Untouchable (The Monroe Family Book 4)

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Untouchable (The Monroe Family Book 4) Page 2

by Nicole Dykes

  Luke and I have had a rocky relationship, but at the end of the day I know he would do anything for me. Just like everyone at this table.

  And now I’m leaving.

  Chapter 2


  The ride with Jax is quiet and peaceful. He’s driving my brand new, dark pink Camaro I got as my graduation present. It’s comical seeing him behind the wheel.

  Luke and Hannah are behind us in his truck that is full of my stuff and some of Hannah’s. Luke is riding back with Jax tonight after they drop us off.

  My mind goes to the quick goodbye with my family out in front of our home. I tried to play it cool and act like it’s no big deal as they all gave me hugs and quick advice. Advice I can’t even recall now because it was all a blur.

  Jax glances at me from the corner of his eye, “You okay, kiddo?”

  I nod and play with the radio. I think if I talk, I may vomit.

  This is what I’ve wanted for the last couple of years, my freedom. At least that’s what I’ve screamed at Dylan at least ten times in those years and now it’s here. I’m free and I’m terrified. I don’t want to let my family down and continue to be Cassie the screw up.

  We finally arrive in Manhattan, KS over two hours later and Hannah was right: this town is packed. It wasn’t this busy three weeks ago when Dylan and Brooke brought me for freshman orientation.

  Instead of driving mid-town to campus, Jax pulls into a parking lot of a steakhouse parking lot. I turn to face him, “What are we doing?”

  He turns the car off as Luke parks next to us, “Lunch.”

  “What? We just had breakfast.”

  He laughs, “That was over three hours ago. Besides we have to fuel up for moving all of that shit into your dorm and Hannah’s place.” He hops out of my car and I reluctantly unbuckle before he says, “And we had to recruit some more workhorses.”

  What the hell does that mean?

  He closes the door and I climb out of the car. I walk behind Luke, Jax, and Hannah into the crowded restaurant.

  “Holy shit! If it isn’t Lucas Monroe!” I hear the familiar voice of Cameron, Luke’s former college football teammate, before I even see his handsome, cocky face.

  If he’s here, I wonder if that means…

  And then I see him, Hunter Thompson. Good lord he’s gotten even hotter since the last time I saw him at Brooke and Dylan’s New Year’s Eve party.

  The three former teammates and close buddies all fist bump and “bro hug” in a true testosterone filled love fest.

  I hear a squeal when Cam’s girlfriend and Hannah’s best friend, Vanessa, sees Hannah and pulls her into a tight hug. “You are finally here! I’m so glad you’re back.”

  I stand at Jax’s side until they all have greeted each other and then Cam looks over at me, “Hey little Monroe, you ready to be a wildcat?”

  Cam is hot in his own right, blonde hair and blue eyes, stocky and built and a total player. Everything the guy says has a sexual undertone. I nod my head at him and try to play it cool, “Of course.”

  He grins and then bumps fists with Jax and the waitress comes over to seat us just as Vanessa says hello to Jax and I also. Hunter nods hello to Jax and then gives me his award-winning smile as we are walking to the table, “How have you been Cassie?”

  I can’t think. I’m completely at a loss for words, something that rarely happens to me. Hunter has to be the most gorgeous man I’ve ever laid eyes on. He’s tall, just as tall as my older brothers and lean, but defined. At least his arm muscles are bulging out of his tight KSU football t-shirt he has on. He has short light brown hair and beautiful dark blue eyes that I got lost in when he asked me to dance at Brooke and Dylan’s wedding and the New Year’s Party. He’s as clean cut and All-American as you can get and I swear he makes my mouth water.

  I finally choke out, “Fine,” as we are all seated at a table.

  He just gives me a polite smile and takes a seat next to Jax. I sit down at the end of the table with Hannah and Vanessa.

  My seat is the only one left and it’s in between Cam and Vanessa. Hannah looks at her best friend, “Why aren’t you sitting next to Cam. You two are usually inseparable.”

  Vanessa looks slightly tense and then points to Hannah’s hand which is in Luke’s. “You’re one to talk.”

  Hannah blushes and then says, “But really is something going on?”

  She said it quietly, but Cam snaps to attention and looks uncomfortable. That’s a first. Vanessa lowers her voice, “We broke up okay?”

  Well this is awkward.

  Hannah looks over at Cam, “What? What the hell did you do?”

  He puts his hands up in surrender and I see Hunter shaking his head, “Why do you assume it was me?”

  Luke laughs at his innocent act, “Really man? What the hell did you do to Vanessa? You cheated, didn’t you?”

  Vanessa shakes her head, “No, he didn’t. We are just better as friends okay. It’s fine.”

  She says it’s fine, but recognize the “playing it cool when you are dying inside” look.

  Hannah looks at her friend with sympathy, “You should have called me.”

  Vanessa brushes it off as the waitress brings our drink orders out, “No, I’m fine and besides you were in the middle of your sexcation with Luke. I didn’t want to interrupt.”


  Luke grins and Hannah puts a hand on her shoulder, “You still should have called.”

  “Well that’s fucking depressing. Is everyone ready to order.” That comes from Jax and somehow it breaks the tension. Jax has a smooth way of doing that.

  The waitress comes over and takes all our orders and while we are waiting the guys talk about the upcoming football season while Vanessa and Hannah catch up and talk about their new place.

  I’m listening to the girls talk about going shopping later when I hear Jax say, “I heard you gave up that deal with the Cowboys.”

  I know he’s talking to Hunter. He made headlines last year when he turned down the multi-million-dollar contract to stay and play college ball. Not many people would do that.

  Hunter just shrugs it off like it is nothing, “It’ll still be there in two years.”

  Luke scoffs, jokingly, “Not if you get hurt. I still can’t believe you turned that shit down.”

  “I’m not getting hurt, we have some damn good blockers this year.”

  Cam beams proudly, “Hey, Thompson couldn’t leave me. Unlike some people.”

  He’s obviously referring to Luke who bailed on college and football his sophomore year. Luke flips him off laughing. “Yeah well I had bigger fish to fry.”

  Luke and Jax bump fists and Jax says, “Hell ya you did.”

  Hunter laughs, “So things are still going good at the shop I take it?”

  Luke answers that, “They are fucking great. I’m in high demand and Shriller has been bringing in a shitload of business.”

  My brother has a serious problem with modesty as I’m sure you can tell.

  Cam brightens at the mention of his idol, “No shit. He lives in Cali now, why the hell does he still go to you guys?”

  “Because he demands the best, dipshit.”

  Hannah who has taken a break from talking about decorating her and Vanessa’s rental laughs at Luke’s statement. “I swear, how many bikes does he need?”

  The waitress brings our food as Jax says, “He likes everything custom. Bikes, motorcycles, cars, and even his new boat.”

  Vanessa gasps, “He’s a dirt track racer, right? How the hell does he make so much money?”

  I laugh and Luke answers her questions, “He has a lot of sponsors and he’s also got a modeling contract out of it all.”

  I forgot about that. Shriller has been modeling lately. He is a good-looking guy so it makes sense and he mostly graces the covers of dirt track magazines. Jax, Dylan, and Luke had a hell of a time giving him shit about that though. They now call him “pretty boy.”

  Vanessa nods appr
ovingly, “Well I can see that, he is hot as hell.”

  I notice Cam shift in his seat when she says that. He’s clearly irritated.

  Hannah must notice it too because she clears her throat, “So exactly how close are we living to these guys?”

  She gestures to Cam and Hunter and Vanessa answers, “They are living two doors down.”

  I turn to Hunter, “You guys are renting a house too?”

  He nods, “Yeah, we decided to get out of the dorms.”

  Cam’s grin stretches wide across his face, “Hell yeah! We are going to throw some fucking epic parties this year!”

  Hunter shakes his head emphatically, “No. We aren’t.”

  Cam groans, “Dammit, Luke. You couldn’t have just stuck it out three more years. Our parties, man they would go down in history books.” He gestures toward Hannah, “But you had to go and fall in love.”

  Luke smirks and wraps his arm around Hannah, “Sorry buddy, looks like you are just gonna have to work on Choir Boy, here.”

  They have called Hunter, “Choir Boy” since they met him. From what I can gather it’s because he actually has standards and morals.

  Jax pays the check and we all thank him. Finally, we stand to leave. We gather in the parking lot and Luke teasingly says, “Okay, so we are going to Hannah and Van’s first, right?”

  I groan in his direction. He knows I’m ready to see my new home. Hannah nudges him, “Stop messing with her.”

  With that Jax directs everyone to follow us to campus and I gratefully hop in the car.

  Nervous as hell yet still eager to be there.

  Chapter 3


  We finally pull up to Moore Hall, my new home for the next year. I look up at the tall, brick building when Jax parks the car in front. I stare in awe, until Jax places his massive hand on my shoulder, “It’s going to be okay.”

  I shrug my shoulder, “I know, it’s going to be great. I can’t wait.”

  I don’t think my words came out nearly as convincing as I wanted them to. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Jax just smiles and climbs out of my car. Yeah, he sees right through me.

  I take a deep breath and step out of my Camaro. We walk over to his truck, where everyone has gathered. Luke is advising Cameron and Hunter on my things versus Hannah’s.

  Cam claps his hands, “Alright and Break!”

  Hunter and Luke both chuckle at his football huddle reference and the girls just roll their eyes, laughing.

  Everyone grabs an item or box and we follow Luke into the building. The front doors are propped open, with several students filing in with their belongings. Moore Hall is a freshman dorm so I have to admit it’s nice to see the other anxious faces around.

  I’m not the only one.

  Luke turns to me, looking around the large tote full of my clothes he’s holding, “Cass, what floor are you on?”


  He looks at the massive line for the elevator, “Of fucking course.”

  Jax snickers, “There’s no hurry.”

  Cam nudges Hunter, who both are carrying large boxes, “You wanna take the stairs? Get in a workout. We gotta get our asses ready for the season!”

  Hunter grins, eagerly, “Hell yeah.”

  I look at them both like they are insane, “You guys are going to carry boxes up six flights of stairs?”

  Hunter smiles over at me. I think my heart stopped. “He’s right, it’s good to start conditioning early. Practices are only going to get more intense from here.”

  Wow. I went for a jog around the neighborhood every morning in high school, but I don’t think I’m anywhere near being that in shape.

  They both open the door to the stairwell and head up with crazy, excited looks on their faces.

  Luke laughs, “Guaranteed that will be turned into a competition.”

  I sit the smaller box I carried in down and look over at him, “Who do you think will win?”

  “Hunt. Hands down. That guy never stops “conditioning” for the next season.”

  It’s our turn on the elevator and we all cram inside. I hit the button to go to the sixth floor. My heart is pounding as the light flicks over each floor we pass.

  When the elevator doors open, we see Hunter and Cam standing in the lobby waiting for us. Luke walks over, “So who won?”

  Cam acts pissed and Hunter grins triumphantly. Luke laughs, “Thought so.”

  We all make our way to my room and I search for my key in my purse before unlocking my door and walking in first.

  The room is tiny, my bathroom at home is bigger than this room. The floor is tile and the room is bare. Nothing on the beige walls. There are two twin beds, one closet and one small, wooden desk.

  Everyone piles in behind me, dropping boxes and totes and looking around. Luke whistles, “Shit this place is small.”

  Luke’s dorm room was a suite in the athlete dorm so it was nothing like this. Hannah smacks his shoulder, “It’s not that bad.” She gives me a sympathetic look.

  I straighten my posture from the slump and put on big smile, “Are you kidding? This is great!”

  Jax nods his head, “Yeah, just needs a little TLC.”

  Hunter agrees with him, his smile bright, “Yeah, once you get all your stuff unpacked, it’ll feel like home.”

  I smile over at him. His attempt at comforting me is really sweet, but there is no way this is going to feel like home. It’s missing some key elements. Images of my family, people I thought I needed a break from, flash through my mind.

  “Where are you going to put it all?” Cam asks.

  I look around at the room. This is just the first load of stuff, there is easily two more for everyone in the truck and my car. I may have overpacked. Dani still has to move her stuff in.

  I shake my head, “I have no idea.”

  Vanessa wraps an arm around my shoulder, “Don’t worry, trust me it’s amazing the things I crammed into my dorm room freshman year. And if you need any help, Hannah and I will be glad to.”

  Hannah nods, “Absolutely.”

  I thank them both and then we make another trip downstairs to gather more of my things. The third and final round, just the guys go down as us girls start to rearrange the room a little.

  Hannah helps me hang some clothes in my closet and Vanessa is busy putting my new sheets on my bed when Cam and Hunter come in carrying my brand new, forty-two inch flat screen.

  They are followed by Jax and Luke, both have their arms full with random things. Cam looks over at me, “Where do you want this?”

  I look at the massive TV and then the small room. I gesture to the only bare part of the wall in the room. “I guess right there for now. Thanks.”

  They both set it down carefully and Luke walks over to the television, “Holy shit, that’s a big TV.”

  “I know, Brooke and Dylan went a little overboard.”

  He laughs and messes my hair, “All I got was a pathetic nineteen-inch TV when I went to college.”

  “Yeah, well you aren’t as cute as Cassie.” That comes from Hunter and is directed at Luke. I know he’s just giving Luke a hard time, but it still makes me flutter like a damn giddy girl when he says it.

  Luke bats his eyes over at Hunter, “Aw, we all know I’m your favorite Monroe.”

  Hunter just shakes his head grinning, “Keep telling yourself that.”

  I look in his direction and he winks at me and all I can do is smile and blush like an idiot.

  Luke either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care and Cam says, “Alright, if we are done with this love fest we have another place to go right?” He points to Vanessa, “And if I know this one, we have a lot of work ahead of us.”

  She laughs at that, “Oh you have no idea. I have so much stuff for you to carry in.”

  Jax walks over to me, “You coming with us? Then we can go to dinner.”

  I look around the room filled with all of my stuff, “If it’s okay, I think I’ll stay
here and pack. Dani will be here soon.”

  He looks worried, “You sure? When will she be here?”

  “In a couple of hours, but I’ll need that to get this stuff put away.”

  He nods, “Alright.” He looks over at Vanessa, “I know you have Hannah’s number. Do you have Vanessa’s?”

  Geez, Jax. He’s really turned into a father figure over the years. I shake my head and Vanessa walks over, “You have your phone on you?” I nod and pull it out. She takes it, programming her number in. “Okay, if you ever need anything at all, call me.”

  I smile at her, “Thanks.”

  Jax isn’t finished though, he gestures toward Hunter next. Oh no. When the hell did Jax turn into the humiliating dad type? “You have Hunter’s number?”

  I’m pretty sure my cheeks are bright red. He’s making me give Hunter my number in front of everyone. I might die now.

  Hunter just walks over to me, confidently, “I don’t think so, but that’s good idea.” He holds out his large hand for my phone and I give it to him. After he programs his number in he says, “Okay, call me for any reason. If I’m not at practice, I’ll answer.”

  Not exactly how I thought I would get Hunter’s number. Of course, this may be the only way I would ever have it. He thinks of me as Luke’s little sister and that’s it.

  Cam strides forward, “And I don’t think you have mine.”

  Luke sticks his arm out blocking him from reaching me, “Stay away from my sister.”

  Cam grins, “Hey, what if it’s an emergency?”

  Jax looks over in his direction, “Then she has three people she can call. I’m not worried.”

  After that everyone files out after brief goodbyes, leaving only Jax and Luke. Jax gives me a big bear hug, “Alright, stay out of trouble and be careful. Use the buddy system and all that shit. You may be fucking tough, but you’re fairly small.”

  “Thanks, Jax. I’ll be fine.” I do hug him a little tighter before pushing him away gently urging him to leave.

  “Alright, call me if you need anyone fucked up.” With that awesome Jax comment, he leaves the room and then Luke walks over to me. What kind of brotherly wisdom is he going to drop on me now? Or smartass comment.


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