dismissing the others' sudden alarm. "It is nothing you need concern yourselves with. Skyfire has much training to endure before he can be considered my equal. I have more honor than to test myself against anyone so newly Named."

  Skyfire looked at Storm with amusement. "And I am not so arrogant to think I could take her in a real contest of arms."

  "What sort of contests are these?" Ash pressed, leaning forward with a slight frown darkening his expression. "Like your daily bouts?"

  Storm sighed, brushing a strand of hair back from her face as she looked up to regard her th'yala. "I told you they would not understand. You should have said nothing." She looked at the others to explain with great reluctance. "They are called shli'zarii. Honor battles. To determine who is the better, stronger, and faster warrior, and if either are no longer worthy to bear the Swordanzen blade." She took a sip of her water while their companions exchanged alarmed looks. She added with the air of reassurance, "They do not end in death. Sometimes."

  "How often do these battles not end in death," Ash asked slowly, his eyes intently focused on the Swordanzen woman.

  "It has not been known to happen for several generations," Storm admitted. "Perhaps the last contest that did not end in any deaths was thirty years ago." Seeing the horror in their expressions, the woman stated with bridled impatience, "The goal of the shli'zarii is not to kill each other. But they are not training battles, either. They are at full pace. Any hesitation, any misstep, can mean death. Shli'zarii is meant to prove a Swordanzen's fitness to bear the Blade. It is the most sacred of Swordanzen traditions."

  "I don't want either of you to participate in this... shli'zarii," Almek stated flatly. "The risk of losing either of you—"

  "Why should it matter?!" Storm looked at Almek, her cheeks flushed with emotion. "The odds I will be alive by the time he is my equal—!"

  "No!" Almek held the woman's gaze. "You are both Guardian Adepts. There will be no fights to the death! Such behavior is completely unwarranted and conflicts with the rules all Guardians must abide by."

  Both Desanti looked annoyed, not looking at Almek or anyone else. "So, you will force us to choose between the Raging One and the Timeless One?" Storm asked in a hard voice. She looked at Almek, her eyes even more predatory. "I will never betray my father." Skyfire put a consoling hand on Storm's shoulder, his eyes closed. After a few moments, they both rose.

  Before the Desanti pair reached the archway to the common room, Ash said, "Se'edai Ellis has specifically requested both of you to attend the meeting with the Edai Tredecima to explain the details of the attack in Market Circle tomorrow. So they cannot ignore or dismiss your contribution by your lack of presence." Pausing only a moment, he added, "Please, Skyfire, Storm."

  Skyfire merely nodded, continuing out of the dining room. Storm did not move for several heartbeats before she turned away and followed him wordlessly.

  "Almek, you know Storm is particularly sensitive about Desanti traditions," Mureln said, his voice worried. "Especially those of the Swordanzen. After chastising Ash about disrespecting their culture, how could you turn around and do it now?"

  "Do not reprimand me, Mureln." Almek picked up his wine after Kelafy silently refilled his glass. "I have seen what will happen if those two fight each other. They will die if they are allowed to do this... this shli'zarii. Guardians do not war amongst themselves. To do so would betray the Timeless One."

  "And not doing so would betray the Raging One," Mureln countered. "They belonged to Him first. Would you ask anyone else to turn against the one they first swore to serve?"

  "It is pointless to argue over it right now," the Illaini Magus stated, quelling the argument before it got too heated. "As Storm said, it is nothing to worry about right now." Ash nodded to Kelafy as she topped his glass off before regarding the others who looked at him in surprise. "Storm and Skyfire are both honorable and true to their word. If they say they will not take up arms against one another until Skyfire is her equal, I believe them. And they both admit Skyfire has a great deal of training to endure before it is even a consideration." He set his glass down as he swallowed. "Given time, I am sure by then, they will understand their importance and will not risk themselves unnecessarily."

  Not looking at his brother as he spoke, Nolyn turned his gaze towards the door the Desanti pair had left through, rubbing his chin thoughtfully as the rest resumed their discussions, carefully avoiding mentioning either of the Swordanzen.

  Chapter 55

  Long before sunrise, the house was still and quiet. Storm briefly glanced around the common room lit only with a single lamp before silently crossing to the main door, taking her cloak from the hook and wrapping it around herself before slipping outside. Behind her, a shadow moved to follow her.

  In the stables, even the horses were still asleep. Storm entered the stall with the drizar. The beast snorted, backpedaling when she tried to lead him out. She put her hands on her hips as he chuffed conversationally. She shook her head with tried patience, retrieving the stiff brush he had come to enjoy and began brushing him down. The woman could not help but smile when he stretched his head out, cooing in pleasure. "You are so spoiled," she told him in Desanti. "Very well. One more brushing before we go."

  "He is a fine beast," a voice said from outside of the stall. Both Storm and the drizar looked up sharply as Nolyn appeared from the corridor. He stood calmly as her hand fell to her sword hi
lt and the drizar lowered his head menacingly.

  "Oh. It is you." She relaxed slightly, putting a hand on the drizar's shoulder. The drizar relaxed from his attack stance, snorting as she spoke a few curt words. "No one has ever being able to sneak up on me." Storm studied Nolyn speculatively, though her hand remained on the hilt of her double-edged sword.

  Nolyn held up his hands defensively. "Forgive me for startling you. Moving quietly has become a habit after all these years." He looked at the animal that snorted challengingly, noting how he calmed at Storm's light touch on his neck. "I believe Ash said he is called a drizar. Does he have a name?"

  Storm smiled a little as she resumed brushing the reptilian beast down. "Drizar are too arrogant to share their names, Master Mage Nolyn. It is enough for me that he chooses to remain by my side."

  He silently watched the drizar as Storm continued brushing him down, noting the head harness had no bit or anything else that indicated the animal had been broken. "He is untamed," the man mused as he leaned on the stall door, studying the animal. "I am impressed."

  Storm considered the man for a moment before resuming her brushing. "I am impressed you could tell, since he is the first you have seen of his kind."

  Nolyn chuckled. "I have spent much of my life studying the beasts and plants of the land. I have discovered that while the shapes differ, there is a similarity between spirits." He met the drizar's eye for a long moment. "He is obviously full male. Bears the intelligence of a predator. He possesses a pride that he will not allow any to dominate. Most likely you were able to befriend him by helping him out of a tight spot and earned his undying loyalty." The man smiled a little as he watched Storm's expression change minutely with the accuracy of his words. "And he has earned yours in kind."


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