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Psychopath's Prey

Page 29

by V. F. Mason

  “Hi, honey.” I walk closer, meeting them half way and, with a smile, place a soft kiss on my husband’s cheek while patting my son on the back in a soothing motion when he senses the tension between us.

  I’ve been avoiding them the whole morning, knowing full well today’s date and hating it at the same time.

  Because I know Kierian will go out to hunt and disappear for an entire week until his dark desires are satisfied.

  This will never get better; he will never change.

  But then, he never hides the truth from me, not anymore.

  He gave me a choice five years ago, and I chose him for better or worse.

  After he was declared dead, he managed to have new passports made for us with our new identities, and we left everything behind. He found us a piece of heaven where we could live and enjoy every minute of it. Despite him being a monster in a well-understood sense by the people, I couldn’t have been happier and never regretted my decision.

  We’d been two lonely souls drifting in this world without much purpose, seeking things we thought were right. But truth be told, our childhood shouldn’t define us or dictate our life choices.

  Our love story makes no sense for most people and never will. After all, how can I be so weak and love him? For whatever reasons he does what he does, it’s still wrong. He still touches me with his bloodstained hands, and I know if he ever feels I’m a threat to our child, he will kill me at once. His protective instinct is what defines him.

  While he loves our son with everything he has, it doesn't change him.

  And never will.

  Although it scares me on most days, and even though I have nightmares of him ending up in jail and the police coming to my door asking me how I could live with him all these years, it doesn't stop me from being his.

  Because I can’t imagine a different life. My heart forever belongs to him, and love is not an emotion that can be dictated.

  It’ll always be wrong. But it’s a choice I make nevertheless.

  Resting my forehead on his, I inhale his smell, and whisper, “I love you.” He doesn't say anything back. I think the concept’s too far gone for him to understand or want to acknowledge.

  Kierian is silent for a moment, but then his arm locks around me, bringing us closer together, as he murmurs in my ear, “I know.” These words he says with gratefulness, and the smiles he gives our son are the reason I stay.

  The reason I don’t run away. He needs us. He longs for acceptance and love, for a peace his restless soul can never find.

  I’ve become Psychopath’s prey that he decided to keep.

  And somewhere along the way, the prey fell in love with the hunter, and they lived happily ever after.


  We don't have a happy ending, but we have the only ending that suits our story.

  And I’m okay with that.

  The End


  First, I want to thank God and my family for allowing me to write and make this dream possible. The support means so much to me, and I understand that sometimes it drives you crazy, especially when I try to meet my deadlines and seem unavailable to you. But I love you guys and appreciate everything you do for me.

  This was not an easy book to write. The idea about a love story between a serial killer and criminal psychologist came to me on one summer afternoon. The prologue scene popped in my head and I wrote it down, not really knowing where the story would lead me.

  From that day I’d add several scenes from time to time to manuscript thinking that they would work perfectly only to delete them several days later. Something was missing. But finally several months later I had a clear picture of their story in my head and wrote it down. I hope you enjoyed reading it.

  Huge thank you to Hot Tree Editing team for helping me with my editing process. Especially Becky, Donna, Peggy, Kayla and Mandy. Plus beta readers and final eyes, who gave me valuable feedback and made sure I covered any plot holes I had.

  Thank you to Hang Le, Olivier Lachance and Rusty Blade for the fabulous cover.

  Thank you to Mayhem Cover Creations for all the amazing job she did with formatting and design.

  Heather Roberts and Lauren Rosa, thank you for being with me during this release every step of the way.

  L.Woods PR thank you for hosting my cover reveal and release blitz.

  Thank you to End and Amanda from Enticing Journey Book Promotions for hosting my release blitz as well. It’s always a pleasure working with you, ladies!

  Thank you to my V’s Sapphires, ladies you are amazing!

  Thank you to all the bloggers for spreading the word about Psychopath’s Prey and leaving reviews.

  And finally to all the readers who took a chance on this journey of love between Psychopath and Ella. Thank you to each one of you.

  Also By V.F. Mason

  Sociopath Duet

  Sociopath’s Obsession

  Sociopath’s Revenge

  Bratva&Cosa Nostra

  Pakhan’s Rose

  Pakhan’s Salvation

  Sovietnik’s Fury

  Brigadier’s Game

  Kaznachei’s Pain

  Challenges Series

  Shane’s Truth













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