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Untouchable (The Monroe Family Book 4)

Page 17

by Nicole Dykes

  I laugh and dip the brush into my purple fingernail polish. “He’s not kinky and it definitely wasn’t bad. We started officially dating, which makes him my boyfriend. I just don’t think I should tell every detail.”

  She puffs out air at that, “Are you kidding? I know everything about every time you had sex with Brent. You know everything about every second of Tanner and I’s sex life.”

  I shake my head. Unfortunately, that’s so true. It just feels different with Hunter. “It was incredible. No joke, Dani. Just fucking amazing.”

  That’s not good enough for her I can see it. Her face turns to the television, I see number seven lining up in his tight, spandex gray and purple pants for the last play of the game. She turns back to me, “There has to be something wrong with him. He’s too fucking perfect, Cass. I mean gorgeous face. Check. Hot body. Check. At least from the little peek I got of those tight muscles this morning.” I glare at her and she winks. She continues with her list, “He’s moral as fuck so he probably won’t be a cheater. So there has to be something. You can totally tell me.”

  I giggle at her curiosity. “I don’t think he has any flaws, it’s a little intimidating.”

  “Everyone has something, Cass. What was his dick like?”

  I throw a pillow over at her. She really needs to learn some damn boundaries. I laugh at that thought. Nah. I like her the way she is, “I’m not talking about his dick.”

  I finish painting my fingernails and screw the lid back on. Dani makes an “ah ha” face, “So that’s it, huh? What’s wrong with it? Small, bent, uncircumcised? I’ve never seen one of those…”

  I cut in, “Stop. It’s none of those things. It’s nice.”

  Nice? I need to change the subject. Her eyebrow crooks up, “Nice? Cassie, that is not how you describe a cock. If anything, nice means tiny.”

  I laugh at that and then think back to last night and this morning. God I wanted another round this morning. Stupid Luke. I look over at her and sigh, I guess I can give her something, “Okay well if nice means tiny, then it’s definitely not nice.” I blush slightly at the thought, “Hell, his dick is downright naughty.”

  She grins at that, “Hot.”

  “You have no idea.”

  She groans, “No I don’t because you won’t tell me. There still has to be something wrong with him.”

  I shake my head and then my heart skips a beat when I see my phone lighting up and I see Hunter’s name. I look at the television and they have gone to a different game. Wow, we were talking about that for a while. I hit the answer button, “Hi.”

  “Hey, what’s up?”

  “Not much. Just hangin’ out with Dani. Great game.” I’m assuming they won since they were up by ten points the last time I checked.

  “Thanks. You watched?”

  Kind of. “In our room.”

  I can tell he’s smiling, “Cool. You have plans tonight?”

  “I hope so.”

  I look across the room and see Dani fake gagging listening to our conversation. I hear Hunter’s deep voice, “Well, Cam is throwing a victory party at our place and I was wondering if you would want to come. Hannah and Vanessa are both out of town.”


  “No, Hannah is in K.C. since Luke just got back from California and Vanessa went home to see her parents.”

  I smile, “So, we wouldn’t have to be careful?”

  “Nope. Cam knows, but he’s not saying anything.”

  “I’ll be there. Can I bring Dani?”

  That peaks Dani’s interest again and Hunter says, “Of course. I can pick you guys up on my way home.”

  “When will that be?”

  “Not too much longer. Just gotta shower.”

  “We will just meet you there. Probably need a little more time to get ready than you do.”

  He laughs at that, “Don’t go to any trouble for me. You don’t need a lot of prepping.”

  I smile and think back to when Brent told me I should wear more makeup and dress hotter when I was a sophomore. “I’ll see you soon.”

  We hang up and I look over at Dani. “Wanna go to a party at Cam and Hunter’s?”

  She jumps up from her bed, “Hell yeah. I’m eager to finish what I started with Cam.”

  I shake my head profusely, “No, you can’t screw around with Cam. There will be plenty of hot guys there I’m sure.”

  She pouts, “Cassie, I didn’t say a word about you fucking Hunter.”

  “That’s different. We are in a real relationship and Cam’s still in love with Vanessa.”

  “Screw her.” She starts scavenging through her closet, “She can’t have it both ways. She broke up with him. Now he’s fair game. Now, be a supportive friend and tell me to go for it.”

  She’s kind of right in a way. She supports me, pretty much everything I do. I don’t really have a good reason why she can’t be with Cam. “Do what you want, but don’t get hurt.”

  She laughs at that, like it’s the craziest thing she’s ever heard. “I’m not going to get hurt Cassie. I really just want sex with him. No worries.”

  I hope that’s true. I stay in my t-shirt and jeans, but pull my hair out of the pony tail it’s been in all day and try my best to get my long hair to behave. Dani opts for a short skirt and a tank top that laces up the top half of the front, showing her hot pink bra under it. I stare at her, “You are going to freeze your ass off. It’s almost November.”

  She shrugs and picks up her coat, slipping it on, “I’ll be fine.”

  We walk to Hunter and Cam’s house and I know she’s freezing. Her bare legs are turning blue. That’s a lot to go through just for the quick lay she says she wants with Cam.

  When we get there, it reminds me of the party that Cam threw the first time I was at their house. There are people all over the place and I search the crowd for Hunter. I finally see him standing with Cam at the far edge of the living room. I walk over quickly and wrap my arms around his neck, not wanting another minute to make it official. Secretly telling all of these bitches staring at him to back off. I give his full lips a quick kiss and he stares down at me, my arms still around his neck. “Hey, you made it.”

  I can’t help the stupid, goofy grin on my face, staring up at my boyfriend and he doesn’t pull away from me. “Yep. I couldn’t wait to get here.”

  Cam clears his throat next to us, “Damn Little Monroe. You broke my heart. I always thought I would be the one you’d fall for.”

  Hunter eyes him, amused, not angry. “Shut up.”

  I let go of Hunter’s neck and move my body next to him instead. I watch as Cam’s eyes take in Dani. “Hey, Dani. You look good.”

  She beams, “Thanks. Wanna get me a drink?”

  He smirks at her and offers his arm, which she accepts and they go to get a drink. “They are totally having sex tonight.” I say.

  Hunter nods his head, “Yep.”

  At least Vanessa isn’t here to see it this time. “So, how long do we have to stay out here, before we can go to your room?”

  He laughs at my eagerness. I can’t help it. I’m dying to be with him again. “I think we’ve been out here long enough.”

  He takes my hand and leads me down the hall to his room. When we get inside he locks the door behind him and I look around. His bed is perfectly made, just like the last time I was here. My face flushes at the thought of that night. I was desperate for him. Turns out he felt the same way.

  He pulls my body to his, with his firm hands on my hips. His mouth hovering over mine, “I missed you today.”

  “You have no idea how hard I tried to get Dani to get ready faster. She’s way too slow.”

  I slip my hoodie off and throw it on the floor. His lips find mine and I’m blown away how one kiss can set my entire body on fire. I want him so bad. My hands quickly go to the hem of his t-shirt before I lift it up and over his head, whirling it to the floor. I take a second to admire his sexy torso before moving my lips back to his.

  We make our way to his bed, clothes flying in a frenzy. Both desperate to be together again. When we are both totally naked and standing before each other, I scoot onto his bed, pulling him with me.

  His body hovers over mine as I slide all the way up so my head is on his pillow. I kiss him, clinging onto his body and moan softly when I feel his mouth makes its way slowly down my body. He takes his time nipping at my neck and over the tops of my breasts. I gasp when his hot mouth covers my nipple, swirling his tongue around it.

  He’s acting like we have all of the time in the world and I love it. His mouth dips lower and trails down my belly, over my tattoo on my hip and my heart pounds as he moves lower.

  I think back to that game of ‘Never Have I Ever’ and how I had thought about what this would be like with him. My thoughts stop as his tongue slips between my folds slowly and my hands automatically move to grip his thick hair. An electric shock running through my entire body when he moves to my clit, gently sucking and licking. I’ve never experienced anything like this. His mouth continues to explore me and my freshly painted fingernails dig into his scalp.

  It doesn’t take long before my body tenses and my thighs grip him as my hips buck up with the most intense orgasm I’ve ever had in my life. Holy shit. Hunter takes his time using his tongue to trail back up my body before reaching my lips again.

  This is Hunter after a year of no sex, when he should be a little rusty. Damn if this is him rusty I don’t know if I can even handle him ‘warmed up’.

  He pulls out a condom from his bedside table. I smile when I see the box was previously unopened. He slips it on and I want to tell him that I’ve been on the pill for a while and have been tested. I know he’s clean, but I know that would probably warrant a longer conversation and right now I want nothing more than him inside of me.

  I get my wish as he slowly pushes inside of me and we groan together at the incredible sensation.

  It doesn’t take long for either of us to finish, both still excited from him going down on me. I grip his shoulders tightly as I come for the second time and he follows right after me, before collapsing on top of my naked body.

  I could lie like this forever.

  He slowly gets up and goes into his bathroom, disposing of the condom and then comes back to the bed. Not bothering to get dressed, he lays next to me and I curl up to him. I swirl my fingers over his chest, “Where is your game next weekend?”

  I’m making lazy conversation. It’s so easy with Hunter. He answers right away instead of huffing and calling me clingy like Brent would have. “Norman, Oklahoma.”

  My head turns to look up at him, “Your hometown?”

  He nods, “Yeah.”

  It’s Halloween weekend so we will just have to celebrate together next year. I may go home and trick or treat with Gabby. It’ll probably be her last year going out. “Are your parents going to be there?”

  I get the sense that he’s not very close to his family. Hard for me to imagine. “Nah, they aren’t huge football fans. I might stop by their house for a bit, but I’m staying at the hotel with the rest of the team.”

  I nod my head, going back to tracing the ridges of his abs. That thought saddens me for him. He will be in town, but it doesn’t sound like he has substantial plans with his family.

  That’s fine. My family loves adopting new people. He’s pretty much a part of it already.

  Chapter 31


  We won. It was a hell of a battle, but we came out on top. I walk down the line, doing the traditional handshake and telling the other team, “Good game.”

  I reach my hand out and then see familiar eyes through the red helmet in front of me. I quickly shake T.J’s hand and then pull my hand away. We’ve met like this before, but this time it different because he says, “Hunt, it’s Halloween. We are having a party out at the old barn. You should come.”

  I stand there frozen and irritated that he would even have the balls to say that, “No thanks.”

  “Come on, man. It’s been two years.”

  I ignore him and continue down the line. Why the hell would he think I would want to hang out? Crack open a couple of beers and watch as he has my ex tucked under his arm. I don’t give a shit about Miranda anymore, but that doesn’t mean I want to witness their relationship. On the other hand, I’m happier than I’ve ever been with Cassie, so in that sense maybe I owe him one.


  After a quick team meeting and a shower, we hop on the bus that takes us to the hotel. I haven’t seen my parents since I got here and I’m okay with that. When we get back to the hotel, Cam and I order a pizza in the room we are sharing. I’ve been texting with Cassie off and on since I got here.

  I can’t fucking wait to get back home to her.

  There’s a knock on the door at around nine and I hop off my bed to get it. When I open the door I instantly cringe at the sight before me. Miranda.

  She’s wearing a skimpy bunny costume, all dressed up for Halloween. “Hey, Hunt.”

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I ask her coldly with my arms folded over my chest.

  She presses her lower lip out, pouting. I can’t believe that shit used to work on me, “Come on, Hunter. It’s been over a year since you used me and ditched me at that party. Don’t you miss me even a little?”

  Nope. “What do you want, Miranda? I told you, I’m done.”

  “Well maybe I’m not. I miss you like crazy.”

  Irritation floods through me. I wish we were going back tonight. “And what the hell does your boyfriend think of that?”

  She gives me a look like I’m crazy. “Boyfriend? Do you mean T.J.? We never dated.”

  I roll my eyes, over this whole conversation. “Sorry, guess I was confused by the sight of his cock in your mouth.”

  I hear Cam laugh in the background and Miranda huffs. “That’s really nice.” She puts her right hand on her hip, pissed off. “You know I had my reasons for that.”

  “I’m sure you did. I just don’t care. Move on.”

  “Hunt.” I don’t wait anymore and close the door, careful not to slam it loudly. I don’t want anything to do with Miranda ever again.

  I walk back over to my bed and sit down on the edge. Cam looks over at me and whistles, “Damn, Thompson. That was harsh.” I glare over at him and he holds his hands up, “I mean she deserved it, but still. You’re pretty funny when you’re pissed.”

  Maybe I was an asshole. She just strikes a nerve with me. “Yeah, well I don’t know why the hell she would come here.”

  He shrugs, “Sounds like she wanted a piece and she’s pretty fucking hot. I would gladly go there for ya buddy.”

  I roll my eyes and lay back on the bed. “Go for it.”

  He laughs, “Nah, I’m good. So, you gonna tell Cassie about this?”

  I move my arm up to shield my eyes from the harsh light in the hotel. “Yeah, but when I get home.”

  “Whipped already. Didn’t take long.”

  I smirk, “It’s not a big deal, but we did say we were going to tell each other everything.”

  He gags, “You guys are going to be just like Luke and Hannah. You won’t be able to take a piss without telling her.”

  I laugh at his ridiculous comment. He can mock it all it he wants, but it’s what he had with Vanessa. I don’t point that out though.

  He waits a little bit and then asks, “So when you gonna tell Luke?”

  “I’m not sure. Soon. He’s just been really busy lately and he’s in Manhattan today, but we’re here.”

  “So tell him tomorrow.”

  “I don’t think he will still be there when we get back.”


  I lower my arm and look over at him, “I want to tell him asshole. I just want to do it in person.”

  He sits up straighter on his bed. “How about Thanksgiving?”

  I raise an eyebrow over at him. “Thanksgiving?”

  He nods and looks a
little excited, “Yeah. We’ve been invited to the Monroe Thanksgiving since we met Luke. I’m thinking about going this year since my parents aren’t going to be in the country anyway. You should go too. Take the long weekend to tell him and it’s not that far away.”

  It would be a good time to tell him. I swallow the nerves. It won’t be easy. “Yeah, I’ll have to ask Cass what she thinks about it.”

  He makes a whipping noise and we both laugh.

  The next afternoon we arrive back in Manhattan and Cam and I drive to our house. I’m exhausted from the weekend, but decide to drop Cam off and drive to Cassie’s dorm.

  I knock on her door, itching to see her. It’s only been two days, but damn if I can’t stop from being excited before she finally answers the door. She’s just as happy to see me judging by the way she leaps into my arms, kissing my lips and wrapping her arms around my neck.

  I scoop her up and she wraps her long legs around me as she plants little kisses all over my face. “I’ve missed you.”

  “Jesus Cassie, he didn’t just come back from war.” I hear Dani’s voice and laugh, giving Cassie another quick kiss on the lips before gently placing her feet back on the floor.

  “Hey, Dani.”

  She gathers the books in front of her on the bed and stands up, walking past us, “Hey. I’ll give you guys some time alone.”

  She’s smiling as she leaves and Cassie thanks her before closing the door before jumping me again.

  We don’t know exactly when Dani will be back so we don’t waste any time stripping our clothes off and hopping in her bed. This last week together has been a lot of this and a lot of talking and texting. I prefer hanging out at my place just because I can take my time with her, but the frenzy isn’t bad either.

  When we are finished, her head lies on my bare chest, with her small hand entangled in mine. “It’s ridiculous how much I missed you this weekend,” she sighs.

  “I know what you mean. I missed you too. Did you have fun with Gabby though?”

  She smiles, “I did. We got a shitload of candy.”


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