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City Lights (Satan's Sinners M.C. Book 1)

Page 12

by Kay, Colbie

  "Oh. Shit, Zoey. I don't know what to do. I like him. I really do, but I don't think he's the right guy for me. Even if you like the lifestyle they lead, it's not for me and I may have made a huge mistake."

  "Why are you being so judgmental towards them? You know what they did for me and how I feel about all those guys. They like you, they always have. What do you mean you made a mistake?" She's crying. I get up to hug her, but she tells me its fine.

  "Well, that night we all went to the club and he took me home. I invited him in and one thing led to another. Well… now I'm pregnant. I don't want my child raised around that life."

  "Fuck, Jacey. Have you told him?"

  "No! Every time he tries to talk I blow him off, or start a fight. Just so I don't have to."

  "Jacey! You have to tell him. You can't keep this from him. They are really good guys. He might surprise you if you give him a chance."

  "I'll think about it. Promise me, Zoey that you won’t tell him. You can tell Hanger that I'm pregnant, but don't tell him who the father is."

  "You’re my best friend, Jacey. I promise. I just hope you decide to do the right thing, it's not my place to tell him anyway."

  "Time's up. Let’s see what yours says." She walks over gets the test "Well, I'm not the only one that's gonna have a baby. You’re pregnant."

  "Really?" Wow I didn't know how I would feel about it, but I'm really happy. I hope Hanger will be too.

  "Yep! So let’s lock up so you can get to your man and tell him the good news. Congratulations! I'm really happy for you, Zoey."

  "Thank you. Everything will work out for you too. I want you to be happy too, Jacey."

  "Don’t worry about me I’ll figure it out." We lock up, walk outside, and as usual I feel someone watching me. I stop walking and look over my shoulders but nobody's there. He sent Bam Bam to get me so I climb into Hanger's black Ford F150 Harley Davidson edition truck and we head to the club.

  I walk into the bar and see Hanger talking to Hacker. I walk up to him and give him a kiss on the cheek.

  "Hanger, is everything okay?"

  "Yeah, Babe. Sorry I couldn't pick you up, we had some business to talk about."

  "It’s okay. Hey Hacker, how are you?"

  "What's happenin' Crazy Girl? How was work?"

  "It was good. Slow though, I'm glad it's Friday."

  "Are we partying tonight? You know, you’re so much fun when you’re shitfaced." He's smiling.

  "Well thanks Hacker but I don’t know. I need to talk to Hanger alone."

  "Babe, you okay? What's wrong?"

  "Can we go in our room? I'd rather talk in private."

  "Yeah, Babe. Come on." As soon as we get in the room and he shuts the door he turns to me "Babe, what the fuck is wrong?"

  "Baby, it's okay. You know how I haven't been feeling very good, and I’ve been tired? Well I found out tonight why that is."

  "Why? You got some kinda virus or something?"

  "No, but I got a baby… I'm pregnant Hanger." I look at him and I think he's going over what I just said, I can see in his eyes when it clicks. He gets the biggest smile on his face.

  "Really? We’re gonna have a baby?"

  "Yep. Really. Jacey did the test and it was positive." I let out a deep breath, I’m so glad he's happy about it.

  "Babe. I love you so fuckin' much."

  "I love you too, Baby." He lifts me up and takes me to the bed, laying me down gently and starts kissing me "Is it safe for the baby?"

  "Yeah, it's safe." He takes our clothes off and then runs his fingers from my neck down my body until he gets to my sex and feels how ready I am.

  "You’re always so wet for me. We’re gonna do this nice, and slow. Let me put some music on." He goes over and turns his iPod to a slow play list. The only two songs I can remember is Ride by Chase Rice and Burnin' It Down by Jason Aldean after those two he was inside me moving so slowly. I was matching movements with his until we were both moaning and calling out each other’s names. When we are laying there, I realize Hanger just made love to me, it's always been more than fucking with us. But it's never been like that, slow and sensual.

  "Babe, can I ask you a question?''

  "You can ask me anything"

  "Are you happy? I mean really truly happy."

  "Yes, Nico. I am and even more so now that we're gonna have a baby. Where is this coming from?"

  "I just wanna make sure. I wanna make you happy, if you’re not then you tell me. Yeah?"

  "Yeah. Now will you hold and sing to me?"

  "Yeah. Come here, Crazy Girl." He starts singing and once again I fall asleep to the sound of his soothing voice.

  It's been two weeks since Zoey found out she was pregnant. She's ten weeks now and were just waiting until she gets out of her first trimester to tell everybody. She's at work right now and I'm about to start church. We gotta touch base with everything. It's been pretty calm, so I'm kinda worried that something bad is about to happen.

  "Alright, Hacker. What's going on with Zoey's ex?"

  "He hasn't done anything. Still at the motel hiding out. I'm worried that he hasn't done anything to find out where she's at. I still don't know who the payphone calls are coming from. They always use a different one. Every time I think we have the right one, a call comes in from a different fuckin' phone. But I think as long as we stay on Crazy Girl, she'll be okay."

  "Yeah, do that. I will be out for blood if something happens to her. We finally have the location to the warehouse. Right now we are waiting for Hunter and Demon to find out when the Italians will be there, the routine for when people are coming and going. We will wait for at least a month, to make sure everything is setup for our plan. We will call in other chapters, plus we will have the Cobras. Our numbers will be up, we go in and get out as fast as possible. Hopefully everybody comes out unharmed." My phone starts ringing I see that it's Bam Bam. I sent him to get Zoey from work today. I tell everyone to shut up and I answer it "Yeah Bam Bam. What's up?" I have to strain and listen to hear him because he’s whispering.

  "Prez, we got a problem. I got here to get Crazy Girl, but neither she nor Jacey came out. So I went, checked the door it was unlocked. So I came in and I can hear voices there's a guy here, with that fuckin' whore Jasmine. They got the girls held hostage. You gotta get here Hanger. I'm goin' in there."

  "Don't do anything to get the girls hurt. I'll be there in a minute.” I turn to the boys sitting around the table. “Guys we gotta get to the clinic. Jasmine and some fuckin' guys got Zoey and Jacey." I'm about to fuckin' go crazy. Nothing better happen to my woman or our baby.

  Bear jumps up "What the fuck do you mean, they have the girls? How the fuck could this happen?"

  "I don't fuckin' know, right now Bear. We gotta go."

  Gunner speaks up "She'll be alright, Prez." I turn and grab his shirt and push him up against the wall "You don't know that! You saw her when we brought her here!" I let him go "I don't have time for this shit. Let's go."

  We get to the clinic and go in. We slowly walk the hall listening to see if we hear anything. I hear a gun shot and take off running to the door. I let Writer know what I heard. I slowly open the door thinking, I'm gonna find my Crazy Girl dead. Once the door is open Gunner and Doc push their way through the door and grab the guy. Writer pulls his gun and shoots Jasmine in the back of the head. I don't want this guy dead yet I gotta find out who he is. Bam Bam was the one that was shot. I see him lying there in a puddle of blood. Jacey seems to be fine, Bear has her in his arms, talking into her ear. I go over to Zoey. "Zoey, Baby?" She's not responding I yell. "Call 911! Baby, wake up. I can't lose you! Wake up Crazy Girl! Please?" There's so much blood I'm screaming "Fuck, Baby! Please wake up! You can't fuckin' leave me. God, she's fuckin' pregnant." For the first time since my mom left I cry. I lay her down gently, and walk over to where they are holding the guy. "You do this? You hurt my Ol’ Lady and baby? You shoot my brother?"

  "She's not yours. She will always be min
e." Then he spits in my face.

  While wiping my face of I say "You’re Andrew?"

  "Yeah what's it to you?"

  I punch him in the gut. He doubles over as much as the guys holding him will let him. What kinda person spits in someone’s face? "The fuck you say?" I punch him again causing him to start coughing. "Zoey, told me all about you, which makes it my business. She quit bein' yours the day you left her for dead. She became mine when I found her. Nobody gets away with hurtin' what’s mine." I make a fist and swing connecting with his nose, blood starts gushing down his face. I get a few more good hits in, but I need him outta here before the ambulance gets here. "Take him to the spot. Lock him up. Don't do anything until I get there." I make my way back over to Zoey and pick her up as carefully as I can and hold her in my arms. I have Writer wipe the gun down and place it in Jasmine's hand. Right after they get him out the ambulance gets there. We tell them that Jasmine acted alone. I call Zoey's parents to let them know, and for them to meet me at the hospital. I ride with her. I walk out of her room to take a second. She’s sleeping so soundly. When I step out in the hall I see Ever, Sophia, and Grant are here along with Jacey. When I walk out, I tell them to go in, I need a few minutes. When I come back to the room, I go over to her side and take a seat next to her. I take her hand in mine and kiss her palm along with every knuckle. Sophia looks at me and tells me “The doctor came in while you were out.” She has the saddest look on her face. "Is she okay? Is th... the baby okay?" Her mom comes over to me and puts her hands on my shoulders.

  "Oh honey, she's going to be just fine, but she lost the baby. I'm so sorry."

  I start shaking my head and saying "No, please, god no. She can't lose the baby."

  I feel her mom wrap her arms around me. Hugging me and comforting me. I hear crying, it’s the only sound you can hear throughout the room. For the second time tonight, I let the tears fall and I cry. I cry for the baby we lost, and I cry for Zoey.

  "Jacey, what happened?"

  "We were about to close up when Andrew pushed his way in the door followed by Jasmine. He had a gun and told us to go in the room and sit down. So we did, Jasmine was saying stuff about Zoey taking you away from her, and getting her kicked out of the club. Andrew didn't like hearing about you with Zoey. He started getting really angry saying she was his, and when she started arguing back, he kicked her in her stomach. Fucking, Jasmine started laughing when she seen how much pain Zoey was in, and all the blood. That's when Bam Bam came in he was trying to talk Andrew down, but it wasn't working. Then he seen Andrew raise the gun, pointing it at Zoey about to shoot. Bam Bam jumped in front of it, he took the bullet for her. He saved her life, Hanger. Now he's in surgery fighting for his. I'm sorry about the baby, Hanger. I know how much you guys wanted it. That's all Zoey would talk about, she was so happy. He has taken so much from her already Hanger, but to lose this baby. What's gonna happen to her? I don't know how she will survive this?" Looking at Jacey she has her hands on her own stomach, but I don’t have time to worry about her odd habits.

  "Thanks, Jacey. I will get her through this, I promise." I look up at Grant "I'm sorry. I didn't protect her from this but, Andrew has been taken care of. He won’t hurt her again. This might not be the right time but I'm gonna marry your daughter. Not today but when the time is right. I just want you to know that."

  "Hey, you have protected her. They just slipped through a crack. You are the kind of man she deserves. I know you are son and I couldn't ask for a better man for my little girl."

  "Does she know we lost the baby?"

  Her mom says "No, we thought that you should be the one to tell her."

  "Thank you for that and for sitting with her."

  "It is okay, Hanger. We are going to go so you can have some time with her. She is going to need you when she wakes up." I give them all hugs and watch them leave, as I sit here waiting for her to wake up. I'm gonna have to break her heart and that is something I never wanted to do. I just hope she can survive this.

  I woke up to beeping sounds. I’m trying to remember what happened. I look around, I'm in a hospital room? Hanger's head is in my lap, with his arms around my thighs, he must of fallen asleep. I run my hand through his hair, he opens his eyes and looks up at me "Hey, Babe. How are you feelin'?"

  "I've been better. I’m pretty sore, what happened? Is the baby, okay?" I ask as I run a hand over my stomach. I see his eyes fill with tears, and I know what he is about to tell me.

  "No, Crazy Girl. We lost the baby. I'm so sorry." Then I remember. Andrew and Jasmine the kick to my stomach, the firing of the gun. "Is Bam Bam okay?"

  "Yeah, he's fine. They did surgery, got the bullet out. It hit him in the stomach. I should have been there to pick you up. I can't tell you enough how sorry I am, Babe."

  "You listen to me, Hanger. You’re blaming yourself for this and it's not your fault. I am angry at them for doing this to us. If Bam Bam wouldn't have been there, I would be dead, but he saved my life and I'm thankful for that. We need to mourn the loss of our baby. We have to be strong and get through this." I'm trying to see him through the tears but it's really blurry. "If we aren't strong, this will destroy us, Hanger. This will destroy me, I need you."

  "I know, Babe. You are the strongest person I know, Zoey, I love you."

  "The only reason I'm half this strong is because I have you here with me. If I didn't have you, I wouldn't survive any of this shit." He laughs and gives me a kiss on the cheek. We cry and mourn for the loss of our baby. Together, we will be okay.

  I make Hanger take me to see Bam Bam. When we get to his room he's awake. I go in and sit next to him, I take his hand in mine "You saved my life, Bam Bam."

  "Hey, Crazy Girl. It's good to see you. I did what any of the other guys would have done. Not only are you the Prez's Ol' Lady, you’re like a sister to me, shit, to all of us. We all love you, Crazy Girl." I'm trying to hold back my tears, but it's not working to well.

  "I love you too, Bam Bam. I don't have a brother by blood, but when you guys brought me to the clubhouse. I feel like I gained a lot of them. I don't know what I would do without you guys." I am sobbing now and he puts his hand on my back and starts rubbing up and down.

  "Don't worry about that, we are all going to be fine." I look up at him and see he's looking at Hanger, so I bring my eyes to Hanger and he gives a slight nod. "Zoey, look at me." I bring my gaze back to Bam Bam.

  "Is it true that you were pregnant? Did you lose the baby?" The tears are flowing freely now and all I can do is nod. "I'm sorry, I didn't get there sooner."

  "It's not your fault. It's those assholes that did this to us. We can't blame ourselves or each other, we need each other to get through this." I say through my crying.

  Over the next few days I have a lot of visitors, my parents, my sister, Jacey, Chatty, and all the guys. Hanger of course has stayed with me the whole time but I'm ready to go home.

  It's been a few days since Zoey went to the hospital. I have her home now. She is the strongest person I know, with everything she has been through, she is still holding on. I carry her through the clubhouse to our room and lay her in our bed, the doctor said she needs rest, so that’s what she’s going to do.

  "Hanger, you do know I can walk. Right?" She says as she giggles.

  "I know you can Babe, but I'm gonna take care of you until your body heals from this."

  "He said two weeks, Hanger. You can't wait on me hand and foot for two weeks. You’ve got a club to run."

  "The fuck I can't. Do you need anything before I go to church?"

  "No, I'm gonna just take a nap."

  "Alright, Babe. I love you. I'll be back later, get some rest."

  "I love you too so much." I give her a tender kiss on her lips, then her forehead, and make my way to meet with the guys. They have had Andrew in our holding room since that night, and it's about time we deal with him.

  I get to church and all the guys are in there waiting for me except Bam Bam, he's still reco

  Ripper asks. "How is she?"

  Bear asks. "Are we gonna deal with that piece of shit now?"

  "She's fine. We have talked about what happened, and she's so fuckin' strong. Yeah, we are gonna deal with him now. I want Gunner, Bear, Ripper, and Hacker to come with me."

  Hunter says "You made a good choice makin' her your Ol' Lady. She's been through so much but doesn't let it tear her down."

  "I know man. I don't know how she does it. Writer, I want you to keep watch on the gate." He gives me a nod. "Before we go do this, I wanna let you guys know that Writer and Bam Bam will be getting patched in." I see the smile build on Writer's face and there is a room full of cheering and everybody pats him on the back.

  "Alright, let's go do this shit."

  We make our way outside, and head to the cellar. We open it up and walk down the stairs. We come to an empty room and go to the door that holds the shit bag. I take the key from Gunner and unlock it. When I open the door and turn on the light the stench of piss and shit fills my nose. I don't let that bother me though. I got one thing on my mind and that is to kill this fucker, slowly. I see him lying on the tore up cot we have laid in the corner. The floor down here is dirt and the walls are cement.

  "Well, well, well what do we have here?" He looks up, I see the bruises on his face, his eyes are black, and his nose is swelled from where I punched him at the clinic.

  "I'm sorry. Can I just please have some water or food? You have kept me down here for days with nothing. I can't even use a bathroom." Everyone starts laughing.

  "You’re sorry? Now you’re sorry? Where you sorry when you left Zoey for dead, or how about where you sorry when you kicked her in her stomach and killed our baby? You think I'm gonna let you have anything? I don't think you quite understand what's gonna happen here. You hurt my Ol’ Lady again. You killed our baby. You don't get to walk away from this. So no I’m not going to waste my food or water on you. See, I knew this day was gonna happen, but you slipped through and you were able to hurt Zoey again, before I got to you. Now I'm gonna ask you a few questions and you’re gonna answer them." He drops his head and I can hear him sniffing. "Are you crying? Well cry about this motherfucker, today you meet the Satan's Sinners." All the guys are yelling and stomping their feet.


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