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The Alpha Heir (Kingdom of Askara Book 2)

Page 14

by Victoria Sue

  “The stretching frames are for any leather not being tanned,” Silas explained.

  “It was my favorite job,” Anna said. “The men stretched the skins and I walked between them oiling them. They even put crates out so I could stand on them and reach the top.”

  “Why was it your favorite job?” Taegan asked as an idea formed.

  She wrinkled her nose. “Because I didn’t smell no more. It didn’t matter how long you washed yourself for in the creek on the way home, I never got rid of that smell off my skin ‘till I worked in there.”

  “How long after that did you get taken?” Taegan asked.

  “Not long. About six or seven days I guess.”

  “Were you in the camp or walking home?”

  “Neither.” Anna’s brows furrowed. “The overseer had come around watching us like he sometimes did, and then I got called in to see him. He was a gamma but he never hurt me or nothing, but I think he thought I smelled funny.”

  Taegan had been right. He glanced at Silas, who nodded in understanding.

  “He thought you smelled funny?” Renee asked doubtfully.

  “Yeah. He sniffed me real close and then he shouted to the guards outside. I was tied and in a wagon before I knew what had happened. I dunno why. I was a good worker,” she said defiantly. The hurt and frustration was apparent in her voice. Anna thought it was simple. She had done a good job, so why would they want rid of her?

  Taegan caught Caleb’s resigned look. He had worked it out too. The tannery smelled so bad it would affectively mask Anna’s wolf smell from the gammas. It had only been when she had been moved out of there that they would have known she was a hybrid.

  “Anna,” Caleb asked, smiling gently. “Has it always been just you and your dad?”

  She jumped as if seeing Caleb for the first time. “Yes.” And then she heaved a huge sigh and relaxed. It was as if all the anger drained out of her. She smiled shyly at Caleb. “But my da said my mam worked in the Alpha’s house.”

  Caleb’s eyebrows rose and he looked pointedly at Taegan. Maybe her mom never had any wolf in her. Maybe her mom’s husband wasn’t really her dad. It was quite possible that her dad never knew.

  Taegan looked at Gia, who sat quietly listening against Caleb’s chest. “Gia?” he said gently and Gia immediately turned around and buried his head against Caleb.

  “Gia?” Caleb repeated. “We need to know where you lived and if you have someone missing you.” He lifted his head a little as if he was listening.

  Caleb hesitated. Taegan understood having to ask Gia those sort of questions was upsetting him.

  “I used to have a dad,” he continued, “but I never had a mom. Did you ever have a mommy?”

  Gia shook his head slightly.

  Renee put her hand to her mouth.

  “And a daddy?” Caleb whispered.

  Another shake of his head.

  “Did you have any family?”

  A nod.


  “Nana,” Gia whispered so quietly it was a wonder anyone heard him.

  “And where’s Nana now?’

  Taegan watched as Gia raised big brown eyes to Caleb’s own. “Asleep.”

  Caleb glanced at Taegan, his eyes full of worry. “And she wouldn’t wake up?”

  Gia shook his head. Taegan saw Caleb bite his lip. “Did you get anyone else to try and wake her up?”

  A small nod.

  “But they couldn’t?”

  Gia buried his head again, and they all took that as a no. Caleb smoothed his hair gently. “And then the men took you?” Gia didn’t answer but they didn’t really need one. His grandma had died in her sleep and sometime following that he’d been scooped up by the collection gangs. The wolves must have realized he was a hybrid to have put him with Anna. All that was clear; what they didn’t know was why they were kept alive and why they were being taken to Aldred’s.

  • • •

  Renee stood up, clearly upset. “Come on,” she said as she put an arm around Anna. “Let’s go see if we can sort you some more clothes.”

  Anna looked at Caleb, then at Renee. “Shouldn’t I stay here?”

  Renee looked puzzled and glanced at Caleb.

  “Anna?” Caleb smiled. “Do you think you could help Renee find some clothes for Gia, too?”

  Anna’s smile was wide again and she happily left with Renee. Taegan watched as Caleb rocked the little boy until his eyes drooped shut. Caleb lifted his head and his questioning gaze met Taegan’s. “I don’t understand why Mason would want them.”

  Taegan blinked a little to focus, too wrapped up in the sight of Caleb holding Gia. It seemed so natural to him. No wonder Gia never wanted to be anywhere Caleb wasn’t, and he seemed to be affecting Anna too. Not that he blamed them. Taegan cleared his throat and dragged his eyes to Caleb’s face. “The men that were taking the children told us Mason is dead. Warwick is back to being Alpha.”

  Caleb shook his head. “That’s impossible, the position of Alpha can never revert. It has to be given to someone else.”

  “He’s right,” Silas agreed. “Every Alpha in the territory would revolt.”

  “Unless they don’t know,” Taegan said, understanding dawning. “We didn’t know. The death of an Alpha is usually a big deal but maybe Warwick’s trying to keep it secret.”

  “But why?” Caleb asked. “It makes no sense.”

  “Maybe he’s stalling for time,” mused Silas.

  Time for what? Taegan didn’t know but he didn’t think it was going to be anything good.

  Chapter Twelve

  Caleb watched Gia put his hand shyly in Renee’s after a quick kiss, a cuddle and a promise that if he woke, Caleb would come and fetch him back. He’d always loved kids but in barely two days Gia had burrowed into his heart like he’d always lived there … along with someone else.

  Caleb was sure — despite Taegan’s fear of taking advantage of him — he felt the same way. He barely left him alone. Sat with him at every meal time. Came looking for him straight away after seeing to the horses or being out with his men, but much to Caleb’s frustration he never came to bed until after Caleb had fallen asleep, and when he woke Taegan was already gone. It was only the smoky smell in the room and on the bedroll that Caleb often clutched to himself that told him Taegan had slept in there at all. He’d even tried staying awake one night for him but it had been impossible. He knew his body was healing and Taegan simply made him feel safe enough to sleep deeply.

  Tomorrow was an important day for them all. Dargan and Talam were back from their meeting with the rebel leader from Niandes, and he hoped they brought good news and fresh ideas for Taegan because the day after that was finally the Darkest Day and their only chance of getting the children back. What would happen after that, he had no idea. He had thought Taegan would make him leave but he had been so attentive the past two days. Maybe there was the chance of a future … a slim one — but his heart pounded so hard, like it was trying to escape his chest every time he thought of any future that didn’t have Taegan in it.

  He heard the screen door open behind him, and he inhaled; his lungs filling with the smoky smell he loved. He didn’t need to turn to see who had come in.

  “Silas sends his apologies.”

  Caleb turned. “Why?”

  “He has left to meet a friend just over the border in Nairn. It’s one of those villages with disputed boundaries and gets left alone, right on the border with Perse, Caedra and Tethra.” Taegan paused then flushed a little. “I don’t know why I’m telling you stuff you already know. You’ve lived here longer than me.” Taegan cleared his throat. “He will be back in two days. Something about this wolf being better at translating Askaran than either of you, and he has a huge store of books some second son called Gabriel was excited over.” He tilted his head as if something had just occurred to him. “Second son?”

  “It’s the official name of the second son of an Alpha. The Alpha Heir is the oldest followed
by the second son. It’s colloquial though, and a lot of territories never use the term.”

  Taegan nodded in understanding and glanced around. “No kids?” Caleb smiled. Gia was clingy but Anna was wanting to spend more and more time with him as well. “Where’s your shadow?”

  “Sleeping with your mom.” Caleb took a hurried breath as if his lungs had to clutch for air. Taegan’s eyes widened and Caleb immediately understood. Taegan had walked in fully expecting him not to be alone. To be safe. Caleb stared completely entranced as his blue eyes deepened and softened as they took him in. It was scary. Caleb never remembered having anyone’s undivided attention. His father had loved him, but his thoughts were always with the pack as well. Caleb had never had someone just for him, and in that crazy addictive moment he felt the center of Taegan’s world.

  Taegan groaned low as he took a step forward like he was dredging up some desperate need. “Tell me to leave,” he begged.

  “Never,” Caleb whispered and closed the gap between them in time to see Taegan’s pupils dilate.

  “I wouldn’t be able to stay away even if you did,” Taegan confessed and then his hands were everywhere. Caleb’s clothes never stood a chance and gave way against the unstoppable force Taegan seemed to unleash. He had a second to register the cool air on his skin until Taegan’s hands cupped each side of his face, and he closed his eyes in wonder at the soft, sensuous lips that finally covered his own.

  He was completely submerged in Taegan’s touch, his smell, the deep murmurs that seemed to come from his soul, and the kisses that fed a need in Caleb he never knew he had. If this was drowning, he would die happily. Taegan’s warm, hard body pressed against his and it was only as he felt the cot underneath his back that he knew Taegan had laid him down. Caleb opened his eyes as Taegan wrenched his lips away and he heard the gulp for air.

  “Caleb?” The catch in Taegan’s deep rumble made his heart squeeze in answer. He heard the reaction, and suddenly for the first time in a lot of years he felt powerful. He was doing this to Taegan. He murmured soothing noises against the stubble of Taegan’s cheek, and his hands pulled at Taegan’s clothes, trying to give Taegan his answer. As if there ever could be any doubt that Taegan’s touch was exactly the thing Caleb craved.

  Taegan sat up, his eyes burning with the need Caleb knew were reflected in his own and he pulled his shirt off and undid the string at his waist. Caleb twisted and pushed Taegan down, desperate to take the pants off himself. “No,” Taegan said catching his hand. “I loved the feel of your lips there but tonight is all about you.” He nodded to the bed. “Lay down on your stomach. Please,” he added when Caleb was too stunned to move. Caleb laid back down and turned over, bunching the pillow in his arms and resting his head. He felt the bed dip slightly as Taegan reached for something and he turned his head to see Taegan pull a small pot from a shelf underneath the small table. Taegan glanced down and his eyes twinkled. “Relax.”

  Caleb’s eyes drifted shut as he heard Taegan rub his hands together and he gasped as his warm hand, slick with oil, smoothed a line from Caleb’s neck to the dip at the bottom of his back. Caleb inhaled the sweet musky scent of the Agarva nuts he knew would have been ground and mixed with linseed oil to produce what he knew was a ridiculously expensive oil the she-wolves went mad for. “How?” he managed only one word as the smell settled about the room and he felt his body respond immediately to the feel of Taegan’s hands against his skin.

  “We produce it in secret,” Taegan answered. “The hillside is covered in the bushes but no-one ever comes to look. The wolves because of the Sulphur, and the humans are simply too exhausted after working the fields to care what is in the middle of dense woodland. Silas has contacts he can trade with among the wolves and because he gives it to them at what they know is an insanely low price, the gold effectively feeds us all, and as his contacts become so very wealthy selling to the Alphas they all closely guard his secret. No one cares that the crazy old wolf they think of him as makes a small bit of gold to buy his wines and his paints. Each contact thinks he is the only one.

  “It is supposed to be an aphrodisiac,” Taegan continued and his hand glided lower. “The wolves use it on their mates because it is supposed to increase their chances of becoming heavy with a pup.”

  Caleb could believe it but he knew it wasn’t the oil that was making his length harden, it was the man who was smoothing it into his skin. Caleb’s mind drifted as Taegan’s hands roamed gently all over his back, neck and shoulders, and he moaned softly as each touch of Taegan’s fingers made his skin feel alive. Made him feel alive. His body was responding almost as if it had been asleep.

  “Turn over,” Taegan commanded.

  Caleb rolled over, his arms shaking in the effort it took to move his leaden limbs. He sprawled lazily and gazed up at Taegan. He was beautiful.

  “You are stunning,” Taegan breathed nearly the exact words that were already on Caleb’s lips. “I am so lucky you were there when I was taken.”

  Caleb marveled. “I think I’m the lucky one.”

  Taegan’s smile was deep as he bent down and captured Caleb’s lips. Caleb shuddered in response as a slick tongue slid across the seam of his mouth and he parted it instantly. His thoughts swam and he let them go. The tenderness with which Taegan leisurely explored his mouth alternated with sucking, gentle, possessive nips that called to the wolf buried inside of him — simply rocked his world. He was barely aware of anything but a wave of heat sliding over his skin, following the path of Taegan’s hands until he lost them as every touch, every gasp, melded into one until his body throbbed desperate for a little bit more.

  Taegan drew back, lips swollen, eyes heavy lidded, the flush of desire on his cheeks the most beautiful thing Caleb had ever seen. Caleb’s cock was rock hard; needy like never before. Wolves were as free with their bodies as they were closely guarded with their hearts. He had done plenty of boyhood experimenting, had thought they were satisfying until the first time he had felt Taegan’s body, his skin, the smooth, hard planes of his muscles, and the softness of his lips.

  He knew in that moment that nothing less would ever do again. Taegan smiled, his eyes gleaming full of thoughts Caleb doubted he could put a name to. “I’m going to be gentle,” he whispered.

  Caleb shook his head, sudden urgent need threatening to overwhelm him. “Please. I don’t need you to be gentle. I need to feel you.” Bone deep he knew that this was going to be the last time. The Darkest day was in two days, and then he would have to go. He would have to make the memories now to last him forever.

  “Oh, you’re gonna feel me,” Taegan promised and dipped his finger into the pot with the oil. “Look at me,” Taegan commanded, but Caleb could have done no other. With his other hand he pushed Caleb’s legs until they were bent at the knees and gently parted until Caleb let them fall open. “Have you ever done this?”

  “Oh,” Caleb gasped at the first touch of Taegan’s finger around his hole and he clenched it involuntarily. He nodded. “Some,” he said shyly. “Taegan,” he almost wailed as he felt Taegan’s slick finger slide into his opening and his body react to the intrusion. The finger soon became another as Caleb eagerly accepted the delicious stretch and the almost heady burn that followed it. He was suddenly writhing, arching his back into every touch until it wasn’t enough. He was delirious with an ache that had set him on fire and threatened to consume him. He heard the deep groan and felt the push against his hole from Taegan, and with a steady pressure he pushed back until suddenly Taegan was inside him. He was filled. The pressure, the burn, the stinging pain that was enough to ground him. He opened his eyes to almost black ones.

  Taegan was rigid with the pressure of holding himself still. Tension drew the corded muscles on his forearms tight as he held himself immobile while Caleb relaxed around him. It was that more than anything that melted Caleb’s heart and his body. The determination not to cause pain or discomfort wrapped around every rigidly controlled muscle.

p; “Taegan,” Caleb murmured and he moved his hips slightly. Taegan’s eyes widened at the sensation.

  “You need” — he licked his lips — “to stay still.”

  Caleb smiled and moved again, nudging, tempting, taunting even, and then it was as if Taegan snapped. With a roar his control went and he thrust into Caleb. Pain so fleeting it barely earned a name changed as Taegan’s cock brushed a spot inside Caleb that lit his whole body alight. The flames that had been stoked so well, blazed to a furnace inside him, and he clutched at Taegan’s arms and simply held on.

  When his orgasm happened he had almost forgotten it was coming, he was so wrapped up in the sensations, the smell, even the sweat-slicked skin sliding on his own as if they were one body, one mind. A powerful tumultuous wave flooded his body and the cry from Taegan was echoed with his own.

  Taegan heaved a few shuddering breaths and then gently pulled out, letting Caleb’s legs slide down his arms to the bed. Caleb felt the cot dip, then felt Taegan wipe carefully between his legs and his ass. He didn’t have the strength to open his eyes, but hummed in contentment as Taegan lay back down and drew Caleb into his arms.

  Warm, safe, protected. All feelings he had missed for so long and most he never thought he would feel again. He felt a kiss brush lightly on his forehead. “Go to sleep,” Taegan murmured. Caleb didn’t need telling twice.

  • • •

  Taegan was dreaming. He must have been, and he certainly didn’t want to open his eyes. Hot, wet heat surrounded his dick and a soft moan caressed his ears. His eyes flew open and he nearly came at the sight that met him.

  Caleb’s were fixed on his. One hand on the base of Taegan’s cock and one hand sliding up and down his own. Taegan was speechless. Dizzy with need and inarticulate at the sight of his own cock slipping in and out of those pink swollen lips. It was all he could do not to thrust upwards into Caleb’s mouth. Everything in him tightened. He groaned deeply as he felt the first flush of his approaching orgasm. “I can’t—” he gasped but he didn’t know what, and the triumph that blazed in Caleb’s eyes took what little remained of his control. He bucked into the intense heat, crying out as his body seemed to splinter and fly away. Bone deep pleasure rushed through him in a wave, and he sank back down completely spent. A small whimper escaped his lips as Caleb gently laved and cleaned him. Caleb let his cock slide from his lips and looked up. A deep flush stained his cheeks and he licked his swollen, glistening lips. His eyes were dark; pupils so round and full of lust they took his breath away.


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