The Professor's Pet_The Office Hours Series

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The Professor's Pet_The Office Hours Series Page 2

by Riley Love

  “I said I’d watch her,” Ricky said from behind us. I hadn’t realized she was following and even that should have normally alarmed me. What did I think I was doing, getting a ride home with some guy I’d just met.

  He came to an abrupt halt, turned and shot her an icy glare that I was so grateful wasn’t directed at me. I shivered at the power behind it and he held me tighter. “You have already done enough. I saw you trip Sabrina, she wouldn’t even need overnight care if it wasn’t for you.”

  Ricky shrunk in the face of his accusation and I could see on her face that his words had hit their mark and been true. She had done it on purpose, the jealous bitch, and although it upset me it wasn’t out of character for her.

  “I’m sure I’ll be fine,” I told her, “Professor Richards is going to take me home and I’ll text you later.”

  “First of all, call me Adam,” he said and I was close enough now that I felt his deep voice rumble in his chest, “and secondly, you’re coming home with me. I won’t leave you alone tonight, Sabrina, doctor’s orders. Let me take care of you, it’s the least I could do after you almost broke your neck in my boring class.”

  I nodded at him, unable to protest or add anything to his declaration. I waved weakly at Ricky as we left her behind and tucked my face against Adam’s shirt to hide my satisfied grin.

  He knew my name, he carried me like he loved me, and he was going to take care of me for the night.

  If all I got with Adam was one night, that would be enough.

  More than enough, more than I’d ever expected.


  My place was nice by most people’s standards, but I could tell it was a little too much for Sabrina to take in.

  The little Audi TT I drove us home in was bad enough, but when we got off the elevator into the wide foyer of my thirty second floor apartment made her eyes widen with wonder.

  “I know, it’s a little too much,” I said, holding my hands out apologetically. “It was a gift from my grandparents. I wasn’t exactly going to turn it down.”

  “It’s amazing, and that view…you can see for miles,” she replied, looking past me to the floor to ceiling windows overlooking the city scape. “If it wasn’t family money I’d say they paid you too much at the college.”

  She flashed me a little smile that made my cock twitch, I loved a woman with sass and something told me Sabrina had it in spades.

  “They probably do,” I said and flashed my own smile. “Can I get you anything? Tea? Toast? Are you hungry?”

  Her smile widened and she said, “I am starving! I haven’t had anything to eat all day, I could eat the proverbial horse at this point.”

  I frowned and had to break it to her, I was a bachelor through and through. “Well unless you want protein powder or a lonely dried up apple, I’ll have to order us something. Is Japanese okay?”

  “It’s perfect,” she replied and we walked to my kitchen to flip through one of my many take out menus. She wobbled at one point, so I took her elbow in my hand and steadied her.

  It took everything I had to not grab her hard by the arms, twist her around and fuck her on my marble countertop right there.

  She was so utterly fuckable, more than any woman I’d met.

  We poured over the menu and chose our dishes, I sent the order in and watched her as I heated up the kettle for tea.

  She was looking out at the view again, a stray lock of hair had fallen across her face as she leaned forward on the stool at the kitchen island. She raised her delicate hand and brushed it back, licked her lips, and stole my heart.

  Or at the very least, my cock. It belonged to her, even though she didn’t know it yet.

  “I feel like Anastasia,” she said and smiled dreamily as I handed her a mug with steaming liquid.

  “You mean from one of the Russian classics?” I asked and poured my own.

  She blushed, a rose hew across her cheeks that highlighted the speckle of freckles that rested there. “No, I mean from the Fifty Shades series. I know, I know, it’s total trash but I loved it.”

  “I’ve never read it, clearly, but I’ve heard about it,” I replied, intrigued that she mentioned a book that was so into bondage from what I’d heard. That was one of my own secret passions, but I never seemed to stick with anyone long enough to get to that level of trust.

  There was a club downtown where I played, but it wasn’t as satisfying as finding a partner who would explore mutual limits with me. Somebody I could push, and hurt, and bring to the heights of pleasure, and then love and heal and bring them safely back to earth.

  “It’s got a bad reputation, yes there is sex, but it’s mostly about the love, you know?”

  She sipped her tea, pausing as the steam reached her face, droplets clinging to her eyelashes as if they were in love with her and never wanted to let her go. I envied them their touch. Her eyes fluttered open and she caught me staring at her.

  She blushed and swallowed her tea, smiled and said, “You must think I’m an idiot. I sound like a love struck kid. But seriously, it’s a good book.”

  “And there is sex,” I replied and winked, making her laugh and blush even harder.

  “Yes, there is that,” she replied.

  “Then I’m pleased that you feel like the main character,” I said, raising a single eyebrow, “we might be on the same page after all.”

  “You should probably read it before you say something like that,” she replied, dropping her eyes in such a sexy deferment that I once again fought the urge to take her right there.

  She had a concussion though, we’d just met, she was vulnerable and I was behaving like a predator ready to take advantage of her.

  And yet I couldn’t help it. She was just so unbelievably attractive to me, if she was a drug, I was an instant addict.

  “I know a little about it,” I chuckled and leaned across the island in front of her, watching her sip her tea and glance at me from under her thick eyelashes.

  “You do?” she asked and snapped her eyelids open to look at me. “I’m sure you’ve heard about the dirty thing, the bondage stuff, right?”

  “Yes, I have,” I replied slowly and reached out, tracing my finger along her forearm. The little fine hairs on her arm prickled and stood on end and she drew in a sharp gasp. “That’s the part that interests me. The love story, yes, but those are a dime a dozen. The other stuff though? It’s intriguing.”

  I saw her take a long, shuddering breath. Her breasts swelled as she held it, thought about it and exhaled. She opened her mouth as if to say something significant, but the intercom to the main lobby rang at that moment, interrupting both of us.

  “Is that dinner?” she asked, her face brightening as if grateful for the break in the thread of conversation that was going to lead us places we might not be ready for.

  “It is,” I smiled, stood, grabbed my wallet and walked to the wall phone. I picked it up, instructed the doorman to bring the delivery up, and waited for the inevitable knock on the door.

  “This is fancy,” Sabrina said and walked to my side, “at my place I have to run down two flights of stairs to let the guy in. The intercom doesn’t work and the elevator has been broken for months now.”

  That would explain her taut ass, I thought. Stairs did wonders to a woman’s body. “Think of it as a free work out,” I said with a wink.

  “That’s true, it’s not like I can drop a bundle on a gym membership…not with the outrageous amount your college charges for tuition.”

  “They’ve got to keep us professors in our fancy apartments with working elevators, buying sushi whenever we feel like it,” I replied and had the sudden urge to kiss her neck and make her laugh.

  I wanted to make her laugh, her smile was catchy and her laugh was addictive.

  The knock at the door came, broke my train of thought again, and I got our dinner. Sabrina asked where the plates were when I unpacked the food and it felt…familiar. It felt domestic. Like Sabrina belonged here with m
e, in my kitchen, sharing my food and my life.

  I watched her gently pick at the delicate morsels of fish and seaweed and my stomach flip flopped at the thoughts that were drifting through my head.

  God damn, I wanted her.

  More than her body, I wanted her.

  And I didn’t quite know what to do with that information, but I was going to have an incredible time finding out.


  It all felt like a dream, some bizarre and crazy dream that I would wake from at any time.

  I would find myself alone in my little bed in my bachelor apartment, my scratchy sheets and my cold floors.

  But I didn’t wake up, and it wasn’t a dream. It was all happening, I was sitting in Adam’s amazing apartment overlooking the entire city eating sushi and talking about my past like we were on a date.

  It felt like a date though, not me being a complete idiot falling down and almost breaking my head open in front of such a beautiful, sexy man.

  I still inwardly cringed every time I thought about what I’d done, and anger over Ricky’s deliberate attempt to make me look like an ass.

  “Would you like some more salmon sashimi?” Adam asked me as I eyeballed the last piece.

  “I would love it, as long as you aren’t going to object,” I replied.

  “Not at all, here, let me get it for you.”

  He seized it between the fine tips of the chopsticks and held it up for me. I was going to grab it with mine, but before I could lift my hand, he held the piece of fish to my mouth.

  I felt a little embarrassed to be singled out for him to watch me eat, but I decided to throw caution to the wind and be as sensual as possible. I opened my mouth, let him place it on my tongue, licked it slowly and closed my lips around it.

  I felt foolish, it wasn’t something I normally would do, but it got the desired effect. Adam looked a little stunned and if I shifted a little to the left, I could sneak a peek at his thigh and took note of the thick ridge I could see there.

  I smiled at him after I swallowed and said, “Delicious. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied, swallowing hard himself. “I appreciate a woman with an appetite, there’s nothing sexier.”

  “I’m afraid that’s all I can handle,” I said, dropping my own chopsticks. “The rest is yours.”

  I sipped another cup of hot tea and watched him eat, feeling my own arousal growing as he opened his mouth, used his full, kissable lips, and imagined what his tongue would feel like on mine.

  The way he ate that sushi made me think he would be good at eating…other things. Like me.

  I could really get into this, sushi porn, watching Adam eat. It was a little nuts, and it might have been the head injury, but it was most likely my raging hormones.

  But man, his lips, no wonder the hormones were raging.

  “You’re sure you don’t want any more?” he asked, giving me a slightly confused look. “You still look hungry.”

  How could I tell him I was hungry for his touch, the weight of him on my body, his muscled arms around me?

  How could I tell him I was thirsty, and he looked like a cool well on a hot day?

  “I’m fine, I promise,” I replied and flashed him a grin I hoped conveyed how completely casual and laid back and fine I was with everything. Which was false, of course, inside I was going crazy with lust and dirty thoughts and everything I’d love to do with Adam.

  He finished up and we settled into his living room, he put on some low music and I fell under his spell, listening to him talk about his life.

  “So you really are a spoiled rich kid,” I said at one point after he told me about summers in Europe and private boarding schools throughout his life.

  “I guess I have to admit it,” he chuckled, looking down as if he was embarrassed by a life of privilege.

  “My family is firmly ensconced in the upper middle class,” I said, “no private schools or vacations, but my parents do well enough.”

  “I don’t want you to think of me like some kind of arrogant frat boy though,” he said, leaning towards me on the low, leather sofa. “I grew up knowing I was privileged, but it never went to my head.”

  “So you weren’t a horny dog in college?” I asked, raising my eyebrows in disbelief.

  “Yeah, okay, you’ve got me there,” he said, laughing and holding his hands up. “I do have a thing for attractive women, I can’t lie.”

  I wanted to ask him if he thought of me as attractive, or if he had a thing for me, but I didn’t know how to put my desires into words.

  He leaned closer, looked deeply into my eyes, and opened his mouth slightly. “Are you okay? Your pupils look dilated.”

  “I feel good,” I replied, but he jumped up and moved next to me on the sofa, pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight. He shone it in my eyes and concern masked his face.

  “You look fine from here, it must have been the light,” he said, his face so close to mine that I could smell his musky, masculine scent and see the dark stubble along his strong jawline.

  He flicked off the phone and we were plunged back into the faded light of his living room. It was so quiet I swore I could hear my own heart beat and the flow of blood in my veins, hot and ready to give into my desire for Adam.

  Without warning, he reached up and put his hand on my shoulder, slid it around to the back of my neck and held me there, locked by his gaze like I was stuck in a trap and couldn’t possibly get away.

  As if in slow motion, he pulled me closer and his mouth crashed into mine. I had expected our first kiss to be gentle, more of a build-up maybe, or perhaps I didn’t know what to expect.

  But our first kiss was pure, raw, animal passion. It was if the moment our lips touched, we lost control of the tension that had been growing inside of us al day. We lost ourselves in it, and there was nothing we could do.

  I was pulled under the tidal wave of sensation as his tongue swept around mine, slick and hot, needing me as much as I needed him.

  I raised my hands and ran them across his broad chest, marveled at the hard muscles straining against the fabric of his shirt.

  He wrapped his arms around me, we didn’t break apart, and he pulled me onto his lap. I straddled him, rocking my hips against his, and gasped as I felt that thick shaft that I had glanced under the table.

  He made the sexiest noise as we fell deeper into it, a deep growl in the back of his throat, my body’s reaction was immediate…I felt heat flood my core, making it feel as if I was turning to molten lava from the waist down.

  “Oh Adam,” I breathed into his mouth. He responded by pulling me down harder onto him and grinding his thick cock against me.

  I gasped again as it hit my pussy, prodding through our clothing, but finding that sweet spot that drove me wild.

  He stopped, pulled back and looked at me. “Did I hurt you? Shit, I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

  “Done what? Kissed me? God no, that didn’t hurt.”

  “You should be resting, not being attacked by a horny frat dude,” he said, a smile playing on his lips. “Although I can assure you this wasn’t my intention when bringing you here.”

  “What was your intention?” I asked, my own smile dancing on the curve of my mouth.

  “It was to care for you, learn about you, and eventually get to this point,” he replied, his hands still firmly around my body and my pussy still burning hot against his dick.

  “Are you sure it wasn’t this?” I asked, my smile turning to intent as I slid along that shaft, craving it inside of me, needing him to take me and ravage me.

  I had some unspoken desire that was welling up inside of me, maybe it was the apartment or the fact that he was my professor, but I wanted him to be more forceful. I appreciated the fact that he was being gentle, considering the fall I’d had earlier, but I wanted to be swept up in his feral passion.

  “It wasn’t, but it is now,” he said, his voice like a man in pain. “I want�
�fuck, Sabrina, I want you. From the moment I saw you up there in class, I wanted your hot cunt tight around my cock.”

  “Then take it, Professor Richards,” I said into his ear, “take what’s yours.”


  She said the words that broke the dam and gave me permission to give into everything that had been building up inside of me since this morning when I’d seen her for the first time.

  Take her. She was mine.

  We both knew it, our bodies knew it before our minds caught up, but now we knew.

  She was mine, mine to claim.

  “Fuck, baby girl,” I moaned and kissed her throat. I felt her pulse there, rapid and steady, a drum beat pulling me in.

  I kissed her down her neck, across her collarbone, along her chest to the top of her shirt. I played with the edge of it, unbuttoned the top and opened it, kissed down and repeated it with the next button.

  She sighed and arched herself back, thrusting her breasts out towards me in her desire. I kissed her again and tugged at her bra. I reached around and undid the clasp on the back, she shrugged out of her shirt and her bra hung over her gorgeous breasts, the last thing keeping my mouth off her puckered nipples.

  “Take it off,” I ordered and loved the way her eyes widened, but she obeyed and let the bra fall at last.

  I dove in, taking one of her full, firm breasts in my hand and the other in my mouth. Her nipple pebbled under my fingers, the other under the slick ministrations of my tongue. I gently nipped at it with my teeth, drawing a sharp gasp from her that had an instantaneous effect on my cock.

  I didn’t think it could have gotten harder, it was so rigid that it hurt, it ached to feel her from the inside.

  I could only imagine how good she’d feel, her tight, hot, velvety cunt clenching around me, milking my balls, draining me of everything I could give.

  I wanted to ravage her, slam into her fast and hard, pound her from behind and slap her ass until I filled her cunt and left her dripping with my seed.


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