Untouchable (The Monroe Family Book 4)

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Untouchable (The Monroe Family Book 4) Page 1

by Nicole Dykes

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44



  By Nicole Dykes

  © 2017 by Nicole Dykes. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any written, electronic, recording, or photocopying without written permission of the publisher or author. The exception would be in the case of brief quotations embodied in the critical articles or reviews and pages where permission is specifically granted by the publisher or author.

  Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41

  Chapter 42

  Chapter 43

  Chapter 44


  Letter from the Author:

  Special Thanks To:


  “Hell, Cassie, that’s what life is about. Trying to recover from your last fuckup and holdin’ on tight to the things you actually do right.”

  Jax’s words ring inside my head when, suddenly I’m snapped out of my deep thoughts and then look into the eyes of my latest fuckup. The dress I wore today, to my high school graduation, is pulled up over my thighs which are straddling the bare lap of my ex-boyfriend, Brent.

  He literally snaps his fingers in front of my face, forcing me to face the reality of the situation. I had sex with Brent. Again. I don’t even know why I did it. I wasn’t even into it. Hence the spacing out and obsessing about making yet another horrible decision.

  Nice job, Cassie. Way to correct your past.

  He looks irritated with me, “Did you hear me?”

  Apparently, he said something, sometime after he finished. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “I said, damn, you are really starting to turn into a great lay.”

  I study his face, thoroughly disgusted with myself for hooking up with him again. What the hell was I thinking? We have dated off and on since my freshman year of high school and my family hates him. Especially my brother, Luke, who is the same age as Brent and has beat the shit out of him twice. I should hate him too, but something just happens when I see that cocky smile of his. Hope, that one of these days he will give in and actually love me back, stays in my heart and anchors me to him.

  He actually thinks he just complemented me, “Um…thank you?”

  He laughs and pulls me off of his lap, placing me easily next to him in the backseat of his car. He then removes the condom from his now limp dick and tosses it out into the woods where we are parked. Gross. At least I have enough sense to make him wear a condom even though I’ve been on the pill for a couple of years.

  He pulls his jeans up, fastening them before asking, “So you want me to take you back to the party?”

  I shake my head as I fix my dress and climb out of the backseat and into the front. Brent has to physically get out of the car and go up front to the driver’s seat. “You can just take me home.”

  Brent is back from college for the summer and happened to be at my class’s graduation party. Of course, he was flirting like crazy with me and like always, I ended up leaving with him. I rode out to the lake with my best friend Danielle, or Dani as I call her, and I let her know I wouldn’t need a ride back.

  He lets out a groan, “Fuck I don’t want to drop you off at your house.”

  I roll my eyes and fold my arms over my chest, “Just do it please. I don’t even know if Dani is still at the party.”

  He huffs and then finally starts the car and drives me to my house. It’s quiet and the silence is driving me crazy so I ask, “So are you home all summer?”

  He shifts slightly in his seat like he is nervous, “Yeah, but I’ll be really busy since I got that internship.”

  Got it. This was just a hookup. He thinks I’m going to hassle him all summer. Been there. Done that. I’m never begging him to be with me again. At least that’s what I tell myself.

  “Right, at your dad’s law firm, I remember. Well I’ll be busy too, I’m working at the coffee shop again this summer.”

  He snorts, “I’m sure you will have free time. Isn’t that part time?”

  I glare over at him, like being handed an internship at his father’s law firm is that impressive. He’s either oblivious to my hurt feelings or he doesn’t care as he drives down the interstate. “Not this summer, I’m working full time.”

  “I don’t understand why you have to work anyway. Dylan is loaded.”

  Dylan is my oldest brother. He was awarded guardianship of me and our three siblings four years ago when our father and my mother were killed in a car accident. He was estranged from our family at the time and had opened a thriving, custom car and motorcycle shop. Now he’s opened another branch in Kansas City where we live and has done really well for himself. Along with his best friend and business partner Jax and our brother Luke who is now a partner in the business as well.

  “Exactly, Dylan has a lot of money. I don’t.”

  “You’re telling me that asshole doesn’t give you any money?”

  I roll my eyes, “Of course he does, but I don’t want to constantly ask him for money. I like making my own.”

  He shakes his head and then parks his car in front of my house. “Well I’ll see ya around, Cass.”

; On his terms. I open the car and get out waving a quick goodbye before I walk up to the house. I see the light coming from the living room window and wonder who is waiting up for me.

  I expect to see Dylan when I walk inside, but instead I see his wife Brooke, holding my three-week old niece. She smiles at me as she paces the living room, rocking the infant in her arms trying to get her to go to sleep, “Hi, Cassie. How was the party?”

  Her voice is soft and almost a whisper and I match it, “Okay. What are you two doing up?”

  “Well, little miss Sylvie likes to wake up every two hours.”


  She smiles and sits down in the glider in the living room as Sylvie’s eyes start to close. Brooke is incredible and has been a huge blessing to this family. She started out as our social worker and is now the head of our crazy, unconventional little family. “So, was that Brent’s car I saw you climbing out of?”

  Damn. The woman misses nothing. I sigh and answer her, “Yes.”

  She looks slightly disappointed. That I’m used to. I’m constantly making mistakes and letting her and Dylan down. “Well, I hope you had fun at the party.”

  I raise my eyebrow, “That’s it? No lecture?”

  She laughs, quietly, “Cassie, you’re a grown woman now. You’ll be heading off to college in a couple of months and besides you have heard it all before. Brent has a hold on you that I hope lessens once you get to college and see what real men are like.”

  “I’ve kind of heard that all men are assholes and besides Brent is in college.”

  She ponders that, “That’s true, there are assholes everywhere, but there will be a greater variety of guys at K-state and hopefully you will find a sweetheart.”

  The word “sweetheart” almost makes me gag. I dated a real sweetheart after Brent broke up with me the first time my freshmen year. Austin was a nice and slightly nerdy guy who treated me like a goddess, but I was bored to tears with him. Maybe there is just something fundamentally wrong with me.

  “Please don’t tell me you think my brother is a sweetheart?”

  She giggles at that, “No, Dylan is a badass, but he does have a sweet side. Which comes out with me and that’s what I want for you. Perhaps sweetheart wasn’t the right word.”

  I laugh at that, but it is true. Dylan was wild before he met Brooke and apparently, she had a wild side too. They mellowed each other out and Dylan adores Brooke.

  “Well I’m going to bed. Goodnight Brooke and Sylvie.”

  Brooke says goodnight and I go downstairs to my bedroom. I lay down on my comfortable bed and stare up at my ceiling going over the events of today.

  I’m a high school graduate. I’m going to college in a couple of months. And I don’t feel like I’ve changed one bit.

  Maybe Brooke is right and I need to start looking for a nicer type of guy.

  Chapter 1


  Three months later…

  I jump, startled from a deep sleep when I hear a loud pounding on my bedroom door, “Cassie get the fuck out of bed!”

  Oh, shit. Have I gone back in time? That’s Luke’s voice booming from outside my door. His room used to be right next to mine, but he hasn’t lived here for a couple of years. “What are you doing here?” I shout.

  “It’s move in day at K-state. Wake up and let’s get moving!”

  Luke went to Kansas State University for a year. He had a full ride football scholarship, but dropped out to pursue his real dream of working with Jax and Dylan. His girlfriend, Hannah still goes to K-State though so he will be going to Manhattan today to drop her off also.

  I pull my soft, down comforter over my eyes. He’s crazy. It’s only seven in the morning. I’m not getting out of this bed.

  I close my eyes and then hear another knock. “Cass, get up.”

  I groan at the sound of Dylan’s, slightly calmer voice, but I don’t move to get out of bed.

  “You better be decent.” I hear that come from Dylan as my bedroom door opens and I pull the covers down to see him standing there with a cup of coffee.

  Damn. I forgot to lock my door. I groan again, “It’s too early.”

  “Brooke prepared a bigass sendoff breakfast and everyone else got their asses out of bed so get up.”

  Everything is a big event in this family I swear. I sit up slowly, pushing the covers off my body and swinging my legs over the edge.

  “That’s a good first step.”

  I fight the urge to flip him off. I’m not a morning person anymore. I used to be, but then again, I used to be a lot of things. This is the difference between being raised by parents and being raised by your sibling. He’s my authority figure, but I’ve also seen him do a lot of crazy stuff growing up. Hard to fully respect a guy you’ve seen sneaking a half-naked girl out of his bedroom window.

  I stand up and Dylan hands me the coffee which I greedily gulp.

  “Alright, now take a shower and get upstairs.”

  I roll my eyes and bend down to pick up my jeans from the floor. Why I have a dresser and a closet I don’t know.

  “What’s that?”

  I stand up and look at Dylan who is pointing to my hip, that is now partially peeking out from my shorts. Oh, that. “A tattoo.”

  He folds his arms over his chest, “When did you get that?”

  “Dylan, you are going to lecture me about getting a tattoo? Look at you. Hell, Brooke even has one on her va….”

  “Watch it. And how do you know about that?”

  I tilt my head to the right, “I’ve seen her in a bikini before she got pregnant. And not to mention, Jax is totally covered in them. Alex has some. Luke has three. Jesus, even his precious, good girl Hannah has one.”

  He starts laughing and puts his hands up in surrender, “Shit, Cassie, I wasn’t lecturing you. I was just asking when you got it.”

  I straighten my posture, “Oh. Graduation with Dani.”

  “It’s not in another language, is it?”

  I laugh and shake my head, “No, it says EMAW.”

  It stands for “Every Man a Wildcat” it’s my new college’s motto. Dylan laughs, “Well, as long as you like it, that’s cool.”

  “I do.”

  He walks toward my door and then turns around to ask, “You sure you don’t want me to take you today? I can cancel my meeting.”

  I shake my head, “No, it’s okay. Jax can take me. I know this is a huge client and they like you.”

  “You sure?”

  I nod my head, decisively, “Absolutely. Besides it’s just gonna be a quick trip anyway.”

  He laughs at that, “Alright, get ready. See ya upstairs. And Cassie, don’t take too much time okay?”

  He’s gotten softer since he’s married Brooke. Four years ago, he probably would have lost it. Of course, I was fourteen then.

  After I shower and dress in jeans and one of my new K-State t-shirts, I got for graduation, I begrudgingly walk upstairs to the kitchen.

  “Finally! I’m starving!” This comes from my youngest brother, Michael, who just turned fourteen and is starting to remind me of my other brothers.

  I look around the kitchen wide-eyed. Dylan wasn’t kidding, everyone is here. Luke and his girlfriend, Hannah. Michael and the youngest Monroe, Gabby, who both look irritated and hungry. Jax and his girlfriend, Charlotte, who I don’t know very well but seems like a good fit for Jax; I’ve never seen him happier.

  Brooke’s best friend, Alex, who is the most badass chick I’ve ever met, is here giving Luke crap about how long his hair is getting. And sitting next to her is Adam Shriller, Brooke’s high school boyfriend who is now good friends with the guys and therefore, part of our family. He’s a dirt track racer and lives in California.

  I look over at Shriller, “You flew in for this?”

  He laughs and picks up a piece of bacon, “Well I would have, but luckily I had to pick up a new bike this weekend anyway.”

  Dylan pulls out a chair for me and Brooke brings m
e a plate full of carbs and fresh fruit and it smells incredible.

  I sit down next to Jax. “So, you ready for this shit?”

  I give him a weak smile. I have no idea if I’m ready for this next step in my life. “I think so.”

  Hannah beams, “You’re going to love Manhattan, Cass. Trust me. It’s a great town.”

  I smile at her enthusiasm, “I’m sure I will. Thanks.”

  Charlotte pipes up, happily, “I didn’t go there, Cassie, but I loved college.”

  Jax pokes her in the side, “Of course, not the best time of her life because I wasn’t there.”

  She rolls her eyes at him, but has a goofy smile on her face, “That’s true. What did I ever do without you?”

  “You were bored.”

  They both laugh and I groan along with Michael. Truth be told, I find it incredibly romantic. Jax is this huge, tattooed, muscly man and he falls all over himself to make this woman happy. They met when she was still married to an asshole, but the divorce is now final and nothing is stopping them from being together. He just told us a few of days ago, they are moving in together in a couple of weeks.

  My heart pangs when I see them though, and Luke and Hannah, and Brooke and Dylan. I want that kind of love, but it feels hopeless.

  Shriller makes a really loud gagging noise and Jax punches him jokingly in the arm. We all laugh and Brooke finally sits down to join us all for breakfast.

  It’s crazy how much this table has changed from that day Dylan and Jax picked us up at that temporary foster home.

  No way did I see this coming. I was so happy go lucky back then, before the day my parents died. The day that changed all our lives forever.

  After small talk and stuffing our faces, Luke stands up and slaps his hands together. “Alright, let’s get this show on the road!”

  I look up at him from my still seated position, “Geez, why are you in such a hurry. Did you and Hannah get in a fight and you’re trying to get rid of her?”

  Hannah laughs at that and Luke says, “Hell no, I’m trying to get rid of your ass.”

  I grin and he smiles back to let me know he’s kidding.

  Hannah giggles again as she stands up from the table, “Luke hates traffic, but I keep telling him it’s not going to matter today. Manhattan is going to be packed.”

  Luke is already walking toward the front door, “Let’s go.”


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