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Crystal Meth

Page 9

by S. Jennings

  She and the dealer exchanged dope for dollars and Two bid them farewell. But not before giving her a card with a large number Two on it and his cell number underneath. Crystal immediately fixed some lines on the coffee table and inhaled them.

  “Have some?” she offered as the drug rushed through her system.

  “ Um sure, just save me some. I’ll shoot it after I eat,” Kat said. They chatted for a few more minutes until Crystal lied about a date with Dave. As soon as the door closed behind her, Kat dissolved the meth and fixed up a needle. After getting it just right she located the tracks under the tattoo and injected herself.

  Chapter 20

  By the time Dave and Crystals’ wedding arrived, she was addicted to meth. She had been snorting the drug almost daily by then. She attempted to stay clean for her big day, but as she dressed she was a mess. Nothing worked and everything upset her.

  “I need a minute alone with the bride,” Kat announced to Crystal’s lifelong friends. No one liked the off little woman with the red hair and no one moved.

  “It’s ok,” Crystal advised sending Beth and Jen reluctantly out of the room.

  “Girl you need a hit,” Kat whispered. “You’re a fucking monster!”

  “I know!” Crystal whined. “I tried, I did. I really did. But I need something. Tell me you have something.”

  “Just a shot I had doe later but you can have it,” Kat said generously. She pulled a capped syringe filled with a nice unhealthy dose of meth. Crystal turned her head as Kat pulled up her sleeve. She felt a slight pinch from the pin stick and then euphoria.

  “You feel it?” Kat asked watching the smile spread on her friend’s face.

  “Boy, do I!” said Crystal.

  When the time came Crystal took her dad’s hand and floated down the aisle, grinning from ear to ear. Dave also grinned from ear to ear but for a different reason. Crystal took her place in front of her husband-to-be and exchanged vows.

  The couple shared their first kiss on command of the preacher. One thing Crystal loved about meth was it lasted a long time. Here it was hours later, all the way in the Grand Bahamas and she was still as high as summer gas prices. It would have taken an ounce of constant crack smoking to achieve this and even then it wouldn’t be as good.

  “Well Mrs. Atkins, what do you think?” Dave asked holding his

  new wife in his arms as they stood on the balcony of the honeymoon suite.

  “I love it! And you,” Crystal exclaimed. She stared at the full moon reflecting on the black ocean. Then she felt an electric current shoot through her eager body when Dave kissed her. It had been over a week since she last had sex and she was beyond ready.

  Dave led her back into the room where they slowly disrobed each other.

  Yesss! Crystal cheered mentally when she saw Dave was packing. She fought the urge to put the hard, pretty dick in her mouth, knowing it would freak him out. He was as innocent and naïve as a ten-year old. He was genius at everything else but in this realm, he was clueless.

  The couple kissed, and fondled until finally he pushed deep inside of her. It was the first time either of them made love in their lives. The honeymoon was scheduled to last a week but by day three the burning in Dave penis was unbearable. It hurt so bad when he urinated he tried to abstain from drinking.

  A thick yellowish green discharge forced them to find a local clinic to get treated. A culture swab confirmed that they both had gonorrhea.

  “How could that be? We haven’t had sex before! This is our honeymoon for goodness sakes!” Dave whined upon hearing the diagnosis.

  “Well, it very common disease,” the Bahamian lady doctor said matter-of-factly.

  “Not for us! We’re both virgins! Well, we were, “ Dave exclaimed causing the woman to cast a suspicious glance at Crystal.

  “I must have gotten it from using a dirty towel,” she urged. “Um… at the um…gym.

  “A towel?” Dave frowned. “Is that possible?”

  The doctor looked at Crystal who begged her without a word to agree. “I’ve lived long enough to know that anything is possible,” she said honestly.

  When the doctor produced the syringes to shoot the couple with penicillin, Crystal’s mouth instantly watered. She craved Meth like her life depended upon it.

  “Let’s just go home,” she announced sadly once they returned to the room.

  “It’s not your fault,” Dave comforted, but it was to no avail. Crystal was ready to go home. Three days with no meth was enough.

  Chapter 21

  “Oh my god! You did not burn your husband! On your honeymoon!” Kat exclaimed when she was told the story.

  “I did, I did and I know exactly where I got it from,” Crystal said reflecting back to a recent one-night stand. She let some guy talk her into a quickie outside of a club. A few lines of meth and a couple of martinis later and Crystal was bent over a car in the back alley.

  She fumed. “Bastard, couldn’t even make me cum! I had to go home and finish myself off.”

  “Ready?” Kat sang holding a filled syringe. Crystal held out her arm and watched as her friend injected the drug into her veins.

  “Mmm thanks,” Crystal moaned. She gathered her belongings and headed to class. At her husband’s suggestion she had reenrolled in school. The goal was to finish what she had started. She was a student by day and a devoted housewife at night. A quick fix from Kat each morning and Crystal was off and running.

  The Atkins home life was ideal. They opted to live in Dave’s small apartment over use of his granddad’s upscale condo. Bob put his son-in-law on salary, most of which went towards savings for their first home. This was where Crystal got her dope though.

  The drugs still made Crystal horny and Dave did not disappoint. After missing all that good high school and college pussy, Dave could not get enough. Crystal had trained him how to please her and he did. Daily. Life was good, for a while. Then in an instant, the downward spin began.

  One day Crystal was walking across campus basking in the warm glow of the meth shot she had earlier when her name was called. The voice was familiar and she scanned her surroundings looking for its owner.

  “Crystal, is that you?” Keisha approached wearing a humorless smile. “It is you!”

  “Well I don’t have time to talk,” Crystal said curtly and turned to walk off.

  “I can’t believe you have the audacity to show your face around here after what you did to my brother,” Keisha called after her. She immediately called her newly released brother Damian, who called the newly released Black.

  The two vengeful men raced downtown and scouted the campus in vain for their prey. They staked out the school for weeks wasting their time. Crystal would not be returning.

  Now her days were spent in Kat’s apartment. At least she was continuing her education by learning to cook her own shots and injecting herself. Higher learning if you will.

  Her nights were spent satisfying her near insatiable appetite for sex. As a result, she was pregnant soon after. Dave was absolutely thrilled at the thought of becoming a parent. Crystal, not so much. Her primary concern was how this would affect her drug life.

  It didn’t. Everyday she fixed up a batch and shot up. Even as her belly grew, she continued to use. She used the household ATM card so much the name wore off of it.

  Crystal felt her first contraction shortly after Dave departed for the office. Knowing she would be stuck in the hospital for at least the rest of the day, she fixed up a dose to get her through. “It’s time,” she informed Dave via text message.

  Minutes later, he barged into the apartment in a panic telling Crystal not to panic. He called their doctor en route to the hospital and told him to rush down.

  Crystal was admitted into her private suite to deliver. When her doctor arrived shortly after ,he quickly examined her.

  “Well,” he said with a hand in her vagina. “You’re not fully dilated yet. We’ll have to wait. Shouldn’t be long.” But it was long.
Some eight hours later and still no baby. Bob and Mary were waiting along with Dave’s parents. The doctor was back and forth on the hour, only to announce that she still wasn’t ready.

  By the next morning, Crystal was in agony. Not just from the impending labor but she desperately wanted a shot of meth. She actually contemplated calling Kat and having her rush a dose over. Dave did the best he could to comfort her by shoveling ice chips onto her parched mouth. The doctor finally announced she was fully dilated and began delivery.

  Crystal had her feet firmly in the stirrups, pushing as commanded by the doctor. Her motivation was the long-awaited hit she had coming once the baby was out of her.

  “Wow!” Dave exclaimed in wonderment as his son’s head emerged from Crystal’s womb. A few more pushes and he made his entrance into the world.

  The doctor and nurses shared a shocked look, alarming the new parents. The umbilical cord was cut and the child was whisked away before they got a chance to hold him. Before they could even hear him cry as newborns do.

  “There seems to be some complications,“ the doctor said stitching her back up.

  “What’s wrong with our child?” Dave asked anxiously

  “We’re not sure. We’ll run a few tests and let you know,” he said wrapping up. As soon as Crystal was stitched up, the doctor rushed to check on the newborn. Both sets of grandparents came into the room to await news on the baby’s condition.

  “He’ll be fine,” Mary offered attempting to comfort her daughter.

  “Yeah the first ones are always the hardest,” Dave’s mother added.

  “Excuse me. We need a little blood,” a young pretty nurse sang as she entered the room. Crystal offered her arm causing the smile to dissipate from the nurse face.

  She frowned at the obvious tracks marks as she tapped into a well -used vein. The needle stick on it further reminded Crystal of how badly she wanted a hit. Another hour had passed before a grim-faced nurse asked to see the child’s father.

  “We’ll come too,” Dave’s mom insisted.

  “Us too,” Bob added rising from his seat. They all followed the nurse up one floor to the doctors nondescript office.

  “Have a seat,” he offered solemnly. The doctor frowned as he double-checked the file. He took a deep breath delivering the bad news.

  “Mr. Atkins, how long has your wife been using methamphetamines?” he asked bluntly.

  “Using what?” Dave frowned confused at the question. “My wife does not use drugs.” Bob and Mary shared a glance and lowered their heads.

  “Yes sir, she does, according to the blood test we just gave her quite recently,” the doctor shot back.

  “The baby! What’s wrong with the baby?” Mrs. Atkins pleaded.

  The baby has been affected by heavy pre-natal drug use.” The doctor gave them a few seconds to digest the statement before continuing. “I’m afraid he is severely brain damaged, blind and un-able to breath on his own,” he laid out.

  “Will he get better? Grow out of it?” Mary desperately asked.

  “No, he won’t. He will not survive. I’m sorry.” The sad news shocked the father and grandparents. The silence broke down into subdued sobs. They helplessly threw out futile treatment options before accepting little David’s fate. He was a dead baby crawling.

  At long last, they all went to speak with Crystal. The decision was made not to be harsh. Instead they would comfort and encourage. When they tentatively entered the room, it was empty. Crystal was gone!

  Chapter 22

  Crystal arrived by cab to Kat’s apartment and practically crawled to the door. Two had just finished inside of Kat when they heard a slight knock followed by someone moan. Kat threw on a shirt and pulled open the front door. There was Crystal seated, leant against the wall. Behind her was an irate taxi driver demanding to be paid.

  “Oh my God, Cryssy. Are you ok?” Kat asked helping her friend to her feet.

  “No I need a fix,” she moaned. Not “no I just escaped from the hospital moments after delivering a child deformed by my bad choices.”

  “I know you do baby,” Kat comforted before directing Two to go pay the driver. She fixed a needle for her and quickly ran it into her arm.

  “Ahhh,” Crystal sighed as the drugs cruised through her body. Over the next few weeks, Kat nursed Crystal back to…health. That entailed lots of fast food, sodas and meth. Herbal therapy largely amounted to a lot of marijuana. Kat had received her trust fund a few months prior and was rushing through it as quickly as she possibly could. It was as if her intention was to go back to being broke as soon as possible.

  Once Crystal was up and running, it was time to party. Kat treated her to a shopping spree. She opted for a new sexy look to go with her new life. She would not be going home.

  Each day began with a shot of meth, weed and eventually lines of coke. At night, they hit the clubs and partied into the wee hours. Most nights, they left with a couple of guys to have their way with. Sometimes, only one guy.

  Six months later when Kat’s well ran dry, the party train came to an abrupt halt. That left the two women with raging drug habits that needed constant and immediate attention. Luckily Crystal knew where she could get some money.

  “May I speak with Mr. Atkins please?” Kat said in her most professional voice as Dave’s receptionist came on the line.

  “He is on his other line. Would care to hold or can I take a message?” the equally professional woman replied managing to smile through the phone.

  “No I’ll call back,” Kat said. She thanked her and hung up. “He’s there! Let’s do this!” This was breaking into Crystal’s old apartment in search of cash and valuables. To both of there surprise, Crystal’s key easily opened the door granting her access to the world she left behind.

  To Crystal’s lone surprise all her belongings were exactly how she left them. Dave hoped and prayed she would come back one day, so he left her stuff intact. I guess this is where the old adage of being careful what you wish for applies, because Crystal was back, but she was stuffing her pockets with valuables.

  She decided to spare Dave and leave his jewelry in the box. It didn’t matter because Kat stole it as soon as Crystal turned her head. Crystal loaded some of the clothes she missed most into a bag. She swiped a bankcard linked to the substantial savings account along with a laptop before leaving and locking the door.

  The first stop was the mall where Crystal returned Kat’s shopping spree. The women spent thousands of dollars on clothes and trinkets. She also withdrew the fifteen hundred dollars daily limit to use in the club. Two got five hundred of the money for meth, while the coke guy got another five. After the weed man got his cut, the money was almost gone.

  Crystal charged eight hundred more on cab rides and bars as they partied the night away. When the sun rose the next morning all the money was gone. When she tried the ATM card the following afternoon, the machine promptly ate it. They tried their luck again at the apartment but the locks had been changed and fortified.

  Undaunted, they found a pawnshop who took all of Crystal jewelry off her hands for a thousand dollar. Being a lot more frugal with the money, it lasted three days before the girls were broke again.

  “No worries, I’ll call my agent in the a.m. “ Kat suggested. “He’ll have some work for us.”

  “Sure,” Crystal agreed. Anything to keep the party going.

  Kats agent was actually a low budget porn director. The only modeling she had done was with a cock in her mouth. When Rocco got a gander at beautiful Crystal, he immediately offered her a thousand dollars for the day. Kat bitched about never being paid more than five for any given day and got a raise.

  Crystal usually got horny when she got high so getting paid to get laid was a win/win for her. The girls had spent the last of their money on their daily hit so they needed the income. They met at an upscale hotel that would serve as the set.


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