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Russian Billionaire's Secret Baby

Page 3

by Lia Lee

  Vlad picked up the brush, his eyes locked on me. “I don’t paint people.” I noticed the sensual curve of his lips and the slight smile as he spoke. “But for you…I’ll make an exception.”

  I shook my head. “I want to see you,” I whispered.

  His brows furrowed. “Me?”

  I didn’t know how to explain it. “Your…soul shows in your work.” I felt vulnerable, stupid even, saying something like that. But his eyes lit up from within, a sudden blaze of heat hotter than the sun and ten times deadlier.

  “I felt the same about you…and your sculptures.” His lips twisted into a slight upturn that made my heart flutter in my chest. “Show me your soul, Aurora.” He stepped in close to me, so close I could feel his body heat. And while he circled me like a predator, I dug my hands into my clay.

  “Bare your soul for me,” he said from behind me, the tickle of his breath lifting every hair on my body.

  Chapter Seven


  How long had I been pacing outside my little cottage? After several hours spent painting and trying not to think about how she’d left so abruptly, I’d fallen asleep. When I’d woken up, I had checked my phone, hoping she had called.

  But nothing. Not a single word from her.

  I’d painted for a while again, struggling to release all that pent up tension and concern. Then I’d resorted to pacing. Back and forth in the gardens, not giving a damn if I looked crazy to anyone that happened across me.

  The sky had gone orange, then purple, then dark as a billion stars struggled to be seen over the light pollution. A glance at my watch told me it was seven forty-five.

  Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I called her, promising myself I’d keep it professional. I’d ask her if she had filled out her paperwork, if she had everything ready to go. I’d let her know she would be welcome to start anytime. I’d keep it strictly business even though my thoughts regarding her were anything but professional.

  She answered on the third ring. “Hello?” The sleepiness in her voice sent a shockwave through me, and I felt my cock stiffen under my slacks.

  “Aurora.” My voice was rich and warm, even to my ears. I cleared my throat. “I didn’t wake you, did I?”

  “Oh, no,” she said, her voice sounding more alert right away. “Is there a problem?”

  Was there a problem? Yes, I believed there was. The fact that she was so far away. That she was at her home and I at my cottage. The fact that I wanted her beside me more than I’d wanted anything in a long time.

  My brain reminded me I wanted to keep it professional. “Not a problem, no. I was wondering if you’d filled out the paperwork.”

  She sounded flustered as she responded. “I did, I can drop it off tomorrow, if you’d like.”

  “No rush,” I said, not wanting to push her at all. As it was, I felt incredibly lucky she was even considering the job after everything. “I wanted to thank you. I think you’re a valuable asset to the team.” I meant every word. I knew her drive, her dedication, the way she’d thrown herself into everything one hundred percent.

  “Thank you.” The stunned quality of her voice didn’t escape me.

  Shame filled me, and I wanted to apologize for all I’d done to her again. Keep it professional. “I also wanted to let you know you’re welcome to start whenever. The paperwork was just a formality. I hired you the second your resume showed up on my desk.”

  “Really?” She didn’t seem convinced.

  “Yes. I remember how passionate you were about art. How you’d get that faraway look in your eyes. And nobody has ever understood me like you do.”

  I heard her sharp intake of breath on the other end of the line. I’d worried she would think she got the job for less than stellar reasons, but nothing could be further from the truth.

  “I trust you,” I said softly. “I always did.” She’d never lied to me, had never let me down. Hell, all the bad shit that had happened to us had been the direct result of me. My choices. My actions. My screw ups.

  “Remember that night we dragged the bedding out to sleep under the stars?” she whispered.

  I remembered the night well. We’d discussed painters long since dead who’d found inspiration in the stars. We’d discussed our own inspiration. She’d been quickly becoming my inspiration, my rock, my safety when madness hit.

  “Of course.”

  “Do you remember what you told me?” she asked.

  My heart sank a bit in my chest as I struggled to remember if I’d said something stupid or callous that night. “I said a lot of things,” I said as lightly as I could even as fear threatened to choke me. Had I really forgotten something important? I had been such a bastard back then, so cruel and unsure of myself. I was still a bit of a bastard, I supposed, but I’d struggled to better myself some since then. And it was all thanks to her.

  “You told me that as a child you believed every star was a candle flickering from far away.” There was something in her voice, something that felt off, but I couldn’t place it.

  “My grandmother told me a story about that when I was a tiny boy.” I hadn’t thought about that in years.

  “Have you ever painted a public mural?” she asked suddenly.

  “I have, a peace mural on the Berlin wall.” I’d been hell bent on making a statement, demanding peace in a time of fighting.

  “Do you have images?” she asked.

  “I do. I could email them to you,” I said. “What’s this about?”

  “Just curious,” she said quickly. “We have a lot to catch up on, don’t we?” Her laugh sounded a bit bubbly, and I couldn’t help but smile.

  “We do. Catch up with me over drinks tonight.”


  “Not tonight.” I heard her shift on the other end, heard the soft sound of blankets slipping to the floor.

  The thought of her in bed instantly sent all the wrong signals to my brain, and that throbbing pressure in my pants ramped right up.

  “Remember that little place on the corner we used to go to?” she asked.

  An image of her cropped up in my mind’s eye.

  Her fingers tugged down the bottom of her little gray skirt. Even pulled down as much as she could, the hem still sat mid-thigh. I watched her scan the place, her smile so nervous I almost felt bad for her.

  She was so beautiful it almost hurt to look at her with her soft, wavy blonde hair hanging free. Her green eyes sparkled bright in the candlelight as I ordered us both coffees to stave off the chill in the air.

  “I love the rain,” she whispered as her eyes met mine and the raindrops beat the canvas umbrella over our heads like a drum. The little café was quiet, a local hideout I’d wanted to show her. I felt like the luckiest man alive that she’d agreed to meet me here.

  I wanted—more than anything—to kiss her.

  “I remember,” I said. “Go to dinner with me tomorrow.” I wanted the chance at a fresh start. I wanted to make everything right. I wanted her back in my life. But first, she had to let me in and give me a chance.

  “Tomorrow’s not good for me,” she said, blowing me off again.

  A buzz of irritation hummed in my gut.

  “I will drop off that paperwork, though,” she said. “Would you like me to start tomorrow?”

  I wanted her to start yesterday. No, I wanted her to start last year. “When you’re ready.”

  “I’ll be in in the morning.” A yawn followed her words, prompting a smile from me.

  I glanced at my watch, noticing that an hour had slipped by while we’d chatted.

  “I never thought I’d see you again,” she said, sounding like she was on the verge of slipping off to sleep.

  “You thought I’d let you get away so easily?” I asked, intending it as a joke. But the words didn’t sound humorous, and I heard her inhale.

  “No,” she whispered.

  “I’m picking up coffee tomorrow. You still like it with cream and sugar?” I asked, needing to steer th
e topic away from what I’d just said.

  “I’ll come with.” Her voice was hardly more than a sigh, and I knew she was drifting off. Still, that small, unexpected victory resonated through me.

  “I’ll see you then,” I said. “Good night.”

  Warmth flooded my gut as she whispered, “Good night, Vlad,” before the line went quiet.

  Chapter Eight


  The light knock on the door was enough to pull my attention away from the computer. I blinked up at Vlad, struggling to clear my brain of the confusion and headache of the new system I’d been fighting to learn all morning long.

  I picked up the coffee before me and took another sip, still focused on the man who’d starred in my dreams last night in all the wrong ways.

  This morning I’d been surprised by his dark suit.

  But the more I’d seen him today, the more it seemed natural. The deep blue shirt matched his eyes, and the dark tie had obviously been annoying him, judging by the way it now hung loosely.

  His brows furrowed like he couldn’t believe he was about to ask me the question that came out of his mouth. “Hey, can I get your opinion on something?” A charming grin tugged the corners of his lips as he motioned out of my office with his thumb.

  “Um, sure,” I said, glaring at the computer screen. “I’m not accomplishing anything here anyway.” I hated the new program. Correction: I hated learning the new program. I had no doubt I’d be fine with it once I knew how to use it. But not knowing was about the most frustrating thing ever.

  “Thanks,” he said. Still, he seemed unsure of what he was doing as I stood up and walked around the desk toward him.

  Coffee this morning had been wonderful, full of reminiscing, laughter, and every time he’d glanced at me, I’d felt a funny flutter start up under my breastbone. When his hand had brushed mine, I’d jolted in shock and gasped. He’d stared at me as if he’d felt the same shock, and we’d both quickly decided it was time to go.

  “What are you working on?” I asked, curious why he needed me specifically. Paul seemed to be his go-to guy when he needed advice, but I sensed something odd between them. I feel like Vlad was not well liked even in his own circles.

  “A painting.” I caught his sideways smile and knew he was being a pain on purpose, but instead of feeling annoyed, I sensed the playfulness in him.

  “You don’t say?” I joked right back.

  With both hands, he shoved open the sliding glass doors to the garden, and I followed, feeling a sense of trepidation. Sunshine splashed over the plants, casting long shadows and lighting up the fine mist spraying from invisible sprinklers.

  I glanced up at him, noticing how broad his shoulders looked as the sun lit up the hard planes underneath. His eyes met mine, and I felt my cheeks sting, knowing I’d been caught staring and he knew exactly what I was thinking.

  We stopped for a second, and I watched him as he took off the slim black tie. “I need your first reaction,” he said as if that explained what he’d been about to do.

  He stepped into me and wrapped the tie around my eyes, darkening my vision. Stunned, I inhaled, dragging his scent into my nose and clouding my senses with the pure essence of him. The darkness closed in, and I gripped at him.

  “You’re okay, I’ve got you,” he growled, sending my heart into chaos and scattering my thoughts like fall leaves shuffled along a sidewalk by a brisk breeze.

  “Just move with me. Focus on my voice,” he said.

  As he urged, I moved, step by step, into the little cottage. I could smell his spicy scent and the fragrance of flowers, the sharp scent of damp earth and the faint wisp of wet paint.

  “Stay with me,” he growled.

  Leaning into him, I felt his heat sinking into my skin as I clung to him for dear life. My heart pummeled my chest, and my mouth felt so dry I couldn’t stand it. The rush of his warm breath over my lips sent a shiver through me, and I felt his hands on the back of my head.

  “It’s loose, take it off,” he said softly.

  I reached up and touched the silk. With hardly a tug, it pulled free from my face, and I gasped at the painting. My already thumping heart kicked into a gallop in my chest as I took in the soft colors, the muted greens fading into fog. Tears stung in my eyes, and I blinked them back as the painting assaulted my senses and resonated within me.

  “It’s beautiful,” I said on a sigh.

  This was where Ashley got her talent. This was the same emotional impact she elicited. It was a different style, sure, but the underlying emotions were the same. Somehow, both managed to draw things out of people with such subtle works it was impossible to describe.

  “Thank you,” he said gently, pulling me back to here and now.

  “It’s very…stirring,” I said with all the raw honesty I possessed, still drinking in the details of the painting.

  “It’s unfinished,” he said simply.

  I shook my head. I’d have never guessed this wasn’t done. “Your talent is so impressive.” Perhaps I was a bit jealous.

  “Don’t do that.” I glanced at him, wondering what he meant. “You’re talented too,” he said, as if reaching into the heart of me and tugging the thread that was bothering me. “Your sculptures come alive, they made me feel things I’ve never felt, they moved me as much as my painting moves you.”

  Had I always been jealous of his skill to manipulate paint and emotion? Sure.

  Did I know he knew? No.

  “How did you know?” I asked, blinking back tears as I focused on his deep blue eyes.

  “You doubted yourself,” he said gently. “I never did.”

  He stepped in close, and I held my breath. His hand cupped my jaw, the pad of his thumb stroking my cheekbone light as a feather.

  “I never doubted you, Aurora.” His voice was soft as his eyes slashed back and forth between mine.

  I glanced at his lips, feeling the hum in the air. As if reading my mind, he moved in close, hovering an inch away. His eyes strayed to my lips, then back to mine.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” he murmured.

  His lips met mine, gentle at first. Then his hunger kicked in. His other arm slipped around my back, steely hard and possessive. Excitement tickled through my veins as his tongue traced my lower lip, then pressed to the seam as if demanding entrance.

  My arms circled his shoulders, loosely at first, then tighter as I clung to him like I might fall. His hand on my jaw stayed locked in place, and I felt his thumb tracing my lower lip as his tongue teased my mouth, tasting me, exploring me like he’d never known me like this.

  My heart raced with the same rat-a-tat-tat as a jackhammer breaking up concrete, and I just held on for dear life as Vlad took what he wanted, plundering my mouth with his tongue. The fiercely dominating kiss stunned me to my very core, and I could feel liquid heat pooling deep within me. A pleasant hum started low between my hips, spreading through my belly with every passing second.

  “Vlad,” I whispered the second I could pull away. His forehead pressed to mine, his ragged breath fanning my lips.

  “Yes?” he whispered, kissing me again as if he couldn’t back off.

  “Vlad, I need you.” There was no doubt what I was asking, and his breath caught on a growl.

  “Are you sure?” His eyes slashed back and forth between mine as I caught my lower lip between my teeth and worried it.

  “Yes.” I’d never been so sure of anything in my life.

  Chapter Nine


  Her softly spoken yes hit me like a torpedo, and I crushed my lips to hers again. I’d waited a long time for this. Grabbing her hips in both hands, I lifted her up. Her legs wound around my hips and sent a shot of pure arousal through my whole body.

  With a growl, I nipped at her lips. Her whimper as my teeth captured both her lips enflamed me while I carried her back toward the couch.

  This dance felt so familiar, yet so new all at once. I found myself excited to rediscover h
er all over again.

  Releasing her lips as I lowered her to the couch, I could feel her ragged breathing and hear the quick thumping of her heart. “I missed you,” I growled, pressing my lips to hers again. I wanted to savor her, enjoy her, but I didn’t know how long I’d have once I was inside her.

  I backed off, and she pressed a slim index finger to my lips. Her eyes darted back and forth between mine, wide, hungry, and beautiful. “I want you,” she whispered.

  My cock pulsed, straining against my pants.

  “But no questions,” she whispered, her stunning green eyes lowering to my lips for a moment before meeting mine again. “No thinking about the past…or the future.”

  A tiny smile tugged the corners of her lips as I kissed her finger.

  “Just…right now,” she whispered, a vulnerable look in her eyes that made me want to swallow her whole.

  I nodded. On my knees on the floor in front of her on the couch, I worked her skirt up. Thigh high stockings offered no resistance as I nudged her knees apart. Grabbing her hips, I hauled her toward me so her backside was at the edge of the couch.

  Her little black lace thong drove me wild, and I buried my face between her legs. Overwhelmed by her scent in my nose, I flicked my tongue over the rough lace and inhaled her essence.

  Her moan met my ears, and I couldn’t hold back. Hooking a finger in the thong, I jerked it aside, hearing the squeak and pop of the threads as I buried my face in her. Her hands found my temples and held fast as my tongue slipped between her swollen folds to find the little nub hidden within.

  The second my tongue touched the spot, her whole body jerked taut.

  “Vlad!” The stunned, breathless quality of her voice felt like liquid fire coursing through my veins. Working circles around her button with my tongue, I kept pressure on it and gripped her backside as if afraid she’d try to scoot away.

  Her hips shifted, bucking gently into me, and I could feel the throbbing of her clit as I continued to tease, taste, and devour her.


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