The Professor's Pet_The Office Hours Series

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The Professor's Pet_The Office Hours Series Page 1

by Riley Love

  The Professor’s Pet

  The Office Hours Series

  Riley Love

  Alexandria Hunt


  About the Book

  1. Sabrina

  2. Adam

  3. Sabrina

  4. Adam

  5. Sabrina

  6. Adam

  7. Sabrina

  8. Adam

  9. Sabrina

  10. Adam

  11. Sabrina

  12. Adam

  13. Sabrina

  Sneak Peeks and Excerpts

  Copyright © 2018 by Riley Love

  The Professor’s Pet

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product(s) of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, businesses, companies, events, or locales is entirely coincidental, or meant to lend credibility and authenticity to the story. The use of brand names and locations should not be read as an endorsement of this author’s work.

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  About the Book

  My first day of college should have been an exciting time for me, instead it ended with me falling right into the arms of my dead sexy Professor and in bed with a concussion.

  Luckily Adam is there to help me recover, and he’s there to kiss my hurts away.

  And best of all, Adam is there to bring me out of my shell and introduce me to the world of erotic pleasure and best of all, true love.

  ***WARNING*** This is a romance but it has insta-love, filthy talk and dirty sex which means it’s best left for those 18+.

  If you like it quick and dirty, this story is for you!


  My first day of class had been a disaster.

  An epic disaster.

  Seriously, like I didn’t know how I was ever going to go back to school, let alone my economics class in the morning kind of disaster.

  My best friend, Ricky, and I had tried our best to enroll in all the same classes at college, but it turned out she was all science and I was all humanities. The one class we did manage to share was economics 101.

  My cheeks are bright red even now when I think about it.

  So it started out okay, we found our spot in the back and opened our laptops, ready to take notes.

  When the professor walked in, we both just about died. Like total heart attack, right then and there.

  He was seriously hot. Tall, leanly muscled, like a runner or a swimmer, not like a gym rat or a frat boy. He had classic looks, a strong square jawline with light stubble, dark thick hair, and these incredible piercing dark brown eyes that just about made me pass out when they locked on mine.

  And that was the crazy thing, he really noticed me, not Ricky. I wasn’t suffering any delusions, I knew I wasn’t the hot friend out of the two of us. She was a tall, willowy blonde whereas I was shorter, curvier and mousier.

  I had dirty blonde hair, wore dark glasses, and had always dreamed of being a librarian.

  I know, laugh as much as you want, but I love books and I love the idea of working with them. I didn’t have many dreams beyond becoming a frumpy cat lady, sipping tea and shelving books for the rest of my life.

  Anyhow, so the hot prof staring at me was completely unexpected and unnerving and Ricky was immediately annoyed by it. I could sense her tension, feel her body stiffen up in irritation at the apparent turn of the tables that was going on at the moment.

  And I couldn’t explain it, I didn’t know why the professor had a thing for busty curvy girls instead of modelesque girls like Ricky, and I couldn’t explain why my body reacted like it did, but it happened and it all led to the worst moment of my life.

  I made it through the class okay, it turned out he was the assistant professor to the department head and would be teaching us all semester. His name was Doctor Richards and he had the most incredible velvety deep voice that hypnotized me as he told us the class outline.

  Since it was less than an hour long the first day, before I knew it the class was gathering up their things and leaving.

  My legs were leaden though, and I felt like I was moving underwater as I closed my laptop and slid it into my backpack.

  “You want to grab something to eat before our next classes?” Ricky asked and I nodded yes, my mouth too dry to speak as I watched Dr. Richards at the front of the class organizing his briefcase. “You thirsty bitch,” Ricky snickered when she noticed where my attention was fixated.

  She stood and waved her hand at him. “Yoohoo, Mister Richards,” she called out and he snapped his head up to look at us.

  The final few students were milling about and my face flushed bright red at his attention.

  “Professor Richards,” he said, sounding slightly annoyed. “And yes, what is it?”

  His eyes darted to me and I once again couldn’t help but feel the weight of them on me.

  “If my friend here needs some extra help, where would she get it?”

  I wanted to shrink down and hide at her words, I wanted to die and crawl under the seat and disappear.

  Why was she so awful to me sometimes? She knew how shy I was to begin with, but to draw his attention and the attention of the twenty or so remaining students was unbelievable.

  “Do you need extra help?” he asked, his eyes piercing me like a hawk seeing a mouse in a field.

  “I’m fine!” I managed to squeak out as my classmates snickered to each other.

  I stood up, slung my pack over my back and stepped past Ricky onto the stairs of the lecture hall. I intended to rush straight up to the exit and disappear before anything else could happen, but of course with a klutz like me, that wasn’t my fate.

  I don’t know if Ricky did it on purpose or if it was an accident, but her foot snaked out and caught my ankle, twisting it as I stepped out, forcing me to overcorrect and lose my balance.

  I found myself tumbling down the entire set of stairs in the middle of the lecture hall, past the shocked and disgusted glances of my classmates, and right into the arms of Professor Richards.

  Before I had a chance to apologize or protest or tell him I was fine, the lights faded, the room spun and everything went black.

  So I ended up in the university clinic, Professor Richards and Ricky outside waiting for the doctor to finish his assessment, while I’m plotting my escape.

  There is no way I can go back to Economics 101 after this, I would rather die than see his gorgeous face again, and I would rather drop out of school than handle this epic failure in front of my classmates.

  What a disaster.

  And yet…the way he’d looked at me just before I’d fainted.

  That look, concern but also a smoldering desire…that look made me feel funny inside and melted my frozen resolve.

  He might be worth facing all those people if only to see him again.


  I was kind of a douche bag, I knew this. I spent the first day of classes in each semester scanning the students to assess the girls based on their bangability.

  Yeah, I was a little bit of a pig, but I was proud of it and just out for a good time.

  I wasn’t as bad as some of the guys I knew on campus, like that dog Troy, and I wasn’t as stuck up and boring as my buddy, Lock, but I was somewhere in the mi

  My family was well off, but in spite of what people thought, I did have to work for what I’d earned. And I was good looking in that classic way that made young women weak in the knees and practically beg me to bed them.

  I wasn’t necessarily looking for love, but I wouldn’t run from it if it found me. So I wasn’t like some of the older confirmed bachelors I know, like my mentor, Professor Raymond Wild.

  I was always a little of this and a little of that, and perfectly content with the way my life was going.

  I wasn’t content teaching a lower level Economics course though, but Raymond had kind of strong armed me into it and I did owe him one for all the help he’d given me over the years.

  Besides, it would be fun to see the smoking hot next group of students so I could hand pick a couple to fool around with by the time they were grad students.

  I did the usual half interested, half focused scan and was about to write the class off as full of the usual desperate for attention types, when one girl caught my eye.

  She was stunning.

  She had darker hair, it was thick and wavy and fell down her back like a waterfall. She brushed it back when she turned her head to laugh with her friend sitting next to her, and I caught a glimpse of her white, smooth neck and the swell of her huge breasts over her blouse.

  And her laugh, it was light and tinkled over the air towards me like music floating in the room, but most of all it sounded genuine.

  She was one of those rare beauties who didn’t seem to know how beautiful she was, and that was worth more than a hundred of the typical insecure types like her skinny dyed blonde friend with her fake tan and pink lips.

  I ran through the class outline and stood behind the lectern the entire time, afraid if I walked out from behind it, the interest I had in the beauty near the back would be apparent in my constant hard on.

  I was more than annoyed that her friend decided to make a big deal and catch my attention, I could tell she wanted to humiliate the beauty and all I wanted to do was rush back to my office and jerk myself off in private to alleviate the tension that was gripping me like an iron vise.

  Then I saw her friend deliberately trip her, watched almost in slow motion as the beauty tumbled down the stairs, and hard on or not, I had to run to her to help her when she landed.

  She was a little out of it by the time I got there, so I did the only thing I could think of. I picked her up in my arms, she clung to me and all I wanted to do was protect her, keep her safe from harm.

  I carried her to the medical clinic on campus, I was so angry at her friend that I could barely speak to her, let alone make small talk as she attempted to flirt with me and disparage my beauty the entire time.

  “Oh, Sabrina is such a klutz,” she started in almost immediately and began to tell me one time where beautiful Sabrina had fallen off her horse at summer camp.

  I’d had enough. Ten minutes of this girl’s desperate attention seeking behavior and I’d had enough.

  “I don’t care,” I growled and hunched over in my chair, waiting to make sure Sabrina was okay. “She could have fallen off a thousand horses and she’d still leave you in the dust. But that’s what bothers you, isn’t it?”

  “What do you mean?” the bitchy friend replied, aghast.

  “She’s stunning and you’re not. I get it, you’re used to all the stupid boys running after you and ignoring her, but welcome to her world now. She’s the one who is utter perfection and you will always be the girl who tries too hard…so if I ever see you stick your foot out to harm her, or use your words to humiliate her again, I will make certain you fail every single one of your classes. Do you understand?”

  Her mouth gaped open and she nodded wordlessly.

  “Good. If Sabrina wants to be your friend, you should be grateful for her kindness and leave it at that.”

  She nodded again, hunched even lower than me, pulled out her phone and spent the rest of the time ignoring me in blissful silence.

  I didn’t have to wait long, the resident doctor came out, a guy I’d gone to school with, and said, “She’s ready to go home now.”

  The blonde friend jumped up but I glared at her and shot down any ideas she had of taking Sabrina home on her own.

  “I’ll come see her,” I replied and stood up as the blonde friend sat down looking humbled.

  I followed the doctor, damn what was his name, back to the little curtained off examination room.

  He pulled the curtain back and stepped aside. Sabrina sat on the edge of a hospital bed looking utterly gorgeous and completely out of it.

  “What happened to her?” I asked, looking at the doctor as I put my arm around Sabrina’s shoulders.

  “She hit her head quite badly when she fell. She’s lucky, it didn’t break the skin but she’s got one heck of a bump and it rattled her brain around. She’ll need twenty four hours of monitoring. She can’t be alone.”

  “I’ll stay with her,” the blonde friend said from behind me and I felt my shoulders tense up in irritation. She was the reason Sabrina was here in the first place, like I trusted her to care for such a precious girl.

  “I’ll take her to my place,” I snapped and stood up, “I can get her to my car and watch over her tonight.”

  “She’s probably better off with her boyfriend,” the doctor said to the blonde friend.

  “He’s not—“

  I cut her off with a dark look and picked Sabrina up in my arms. She was a little groggy but was able to smile at me, put her hands around my neck and say, “I’m going with the professor.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take good care of you,” I said and we left the little clinic. The blonde friend trailed behind looking more irritated than concerned and it occurred to me again that she wasn’t used to Sabrina being the center of attention. Well, she’d have to get used to it around me, because I only had eyes for the beautiful girl I was carrying to my car, and eventually my bed.


  The doctor poked and prodded at my head until I yelled, “Ow, watch out!”

  “Sorry,” he replied and stepped back, frowning. “You might have a bit of a concussion, but you’ll be fine. You shouldn’t be alone tonight though, do you have somebody at home?”

  “I live alone,” I said, “but I could ask a friend…”

  I thought about Ricky who must be waiting for me, she could spend the night I was sure. I wondered if Professor Richards had left already and felt a little embarrassed twitch in my stomach at the thought of him hanging around until I could go.

  How awful, not only had he seen me fall down the steps in his lecture theatre, but he’d actually carried me over here. In his arms.

  But those arms, he was so strong and so self-assured, and the way he cradled me like I was something precious and delicate. Not the curvy, heavy, klutz that I was in real life.

  I heard footsteps and sat up on the bed, happy to get out of there. The curtain was pulled back, the doctor indicated where I was with a dramatic sweep of his hand, and when he stood to the side, Professor Richards appeared.

  I was feeling so much better, but the moment I saw him, I lost the ability to speak. I could barely focus on him, he was so gorgeous. His deep brown eyes were filled with concern, and his muscled body was taut with tension, and while he spoke to the doctor I had something crop up in the back of my mind.

  When I’d fallen and he’d rushed over to pick me up…he’d been hard.

  I looked down and blushed furiously, feeling as if I had a fever at that memory.

  He’d been watching me like a hawk though, not Ricky, so could I be the source of that thick ridge I’d felt when he’d lifted me into his arms?

  It couldn’t be, there was no way.

  The doctor said something and Professor Richards replied, then both men looked at me as if I was supposed to respond.

  I simply nodded and smiled, pretended to be more dazed than I was because the truth was unmentionable. What was I supposed to say? Tell
him I’d felt his rock hard boner and I wanted to see it next?

  He must have taken me being dumbstruck as me being sick from the tumble, because once it was decided that I would be going to his place, he picked me up and carried me out again, lumberjack style.

  I smirked at Ricky as we passed her, the look on her face was worth it. She was simply blown away that such a hot, brilliant, charming man could be interested in me and I couldn’t be more thrilled about it.

  I mean, I wasn’t expecting that it would last. At some point Professor Richards would recover from what surely must be his head trauma and come to his senses. Ricky was the woman most men wanted, and I would be relegated to the background again.

  Which was fine, it really was. I wasn’t used to this kind of attention and as much as I was enjoying it in the moment, there was a certain power to not being noticed. I enjoyed observing people from afar, and in spite of having a couple boyfriends in high school, I’d never even gotten close enough to somebody to have sex.

  The thought of doing that with a man like this…god, it made me blush red hot again and drop my eyes in embarrassment.

  “Are you okay? You might have a fever. Do you have a fever?” Professor Richards asked as we crossed the campus, me on display in front of the entire student body.

  “I’m fine, I’m sure,” I replied, mortified that I was losing control of where my thoughts were headed. That hard on though, it had been like a steel rod when I’d felt it…and it had been…massive. “You can just take me home, I’ll be okay.”

  “There’s no way, you heard the doctor,” he replied and kept walking. “You can’t be left alone.”


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