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Untouchable (The Monroe Family Book 4)

Page 15

by Nicole Dykes

  It wasn’t long after my parents died. I felt like I was drowning and watching the rest of my family go down with me. At school I was tired of people looking at me with pity and watching me to see if I was going to break. So, I did everything I could to appear like a peppy, happy girl. I did want to fit in with everyone else. I thought if I played the part well enough that one day I could trick my brain into actually feeling that way. “Yeah, well those days are over. Find another play thing.”

  “This is about him, isn’t it? You’re fucking Luke’s best friend. Real classy, Cassie.”

  I glare up at him, furious that he still hasn’t removed his body from mine. I push at him again, but he doesn’t budge. “I’m not with Hunter.”

  He laughs at that, “Bullshit. I saw the way you two looked at each other. So, what the hell does that limpdick have that I don’t?”

  That list is endless. “Morals, selflessness, sensitivity.” I bite out.

  He scoffs at that, “If he’s so fucking moral, what the hell is he doing fucking his best friend’s little sister? I wouldn’t even do that shit.”

  Does everyone know about this code? “Like I said, there is nothing between him and I. This is about us. Now get off of me.”

  Brent’s face darkens and the way he looks at me send me into a slight panic. “No.”

  I stare at him in disbelief. “No?”

  His right hand moves quickly and grabs my wrist, pinning it above my head. “You invited me remember? You couldn’t wait to get me here and we both know exactly what you wanted. Just go with it Cassie.”

  Fuck him. “Last warning, Brent.”

  He laughs at me and holds my wrist tighter. My right knee comes up hard, without another warning and makes perfect contact with his balls. He grunts loudly and releases me, reaching down to hold himself. “You fucking bitch!”

  “Get out.” He’s still on top of me, although in very serious pain. I feel no fear.

  “I can’t believe I ever asked you out. You’re a fucking lousy lay and a nobody. You think that Hunter is going to be interested in a slut like you for long? He’ll get tired of you just like I did.”

  That strikes a nerve and he still hasn’t moved off of me, although there is some space in-between our bodies now. Which is great for when I push my fist upward and punch him directly in the nose, instantly breaking it.

  He finally sits all the way up, no part of him is touching me anymore. His hand goes to his nose, that is pouring out blood. “You whore! You broke my nose!”

  I try to hid the pain I’m feeling in my hand from striking him and remain deadly calm. “Good. I don’t ever want to see you again. I’m blocking your number. We’re done.”

  He stands up, “Fine with me.”

  He walks over the door, pulls it open and quickly slams it behind him. I get up and lock it quickly, the adrenaline from everything leaving me overwhelmed.

  It takes only a little bit for it to start to wear off and I decide to take a shower. I gather my clothes and make my way to the bathroom, carefully looking around in the hall before leaving my room. No one is out here, it’s late.

  I take a shower and scrub his slobber off of my neck and face. I brush my teeth and use extra mouthwash, trying to get the taste of him out of my mouth.

  I hate all of the mistakes I’ve made, but I have changed a small amount. The old Cassie would have let him use me. I would have just shut my mouth and let him do whatever he wanted.

  Somehow in just a month I’ve gained some courage and self-worth.

  I know I owe that to Hunter’s friendship and in some strange way, to his rejection.

  Chapter 27


  I know that I shouldn’t be outside of Cassie’s dorm room. I should give her space and let her live her life the way she wants to. I know that. I’ve been telling myself that for over an hour, but I just have to make sure she is okay.

  I hate that he’s in there. I suck it up and knock on her door. I hear rustling, but no one answers. I knock again, “Cassie, please. I just want to talk. It’ll just take a second.”

  Her door opens, cautiously and Cassie is standing there with her arms folded over her chest. It looks like she just got out of the shower and she’s barely dressed. Wearing a white cotton tank top and short pajama shorts. She grabs a lightweight gray robe from the dresser next to her and slips it on, “What are you doing here?”

  I try to shake off my undeniable attraction and look into her eyes. I start the speech I’ve been reciting since I started walking here, “I’m sorry for everything, Cassie. You were right, you’re smart enough to make your own decisions and I need to respect that. If Brent is what you want then, I’ll find a way to be okay with that.”

  Her eyes search mine for any trace of a lie. “Really?”

  I nod, wondering how I’m going to pull that off. Seeing her with Brent earlier tonight ripped my heart out. “Yes, but if you’re doing this to get back at me, I’m begging you to please find a different way. One that hurts only me.”

  She’s thinking. I can see it on her face and then she stands back a little, opening the door further. “Do you want to come in?”

  My body stiffens. No part of me wants to spend any more time with Brent. “Uh.”

  She gives me a reassuring smile, “He left.”

  I’m relieved until I realize that means he was definitely here tonight. I accept her invitation and walk inside her room. She closes her door and then turns to face me. I hate that I pushed her to this, right into his arms. “Cassie, “I’m so sorry for everything.”

  “Everything? Even punching Brent? He’s already forming a black eye.”

  Good. Her tone tells me she isn’t as pissed off about that as I initially thought. “I can’t say I’m sorry for hitting him. He had it coming, but I am sorry it upset you. I never meant to imply that you aren’t capable of making your own decisions. I was just worried that maybe that other stuff was clouding your judgement.” That other stuff? Damn. Probably not the best way to put that. I quickly add, “And I’m so damn sorry about that, too.”

  She walks over to her bed, sitting down. Her short, shorts riding up even more showing more of her smooth skin on her thighs. “You don’t have to apologize for that. I can’t make you want me.”

  I sigh, running my fingers through my hair. Shit. I sit down on the bed, leaving ample space between us. “Cassie, it’s never been about want with you.”

  She looks over me, confusion marking her beautiful face, “But you said you only see me as a friend.”

  I can’t do this anymore. I hate lying to her. I hate lying in general even if I do believe it’s to protect her from pain. “I lied.”

  Her eyes widen, “You did?”

  I nod my head, “Yes. I’ve seen you as more than a friend for way too long. Longer than I should admit, but the reasons I stated. The reasons that we shouldn’t be together, those weren’t a lie.”

  “Luke. I’m telling you, Hunter after the initial shock wears off he won’t care. He will probably be elated.”

  I almost laugh at that, “No guy is ever elated about his sister being with someone.”

  She shakes her head and folds her arms across her chest again. She’s so damn stubborn, “You’re wrong.”

  I’m not holding back anymore. “Look, I’m an army brat.” She looks at me like she has no idea where I’m going with this. I go on, “We moved all of the time. All over the place and I never really made any real friends, until we finally settled back in my parent’s home town when I was fifteen.”

  “I didn’t know you come from a military family.”

  I nod, “I do. Anyway, I made a couple of really close friends in high school from playing football. Turns out they weren’t really that great of friends.” My mind goes to T.J., my best friend and teammate in high school. The guy Miranda was cheating on me with. I try to shake the memories, I should probably get to the point, “Luke and Cam, they are solid. Even though Luke doesn’t live here anymore h
e’s still one of the best friends I’ve ever had. It makes me sound like a pussy I know, but I don’t want to lose that.” Even though I’m pretty sure I could. For her.

  Her face softens, “I get that and you have a lot of other reasons not to be with me. You think I’m immature.”

  I shake my head, feeling the stubble that has formed on my chin. “That’s not at all what I meant. I’m sorry I didn’t explain that well either.” I didn’t do a good job of explaining anything that night. Talking really isn’t my thing. I’ve always been described as the strong silent type. For Cassie, I will try my best.

  “Well what did you mean?”

  Maybe I shouldn’t have had those two shots of whiskey at the party. I tried like hell to stay out of her business tonight and not come here. I wanted to show her that I trusted her. After two shots and going over everything in my head, I had to at least take a shot at an apology. Now my head is swimming, although I’m nowhere near drunk and I’m talking a hell of a lot more about myself than I ever have. “It goes back to the military thing too.”

  She moves her body closer to mine. “Please explain it to me.”

  “My mother was always really smart, like amazingly so. She could have done anything in the world that she wanted to. Not only is she smart, she used to be really outgoing and strong.”

  Cassie swallows, “Did she die?”

  Oh shit, I shouldn’t have worded it that way. I shake my head, “No. She’s alive and so is my dad. It’s just…they were high school sweethearts. They’ve been inseparable since their junior year in high school.”

  Cassie looks over at me, her brows crinkled. “That’s sweet.”

  I shake my head again, “It’s not. It’s really not. She gave up everything for him. After high school, he enlisted and she had this incredible scholarship to a great college, but gave it up to follow him around. Instead of getting an education and then following her dreams they got married, had me and my sister and she joined every local PTA and made sure dinner was always on the table and the house was immaculate.”

  “Well if that’s really what she wanted…”

  I interrupt, “It wasn’t. She was so happy and full of life Cassie. Now she’s nothing, but bitter. She resents the hell out of him and they fight nonstop. They hate each other with a passion, but they are both too stubborn to actually ask for a divorce.”

  Her face saddens, “That’s awful and I’m so sorry you had to see that growing up, but what does that have to do with us?”

  I stand up, frustrated, “Everything, Cassie. You’re a freshman and so full of life. You have dreams I’m sure that you haven’t even discovered yet, but I have my own dreams. I don’t want to overshadow yours, but I can’t give up my career either.” Although again I’m sure I would for her. Which scares the shit out of me.

  “I wouldn’t want you to.”

  “Exactly. You wouldn’t let me. So, two things would happen; We could have a long-distance relationship, which are fucking hard. Or you would follow me wherever I go, leaving a part of yourself behind.”

  She stands up from her bed, her chest just inches from mine, “That’s almost two years away.”

  “I’m a commitment guy. I always look into the future and I can’t just be casual with you Cassie. I care about you way too much.”

  The corners of her mouth turn up in a grin, “You care about me?”

  “Of course, I do.”

  “And it’s more than just a friendly thing?”

  At this point she knows that, but she’s pushing me to admit it. “Yes. So much more. I think about you every fucking second. When I’m with you I can’t think straight and feel like an asshole, ogling you all of the time. I’ve tried so hard to see you as Luke’s little sister and keep my distance, but it’s impossible.”

  She’s still smiling, it’s much broader now. “You ogle me?”

  I shake my head at her, not able to stop my own grin from forming. “It’s not a good thing. I shouldn’t.”

  She rolls her eyes at me, but it’s playful. “Well it would be totally fine if you would quit being a pansy and just admit you want a relationship. No one will fault you for ogling your girlfriend.”

  Girlfriend. I haven’t even thought about having a girlfriend since Miranda. I thought I would just get through school, get the big contract and then possibly worry about that sort of thing after that. The thought doesn’t shake me though, not like it should. Cassie’s hand moves to my chest and I move my eyes down. I’m surprised when I see it’s bruised, “Cassie, what happened to your hand?”

  She pulls it back and shrugs her shoulders, “Brent got a little aggressive so I broke his nose.”

  I stare at her in disbelief and my jaw ticks with rage directed at Brent, “What do you mean aggressive?”

  She moves back to her bed, sitting down with her bare feet dangling over the edge, “He thought I owed him sex after the party. I didn’t agree and told him to leave. I actually broke his nose after I delivered my knee to his balls.”

  I feel a sense of pride. Damn that’s hot. A girl that can take care of herself. I also feel an odd sense of relief knowing that she didn’t sleep with him. “Damn, Cassie. That’s awesome.”

  I sit down next to her and she beams with pride, “Why he didn’t think my brothers taught me self-defense I have no idea. I can’t tell you how many hours that were spent making sure I knew those two moves and a couple of others.” She looks me straight in my eyes, no longer messing around. “Stop changing the subject though.”

  “I saw your bruised hand and wanted to make sure you are okay.”

  “I don’t need a big strong protector. I can take care of myself.”

  I smile, “I know that, it doesn’t mean I won’t try to protect you when I can.”

  Her eyes turn deadly serious. She isn’t holding back with me either, “I think we would be amazing together. I know it’s scary and maybe in two years when you leave it will all go to hell, but maybe it won’t. We can work it out together. I don’t know your father, but from what I do know, you are nothing like him.” I can’t tell you how good that feels to hear. She continues, “You could be my forever and I could be yours if you let me.”

  Forever? That sounds pretty damn nice to me.

  Chapter 28


  Okay, so saying I want to be with Hunter forever is a big step. I get that, but I also mean it. He’s the most incredible guy I’ve ever met and I’ve felt a pull to him since day one. When I first met him, while I was just in high school, it started as physical. Then with each event he attended and now truly getting to spend time with him it has morphed into so much more.

  He doesn’t seem to hate the idea judging by the grin on his face. “Cassie, what about everything we just talked about?”

  I’m so grateful to him for finally telling me the reasons behind his reasons. It all makes a lot more sense to me now. “What about them? I understand that you don’t want to lose Luke. I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen somehow. I know my brother, he’s an ass who acts on impulse at first, but he’s also smart and will reevaluate his initial response.”

  He smiles at that, something tells me he believes that too. “And the other thing?”

  I sigh, “I understand that you have a plan that is important to you, which makes it important to me, but I know better than anyone that plans can quickly change in a heartbeat. Whatever happens though, we can get through it together.”

  “I want you too, Cassie. I want this.”

  I hold my breath and wait for a ‘but’ that doesn’t come. I smile excitedly over at him, “You want this?”

  He nods and moves closer to me on my bed, our knees nearly touching. “Yes. More than anything.” I try to catch my breath, his close proximity overwhelming me in the best way. Again I wait for him to say ‘but’ and his voice is confident when he says, “I’m all in if you are, Cassie.”

  I smile and lean into him, “I am definitely all in.”

  His lips a
re near mine now and all I want is to kiss him. Before I can make that happen he says, “Will you promise me one thing though?”


  “No secret feelings. No secrets at all. I want to know how you really feel about things even if it doesn’t go along with my plan.”

  I know exactly what he’s talking about. He’s worried that I will be like his mother and just support him and give up everything. I admit I have a history of following blindly, but I love that he cares about what I want. “I promise. We will talk about everything.”

  He finally grants my wish and leans in for a kiss. There it is. That real feeling, that unbelievable spark that comes from his lips merely touching mine. His hands move to my hair, pulling me deeper into the kiss and I open my mouth for his tongue to tangle with mine. His mouth tastes like whiskey, but it definitely isn’t a turn off for me in this moment. When we come up for air for a brief second I ask, “Did you drink whiskey tonight?”

  His handsome face looks troubled, “I had to do something to calm my nerves after you left and I tried like hell to not follow you for an hour. I want you know I do trust you to make your own decisions Cassie.”

  I smile at him, that’s something I have never heard from anyone. My chest clenches, “But you couldn’t stay away?”

  He swallows, his eyes look hungry. “No.”

  Thank God. I grin over at him and pull him back into another kiss, allowing us to explore each other’s mouths. I could do this forever. Panic shoots through me out of nowhere. We’ve been here before. He’s held me, kissed me and then he’s pushed me away. His hands are tangled in my hair and my arms are wrapped around his waist. “Please don’t pull away from me.” I say weakly in-between kisses.

  He does pull back slightly from the kiss, but takes my face in his strong hands and looks deep into my eyes, “I’m so sorry that you’re afraid of that and I know that’s my fault. I won’t ever pull away from you again. I promise.”


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