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Under Daddy's Protection

Page 16

by Serafine Laveaux

  Nikki was snoring lightly when he went back to bed. Reaching between her legs, he lazily circled her clit with one finger while another dipped into her honey pot. She moaned and rolled onto her back, her legs sprawling in a very unladylike manner that made him chuckle. Something told him she wasn’t asleep at all. “I have some news for you,” he whispered, leaning over to nibble on her delicate earlobe. “I found out who owns the Jacket.” Her eyes popped open as he moved down to kiss her neck. “In the morning I’ll call and set up a meeting for the moment we get back.”

  “And then it will be over?” she asked hopefully. Gage laid back against the bed and pulled her on top to straddle him. “The bad part will be,” he grinned as he felt his cock immediately swell back to life against her still wet pussy. “The best part is just getting started.”

  * * *

  Nikki was so excited. Japan was amazing and she’d only gotten to see a tiny fraction of the things she’d wanted to see, but she was also ready to go home and sleep in her own bed surrounded by her own things. Best of all she could finally share the pics she’d taken. She was also eager to call Cyla and let her know she was ok.

  Nikki stared at her phone, her mouth twisting slightly as she considered whether to send her friend a text. She knew Cyla was probably worried sick about her, and Gage had said everything would be ok when they got home. Would it really be so bad if she sent her a quick message now? Would she even be awake? The time difference between Tokyo and Miami always confused her. She knew she ought to ask Gage, especially after the lesson she’d learned the day before. Still, this wasn’t like sneaking out or lying or stealing, let alone all three at once. Surely he wouldn’t be too mad about one text, especially since he’d already figured out who the bad guy was and how to fix everything. Something the dancers always said when they did things they weren’t supposed to at the club came to mind. “Easier to ask for forgiveness than permission,” she giggled.

  She pulled out her cell phone and quickly tapped out a text to her best friend. “Miss me?” After a second she decided to attach one of the pics she’d taken with Miyu by the Totti Candy Factory. Her finger hovered over the Send button for a second, then quickly tapped it before she could chicken out.

  Cyla’s response was almost immediate. “OMG baby girl where you @? Every1 freaked AF you gone!”

  Giggling, Nikki quickly sent back, “In Tokyo!!! Don’t tell anyone!!! Be back soon!”

  The phone chirped, then chirped again, signaling two more replies. Nikki quickly adjusted the volume down so Gage wouldn’t hear it in the next room, then checked the messages.

  “Japan?? U didn’t take me?? Bitch! But I still <3 U!!” followed by “Glad u safe baby girl. U had me so worried!”

  Nikki hated that she’d made her friend worry. She understood why Gage had told her not to tell anyone, but that didn’t make her feel better about upsetting Cyla. “I’m sorry. Tell u all when I get back. Our secret 4 now!! <3 U2!!” She hit Send, then quickly tucked the phone away in her backpack. Gage would be furious if he knew, but she didn’t see how he would ever find out, and knowing that her friend wasn’t worrying about her anymore made her feel a lot better.

  Gage poked his head in her room, raising an eyebrow when he saw her suitcase on the bed. Crammed full of both the clothes she brought and the ones she bought, it refused to close enough for her to zip it shut. “We need to leave here in fifteen minutes if we are going to be at the airport on time. Do you have everything gathered up?”

  Nikki rolled her eyes. They’d been over it five times already. “Yesssssss,” she groaned.

  “Toothpaste, toothbrush, shampoo, razor?” He pulled his suitcase into the room and began poking around to see if she’d left anything behind.

  “Already got them.”

  “Phone charger, phone, iPod?”

  “OMG, Daddy, nobody uses iPods anymore! And my phone is in my backpack.”

  “Well, does nobody have Mr. Bun and Mr. Pink and the yellow Pikachu slippers packed?”

  Nikki thought for a moment and realized she’d forgotten Mr. Pink. Before she could admit she hadn’t gotten everything gathered up, Gage gave her a wink and pulled the stuffie out from behind his back.

  “I got ya covered, Kitten,” he said, tossing her the pink poodle before tackling the overstuffed suitcase.

  She caught it and was about to tuck Mr. Pink into her backpack when something he’d said the night before came back to her. “Daddy, you said if I was good you’d let me have a present this morning.”

  Gage paused in his attempt to close her suitcase, casting his eyes to the ceiling as he tried to remember. “Ohhh, right,” he said as it came back to him. “I did say that.” He went back to pulling the contents out of her bag. “You sure you want it now? Maybe we should wait until we get back to Miami.”

  “Daddy!” she whined, laughing. “Now!”

  “Ok, ok,” he chuckled, reaching into one of the dresser drawers and pulling out a second shopping bag that looked identical to the one from the night before and handing it to her.

  Nikki held her breath as she reached inside and felt something soft and furry tucked beneath the pink tissue paper. Cocking her head to the side, she slowly pulled out the most beautiful pair of cat ears she’d ever seen, fluffy sapphire blue with long white hair sprouting off the very tips, and attached to a black headband to keep them firmly in place.

  “There’s more,” Gage said softly.

  Nikki quickly turned the bag upside down over the bed. The tissue paper fell out first, and then the rest of her present tumbled out. It was a matching tail, long and bushy with feathery soft fur she couldn’t resist touching. Nikki stroked it with delight, then picked it up by the end and studied it. The tail connected to a small, round end, smooth and soft with a tapered neck that swelled out before coming back down to a small, tapered end. After a moment she realized what it was.

  “Do you want to wear it on the way home?”

  Nikki didn’t know what to say. It was the most personal, perfect gift anyone could have given her. “Yes, Daddy,” she whispered, slipping the ears on her head and tucking her hair over the headband before turning to bend over the bed. “I want to wear it.”

  Gage stuck the plug in his mouth as he placed one hand on her leg, pushing firmly until she spread them, then gently spread her cheeks as well. “Take a deep breath and then let it out,” he told her, taking the plug out of his mouth and pressing it firmly against her puckered hole.

  Inhaling deeply, Nikki focused on how pretty her new tail would look and forget about the fact that Gage was about to stick another plug in her ass. It was still sore from the fucking he’d given it the night before, but she’d fallen in love with the tail the instant she saw it and wanted to wear it now, even if it might hurt a little. As Gage slowly rotated it against her, she let her breath out, and immediately felt it slip inside and into place.

  “Easy peasy,” he chuckled, patting her hip as he pulled her back up to look at herself in the dresser mirror. “The plug is silicone, comfortable enough to wear around and won’t set off the metal detectors at the airport.”

  Nikki giggled at her reflection, the adorable new ears peeking up from her messy mop of black hair, and the fluffy new tail barely peering out from under the hem of her skirt. Having the plug in her ass was a strange new sensation and it would take time to get used to, but knowing it was there gave her a naughty feeling she found rather delicious. She wondered what people might think if they spotted it swishing about the back of her legs, and then decided she didn’t care. Throwing her arms around him, she hugged Gage and kissed his neck. “I love it, Daddy,” she giggled excitedly. “Best present ever.”

  Gage held her tightly, burying his face in her hair as he inhaled the faint scent of her shampoo and the underlying sweetness he’d come to recognize as Nikki. He could have stayed that way forever but they had to get a move on. Reluctantly he let go and returned his attention to the suitcase, rearranging the contents, refoldin
g some things and rolling up others, until at last the two halves finally came together and he could zip it closed.

  Satisfied it wouldn’t break the zipper and fly open at the worst moment, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled her to stand between his knees. “Ok, one last time. Who are you?”

  “Carolyn Fairbanks. I’m fifteen, a freshman at Seven Lakes High School in Houston, Texas where I live with my daddy, George Fairbanks. He’s an insurance salesman. He’s like, so old he still has an iPod.”

  Gage gave her an exasperated look. “Cute. But fairly accurate.” He gave her a playful swat on the butt, then stood up and pulled her suitcase off the bed. “Remember, let me do the talking. I have your passport and plane tickets. All you have to do is hold my hand and follow me.”

  “And everything will be ok?”

  He smiled and kissed the top of her head. “Daddy’s gonna make sure of it.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Despite being woken up at eight in the morning, just a few hours after she’d gotten home from work, Cyla was grateful for the text. Nikki was like a sister to her and she’d barely slept a wink since her friend went missing. It wasn’t like her friend to vanish without a word. They never went a single day without talking, even if it was just random texts and selfies to show what they were up to. How she ended up in Japan Cyla couldn’t imagine, but she was sure it was a tale worth hearing over a bottle or two of wine.

  She would give Nikki an earful too. All the texts, all the calls, all unanswered. Every sort of awful thing that might have happened had crossed her mind, from the entirely plausible to the absolutely ludicrous, but an impromptu trip to Japan had not been one of them. That could mean only one thing. Nikki had met someone. No way would she have picked up and traveled halfway across the world on a moment’s notice without telling anyone unless a man was involved. Cyla giggled to imagine what he might be like. She pictured a skinny gaming geek with a degree in programming and a massive collection of comic books. They would spend their nights playing The Witcher or Final Fantasy and do cosplay on weekends. He would be the sort of guy who would whisk her off to Tokyo to go to robot wars or an anime con. Cyla only hoped he was worthy of her friend. Nikki was special, her little kitten, and whoever she ended up with better realize how damn lucky he was.

  She was still smiling about the trip she imagined Nikki was on when she got to work that evening. It was the only reason she was smiling when she walked in the club. Stripping was simply a means to an end, a way to pay off her school tuition without resorting to student loans. Another year and she would have her master’s degree, and then it was goodbye strip pole, hello clinic. Cyla already had a job as a physician’s assistant lined up and couldn’t wait to hang up her platform heels.

  Her smile faded when she saw Yefim standing by the stage rubbing his temples. He always did that when he had a migraine coming on, and when Yefim didn’t feel good he made sure everyone else was miserable with him. All night he would be finding excuses to yell at people, but perhaps she could put him in a better mood. Nikki had told her not to tell anyone, but she hadn’t seen how upset Yefim had been over her disappearance. Maybe if he knew she was ok he would lighten up a little.

  “Yefim,” she called out.

  He stopped rubbing his temples long enough to glare at her. “Do not tell me your problems,” he snapped. “Deal with them yourself.”

  “Nikki texted me,” she said quickly, before he could cut her off. “She’s ok, she’s just been out of town.”

  Yefim stared at her, unblinking and expressionless. “You heard from Nikki,” he stated flatly.

  His reaction wasn’t quite what she’d expected. She knew he was pissed that Nikki skipped town without saying a word, but she thought he’d be relieved to know she’d be back soon. At least then he wouldn’t have to find a replacement for her. Instead, he looked like he’d just completely shut down. Perhaps his migraine was really bad this time. Cyla decided it might be better if she didn’t mention Japan. If he knew Nikki was off having fun he might have a meltdown. “She just wanted to let me know she was ok. The trip was a surprise for her,” she added. “She will be back soon though.”

  What little color he had drained from his face then. “Soon,” he repeated flatly. There was no emotion in his voice. Without another word he turned and retreated to his office, quietly shutting the door behind him.

  “What the hell did you say to him?” asked a dancer sitting on the edge of the stage.

  Cyla shrugged and said nothing, realizing that she might have made a big mistake in telling Yefim. It was no secret the club had a lot of shady business going on beneath the surface. Perhaps Nikki’s sudden departure was not entirely fun and shopping in Japan. Maybe she left ahead of something bad happening. She hoped not, but you never knew when crazy Russians were involved. Just in case, she pulled out her phone and began to type.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Nikki couldn’t stop giggling over the time difference that allowed them to leave Tokyo at five in the afternoon on Saturday, and arrive in Miami just before four in the afternoon on Saturday. They were met outside by a sharply dressed man driving a black Mercedes. Gage told her he would take them to meet with the club’s owner, who was eager to hear what Nikki had overheard. He assured her everything would be handled but she still felt butterflies in her stomach at the thought of talking to the owner. According to Gage he was both powerful and dangerous, and although she had done nothing wrong she couldn’t help but feel a bit scared. She’d slipped her hand into Gage’s as soon as they’d gotten settled into the car. At least he was there to keep her safe, and that made her feel much more at ease.

  They were less than five minutes away from the airport when she felt her phone vibrate. It was Cyla. Nikki felt her stomach heave when she read the text. Cyla had told Yefim she was ok. She hadn’t mentioned Tokyo but that didn’t matter. Yefim knew she was alive now. Trying to act casual, she glanced over at Gage to see if he’d noticed, and met his eyes glaring back. He’d seen her check the phone, and she was busted.

  “Who was that?” His voice was deceptively calm but the storm brewing behind his gray eyes was impossible to miss.

  “Cyla,” she admitted. There was no point in denying it. He could easily take the phone from her and see for himself.

  “You promised me you wouldn’t contact anyone,” he said softly. His expression remained neutral but his voice hinted at just how angry he was. “I explicitly told you not to contact anyone from home, but you did it anyway and look what happened.”

  Nikki looked down at her lap, miserably wishing she’d kept that promise. “I just thought, I mean you said everything would be ok so I thought,” she stammered as he snatched the phone away from her and quickly read the texts between her and Cyla. When he reached the end, he tossed the phone to the floor and stared out the window.

  “She told your boss you were alive and coming home,” he mumbled incredulously. “My god, Nikki, do you have any idea the danger you put us in?”

  “I just thought...”

  “You didn’t think, you mean,” he hissed, cutting her off midsentence and dragging her across his lap before she could blink.

  She felt him toss her skirt up to bare her bottom right there in the car, and gasped in disbelief. Was he really going to spank her right there in the car where the driver could see? Where the driver could hear? Having sex in a car was one thing, but being spanked in the car where the driver could watch it all in the rearview mirror was beyond humiliating. Even worse, her tail was completely on display now along with her ass and because she’d worn it she wasn’t wearing any panties. She felt him tuck it between her thighs to get it out of the way, but it didn’t make her feel any better about her predicament. “Oh, noooo,” she pleaded, covering her face with her hands as if that would somehow hide her butt from the driver’s view. “No no no please not in the car, please, Daddy, don’t spank me in theeeyowww!”

  The smack of his palm across her naked bottom p
ractically echoed in the car’s interior. The pain was nowhere near as bad as the belt, but the sound was twice as loud. Nikki could easily picture the shocked look the driver must have worn, seeing her bent over Gage’s knee and spanked like a naughty child. The shame and embarrassment was worse than the spanking itself and she couldn’t help but reach back and try to pull her skirt back over her bottom.

  Gage immediately flipped it back up, this time pinning it in place under the arm that kept her pinned to his lap. “Would you rather I stopped the car and spanked you bent over the hood for everyone to see?”


  “Pull that skirt down one more time and I will,” he promised her as he delivered another righteous smack across her ass hard enough to make her head bump into the passenger door armrest.

  Nikki’s face scrunched up, teeth gritted in a futile effort to hold her squeals back so the driver wouldn’t hear her. There wasn’t much she could do about the resounding thwacking sound that echoed in the car’s confined interior but she didn’t intend to add to her humiliation by bawling like a baby.

  “Oooohh oww!” she yelped as pain exploded across the back of her thigh this time, completely catching her off guard and ruining her attempt to remain silent. Her poor body didn’t know what to do. Did it tighten up against the slap, or relax and hope the force of the spank flowed through with minimal damage? So far neither option seemed to help much, especially if he was going to start spanking the back of her thighs as well as her backside.

  The first few slaps had been leisurely but now Gage began to spank her in earnest, his palm raining down misery on her butt and the backs of her upper thighs with increasing speed and severity until she stopped yelping with each whack and simply let out a single wail without end. The sting of each individual spank wasn’t terrible, but one built upon the ones before to create endless layers of pain that radiated out from her bottom to torment every inch of her body.


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