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Under Daddy's Protection

Page 2

by Serafine Laveaux

  She’d already noticed him more than he liked. She tried to be smooth about it, sneaking glances here and there, but he’d been on to her for weeks. At first he chalked it up to her keeping an eye on his drink, but before long it was clear her interest went beyond pushing Smirnoff. There’d been a few nights including this one that he’d sensed she was on the verge of coming to his table, and he made sure to slip out the back before that could happen.

  It wasn’t that he wouldn’t have enjoyed her company. Far from it. Her playful mix of innocence and mischief aroused more than just his curiosity. There had been plenty of nights he’d stroked himself to sleep to the image of her saucy eyes sparkling up at him from his lap. Not just nights either. Even as he drove home he couldn’t stop thinking about the soft curve of her cheek or how her hair might feel wrapped around his fingers. Unexpected thoughts of what hid underneath the flouncy dresses and colorful tights got him hard at the most inappropriate times lately, and that was a problem. She was a distraction guys like him couldn’t afford no matter how much they might want it. He’d been avoiding the truth for a while now, but it was time to set fantasies of his little kitten aside and find a new place to unwind in the evenings.

  Gage lived in a deceptively nondescript condominium complex, away from the fashionable zip codes and waterfront views. What it lacked in curb appeal it more than made up for in amenities. The security alone would make Miami’s narcotic kings envious. From surveillance systems to motion detection, and some of the best trained security money could buy, management had gone all out. An attendant was there to greet him with a handheld retinal scanner and a .9mm pistol barely concealed inside her well fitted jacket the instant he pulled up to the parking garage. The good-looking blonde would have attracted attention in any of Miami’s hottest nightclubs, but Gage would have pitied any man who tried to take advantage. He’d seen what she could do to a punching bag in the facility’s gym. She waved him past when the scanner beeped approval and he cruised to the far end of the garage to his reserved space. Unlike the Velvet Jacket there were no shadowed corners here, and monitored video cameras cast watchful eyes in every direction.

  Gage pulled into his space and killed the engine, then leaned back in his seat. He was in no hurry to go inside. Nothing and no one waited for him at home and normally that was exactly how he wanted it, but tonight it depressed him. His thoughts were restless lately, whether because of his inconvenient infatuation with the bartender or the fact that he hadn’t taken a job in a while he wasn’t sure. Perhaps he needed to spend some more time at the gym and burn the extra energy off, or maybe he just needed to eat. He hadn’t had anything since that morning’s coffee and whole grain toast. A change of clothes, a shower, and dinner might be the cure for his moodiness. The thought of food was met with an enthusiastic rumble from his stomach. In addition to stellar security, there was also a chef on call at all hours, for which Gage was grateful. His own cooking skills were marginal and with his tendency to travel on a moment’s notice it didn’t make sense to keep much food on hand.

  The elevator in the parking garage took him directly to the lobby. Access to the apartments above could only be gained via a secondary elevator that was strictly controlled by the desk clerk. Even the lobby seemed unremarkable to the untrained eye. The clean, modern space was sparsely appointed, stylish without presumption. No fresh-cut flowers, no marble floors, no crystal chandeliers, and certainly no welcoming chairs and couches that might encourage visitors to relax. The only indication there might be more under the surface was the British desk clerk’s penchant for handcrafted bespoke suits from London’s Savile Row, and the MP5K compact submachine gun discreetly tucked away under his counter.

  “Mr. Gage, welcome home.”

  “Good evening, Henry.” Gage doubted the man’s name was really Henry, but the smell of British SAS on him was genuine. Although well into his sixties now, the imposing Brit still looked as if he could overthrow a small country and be home in time for his afternoon cup of Earl Grey. “What looks good on the menu tonight?”

  “I would suggest the zahtar arctic char with citrus couscous salad. Would you like me to place an order for you?”

  “That sounds excellent,” Gage replied as he checked his watch. “Thirty minutes?”

  “Of course.” Henry smiled, but much like the man’s name, Gage doubted it was genuine.

  The elevator whisked him quietly to his twelfth-floor penthouse, a sprawling space with floor-to-ceiling windows, impeccably selected furnishings, and not a single thing out of place. Like many in his line of work, Gage abhorred a messy environment and even a single dirty dish left on the counter set his teeth on edge. Whether it was a result of his years in the military or some deep-seated OCD, he didn’t know, but he made sure his home was immaculately clean and organized.

  At one time he’d had a pet, a small dog he’d found in an apartment after he’d completed a job. Feeling uneasily responsible for it suddenly being without an owner, he’d brought it home. The rambunctious canine had been a joy to him in some ways, but it was soon clear he couldn’t give it the time and attention it needed. If the chewed-up magazines, pillows, and chair legs were any indication, the dog wasn’t entirely pleased with the arrangement either. A few calls later a loving, more suitable home was found, a cleaning service was brought in to restore order, and his home was returned to being his welcome oasis of order in an otherwise chaotic life.

  The rest of the building was a virtual fortress, owned by the agency he worked for and designed to keep its residents safe as well as comfortable. The physical security alone was worth his monthly HOA fees, its staff a virtual greatest hits list of former British SAS, SEALS, Israeli Shayete 13, and Russian Spetsnaz. He didn’t know much about cyber security but had been assured it was the best available as well, ensuring all of his internet dealings remained private, well protected from the snoopings of would-be hackers or law enforcement agencies. Personal needs were also catered to. Whether he needed car service to the airport or laundry service at three a.m., a call to Henry was all that was required. Housekeeping, meal services, even pet sitting was available through thoroughly vetted companies, leaving him free to focus on more important things. The over-the-top amenities cost a fortune but they were worth every nickel.

  He’d just emerged from the shower when he heard the door buzz. Grabbing a towel, he quickly wrapped it around his waist as he went to open the door. A middle-aged woman waited, covered plate in hand. As she entered the penthouse she kept her eyes deliberately trained to the floor, delivering his dinner to the dining table and then exiting as quickly as she’d come in. The crispy pan-seared fish left a mouth-watering aroma in her wake, causing Gage’s stomach to rumble appreciatively, and he didn’t waste time digging in.

  It was delicious, cooked to perfection as always, but his attention soon wandered back to its favorite subject. The bartender he’d named Kitten overrode everything lately, including hunger. The girl who wore cat ears and doll dresses while serving drinks in a strip club had become a fascinating puzzle he wanted to piece together. Briefly he entertained the idea of doing a background check on her. Nothing serious, just a quick peek to see who she was outside of work. Before his more freewheeling side could grab his laptop and look, he shut the idea down hard. She was a fantasy, a beautiful sexy fantasy, but if he had any feelings for her at all then he had to leave her alone. The last thing she needed was someone like him in her life.

  He was still telling himself that when he went to bed.

  Chapter Three

  The confrontation with Yefim left Nikki shaken and upset. Even showering and putting on her comfiest pajamas and eating a bowl of cereal did little to ease her anxiety. The whole thing made no sense to her. Obviously she’d overheard something she wasn’t supposed to, and it was clear Yefim was doing something he didn’t want anyone to know about, but who would she tell? She didn’t like to think about some of the dancers turning tricks, but they were all adults and if that’s what th
ey wanted to do she wasn’t going to say anything. As for the other stuff his cousin had mentioned, she neither knew nor cared what he was referring to. All she wanted to do was her job and do it well. She just hoped Yefim would have calmed down by the time she got to work Saturday evening, and that he would have remembered to pick up the soda gun.

  Nikki was finished thinking about Yefim. Her mysterious Shadow Man was the only man she wanted on her mind now. She once joked to Cyla that if there was a Wiki on Dangerously Sexy his picture would be on it. If only she’d had a few more seconds of downtime that night, or if he had just stayed at the club a few minutes longer, she would have gone over and introduced herself. Sure, she’d been saying that for over a month now but this would have been the night she’d made it happen. Delicious thoughts of how things might have gone that evening filled her mind and she let herself drift along with them as she settled into bed.

  In her fantasy she didn’t hide behind the bar, afraid to take a chance. In her fantasy she stepped out and headed straight for him, head up and tits out just as Cyla always told her to do, with a saucy grin on her face and a hand on her hip. As she imagined herself going up to him, she slid her hand over her smooth tummy, lingering at the slight bulge of her hipbone. She loved how that gentle curve felt, and pictured him reaching out to possessively rest his hand on that same spot as he looked up at her and smiled. “I wondered when you’d come over,” he said in a deep, silky voice that went in one ear and straight down to her pussy with his fingers in tow. “I brought you something,” she whispered as her own slender fingers inched their way further down to a spot at the top of her thigh, just underneath the elastic leg band of her panties. Stroking that always sent a sharp jolt up her side.

  The Shadow Man gave her a knowing smile as he too slipped underneath the edge of her panties and stroked along that sensitive spot. “Is it sweet?” he asked as he pulled her into his lap and nuzzled her neck with his soft, warm lips. Nikki let out a soft moan and slipped her fingers... his fingers... further inside her panties to run through the fine, pale hair that hid her flushed, wet slit and the already throbbing button just inside. “Did you bring me this?” he growled against her ear as one finger lightly stroked her clit while several more insistently explored their way between her flushed lips.

  Beads of sweat sparkled across her chest as she kicked the sheets to the floor, the heat rolling through her body making even the thin fabric seem unbearably hot. As she felt his lips and tongue move from her earlobe down her sensitive neck, and his fingers work themselves inside of her soaked pussy, she heard herself moan. Deep between her legs a burning ache began to grow, demanding more than just a few fingers to satisfy the building hunger. A voice in the back of her head chided her for wasting yet another chance to meet her Shadow Man. If she hadn’t chickened out, perhaps this would be happening for real now. Irritated, she shook her head to clear the unwelcome voice. The last thing she wanted was to lose the flow right when it was getting good.

  Shadow Man’s hand smacked sharply on her ass, making her yelp. “Pay attention,” he commanded as he moved to pull her arms over her head. Nikki stretched out, pausing long enough to fish a small pink vibrator out of her nightstand and tuck it discreetly between her clenched thighs before reaching back to grab the headboard. “Good girl,” she heard him growl as he wrapped her fingers around the edge of the headboard. “You’re going to come for me a lot tonight.”

  Goosebumps flitted across her flushed skin in response. Having a man seize control and make her his plaything had been her go-to fantasy for as long as she could remember. Past boyfriends had been content with low-key, casual sex that left her feeling frustrated and let down, but her Shadow Man was no passive boy content to let her do all the work.

  The slender pink vibe worked its magic against her greedy clit as she envisioned him admiring her stretched out on the bed. He reached down to massage her breast, taking the taut nipple between his fingers and squeezing it just hard enough to make her gasp. He did the same to the other before bending down to take it between his teeth and flicking his tongue against the straining tip. Groaning loudly now, she arched up, eager to meet the shudder that was about to ripple through her. Instead she met the palm of his hand, sharp and quick against her tender inner thigh. “Not yet,” he warned. “You will not come until I say so.” He rolled her slightly to the side and delivered a second, stinging spank to her backside just in case she didn’t get the message. “Say it, Nikki,” he commanded.

  “I will not come,” she rasped, her breath coming in gulps now, “until you say.” Restraint was exquisite torture but she obeyed. Behind closed eyes she watched him standing over her, smiling, pleased with her body’s response as his fingers caressed every inch of her, taking their time to arrive at her soaked, shaking pussy and then taking even more time to ease their way between the swollen, silken folds to bury themselves deep inside her. The relentless vibrations against her clit had her teetering on the edge, teeth clenched and toes curled in anticipation. “Please, please, please,” she begged, unable to hold back any longer.

  “Come for me, Nikki,” he commanded as he thrust his fingers in and out of her deliriously hot little hole, and suddenly she did, her legs kicking the last of the covers to the floor as her body heaved up from the bed. The pink vibrator slipped and fell away but she didn’t even notice as a powerful orgasm rolled over and through her, leaving her limp and breathless, sprawled and shaking on the sheetless bed.

  So much for restraint.

  He wasn’t done with her yet though, at least not if she had anything to do with it. Before she could drift off to sleep, her shaking hand reached for the still humming vibrator and she heard him whisper in her ear, “Again.”

  Chapter Four

  Gage woke up just as the sun began to peek over the Miami horizon. He kept his eyes closed, reluctant to lose contact with the dream he’d been having. He didn’t dream often, and when he did it was rarely anything he wanted to remember, but this one was different. This one had the girl from the bar in it. His girl. She’d been laughing, perhaps at something he said, he couldn’t remember, but he remembered how her face lit up as she laughed. Remembered how it felt to have her look at him that way. “Fuck,” he exhaled softly. He didn’t need this. She was a luxury he couldn’t afford and didn’t want.

  His cock disagreed. It was rock hard and demanding attention, preferably from the cute bartender but it wasn’t picky. His hand would work just fine. Gage reached down to grasp the swollen shaft and imagined her coming toward him, white fluffy kitten ears peeking up from her silky white hair. Her eyes sparkled and a shy grin turned up the corners of her mouth. She wore a man’s shirt, his shirt, the one he’d worn the night before. Nothing else. A pink tongue peeked out to lick her full lips as her hands began to unbutton it while he watched.

  He let his thumb tease the head of his cock while he drank in the sight of her. The borrowed shirt fell open to reveal small, creamy breasts, their tiny nipples erect and begging for his touch. Gage imagined how they would taste as his eyes eagerly made their way further, pausing briefly to map out the delicate lines of her tummy and hips before arriving at their final destination. A narrow strip of neatly trimmed pale blonde hair invited him to come see where it led, and his engorged cock strained toward it as he began to pump it firmly, his thumb sneaking up from time to time to trace around the rim and then tease the tip.

  Her hand followed the trail his eyes left, allowing one slim finger to slip between the delicate folds into the juicy wetness he knew lay just out of sight. “Come here,” he whispered as she begin to whimper with desire. She obeyed at once, sinking to her knees at his feet, her eyes never letting go of his own as her lips parted just enough to let his engorged cock slip inside. His hips began to move into her then, eagerly fucking her sweet mouth as he stared down into her lustful blue eyes and reveled in her talented tongue swirling about his pulsing cock head before working its way down the shaft, licking his balls and the incredib
ly sensitive flesh just behind them before returning back to the head.

  As her small hand gently cupped his balls he felt a welling of pressure begin to build from deep within. It wouldn’t be long now. “Come here, Kitten,” he commanded as he lay back on the bed and waited for her to join him. As she climbed on the bed next to him, he wrapped his hands around her waist and picked her up, moving her to straddle him with her sweltering wet pussy just on top of his cock. Her head tilted back and she sighed, then whined when he simply held her there for a moment. Gage chuckled at her impatience and took his time easing her onto his throbbing cock with agonizing slowness, relishing the feeling of her tight hole stretching to accommodate every inch of him until her sweet ass rested against his balls.

  “Fuck me, Kitten,” he said, and she did, slowly at first then increasing in speed until she bounced wildly up and down on his straining cock, squealing as she rode it. “Do you want to come?” he asked as his own climax demanded release.

  “Yesssss yes!”

  That wasn’t the answer he wanted, earning her a hard spank on her bouncing ass. “Yes, what?”

  “Yes, please, Daddy, please let me come!” she squealed.

  “Come now, Kitten,” he ordered, and she did, taking him with her. Electricity shot throughout his body from the soles of his feet to the top of his skull as his balls tightened and his cock surged forward. He came explosively then, his entire body clenching hard and tight as his body ceased to exist and became only a physical ecstasy, a merging of all possible pleasure in life coming together in one single act of release.


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