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The Knowing One

Page 31

by Lexy Wolfe

Zoe giggled. "You are silly, Terrence! The drizar is very sweet and gentle. He wouldn't harm a butterfly."

  Arching one eyebrow at Zoe's assessment of the drizar's temperament, Storm shook her head, bemused. "He is gentle only for you, Oracle's Voice." As soon as Zoe was with the circle of mage students and masters, the drizar's demeanor shifted abruptly. The animal snorted, pawing the ground and baring his vicious-looking teeth as he swept his horns in a warning circle, forcing everyone to back up again. Storm leaned forward and cooed soothingly in Desanti to calm him.

  Nolyn leaned close to whisper to the Illaini Magus. "Do you think she would have come here for anyone else but you? Go to her, man!"

  Hesitating a moment, Ash took a step towards Storm and the drizar. He froze when the beast snorted, swinging his head about. The two stared at each other before the animal chuffed once, lowering himself to the ground. Ash approached, offering his hand to Storm. She lightly put her hand in his to dismount, allowing him to draw her close, her eyes lowered shyly.

  Both used to having all eyes on them at nearly all times, the world for the Illaini Magus and Githalin Swordanzen was empty save for each other for a moment. "I thought you would not come," he told her, his voice pitched for her ears alone.

  "I almost did not," she replied, not meeting his eyes. "But your brother said how important it was for you that I be here. I did not want you to be shamed because of me."

  The mage closed his eyes, tightening his grip on her hand. "No, Storm. It was my fault for upsetting you. I would not have been shamed because of you, my Swordanzen." He opened his eyes to meet her brilliant gaze. "But thank you. For coming anyway. And not cutting me." With a small smile, Storm withdrew her hand from his and turned to speak briskly to the drizar. The circle of people hastily parted as he surged to his feet, making a direct line towards the horses and the drizzen that were being led away.

  Ash stepped back as Zoe ran up to Storm, looking up at her with bright eyes. "Thank you for sharing your friendship with the drizar with me, Githalin Swordanzen Storm." Impulsively, the girl threw her arms around Storm, hugging her tightly.

  Startled, Storm glanced around as if expecting the Forenten to take offense with her. Ash nodded encouragingly. Gingerly, Storm returned the embrace, closing her eyes. "You are welcome, Oracle's Voice."

  "Come, children, there is much to attend to." Ellis shooed the gawkers back inside. "To classes, now. Go on! Enough dawdling." With much more decorum, he turned to Almek and the others. "If you would, please join us in the upper chambers."

  Chapter 58

  The upper chambers that served as the private council chambers for the Edai Tredecima was a perfectly circular room. While only a fraction of the size of the Magestic Hall, the elaborate mosaics gave those within it the sense of being under the thick canopy of a summer forest. Tiny sunstone jewels made the images of forest sprites seem to come to life.

  As Ash explained the encounter with Amelana with cold precision, Terrence looked at the agitated Swordanzen. "What's wrong?" he whispered.

  "The spirits are agitated," Skyfire murmured, his eyes an unnatural pure gold color. "Death hovers over this area."

  Storm's jaw was clenched, eyes scanning the room. "Only two ways into this place. What is beyond that door?" she asked, nodding towards the entrance behind Ellis. "Are there enemy there?"

  "What? No, no. That's leads to the Divine Hall, where the private chambers of the Se'edai Magus, Voice of the Oracle and any Illaini Magi are." Terrence assured, "There is nothing to worry about. We are perfectly safe here."

  "No," Storm whispered under her breath. "No, we're not." She briefly met Zoe's eyes, looking away as Ellis called Nolyn forward to report on the lupine attack.

  "The Se'edai tells us you informed him that the lupine attack was abnormal," one of the Edai Magi asked with a note of hostility. "How do you know it was an unnatural occurrence?" the Edai asked, only a slight tone of derision in her voice. "Lupine are vicious beasts known for hunting in numbers. It was only a matter of time before they encroached on the more civilized city."

  Narrowing his eyes, Nolyn kept his grim voice even, not reacting to the provocation. "Lupine are intelligent creatures that will avoid human contact whenever possible. And I know the attack was unnatural because they did not display normal pack behavior, nor did they exhibit any signs of illness or injury that would have caused such aberrant behavior."

  "Captain Nolyn, please explain to the others what normal pack behavior is," Ellis requested, slanting a look towards the other Edai. "Since it seems most of us cannot be bothered to poke our heads out of our hollows long enough to learn about Forenta's native fauna." He added coldly, "A practice that needs to end."

  Nolyn suppressed a smile at Ellis's rebuke of the woman who questioned him. "Of course, Se'edai Magus." Squaring his shoulders, he regarded the eleven Edai Magi coolly. "When lupine hunt, they will always target a single prey. If there is a group of, say, tri-tail deer, they will single out one member of the herd to focus on, leaving the rest free to run off.

  "In this attack each lupine went after different targets. They came out of nowhere and—" He closed his eyes, clenching his fists. "Rayn was the first to die, though he managed to wound the beast that attacked him. When the beasts abandoned their kills, it was even more obvious there was something not right." Nolyn clenched his fists. "My people did everything they could to protect Ithesra."

  Ellis closed his eyes momentarily out of respect for the dead and their sacrifice. "There were too many good men and women lost." He regarded Nolyn as he asked, "Why did you not get into the branches to get out of their reach? Use your bows or spells...?"

  "We did flee into the lower branches where they could not reach, but as soon as we were out of reach, they ignored us." Nolyn fixed each Edai Magi with a hard look. "They were driving towards Ithesra. We dared not allow them to reach the city. They brushed off any of our attacks as if they were nothing."

  Ellis nodded, looking from Nolyn to regard the other eleven Edai Magi. "For years, the Illaini Magus reported such occurrences all over Forenta. Now that we know Ysai was a darkling, you still doubt these dangers exist within our borders?" he demanded of the eleven. "Tell me how that demon's words have more weight than that of those who have fought and bled and even died for us?" The question was met with only silence, all eyes averted. He turned back towards Nolyn and Terrence. "But four slipped by you to reach the Market Circle?"

  Nolyn nodded once. "Only one citizen was killed. The Swordanzen distracted the beasts to allow other innocents to flee into the upper bridges. Their diversion was long enough for Journeyman Terrence and I to call lightning and slay the remaining animals before they took anymore lives." Squaring his shoulders, he said, "It was then the Swordanzen spotted and confronted Zerik Oberlain and two of his followers."

  Terrence moved to stand next to Nolyn, his pale eyes unflinching as he gazed at the council. "Zerik Oberlain believed that the Desanti had corrupted Forenta with their presence. His intent was to 'purify' Forenta, and he started with a lowborn merchant girl named Jaline."

  "A lowborn?" Some of the Edai traded puzzled looks. "Why would any highborn bother with a lowborn, if the intent was to defeat those strong in magic."

  "Because I... Jaline was my friend." Terrence did not blush, looking away briefly in grief. "I had intended to choose her as my wife when I attained my mastery." The confession brought the council up short. "From what Zerik implied with his words, it is my belief he willingly hosted a darkling, believing it would allow him to be more powerful than his opponents. Zerik and the others attempted to attack the Desanti and Master Nolyn and myself. They managed to injure Swordanzen Skyfire, but Swordanzen Storm deflected the attack directed towards Nolyn and myself."

  All twelve members of the council looked sharply at Storm, the word 'deflected' on their lips. Storm remained silent, her gaze defiant as she crossed her arms.

  Terrence waited to let the Swordanzen's ability sink in before continuing. "Miss Lyr
a loosed an arrow on Zerik's companions in an effort to give Jaline an opportunity to escape, but Zerik stopped her from fleeing to safety and... drained the life from her in a most unholy manner."

  Ellis made a thoughtful noise, sitting back to rest his elbow on the arm of his chair, rubbing his chin. "So, neither of the Desanti even laid a finger on man nor beast in this attack?"

  "They did not, Se'edai Magus. Miss Lyra took two of them with her arrows. I insured they could harm no others with a spell I learned while in Desantiva." Terrence looked towards Skyfire and Storm. "The Desanti have yet to slay a single person within Forenta's borders, much as it has been warranted since we entered their lives in Desantiva." He leveled a challenging, hateful look on the eleven. "The rumors they are savage murderers are false and must end!"

  Ellis nodded, his thoughts on Terrence's mysterious spell. "Mm hm. I am curious, Journeyman. This spell of yours. Given we know the Desanti are without magic, where did you learn—?" Zoe reached over from her seat near Ellis and put her hand on his shoulder, shaking her head slightly. He arched an eyebrow at her for a moment, then closed his mouth, clearing his throat. "In any case, we are grateful to all of you for your bravery. Especially you and your men, Captain Nolyn Lirai. Thank you."

  Nolyn bowed deeply. "Se'edai Magus Ellis Avarian, there is no need to thank me. I did nothing more than any other would have done. I have sworn my life to serving Forenta." He looked down, closing his eyes. "I was no more brave than the men and women who died to protect the people."

  Solemnly, Zoe got to her feet and approached Nolyn. Squaring her shoulders, she carried herself with a regality that indicated the goddess was speaking through her. "Master Nolyn Lirai, time and again, you have proven yourself to be a man of strength and loyalty to Us and to Our children, and serve selflessly when you could claim so much more than what you permit yourself. You protect not only Our human children, but all of those who live among Our branches and our roots." Looking up at the man, Zoe smiled gently as she put a silver cord in his hands. "We would be pleased to have you serve Us as Edai Magus, and as Ellis's second."

  Nolyn stared at the girl, jaw dropping. Dumbfounded, he looked back over his shoulder at Ash. The Illaini Magus smiled faintly, nodding once. "I-I am... honored, Great Mother. But..." He looked at the rock ceiling, his obvious unease being within the heart of the mountain showing through.

  Ellis chuckled. "You only need be here when called, Nolyn." Looking at the other Edai Magi, he said pointedly, "It's expected that the Edai serve Forenta actively, which means not holing up and hiding away from the people we serve." Almek and his students chuckled at the nearly comical relief of the former wilderness guardsman made Edai Magus. "Besides, you will have much work ahead of you training your replacement and assisting in the training of the young journeymen who are to be serving Forenta as guardsmen. A task best attended to outside these hallowed halls."

  Zoe smiled brightly up at Nolyn for a moment, then went to Terrence, her smile fading. Reaching for the journeyman's hand, she clasped it in both of her own. "We grieve for your loss, Terrence. We did not wish for either of Our Illaini to suffer as you both have."

  Surprise rippled through both the council and Almek's students. Terrence sank to his knees, staring at Zoe. "Great Mother, there is only one Illaini. Master Ash is Illaini, not me. I'm not even a master! I-I am only a journeyman—"

  "There was only one Illaini," the goddess stated kindly. She held up her right hand against Terrence's, pressing her palm against his. The markings that denoted the girl as the Voice of the Oracle shimmered softly as glowing lines laced their way down from the back of Terrence's hand to his elbow, much like Ash's save Terrence's colors were a brighter green and gold.

  "But, Goddess," Terrence stammered. "There has only ever been one Illaini at a time—"

  "Not for more years than even your Dusvet has seen, no." Zoe smiled in amusement. "There is no restriction on how many mortal servants a god may choose. There has only been a dearth of those who serve My children so selflessly as you and Ash have, who seek to learn to help others, not to serve your own petty desires. My children tend to be more prideful than I have preferred." The goddess turned a meaningful look towards several of the Edai Magi. Even Ellis colored a little, looking away.

  Terrence looked at the elaborate eternal braid, his hand shaking. "But... I am only a... a journeyman. I have not yet been tested—"

  "So bold are you, to argue with Me! I am pleased Ash has ensured your heart stayed strong." Zoe shook her head. "No, Terrence, you are no mere journeyman, but a master. Ash has told Me you have endured more than most would for their mastery. You need no further trials to prove you are a master to Me." She put her other hand over his heart. "Even as a master, you are newly Illaini. There is much for you learn from Ash still. You will know when you are fully fledged and ready to leave his side."

  "But-but, Great Mother," Terrence stammered, looking stricken. "I-I am already Gi—"

  She covered his lips with her fingers lightly. "We know what you are," the goddess whispered. "My brother needs you as much as I do. The path ahead of you will not be easy, Terrence. Learn well." She kissed both of his cheeks. "We are proud of both of Our Illaini." Terrence caught the girl as she stumbled against him, exhausted. He smiled a little when she whispered, "That impatient child Petal has Our permission to stay with you, Terrence. She is Our eyes and ears to learn as you do." Zoe sighed, closing her eyes as Terrence gathered her up in his arms.

  Nolyn put a hand on Terrence's shoulder, looking to Ash with amusement and worry in his expression. "Two Illaini. Two Githalin Swordanzen outside of Desantiva. Masters becoming Guardians. Am I the only one who is worried why things seem to suddenly be changing from the way they had been for so long?"

  Storm and Skyfire looked sharply at Almek as the Guardian pushed himself to his feet, grimacing a bit. "No, Edai Magus Nolyn. I just pray we can figure out why soon. I—" The man staggered a step as he clutched at his chest, both Taylin and Mureln at his sides to support him.

  Just as Almek collapsed, Storm and Skyfire had surged to their feet. The Edai Tredecima's eyes were drawn to the threat of attack as the desert pair advanced on them. "Get out!" Storm demanded, specifically focusing on the eleven Edai Magi. "Now!" Skyfire blocked Nolyn and Ellis's path as Storm stalked after the fleeing eleven. As soon as they were out, Emil and Emaris shut the doors and barred the chamber.

  Taylin and Mureln eased Almek to the floor, Mureln letting the old man rest propped up on his legs to ease his labored breathing. The healer put her hand over his heart, turning pale. "It is his heart," she announced. "His heart is failing. The years have been catching up to him faster with each passing day, and anytime he uses time magic, it only made it worse."

  The Swordanzen woman looked at Nolyn and Ellis, holding her blade towards them as if she were pointing a finger at them. "You stay because Ash trusts you." Putting their weapons away in unison, Storm and Skyfire moved to sit on the floor across from Taylin, fixing the healer with an intense gaze. Storm said simply, "Do what you need to mend Almek. Don't worry about us."

  Taylin's eyes went wide. "But—!" The glare the two Desanti gave silenced the healer who nodded, swallowing. Putting her hands over Almek's heart, she closed her eyes, dropping into a healing trance almost immediately, the glow around her hands a painful electric blue.

  Nolyn looked sharply at Ash, putting a hand on the Illaini's shoulder in worry. "I can feel it," Ash whispered harshly. "The life being drawn out of Storm. The pain... I do not know how they can hide it."

  After several minutes, even the stubborn Swordanzen could not remain stoic. Grimacing in pain, jaw muscles jumping, they put hands over their hearts, fingers digging into their own chests as if that could suppress the pain. Lyra knelt by Skyfire, Ash by Storm, both watching with worry on their features as the two warriors struggled to suppress their pain. Ash pressed his lips together, ignoring the ache in his own chest that grew the longer he watched Storm suffering. Only Noly
n noticed the sickly pallor growing on Ash's complexion that matched the increasing throb in the scar that denoted the soul bond to the Illaini Magus.

  "Stop," Zoe whispered, rousing. Nolyn looked sharply at the girl as the new Illaini turned his attention to her. "Stop her before she kills them!"

  Needing no other explanation nor urging, Nolyn barked, "Enough! The Goddess says stop!" Taylin's eyes snapped open, looking around disoriented. Released from the thrall of the healing abruptly, Storm and Skyfire collapsed limply. Mureln helped Almek to sit up, looking torn between the Dusvet Guardian and the pair of Swordanzen.

  Almek's complexion was flush with health, the grey pallor of near death gone. "I'm fine, I'm fine," Almek said, irritably, waving the bard and healer away from him. He looked to the two Swordanzen in worry. "The Desanti! Are they...?"

  Lyra grunted as she moved Skyfire to lay on his side, touching his throat for several long moments before nodding to the others, her relief unmistakable. "His pulse is weak, but there. He lives!"

  Ash did not respond for much longer. He held Storm against him, his fingers along her throat. After many long minutes, he finally felt the barest flutter of a heartbeat, weak and thready. "She lives." Hugging Storm tightly, he bowed his head to hide his emotion. "But I don't know if they can take much more of this." He cradled the unconscious Swordanzen woman close. "Next time might kill them."

  "My chambers..." Zoe struggled to stand, looking drawn and exhausted. "Terrence... The Great Mother says... cannot let others see..." She swallowed hard. "Too dangerous to the Desanti..." She looked at the pair and said, "My brother would never forgive Me."

  Terrence hushed Zoe gently and looked up. "It would not be good if others realized the Desanti are incapacitated. There are still many with strong prejudices who would... take advantage of the situation. Especially with the edict to answer all challenges so ingrained within them." He gathered the girl into his arms. "The Great Mother said bring them to the Oracle's chambers. So She can watch over them in Her brother, the Raging One's, stead."


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