Book Read Free

Crystal Meth

Page 1

by S. Jennings

  Next Level Publishing




  Chapter 1

  “Oh my God! Look at her eyes!” Mary, the proud new mother gushed, as her newborn was placed into her arms.

  “Wow! Crystal blue, just like the water in Belize,” Bob said reminiscing on the beautiful vacation spot the new addition to the Atkins family was most likely conceived.

  “That’s what we will call her!” Mary exclaimed. “Crystal. Crystal Blue Atkins.”

  Hello Crystal. I’m your dad,” Bob sang sweetly, unaware of the fact that he just may have been otherwise.

  Mary and Bob met at a party on the campus of Georgia University during their sophomore year. It was a chance meeting when Bob decided to take his first drink. Bob came from a working class home in suburban Ohio. Tall, handsome, and intelligently nerdy, he was the first of his clan to attend college. He studied hard in his pre-law major and had a great future ahead of Mary. Mary was the lovely daughter of a prominent Atlanta surgeon and his socialite wife. She attended Georgia University at her father’s insistence and for fear of getting cut off if she didn’t.

  She partied hard at the school, which was known for its hard partiers, and was sexually liberated. Most weekends were spent drinking, snorting, smoking, popping and fucking. She was by some accounts a “free whore.” Of course Bob, an introvert, had no way of knowing this.

  “May I?” Bob asked politely, offering to fill Mary’s cup with cold beer. “You most certainly may!” she replied, flashing the most beautiful smile he’d ever seen. In an instant, he fell in love. It was in that same instance that Mary decided she’d fuck him. She stood there waiting in vain for the come-on that never came. Did he not know the sexual adventures that lay ahead for him? All he had to do was speak up. But his nerdy reticence prevented him from taking the conversation any further.

  Finally, Mary shrugged her shoulders and set off in search of someone to prey upon her. She was there for the taking and Bob chided himself daily at the missed opportunity. He went so far as to practice in the mirror the conversation they would have if or when he saw her again. He played both roles, even the laughing in falsetto at the jokes he would tell. Bob was ready.

  He was so ready that when he did bump into her a few weeks later, he choked. All of his training went out the window when he turned an aisle in the bookstore and stood face-to-face with the girl of his dreams. His first instinct was to run and he almost did until she smiled. “Hey!” Mary beamed brightly at Bob. In an instant her mind scrambled to place the face. Was he the guy she fucked after the party?

  “You’re the beer guy!” Mary laughed amused by his adorable shyness. “That’s me,” the beer guy Bob chuckled, happy she hadn’t asked his real name which at the moment he could not recall.

  He was as nervous as a rapper in court and almost let her get away again. Almost. Bob took a deep breath and went for broke. “Can I buy you food some time? Like uh, you know, to eat,” he managed to spit out. “Sure! I’m starved. Lets go!” Mary exclaimed. Bob forgot about his purchases and left arm-in-arm with the beauty queen and they’ve been together ever since.

  Chapter 2

  Bob and Mary doted on their new daughter like only new parents could. They bought any and everything that was even remotely baby-related. Though she was still suspect as a wife, Mary instantly turned into the perfect mother. She was attentive and traded her sporty convertible for a fully equipped mini van. Her weed and cocaine habit was replaced with gin and pills and a rather large vibrator that made up for Bob’s slack.

  Bob worked even harder at the firm, becoming a junior partner by Crystal’s first birthday and full partner by the time she began kindergarten. His steady career advancement propelled the family in the exclusive suburb of Sugarhill, just north of Atlanta. The newly well off couple were elated when Mary became pregnant again. Both he and Mary hoped for a son, but had no complaints when Charity arrived.

  “Next one will be a boy,” Bob wishfully said as he held his newborn daughter.

  “I’m sure it will be,” Mary agreed even though she scheduled for a tubal ligation that would ensure there would be no next one. Still extremely vain, Mary would have no more wear and tear on her still shapely frame.

  They indulged young Crystal’s every whim, enrolling her in soccer, ballet, gymnastics and whatever else she fancied. Some classes lasted only one session, some even less. In return, Crystal was a delightful child. Her manners were impeccable and she was obedient and appreciative. More than anything, she loved her daddy no matter what was going on. The moment dad arrived all things ceased. Bob was the center of her universe and she was his. He was delighted watching his daughter grow up.

  The sun had streaked her hair to a tint money couldn’t buy. It framed her beautiful face and showcased the bluest eyes most people have ever seen. Soccer, swimming, and gymnastics gave her a body to die for. She was gorgeous to say the least and she seemed to get prettier by the day. This of course disturbed her darling dad who often saw many boys flock to his child. Even, grown men, including his co-workers, did a double take at Crystal.

  Crystal’s best friend Beth was equally as pretty though in a different way. Her dark hair set off her green eyes to perfection and she possessed the tall, thin frame of a runaway model. The two were inseparable.

  Their families became close as a result and often shared chauffer duties and hosted numerous slumbers parties. The older the girls got the smaller their circle had become as the chubby and or un-cool got weeded out from the ranks. Only their two friends, Jen and Darla survived the cut.

  The topics during all of the slumber parties usually consisted of boys, music, boys, clothes, boys, sex and sex with boys. None of the girls had actually ever ‘done the deed’ but their sexual curiosity was certainly piqued.

  “Oh my God! My breasts are so small!” Beth complained as she stood bare-chested in front of her full length mirror.

  “No, they’re perfect!” said Darla, slipping out of her shirt so her breasts could be inspected as well. “Mine are too big!”

  “ No, yours are prefect,” Beth replied cupping one of Darla’s heavy tits in her hand. “These are great!” After hours of giggles and dancing the girls finally settled down for the night. It was time for the main attraction.

  With great fan fare, Beth produced a dvd she had hidden away earlier. Are we ready for some good girls gone real bad?” she asked holding up the disc as if it were a sacred trophy. She put the dvd on and muted the TV so the telling moans and corny porn music couldn’t be heard. The first scene consisted of a young white couple who were thoroughly inspected by the girls. The consensus was the man was a hunk. “Oh those are so not real,” Beth announced as the bleach-blond woman removed her useless bra. The large plastic breasts stood still.

  The cheerful banter stopped abruptly when the well-built man stood and dropped his pants. They were in awe of the large penis dangling limply between his legs. The blonde dropped to her knees and took most of it in her mouth. She sucked, kissed and licked it until it was at full attention. “Wow,” Crystal said in amazement. It was the first time she had witnessed any sex of any kind. She was the only one. Embarrassed by the moistness in her panties, she changed her Indian style squat for a crossed leg one.

  The woman lay on the sofa and spread her tan legs for the man. Crystal eagerly anticipated him fucking her but instead he attacked her with his tongue. She flailed her head to coincide with her moans as he licked her to a faked orgasm. Finally Crystal thought as the hunk pushed himself inside of her. The girls watched as he pounded the pretty women into submission.

  The next scene was of a lesbian couple which both bored and fascinated all in attendance. Beth fast forwarded the action until a naked b
lack man walked into view. “Can that be real?!” Jen asked at the sight of the huge penis swinging back and forth. “No way!” Beth screamed in disbelief. “Way!” Darla replied as the two women began double teaming the dangling dick. A few minutes later the man was rock hard and as long as a forearm. He took turns damaging the internal organs of both women until he couldn’t take any more.

  “Ewww!” the foursome screamed as he pulled out and spewed semen on the women’s faces and open mouths. “That was so gross!” Beth spat. “And it was from a black guy!”

  “Is everything ok girls?” Beth mom asked sticking her head in the door. Fortunately, Beth was quick with the remote and switched the channel. “Fine,” they all sang together smiling brightly to prove it. She looked around skeptically, sniffing for contrabands.

  “Ok then girls, lights out. Early start tomorrow.”

  “Ok!” The girls sang in unison as she backed out the room.

  The girls complied and got under the covers of their make shift beds for the night. The room was quiet except for the occasional whisper of each of them pleasing themselves. Crystal had never masturbated before but the sights of the porno were too much to bear. She had to relieve herself and did. The feeling of that first orgasm was life changing.

  Chapter 3

  Crystal fell in love the second she laid her eyes on Brad. He was tall, athletic, and handsome. The captain of the basketball team and quarterback had half the female student body desiring his body.

  To the dismay of his groupies, the junior had eyes for the gorgeous freshman with the blue eyes. Crystal was so excited when he asked for her number she actually forgot it. Brad had to give her his and soon after, their relationship began. It was all good until Bob found out.

  “I’m not sure I like the idea of Crystal dating,” Bob said pacing back and forth. “They’re kids. It’s harmless,” Mary said in defense. “Let the kids have some fun.”

  “Fun! That’s exactly what I’m afraid of,” he said sternly. Mary wore the pants in the family most days, but when it came to his girls, Bob didn’t play. “I think I’ll forbid it and tell him to stay away from her!” he concluded, nodding his head in agreement with himself.

  “You do that and she’ll sneak around and see the boy anyway,” Mary replied thinking back to her own youth.

  “I’ll have a long talk with her,” Bob mumbled something else unintelligible and kept pacing. The next time he passed his seated wife she rose from the bed to stop him.

  “Relax dear!” She smiled as she blocked his path. “I can’t relax,” he replied trying to get around her. “Here let me help you,” Mary said sinking to her knees. As soon as she got him inside her mouth he did relax. She always offered a blow job to settle a matter. “Mmm, you think she’ll be alright?” Bob moaned as Mary worked her magic. By the time he released in his wife’s mouth, he had changed his mind. “I’ll go tell her it’s ok, and have that chat with her,” Mary said after swallowing the last of his cum.

  Crystal was on the phone talking and surfing the web simultaneously when her mother knocked. “It’s me dear,” Mary sang sweetly before sticking her head in the door.

  “Come in.” Crystal smiled at her mother as she made her way into the room. “Beth, I’ll call you back later,” said Crystal. On the other line, Brad laughed. “Love you too,” he said and hung up.

  “How’s Beth?” Mary inquired as she sat on her daughter’s frilly bed. “Great and what brings you to my humble abode?” Crystal asked sweetly, planting a kiss on her mother’s cheek. “I need to speak with you about boy,” Mary said plainly.

  “Mom, you must have forgotten. We’ve had that talk,” Crystal laughed, “years ago!”

  Mary laughed along hoping the levity would help her get her point across. “Well, we spoke about the physical act of sex, but not the emotional aspects.”

  “How so?” Crystal asked eagerly. Lately sex was all she could think of but she didn’t know about an emotional side.

  “Boys will pressure you to go to bed with them but you will regret it. They will tell you anything to accomplish their ends. Save yourself for marriage. Both you and your husband will appreciate it,” Mary advised.

  “You and dad never slept together before you guys got married?” Crystal asked incredulously.

  “Absolutely not!” she replied emphatically. And she was telling the absolute truth. Mary knew from day one Bob was a keeper and kept him. She also knew that her liberal views on sex wouldn’t go over well with clean-cut Bob. Fortunately, he was will outside of the loop and never caught wind of the threesomes Mary was famous for.

  Often, after Bob dropped her off from a date, she would head over to the athletes’ dorm and pick a player. Any player. “Your dad is the only man I’ve ever been with,” Mary lied. She didn’t regret it one bit either. It was an attempt to save her child from the degradation she suffered at the hands of so many now faceless and nameless men.

  “Besides there are plenty of ways to have fun with your boyfriend. Just use your head.” Mary smiled patting her daughter’s leg as she stood. “Are you serious mom!” Crystal said elated.

  “Yes dear, you’re a smart girl. Use your head,” Mary reiterated.

  Crystal immediately called Beth when her mom left the room. “Oh my god! Oh my god!” she exclaimed excitedly. “You’ll never believe this!”

  “Oh my god! What?!” Beth replied just as enthused.

  “My mom just gave me permission to give Brad a blow job!” she gushed.

  “No way!” Beth shouted in disbelief.

  “Way! She told me not to have sex but I could use my head!”

  “Oh my god. Brad is so gonna love you!” said Beth. “I’m thinking about hooking up with Johnny. What do you think?” Beth was seeking Crystal’s approval. Johnny was the new bad boy in school. A recent transplant to the suburbs, rumor had it he grew up in a trailer park until his stripper mom married her dentist. A star athlete himself, he and Brad quickly became friends.

  Crystal screamed at the idea. “Oh my god! If you guys hook up, we can all hang out together!”

  “That is so cool! Only….we don’t know how to do it,” Beth sighed.

  “We can watch one of those movies again,” Crystal said eagerly.

  “Yeah and get some practice!” Beth cheered.

  That weekend Crystal stayed a night at Beth’s and the two spent the night watching pornos and sucking bananas. They were ready.

  Chapter 4

  At long last the girls would have their chance to show off their new skills. One of the cooler kids in school was throwing a party and being Brad’s girlfriend got Crystal an invite. The only obstacle in her way now was her dad.

  Bob and Mary were chatting in their bedroom when a hesitant Crystal rapped tentatively on the door. “Come on in sweetheart, “ Bob said gushing at the sight of his darling daughter. Crystal rusted over and kissed his cheek before turning to her mother.

  “Mom, Christopher Johansen’s party is tonight. Can I go? Please!”

  “You know I don’t like these parties, “Bob said strongly though he had no idea what actually what went on at a teen party because he never attended one as a teen. Even in rural Ohio, teen parties were for the cool kids and Bob was never cool.

  “Please dad!” Crystal rattled. I’ll be a laughing stock if I don’t show up! Everyone is going. Beth’s dad is letting her go.”

  “Bob I think we should let her go,” Mary soothingly. “She’s fifteen.”

  “I am not sure about this Mary,” Bob replied worryingly. “She’s only fifteen.

  “Can you excuse us a minute dear? Mary said after turning to her daughter.

  “Sure,” Crystal said springing from the bed. She rushed down the hallway to get dressed for the mall. She knew her mom always got her way. She used her head.

  As soon as Crystal left the room, Mary sucked her husband into submission and soon he agreed to let Crystal go to the party. Mary laughed inwardly at how easy Bob was to manipulate. Likewise
, Bob chuckled to himself for faking stubbornness just to get a good blow job. Fair exchange is no robbery.

  Mary, Crystal and little Charity picked Beth up and headed to the huge mall of Georgia. As soon as Mary pulled the mini-van into a parking space, the girls bailed out and walked briskly towards the mall entrance. It was so not cool to be seen out in public with one’s parents so they sought to put some distance between them. Mary understood perfectly and didn’t complain. “Meet back here at 3pm. SHARP!” she called at their departing backs.


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