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Gregor's Run: The Universe is too Small to Hide

Page 20

by Saxon Andrew

  Gregor walked out of the tavern and headed toward the small shuttle. Just before he moved on board, the Arepian stepped up behind him and said, “Where are you going? You should stay here a little longer.” Gregor turned around and the Arepian lifted his jacket and revealed a blaster with his hand on it. Gregor sighed and the Arepian’s head hit the ground as Gregor climbed into the shuttle and put the sword back in its scabbard. He looked at M’s entrance and saw a strange looking alien inside the front entrance staring at him. He lifted and flew away before the alien could report him. A few minutes later the security guards arrived at the scene and found another decapitation. They kept the crowd back and put a blanket over the body. This was bad for business.

  • • •

  Gregor flew the shuttle to the ship and it left orbit immediately. He didn’t like what he was thinking. One of Bellingham’s own was a leader in the Movement. He had to discuss this with the Clan Leader. But first, the Dragons.

  The ship cleared Jester’s traffic jurisdiction and accelerated away on the filament. He turned and looked at the scanner monitor and saw there were at least two hundred ships moving in and away from Jester. He realized they would have to move far enough away from the filament so the coming confrontation wasn’t witnessed. He glanced at the bottom of the monitor and saw that the scanner being used by Jester’s Space Authority was still detecting his ship, but it was growing weaker. He started to contact Kaylee but decided it was risky to send a communication that might be compromised. He sat back in his chair and stared out of the viewport at the filament. It was really beautiful and so critical to survival. He hoped his faith in the force field was not unfounded. He continued to watch the monitor and forced himself to be patient. The Dragons were coming and he also hoped Kaylee could shut down their reactors. So many unknowns for them to be putting their lives on the line. He’d see soon if he shouldn’t have taken the risks.

  Chapter Fourteen

  The Monarch knew he was running out of time; the Queen was starting to show impatience at no progress being made on determining what danger the humans represented. He understood why; Females of his species were very protective and her instincts were starting to overrule her emotions for him. He saw her staring at him and knew his time was limited before she killed him. He turned quickly as he sensed a messenger come running into the throne room behind him, “Majesties, we’ve received numerous reports that the Human Target has returned to Jester.”

  The Monarch jumped off the throne to his feet, “Where are our closest warships to Jester?”

  “We have three warships five hours away from Jester in the Cruiset Star System, Majesty.”

  “Dispatch them at once and send three more to follow them.”

  “The other warships will arrive three hours later.”

  “I don’t care!! Get them moving!!” the Monarch commanded.

  The Queen coiled her long tail around her feet on her throne and smiled, “It appears you were right about the Target showing back up.”

  “Thank you, Majesty. We have to get there before the Target can escape.”

  “Won’t it take the Target three hours to arrive at the first intersection on the Jester Filament? Our ships will arrive there first if it was on the planet.” The Monarch was impressed that she knew about the distance and time for it to arrive. The Queen smiled, “Don’t look shocked, I know more than you think.”

  The Male Dragon smiled, “Even I was unaware of the time, Majesty. You have truly impressed me.” The Queen batted her eyes and the Monarch looked at the ever-present Aide lying at the foot of his throne, “Put me in contact with the three ships going to Jester!” The Aide crawled over to its console and began pressing buttons. The Monarch waited and prayed they caught the target this time or his life was over.

  • • •

  Kaylee sat in her command chair eating a sandwich and staring at the scanner monitor. She saw something suddenly appear at the distant intersection and heard her computer announce, “I have three ships traveling at high boost coming off the Cruiset Filament and entering the Jester Filament.”

  “That has to be the Dragon Warships. Get us moving toward the meeting coordinates.”

  “Gregor is already there waiting for our arrival.”


  “It appears he determined that he was spotted by multiple Dragon Spies and he had to kill one in order to make his escape.”

  Kaylee’s head went back, “How did he do that?”

  “It was an Arepian that had a blaster; Gregor removed his head before he could pull it.”

  “Copy cat!!”

  “We’ll arrive two hours ahead of the Dragons.” Kaylee nodded and stared at the monitor; those warships were moving fast. “Gregor says they’ll be slowing down so as not to miss scanning his ship on the outward flow of the filament.” Kaylee looked at the monitor and the three ships traveling at high boost suddenly slowed.

  She looked up and rolled her eyes, “I guess you’re right about his strategic skills. Is he ever wrong?”

  “Emmett is dead,” the computer replied. Kaylee suddenly realized that Gregor carried a lot of guilt at not recognizing the danger of staying to have dinner. That explained a lot about why he let himself go afterwards.

  • • •

  Forty five minutes later, the computer said, “Gregor has sent me a recording from his link of a conversation he had with a woman in the tavern.”

  “Put it on my monitor.”

  Kaylee saw the woman approach Gregor and immediately recognized her. “THAT’S THE WOMAN THAT WAS WITH SAM!!”

  “Yes it is.”

  Kaylee’s face turned red and her lips tightened as she watched the woman move in close to Gregor and kiss him. She didn’t hear anything being said as her anger rose. They arrived at Gregor’s ship and he appeared on her panel’s display, “It’s good to see you. We need to get ready to meet those warships.”

  “I’m surprised you’re here and not in that Woman’s room!!” Kaylee said in a scathing tone.

  Gregor’s head went back and he said, “What?”

  “That floozy was with Sam. You and she made a pretty picture!!”

  Gregor tilted his head and said, “Are you jealous or something?”

  “Just shut up and let’s get on with it.”

  “Did you listen to anything that was said, Kaylee?” Kaylee stared at him fuming and Gregor said, “I’m shutting down this conversation and you can contact me after you hear what was said.”

  The display went dark and Kaylee’s anger approached rage, “That tramp!!”

  “Are you referring to Gregor or the woman?” her computer asked.


  “Do as he asked and this time listen to what was said. I also want you to notice that he used her to get himself noticed. I’ll wait for you to finish.”

  Kaylee started the recording over and detested the woman. Not only was she beautiful but she knew how to flaunt her body. She watched Gregor order her a drink and heard her tell him about Sam’s death; that’s when he ordered her another drink. She also saw that he told her his name in a louder than normal voice that caused the Arepian seated next to them to change color. By the end of the conversation she saw that the woman was all over Gregor but he did not respond in kind; he was a gentleman and treated her with respect she didn’t deserve. She flinched when she heard that Sam’s real name was Trent.

  The recording ended and Kaylee sighed heavily, “I’ve been stupid.”

  “Yes, you have.”

  “Shut up, Computer!” Kaylee closed her eyes and pressed her communicator’s button. Gregor appeared and Kaylee said, “I apologize for overreacting. That was the woman Sam said he wished I was more like. She’s a sore point with me.”

  “She’s just trying to get by, Kaylee, using whatever tools she has. However, this revealed a real problem for us.”

  Kaylee’s eyes narrowed and she tilted her head as she asked, “What problem?”

“You didn’t recognize the name she said was a high leader in the Movement.”

  “Grahame O’Connor? How did you know that name, I’ve never heard it?”

  “The Clan Leader told me that an older warrior left Bellingham for Earth years ago and his name was Grahame O’Connor.”


  “It appears that he is behind sending the Orange Robed Traders to barter for the children they took and he knew exactly what to send to get the Clans to accept his offer. He knew the seeds were something they would find impossible to resist.”

  “He’s from Bellingham?”

  “Yes, Kaylee, and he knows where all the Clans are located. He knows where to send the Movements forces to attack them.”

  Kaylee tried to stop herself but couldn’t do it, “So that kiss on the cheek was to thank her for the information?”

  Gregor stared at her and said very deliberately, “That woman doesn’t have a deceptive bone in her body. She’s alone on Jester and struggles to find some substance in life. That kiss on the cheek was my way of telling her that I hope she finds happiness. I was also appreciative of her telling me what she knew.”

  Kaylee stared at Gregor and lowered her head, “What do we do now?”

  “I’m going to communicate with the Dragons as they approach our position to make sure they don’t overrun us. They’ll have to leave the filament and start moving our way and I want you to shut down their reactors at the earliest possible moment. We’ll follow them into normal space if you can pull it off.”

  “And if I can’t?”

  “We’ll activate our force fields and take out two of the ships and threaten the third with destruction if it attempts to flee.”

  “I doubt you’ll have to communicate with them, Gregor.”

  “Why do you say that, Computer?”

  “They’re scanning both sides of the filament as they move toward Jester as well as the areas outside the filament. They’ll see us easily enough.”

  Gregor thought for a moment and then said, “As soon as they leave the filament, start boosting away so that we’ll be outside the scanning range of any ship traveling the Filament. Kaylee, I want you to move your ship directly in front of my ship and I’ll move in directly behind you and close to your thrusters. That will make it appear that there is only one ship.”

  “Why do you want to do that?”

  “I’m reasonably certain more Dragon Warships are on the way and I don’t want them to wait at the filament for them to arrive. They’ll probably come after me if they only see one ship.”

  “They’ll see two as soon as we start boosting away from the Filament.”

  “Yes, but they’ll be committed at that point and I don’t see Dragons being able to show restraint. They’re known for their lack of patience.”

  Kaylee nodded and moved the ship facing toward the filament as Gregor moved in directly behind her.

  • • •

  “Master, I’m picking up a single ship far off the filament.”

  “Show me!” The fuzzy image appeared on the ship commander’s display and he asked, “How does this match up to the Target’s ship?”

  “It’s the right size and the energy reading matches.”

  The Master smiled. The Target must have thought it had moved outside his vessel’s scanning range. “Notify the follow up vessels of our location and tell them we’re going to confront the Target.”

  The Scanner Operator looked at him, “Should we wait for them to arrive?”

  “Are there any vessels within our scanning range moving on the filament that matches the Target’s Vessel?”

  “No, there is not.”

  “So even if this is not the Target, we can get back before any other ships can pass us?” The Scanner Operator looked at his console and then flicked his tongue showing agreement. The Master spoke into his communicator, “Fall in line, we’ll approach the Target in formation.”

  “Should we open fire to disable the ship as we approach, Master?”

  The Sensor Operator looked up and quickly said, “If we do, we’ll probably kill the target; his vessel has its bow pointed directly at us.”

  “NO!! YOU WILL HOLD YOUR FIRE UNLESS YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN YOU CAN DISABLE THE SHIP WITHOUT HARMING THE TARGET! We’re all dead if we don’t bring that human back to the Monarch for questioning!”

  • • •

  “Here they come, Gregor!!”

  “Kaylee, how certain are you that you can shut down their reactors?”

  “I’m pretty sure, especially if they move close.”

  “I’m changing the plan.”


  “We’re going to remain where we are and not allow them to see there are two ships instead of one. If you can shut down their reactors, they’ll pop out of under space and no one on the filament will be able to scan what’s happening in normal space. As soon as they disappear, we’ll shut down our star drives and you’ll monitor them and keep their reactors offline.” Kaylee was silent and after a few moments Gregor asked, “Can you do it or not?”

  Kaylee sighed, “I’m starting to see their relays in my mind now. If they move any closer, I really believe I can do it.”

  “They won’t fire on us.”

  “And just how do you know that, Gregor?”

  “They want me for questioning. As long as we keep your bow pointed toward them, they won’t fire.” Kaylee nodded and stared at the approaching Dragon Warships.

  • • •

  “Master, I’m getting some confusing reading from that ship.” The Master turned in his chair and looked at the Scanner Operator. “I’m receiving a frequency reading that matched the Target’s Ship but I’m also getting another reading that’s different. The mass scanner is also showing double the mass.”

  The Master’s ears flared out and he reached for his communicator button to order a halt to their advance, when suddenly, all the lights on the warship’s bridge went out and emergency power came on.

  • • •

  Gregor watched the three Dragon Warships moving toward them and admired how beautiful they were. These ships made no pretenses at being built to haul freight; their lines were smooth and purposeful. He had to admit that they had to be one of the most beautiful starships he had ever seen. Suddenly they disappeared and he immediately shut down the stardrive. He hit the side thrusters and moved out from behind Kaylee’s ship and ordered, “Fire a blaster beam just over their hulls!”

  A brilliant light shot out from the top of his ship and Gregor spoke into his communicator on a known Dragon Frequency, “If any of you attempt to restore power, I will blast your ship!!”

  • • •

  The Master was out of his chair screaming, “WHAT’S GOING ON!?!”


  The Master turned to order it back on when the brilliant blaster beam shot by a few feet above his hull. He knew there was no way to activate the reactor, restore his systems, and bring his weapons on line before his ship would be hit. He suddenly saw another blaster beam flash toward the ship on his right singeing its hull, “This is your last warning!”

  The Master sighed and said, “Do as he says.”

  “But Master…”


  The Master fell back in his chair and heard, “Now that’s unusual.”

  The Master keyed his communicator, “What is that?”

  “A Dragon that thinks. I really expected I would have to destroy one or two of your ships before you got the message.”

  “I wasn’t told your ship was armed.”

  “The universe if full of surprises.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want you to contact your Monarch and link him into this frequency.”

  “Why should I do that? That’s a death sentence for my failure to capture you.”

  “You’re dead if you don’t. I’ll
destroy your ship and make the same offer to the other two. I’ll do what I can to prevent your deaths if I can.”

  The Master knew he was living on borrowed time but at least the time would be longer if he did as he was being ordered. He blew out a breath and pushed a button on his console. A moment later, the Monarch’s image appeared on his display, “YOU’VE CAPTURED THE TARGET!!”

  “No, Majesty. The Target has shut down our reactors and has us covered by a high-powered blaster. If we attempt to restore power, it will destroy my three ships.” The Monarch’s image changed and the ruler’s rage was clear. “The Target wishes to communicate with you and has threatened to destroy my ship if I didn’t contact you.”

  The Monarch’s rage slowly changed as it asked, “Why does it want to communicate with me?”

  “It has not told me, Majesty.”

  The image of the Monarch showed him looking to his right for a moment and then he turned back to face the Commander, “Link us.”

  Gregor saw the Dragon Supreme Ruler appear on his display and he smiled, “Thank you for taking my call.”

  “You do know that I am going to kill you?”

  “I’m hoping that is up for debate. However, you’re not really interested in me.”

  “You’re wrong about that.”

  “You are only after me in the hopes that I can tell you what the secret human organization is up to.”

  The Monarch stared at Gregor and then said, “Go on.”

  “You’re right to be concerned about them. They do represent a real danger to your civilization.”

  “Why would you go out of your way to tell me this?”

  “Out of my way?”

  “I’m not stupid! You set up a trap for my three warships and it appears you did it to have this conversation. How were you able to shut down their reactors?”

  Their conversation was interrupted by the Ship Master, “Majesty, my Scanner Operator just informed me that the blaster that was fired at my ships is far more powerful than those on my ships.”

  The Monarch flinched and said, “It appears there is a lot that I’m unaware of.”


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