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His Impetuous Deputante (A Gentleman's Guide to Once Upon a Time - Book 1)

Page 12

by Charles, Jane

  With a groan Taylor pulled himself away. This went much further than he ever intended but not nearly as far as he wished. Phoebe’s eyes were dazed with newly awakened passion and he pulled her blanket back up.

  “I believe I am beginning to understand why so many people sneak off into gardens.”

  Taylor pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “If you liked my attentions that well my dear, I promise to kiss you like that every day.”

  “I think I would like that very much.”

  They sat there for a long while, content and happy to be together as Taylor tried to bring his own body under control. It was very difficult as he was unable to wipe her passionate response from his mind. It would be a very good marriage indeed. Now if he could only control himself until they were married. A special license was definitely in order.

  Chapter 14

  The following weeks were a flurry of activity for Phoebe. Between shopping, being fitted for her wedding gown, and attending balls, routs, the opera, breakfasts and picnics, she barely had time to rest. Taylor escorted her everywhere at night and their invitations only increased with the news of the impending nuptials.

  “Are you positive shopping is really a necessary activity?” Phoebe groaned to Janine. “How many fripperies can one person look at in one day?”

  Janine laughed and pulled her into a haberdasher. “You still need to complete your trousseau.”

  “Why?” Phoebe had never enjoyed shopping. If she needed something, she took her list, went into town, obtained the items and returned home. This strolling from shop to shop was an incredible waste of time, at least as far as she was concerned.

  Janine looked at her, opened her mouth, and then closed it. An odd look on her face as if she wasn’t sure how to answer. “You just do, that is all.” She clamped her lips shut and picked up an emerald green cap and placed it on Phoebe’s head. “This is perfect. It brings out your eyes.”

  Which Phoebe rolled in response.

  The two stepped out into the sunshine, new hat in hand. “Can we return home now?”

  Janine sighed. “I suppose so. I swear, there must be something wrong with you. I’ve never known a young lady who did not enjoy shopping.”

  Phoebe shrugged her shoulders. She had no answer, and it wasn’t the first time someone had wondered about her for one reason or another.

  “I can’t wait to relax and remove these shoes.” And sample the lemon cake cook had been baking when she left. The smell had wafted to her in the foyer and Phoebe had been about to head toward the kitchen when Janine pulled her out the front door. The heavenly smell had stayed with her during the torturous adventure in shopping.

  “Phoebe, watch out.” Janine grabbed her arm and pulled her back on the sidewalk forcefully enough that Phoebe lost her footing and landed on her bottom. She was about to ask Janine what she was about when an out of control carriage careened toward her, barely missing her foot, and continued down the road. Had Janine not pulled her out of the way, the horses’ hooves would have crushed her.

  Marius Parker hastened to her side.

  “Are you all right, Lady Phoebe?”

  She looked up at him and smiled. Though she was a little shaken, she suffered no injury. How often had her family told her to watch where she was going? “I am fine. Thank you for your concern.”

  He held out his hand and helped her to her feet.

  “Thank you, Mr. Parker.” Phoebe dusted off the back of her skirt, hoping there was no damage. Heaven knew that if it were ruined she would need to shop for a new one.

  “Let me escort you ladies home. Sandlin would have my head if anything happened to you.”

  “It is not as if you could have stopped the carriage. You weren’t even near me.” Phoebe laughed. “Besides, what could happen between here and home. Our carriage is right there at the corner.”

  “All the same, I am accompanying you.”

  Phoebe didn’t argue further. If he insisted on escorting her and Janine, she would allow him. Though there really was no need.

  * * *

  Phoebe patiently waited for her maid to wrap the bandage around her scraped hand when Taylor stormed into her bedroom.

  “I heard what happened. Are you sure you are unharmed.”

  “Good afternoon, Lord Sandlin,” Phoebe greeted when she wanted to laugh. The man worried overly much. “I am fine, but thank you for asking.”

  “You are not fine. If you were, your maid would not be attending your injuries.”

  “It is only a scrape. Would you like to see?” She held her hand out to him.

  Visibly shaken, Taylor sat on the bed and pulled her into a tight embrace. “If anything had happened to you, I don’t know what I would have done.”

  Touched by his concern Phoebe pulled away. “I promise to be more careful in the future. Still it is nice to know you care so much.”

  “You have no idea.” He kissed the tip of her nose and pulled her to him again.

  “While you may have spent questionable time with my sister in the past, it is not well done of you to be in her chamber before the vows have been spoken,” Noah said from the open door.

  “I had to assure myself of her safety.” Sandlin stood.

  Phoebe looked up at her brother, afraid he was angry with them again, but an odd smile graced his lips. She didn’t want to try and guess what he was thinking.

  “Join me in the library?” Noah stood back to allow Taylor to exit.

  * * *

  Taylor took the offered glass from Noah. “Perhaps I shouldn’t marry her.”

  “Because of a simple accident?” Noah scoffed.

  “I am sure the ton would understand if I begged off, claiming I love her too much to see her dead.”

  “Stop that. We are talking about Phoebe. The reckless one. Things like this have happened to her since before you knew of her existence.”

  “Then perhaps I won’t be the one to survive,” Taylor groaned. At least he had finally stopped shaking.

  “That is where I would place my money,” Noah offered with humor.

  “Noah, you can’t imagine what went through my mind.”

  “I have a good idea.”

  “What if the others weren’t accidents? I have always believed they were. But what if they weren’t?”

  “We looked into them both, remember? One was an illness and the other was an accident, pure and simple.”

  “I know, but I just have this uncomfortable feeling that I may not be able to keep Phoebe safe either.”

  “Nobody can keep Phoebe safe,” Noah returned. “Nothing bad will ever happen, I can assure you. Do you have any idea how many stitches, bruises, sprains and breaks she suffered before coming to London? I’m sure you will eventually notice a scar or two. Remember that this is Phoebe and accidents simply happen to her and I have no reason to believe her future will be any different.”

  “I just wish I shared your confidence.”

  * * *

  No further incidents occurred, and their wedding day dawned warm and clear. So that her mother could be present, a small, private wedding in their home had been planned, with a gala to follow in the ballroom. Noah carefully carried his stepmother down the stairs and seated her in a comfortable spot where she could view the vows. Phoebe’s three young sisters were also in attendance, having arrived the day before from the country.

  As the hour approached, Taylor found himself pacing and anxious. It wasn’t like he hadn’t done this before. But this time was different. His emotions were involved and much more was at stake than merely titles and an inheritance.

  The guests took their seats and turned anxiously toward the door. Taylor assumed his spot beside the minister and tried to swallow past the lump in his throat. Phoebe walked toward him on Noah’s arm. She was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. She wore the palest green silk gown, midnight black hair curling about her head and shoulders, large emerald eyes sparkling back at him. And in a very
short time she would be his.

  They said their vows, listened to the prayers and waited to be pronounced man and wife. After placing the emerald and diamond ring on her finger, Taylor was able to turn to her for their first marriage kiss. He kept it chaste. The passionate ones would follow, in just a few short hours. If he could manage to wait that long.

  Phoebe quirked a smile at him when she pulled back. She was probably wondering at the innocent kiss as well, especially after that morning in the cabin.

  Soon she was gone from his arms as her sisters hugged her, one after the other, and led her to Lady Felding. The woman dabbed her eyes one last time and held her arms out to her daughter.

  “Are you happy, dear?” Lady Felding asked in a whisper, yet Taylor still overheard.

  “Yes, mama. Very happy.”

  More tears sparkled in Lady Felding’s eyes and she pushed her daughter away. “Noah, call for the champagne.”

  “I so wish you would join us, Mother,” Phoebe asked for the hundredth time.

  “No, dear. This is your day and you know I prefer the privacy of my suites, instead of sitting on the sidelines while society asks awkward questions about my paralysis. Eyes should be on you, not on me.”

  * * *

  For Phoebe, the rest of the evening flew by. The wedding breakfast lasted no more than a minute, of that she was certain.

  Guests mingled and she spent very little time in Taylor’s company. With each second that ticked by, her nerves mounted. She had been to several wedding celebrations before and knew they could drag on. Why was hers flying by?

  She grabbed another flute of champagne as a servant passed. Was this her second or third? Did it matter? She gulped it down as her husband, her husband, approached.

  He held his hand out as the strains of a waltz began. The warmth of his brown eyes pulled her near him and she placed her hands in his. Could he feel her tremble?

  She placed her hand on his shoulder. He snaked his hand around her waist and pulled her closer than was proper. His sandalwood scent filled her nostrils and she inhaled deeply. At the end of the floor, Taylor executed a turn and she lost her footing. Perhaps she had drunk too much wine. Did it matter? No, this was her wedding and she was waltzing with the man she loved. Besides, without the wine, she would be too petrified to move. Oh, why had her mother told her what to expect. Ignorant, she would have been able to enjoy this perfect day.

  * * *

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Taylor smiled down at her.

  “Yes. And you?”

  “I was. It is time to take our leave.” Taylor grinned down at her.

  Phoebe’s eyes flew open wide, and she paled beneath her flushed cheeks. “Isn’t it early?”

  No, she hadn’t drank too much, Taylor decided. “We could have left an hour ago, and no one would have said a word. I waited because you seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

  “Couldn’t we stay just a bit longer?” she asked shyly.

  Taylor chuckled. “I am afraid not.”

  “Then I must return to my room for my things.”

  “They have already been sent to my house.”

  “But I should change.”

  “Why ruin another set of clothing you will wear for less than an hour?”

  Phoebe bit her bottom lip.

  “If I didn’t know better, dear, I would think you were afraid to be alone with me.” He gave her a half smile. “We have been alone before.”

  “We have never been married and alone before,” she argued.

  A few couples who had been dancing nearby must have overheard her because they laughed.

  Taylor escorted her from the dance floor and onto the balcony. “There is really nothing to be afraid of.”

  “I know. It is just... Oh, I don’t know how to explain.”

  “I understand.” He wouldn’t make her talk of it. He offered his arm. “Shall we go?”

  Chapter 15

  Taylor pulled her onto his lap for the short ride and began kissing her. If he left her alone to stew, she would be so overcome with nerves by the time they arrived, he would have to start giving her champagne again. Phoebe melted against him immediately, slowly opening her mouth, granting entrance. A small moan came from the back of her throat and Taylor deepened the kiss. He anchored his hand in place on her waist, afraid he would have her half undressed by the time they arrived at his townhouse. When the carriage stopped he didn’t bother to set her aside. Instead he waited until the door was opened, lifted her in his arms, carried her up the steps and into the house. He didn’t care if anyone saw him and he didn’t pause to greet the butler or maids waiting up. He continued up the stairs and into his chamber, kicking the door shut behind him. Taylor let her slide down his body, never taking his lips from hers.

  Still molded to his body, she tilted her head back and looked around. “How did we get here?”

  “I am very good at distraction.”

  She stepped away and looked around the room. Some of the heightened color drained from her face. “Is this your room?”

  “It is our room now.”


  “There is a room for your use, right through that door, if you would like to change.” Immediately, he wished he could take the words back. He had her melting just a few minutes ago. Perhaps he shouldn’t let her out of his sight. “On second thought, you can see that room tomorrow.” He pulled her back into his arms and began kissing her all over again.

  A million thoughts ran through Taylor’s head. He wondered how he was going to manage to get undressed, and get her undressed while kissing her. The task was going to be next to impossible, and it was a task he had never faced before. Deciding he would have to risk her heightened nerves, he stepped away. It was better to get comfortable now, than have awkward interruptions during his seduction.

  “I am being selfish. Go, change. I’ll ring for more champagne.”

  It took Phoebe a moment to realize what he was saying, but when she did, she practically ran from the room. Ringing for his valet, Taylor had him assist with his boots before sending the man for a bottle and two glasses. While he waited, he removed all but his shirt and pants. These he knew he could manage to remove without the slightest interruption of his quest. He took the bottle and glasses, then closed and locked the door behind his servant. He wanted no interruptions tonight. By stirring the fire and adding a few logs, he brought it to a full burn. He poured champagne into the glasses and waited.

  What could be taking her so long? Taylor glanced at his pocket watch. It really hadn’t been all that long. He sipped from his flute and paced before the fire. At this rate he would be as nervous as his wife.

  It didn’t take long for him to empty the glass and he stalked to the table to refill the crystal. Surely she had changed her clothing by now? Then again, women did wear a tremendous amount of layers, so it could be awhile yet.

  * * *

  Phoebe nervously waited in the doorway. Holly had brushed out her hair so that it was flowing down her back but Phoebe brought some of it forward to hide her breasts. The gown the modiste insisted on for the evening was very sheer. She took a deep breath and mentally prepared herself for what was to come. She knew what to expect. Her mother had explained the entire process in detail. More detail than Phoebe cared to know, though she still couldn’t comprehend how it all worked. Her mother had also assured her that there was a good chance that she would find the experience enjoyable, eventually. Phoebe couldn’t fathom what her mother could possibly mean by that. What her mother described sounded like the most unpleasant activity on the earth, yet it was required and she loved her husband. Thus she would endure what was necessary to make him happy and provide an heir.

  Slowly he became aware of her presence and turned. Magnificent was the only word that came to mind, and he found himself draining his glass of champagne again. Refilling his own glass, he then lifted hers, beckoning her to join him. Hesitantly, Phoebe stepped in the room and took the offered gl
ass, sipping while she cast shy looks at him. Her hands were shaky, he noticed, and decided that instead of kissing her, he would talk to her, help her forget where they were and what they were about to do.

  “You were a beautiful bride, Phoebe.”

  Her blush started. “Thank you.” She sipped from the drink hastily.

  “Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves.”

  “Yes, they did.” She took another hasty sip.

  “Why are you so nervous?”

  Her big eyes met his. “Would you believe I have never done this before?” She began to warm to the softness in his eyes. When he wasn’t grinning she could almost compose herself.

  “I already came to that conclusion.”

  “But you have, and I am not sure what to expect.”

  Taylor stopped cold. Certainly she had been talked to. “Didn’t your mother explain?”

  “Of course she did, and in what I assume was detail. But still...”

  “But still, it is hard to understand,” he finished for her.

  “Exactly. I still don’t see how the act can be enjoyable.” Finishing her glass, she poured some more. Taylor recognized this aspect of her personality, one he was much more familiar with. Here was the frank, talkative and comfortable Phoebe, and he wasn’t about to remind her where they were, or that they would soon be doing what she was discussing so openly.

  “I am glad she told you it would be enjoyable.”

  “She also warned me the enjoyment may not happen right away, and the first time could be, well, painful,” she finished matter-of-factly.

  “Is that what you are afraid of?” She had more knowledge on the subject than any virgin he had ever encountered.

  “Not at all. If you remember, just a month ago I had a sprained ankle and a bullet hole in my arm. I am sure any discomfort from...” She gestured towards the bed, “…will be minor in comparison. At least I think so.” She trailed off, as if comprehending what was going to happen to her, though no fear was present in her eyes. Taylor tried to keep from smiling at her.


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