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Crystal Meth

Page 4

by S. Jennings

  It took a few days for Crystal to smoke all of the drugs, but as soon as she exhaled the last of it she went in search for more.

  After entering her birth date, Crystal withdrew two hundred dollars from her father’s account. She called Black and went to cop. This went on for weeks until the card came up missing. Bob absolutely refused to believe Crystal had taken her card or the fifteen hundred dollars missing from the account.

  He suspected Mary and an uncontrolled shopping spree before his daughter. It wasn’t until the bank’s surveillance camera showed a clear picture of Crystal that he finally had to accept it.

  When mother and father confronted their child she denied it and a huge fight ensued. Mary and Crystal yelled back and forth as Bob tried to referee and participate. Finally, Crystal got up and stormed out.

  “Let her cool off,“ Bob said exhausted from the battle. “We’ll talk to her when she gets back in. Crystal was in no mood for her parents’ crap. It had been several days since she was able to use anything and it was killing her. She noticed she was speeding out of anger and eased her foot off the gas pedal.

  Black‘s number was on her speed dial now and it only took a press of a button to get him on the line. She advised she was on the way to cop and he agreed. What she neglected to tell him was that she was penniless.

  “The usual?” Black asked pulling out a large bag of crack cocaine.

  “Yes please. But I wont be able to pay you today. I’ll need some credit,” she said very reasonably. But Black wasn’t reasonable and he did not do credit and he told her so. “Shit shawty we don’t do no credit ‘round here!” he exclaimed, putting the bag of drugs back down.

  The look of desperation on her face spoke for itself and Black could hear it in her voice. Besides being fluent in Ebonics, he also spoke desperation. Quite well in fact. “ I can let you work it off,” he offered feeling a stir in his loins. He would pay top dollar for a romp with the pretty little blonde-haired, blue-eyed snow bunny.

  “Work? Ok,” Crystal agreed eagerly though she had never did any work ever in her life. For some reason, washing dishes and other odd jobs ran through her mind. That is until Black stood up and a massive lump ran down his leg. “Come on shawty,” he said leading her into his plush bedroom. Crystal was appalled at the thought of blowing the huge black man but sobriety was far more distasteful or so she thought.

  “Take yo shorts off,” he demanded as he dropped his own.

  “I thought you just wanted some head,” Crystal winced.

  “Nah, Im tryna fuck too,” he said whipping out a huge penis.

  Crystal complied and disrobed. She sat naked at the end of the bed. When Black stepped forward, she closed her eyes and opened her mouth as wide as she could but it wasn’t wide enough. Black couldn’t fit any more than the head of his massive member inside of her mouth. Crystal grabbed it with both hands and desperately stroked it.

  She was trying her best to get him off before he tried to put it inside of her. To her horror, the more she stroked, the longer and thicker the gigantic dick grew. Black pushed her on her back and clumsily fondled her vagina with his fingers.

  Black marveled at her young tight body. She was a far cry from the rundown white girl one stumbles upon in the hood. By the time you usually get a white girl, she has been run through the wringer. He ran his large pointer finger in and out of her before getting ready to enter her. Again, he was only able to get the large head of his penis inside of her. Still he humped as Crystal screamed. It felt like he was pushing her insides each time he made a short thrust. Luckily for Crystal, the sight sounds and smell of the pretty white girl was too much for him to bear.

  Black stood up over her stroking himself and began spurting thick globs of hot semen all over Crystal. Her chest, neck, face and hair were drenched. After regaining his composure, they dressed and went back into the front room. Black grabbed his bag of dope and fisted some out. “Here,” he offered handing her a small rock.

  “Huh?” Crystal curiously asked the paltry offering. “That’s the going rate for pussy ‘round here’ he exclaimed. The look on her face spoke volumes and sent him back into the bag.

  “Here you go, lil’ mama,” he said giving her the full amount she usually purchased. “You know I’ma wanna hit that again!” Crystal snatched the dope and pulled her pipe out of her small purse. She was prepared to take a hit on the spot until Black stopped her.

  “Whoa! You can’t hit that shit here!” he demanded. “Take that shit home wit cha!”

  Crystal limped to her car, sore from the sexual beating she just took and sat gingerly inside. Black watched proudly knowing he caused that limp.

  A police officer parked in the lot also watched her leave Black’s house. He decided to give the young girl a pass even though he knew she had drugs and knew where she brought them. Both Black and the cop decided to approach the car when they saw Crystal’s lighter flicker as she took a hit. Black back off once he saw the cop and returned back into his liar.

  Crystal was arrested and charged with possession of drugs. She was taken to the precinct where she was fingerprinted, stripped searched, and photographed. Her photo would be unrecognizable to anyone who knew her.

  She looked like a stranger with her blood-shot eyes and semen-matted hair. To make matters worse, the cop startled her when he knocked on the car window causing her to cough up the hit before completely inhaling and feeling its full effects. She never got a chance to enjoy the drugs purchased with her body and dignity. As if all of that wasn’t bad enough, Bob and Mary had just arrived.

  Chapter 8

  Bob and Mary paid the five-thousand dollar bond and claimed their battered child. The forty five-minute drive from the ghetto to the suburbs was made in complete silence. Both parents stole an occasional glance at their wayward daughter in the mirror. Mary wondered where they went wrong. Where they failed. They arrived at the house and filed solemnly inside. “Get some rest dear. Busy day tomorrow,” Mary said wearily, looking at her daughter for the first time.

  Crystal nodded and limped up the steps. She took a long shower attempting to wash away the shame and degradation. The same emotions all addicts go through when sober, until the monkey kicks in that is. The semen washed easily away, but her vagina was too sore to be touched. As distasteful as it was, she had to leave it for another time.

  After the shower, Crystal vainly searched her room for something, anything to take the edge off. After finding nothing, she finally just cried herself to sleep. The sleep was not a restful one, and Crystal tossed and turned until dawn crept into her window. Mary wasn’t far behind it.

  “Get dressed. We leave in twenty minutes,” Mary said sternly from the doorway. “You’ll need a few changes of clothes so pack a bag.” Mary’s tone left no room for haggling so Crystal quickly complied. Still far too sore to put on jeans, she found a pair of sweat pants and topped it off with a t-shirt. She packed an overnight bag with clothing and toiletries.

  “Are you hungry? We can stop and grab something,” Bob offered as Crystal descended the stairs. He was still unable to look at his daughter but his tone was compassionate. Stop on the way to where, Crystal wondered but didn’t ask. Instead, she shook her head no despite actually being quite hungry.

  The family minus Charity, who spent the night at a friend’s, rode in silence. The only voice heard was that of the navigation system giving turn by turn directions to the still unknown destination. Bob turned onto a shaded tree-lined driveway and stopped at a guard’s shack. The sign above the gate read “Shady Oaks” a name Crystal was vaguely familiar with.

  “What is this place!” Crystal demanded after her father’s muted conversation with the guard gained them access.

  “This is where you can get some help dear,” Mary replied pleadingly.

  “Help for what! I don’t need any help!” Crystal spat out as her agitation grew. “You have a drug problem and need rehab,” Mary shot back.

  “Rehab? You’re fucking crazy
! I’m not going!” Crystal shouted. Bob slammed on the brakes. The sudden stop sent the women forward, testing the restraints of the seat belts. He turned around and pointed a trembling finger at his daughter as he spoke. You listen here young lady. You have been using drugs and God only knows what else. You have lied to us, stolen from us and you will complete this program,” he yelled.

  Crystal bowed her head submissively and cried silently. Meanwhile, Mary was quite impressed by the show of machismo. She planned on fucking him the second they got in.

  Bob parked and led the procession to the facility’s intake area. “Standard procedure,” he explained when Crystal hesitated. She stood over the guard as he fumbled through her bag. He looked to be in his early twenties and under other circumstances she would have thought he was cute. He smiled up at her holding a pair of her panties and inhaled deeply as if savoring the aroma. “Having fun?” she spat. Mary turned to look back but the guard dropped the panties and she missed the exchange.

  “First door on the left,” the intake receptionist said pointing down the hall. Bob led the way and tapped on the open door.

  “Come in,” a forty-something black woman smiled. Mrs. Hall was pleasant and pretty with a touch of gray in her thin well kept locks that were pulled into a tasteful bun. “Have a seat,” she said. She pointed to the chair facing her desk.

  “Thank you,” Bob and Mary replied. They took their seats with Crystal between them. “Why are we here?” Mrs. Hall asked looking at Crystal.

  “Because my parents made me,” Crystal hotly shot out. “And why would your parents force you to come to a drug and alcohol treatment center?” she asked evenly. “Do you use drugs and alcohol?”

  “I got arrested with some crack,” Crystal said avoiding the real question.

  “And do you use crack cocaine?” Mrs. Hall asked tilting her head slightly.

  “I got it from that nigger and…”

  “CRYSTAL!” Mary yelled embarrassed for the black woman. “Apologize to Mrs. Hall this instant!”

  “That’s not necessary,” said Mrs. Hall, raising her hand to halt the apology. “I hate niggers too! Most black people do. There is a difference.” Still, Crystal bowed her heard and offered an apology. She was ashamed by her outburst and said so.

  “That’s fine,” Mrs. Hall smiled, “we’ll have plenty of time to talk later.” I’ll be your counselor so we’ll get to know each other quit well. Go get settled in and get some rest.”

  “How long do I have to stay here?” Crystal pleaded to her father.

  “Until you’re better,” he answered, looking towards the floor. He knew if he looked at his daughter he would lose his resolve and take her home.

  “It’s a sixty day intensive course. The results are up to you. Some

  people come many times before they get in right,” Mrs. Hall advised. She pressed a button on her phone that summoned a “yes” from the receptionist over the speaker. “Have Carl come escort our new guest to her room please,” Mrs. Hall ordered.

  The pantry sniffer appeared at the door seconds later to escort Crystal away. As they walked towards the residential wing, Carl checked out the new guest and was quite pleased. “What are you looking at?” Crystal said when she caught him giving her a ‘once over’.

  “A very pretty young lady,” Carl replied with a smile.

  “Do you sniff everyone’s underwear?” Crystal asked.

  “Only the cute ones,“ he laughed.

  “Creep!” she frowned.

  “Hey, be nice. I’m a good friend to have in here. Two months is a long time. You may need me.”

  They reached the room before Crystal got a chance to formulate her next quip. Carl knocked on the door and waited for a reply.

  “Come in,” a small voice called from inside. Carl turned the knob. “Hey bay…” the pretty red-headed girl began but she cut off the affectionate greeting upon seeing Crystal.

  “Kathy, this is your new roommate Crystal. Crystal, Kathy,” Carl said making the introduction. “I’ll leave you girls”

  “Great,” Crystal said sarcastically as she entered the room. “Hey Kathy.”

  “Call me Kat and welcome to Shady Oaks,” she said with a pretty smile.

  “Thank you,” Crystal said dryly tossing her bag onto the empty bed.

  So what brings you here?” Kat asked.

  My parents,” Crystal said.

  “No!” Kat giggled. “I mean, what drug?!” “I got caught with some crack and got arrested,” Crystal replied.

  “Crack? Really?” Kat frowned, shrugged and continued. “I’m here for Meth this time.”

  “This time? How many times have you been here?” Crystal exclaimed.

  “This is number three!” said Kat without the slightest trace of shame. “Two months and out! Nothing to it. Plus helps me through.”

  “I’ll bet,” Crystal said under her breath. “How old are you?”

  “I’ll be sixteen in two months,” Kat answered. “You?”

  “I’ll be sixteen too,” Crystal replied laying on the unmade bed. The next thing she knew Kat was waking her for lunch. “Hey, sleepy head! Time for lunch! “Kat sang as Crystal blinked her into focus.

  “Huh?” she said putting her surroundings back in order. “Yes I’m starved.”

  “Well let’s go,” Kat cheered.

  After washing her face and freshening up, Crystal followed Kat to the dining hall. She was impressed with how luxurious the place was. It reminded her of her wealthy grandparents’ country club. Shady Oaks however cost far more than any country club. Bob’s insurance company was paying two hundred dollars a day for the stay.

  Crystal delighted in the huge salad bar, making a master plate of fresh fixings. She ordered a tuna melt while Kat opted for a cheeseburger and fries. They both filled their glasses with diet cola from the fountain and found a seat.

  The other patients were old or young but all white and wealthy. Kat was bouncing in her chair and talking a mile a minute between bites of the burger. Crystal recognized her behavior was from either a xany or oxy and she wanted one. Her parents brought her here for a help and a Xanex would definitely help.

  After the meal, Crystal borrowed one of Kats swimsuits and followed her to the pool. Not surprisingly, Carl was poolside taking in the sights. “Hey girls.” Carl smiled as they entered the indoor pool area. Crystal pretended not to hear him and slipped into the warm water.

  “Hey Carl” Kat yelled out flirtingly and then joined her friend in the pool.

  “What’s his deal?” Crystal frowned watching the guard stare at them. “What is he? Some kind of pervert?”

  “Who? Carl!” Kat asked stunned, “no he’s cool. He’s a good friend to have in here.”

  “What exactly does that mean?” Crystal asked.

  Kat shot a conspiratorial glance around the pool before answering. “I’ll tell you when we get back to our room,” she whispered.

  Crystal held her to her word and asked the question again as soon as they got back into their room. “He can bring us, stuff,” Kat said producing a couple of xanys. Crystal plucked one from her palm and gulped it down.

  “Can he bring me some crack!” she asked eagerly.

  “Crack! No. Stinks to bad. Plus that stuff is for niggers and trailer trash,” Kat said popping her own pill.

  “Is not!“ Crystal said defensively, still very faithful to her drug of choice.

  “Sure it is,” Kat shot back. “You just got caught with crack and they dropped the charged. If you were a nigger, you would be in prison. NOT Rehab!”


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