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by Christopher Moore

  27. Whelan’s speech on the visit of the Prince of Wales, 1860, in McCourt, Biographical Sketch, p. 178.

  28. Whelan’s article of May 30, 1864, in The Examiner, quoted in Robertson, The Tenant League, p. 70.

  29. Whelan’s article of May 30, 1864.

  30. Speech of J. H. Gray, September 8, 1864, in Edward Whelan, ed., The Union of the British Provinces (Charlottetown: 1865, reprinted 1965), p. 13; Creighton, Road to Confederation, p. 22. Bolger, Prince Edward Island and Confederation, pp. 59-61.

  31. Robertson, “Edward Whelan,” p. 831.

  32. The Protestant (Charlottetown), quoted in Bolger, Prince Edward Island and Confederation, p. 61.

  33. Whelan’s speech of May 7, 1866, in McCourt, Biographical Sketch, p. 216; Waite, “Edward Whelan Reports from the Quebec Conference,” p. 26.

  34. Harvey, “The Centenary of Edward Whelan,” p. 227.

  35. Dufferin’s letter to Macdonald quoted in Bolger, Prince Edward Island and Confederation, p. 292.

  36. Whelan’s speech at Montreal, October 29, 1864, in Whelan, Union of the British North American Provinces, p. 109; Whelan’s speech of May 7, 1866, in McCourt, Biographical Sketch, p. 216.

  37. Waite, “Edward Whelan Reports from the Quebec Conference,” pp. 37-8.

  Chapter Four: “Under the Confederation Windows”

  1. Mercy Ann Coles, “Diary,” National Archives of Canada, MG24 B66.

  2. Frances Monck, My Canadian Leaves: An Account of a Visit to Canada in 1864-5 (London: 1891).

  3. Peter Waite, ed., “Edward Whelan Reports from the Quebec Conference,” Canadian Historical Review 42 (1961), pp. 23-45.

  4. Whelan’s speech of October 29, 1864, in Edward Whelan, The Union of the British Provinces (Charlottetown: 1865), p. 109.

  5. Waite, ed., “Edward Whelan Reports,” p. 40.

  6. Details of the conference are from the reports and minutes collected in G. P. Browne, ed., Documents on Confederation of British North America (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1969), pp. 55-165.

  7. Moncrieff Williamson, Island Painter: The Life of Robert Harris, 1849-1919 (Charlottetown: Ragweed Press, 1983).

  8. Browne, ed., Documents, September 29, 1859, pp. 29-30.

  9. Peter Waite, The Life and Times of Confederation (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962), p. 94.

  10. Peter Waite, ed., “Edward Whelan Reports,” p. 35.

  11. Browne, ed., Documents, p. 138.

  12. Canada, Parliamentary Debates on Confederation of the British North American Provinces (Quebec: 1865), p. 495.

  13. Browne, ed., Documents, p. 98.

  14. Jeffrey L. McNairn, “Publius of the North: Tory Republicanism and the American Constitution in Upper Canada, 1848-54,” Canadian Historical Review 77 (1996), pp. 504-37.

  15. J. S. Mill, Utilitarianism, On Liberty and Considerations on Representative Government (London: J. M. Dent and Sons, 1972), p. 354.

  16. Brown’s Toronto speech of November 3, 1864, quoted in Whelan, Union of the British Provinces, p. 193.

  17. Confederation Debates, p. 171.

  18. Browne, ed., Documents, p. 108.

  19. A. Margaret Evans, Sir Oliver Mowat (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1992) p. 17.

  20. Evans, Sir Oliver Mowat, p. 155.

  21. Evans, Sir Oliver Mowat, p. 162.

  22. Donald Creighton, Canada’s First Century (Toronto: Macmillan, 1970), p. 46.

  23. Browne, ed., Documents, pp. 55-93, Minutes of the Quebec Conference; Donald Creighton, The Road to Confederation (Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1964), pp. 162-7.

  24. The first Creighton quotation is from Canada’s First Century, p. 49, the second from Road to Confederation, p. 174.

  25. Browne, ed., Documents, p. 123.

  26. Ibid., p. 123-5.

  27. Tilley: Browne, ed., Documents, pp. 77-8; Brown: Globe of August 30, 1864, quoted in Evans, Sir Oliver Mowat, p. 145.

  28. J. Keith Johnson, “John A. Macdonald,” in J. M. S. Careless, ed., The Pre-Confederation Premiers of Ontario (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985), pp. 197-245; James Young, Public Men and Public Life in Canada (Toronto: 1912), p. 225.

  29. Charles R. W. Biggar, Sir Oliver Mowat: A Biographical Sketch (Toronto: Warwick Bros. and Rutter, 1905), p. 132.

  30. Paul Romney, “Oliver Mowat,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography XIII (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1994), p. 729.

  31. Phrase “miniature responsible government” from Creighton, Road to Confederation, p. 164.

  32. Speech on the lieutenant-governor’s speech, 1856, in Peter McCourt, Biographical Sketch of the Hon Edward Whelan together with a Compilation of Speeches (Montreal: 1888; Canadian Inventory of Historic Manuscripts #26184, 1982), p. 92.

  33. Confederation Debates, p. 500.

  34. Robert C. Vipond, Liberty and Community: Canadian Federalism and the Failure of the Constitution (Albany: State University of New York Press, 1991), p. 26.

  35. Vipond, Liberty and Community, p. 5.

  36. Evans, Sir Oliver Mowat, p. 154.

  37. Ibid., p. 155.

  38. Vipond, Liberty and Community, pp. 78-82.

  39. Evans, Sir Oliver Mowat, p. 161.

  40. Ibid., pp. 178-9.

  41. J. M. S. Careless, Brown of the Globe, Vol. II (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1989), p. 171.

  42. Whelan, Union of the British Provinces, p. 214.

  43. Browne, ed., Documents, Document 19, July 6, 1862.

  44. Mercy Coles, “Diary.”

  Chapter Five: “If Brother André Went to Parliament Hill”

  1. Henri-Paul Bergeron, Brother André: The Wonder Man of Mount Royal (Montreal and Paris: Fides, 1958).

  2. Speeches of Henri Joly, Cartier, and Dunkin in Canada, Parliamentary Debates on Confederation of the British North American Provinces (Quebec: 1865), pp. 358, 1,015, and 498-9, respectively.

  3. Brian Young, George-Étienne Cartier, Montreal Bourgeois (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1981).

  4. Allan Greer, The Patriots and the People: The Rebellion of 1837 in Rural Lower Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993), particularly Chapter Nine.

  5. Andrée Desilets, “Étienne-Paschal Taché,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography ix (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1976), pp. 774-9.

  6. Confederation Debates, pp. 59-60.

  7. J. M. S. Careless, Brown of the Globe, Vol. II (Toronto: Dundurn Press, 1989), p. 171; Peter Waite, ed., “Edward Whelan Reports from the Quebec Conference,” Canadian Historical Review 42 (1961), p. 43.

  8. Careless, Brown of the Globe, Vol. II, p. 120.

  9. Canada, Confederation Debates, p. 9.

  10. Canada, Confederation Debates, p. 500.

  11. Canada, Confederation Debates, pp. 61, 614.

  12. Louis Archambault, December 23, 1864, quoted in Andrée Desilets, Hector Langevin, un père de la confédération canadienne (Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1969), p. 140.

  13. Confederation Debates, p. 251.

  14. Confederation Debates, pp. 655, 354.

  15. Jean-Paul Bernard, Les Rouges: Libéralisme, nationalisme, et anti-cléricalisme au milieu du XIXe siècle (Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1971), p. 253.

  16. Confederation Debates, pp. 585-626.

  17. Confederation Debates, p. 250.

  18. Desilets, Hector Langevin, p. 150.

  19. Desilets, Hector Langevin, particularly p. 130.

  20. Desilets, Hector Langevin, p. 171; Confederation Debates, pp. 362-92.

  21. Confederation Debates, p. 386.

  22. Confederation Debates, p. 255.

  23. Confederation Debates, pp. 387 (Langevin), 10 (Taché).

  24. Confederation Debates, pp. 391-2.

  25. Confederation Debates, pp. 15, 31.

  26. Msgr. Charles Cazeau, quoted in Desilets, Hector Langevin, p. 123.

  27. Waite, The Life and Times of Confederation, p. 156.

  28. Le Pays of June 4, 1867,
quoted in Bernard, Les Rouges, p. 292.

  29. Evans, Sir Oliver Mowat, p. 327.

  Chapter Six: “Leonard Tilley and the Voters”

  1. Carl M. Wallace, “Sir Leonard Tilley: A Political Biography” (unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Alberta, 1972).

  2. Wallace, “Sir Leonard Tilley,” p. 86.

  3. Wallace, “Sir Leonard Tilley,” p. 110, expressing Tilley’s opinion in 1860; J. H. Gray, Confederation (Toronto: Copp Clark, 1872), p. 151.

  4. Tupper to Macdonald, January 4, 1865, and Macdonald to Colonel J. H. Gray, March 24, 1865, in John A. Macdonald Papers, Vol. 51, National Archives of Canada, MG24 A.

  5. Wallace, “Sir Leonard Tilley,” p. 203.

  6. Macdonald to Colonel J. H. Gray, March 24, 1865, in Macdonald Papers, Vol. 51, NAC, MG24 A.

  7. W. L. Morton, “The Extension of the Franchise in Canada: A Study in Democratic Nationalism,” Canadian Historical Association Annual Report 1943 (Ottawa, 1943), pp. 72-81; John Garner, The Franchise and Politics in British North America (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1969), p. 3.

  8. Garner, The Franchise and Politics, p. 28.

  9. Quoted by Gail Campbell in “Disenchanted but Not Quiescent: Women Petitioners in New Brunswick in the Mid-19th Century,” in Janet Guildford and Suzanne Morton, Separate Spheres: Women’s Worlds in the 19th-Century Maritimes (Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1994), p. 63.

  10. Donald Creighton, The Road to Confederation (Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1964), p. 229; Tilley to Macdonald, February 1, 1865, Macdonald Papers, Vol. 51., p. 19,970, NAC, MG24 A.

  11. Wallace, “Sir Leonard Tilley,” p. 28.

  12. Peter Waite, The Life and Times of Confederation (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962) p. 240.

  13. Gray to Macdonald, March 13, 1865, Macdonald Papers, Vol. 51, p. 19978.

  14. Gray to MacDonald, March 13, 1865.

  15. Nova Scotia, Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assembly, 1866 (Halifax: 1866), p. 278.

  16. Draft of Botheration Letter, Joseph Howe Papers, Vol. 26-1, p. 143, NAC, MG24 B29.

  17. J. Murray Beck, ed., Joseph Howe: Voice of Nova Scotia (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1964), p. 168.

  18. Tupper to Macdonald, January 4, 1865, Macdonald Papers, Vol. 51, p. 19930, NAC, MG24 A.

  19. Tupper to Macdonell, May 10, 1865, Macdonald Papers, Vol. 51, p. 90,030, NAC, MG24 A.

  20. Nova Scotia Debates 1865, p. 203.

  21. Tupper to Macdonald, April 9, 1865, Macdonald Papers, Vol. 51, p. 90,030, NAC, MG24 A.

  22. Creighton, Road to Confederation, p. 319.

  23. Waite, Life and Times of Confederation, p. 275.

  24. Phillip Buckner, “Charles Tupper,” in Dictionary of Canadian Biography xiv (forthcoming).

  25. April 10, 1866, in Nova Scotia Debates 1866, p. 211.

  26. April 13, 1866, in Nova Scotia Debates 1866, p. 233.

  27. Nova Scotia Debates 1866, pp. 241-4 (Locke), 246 (Townsend), 276-83 (McLelan), 269-76 (Macdonald).

  28. Nova Scotia Debates 1866, pp. 185-9 (Miller), 190 (Macdonell).

  29. Beck, ed., Joseph Howe, p. 179.

  30. Howe’s statement of January 29, 1861, quoted in Nova Scotia, Journals of the House of Assembly, 1866, Appendix 10, April 26, 1866.

  31. Howe’s statement of March 30, 1861, quoted in Nova Scotia, Journals 1866, Appendix 10.

  32. Beck, ed., Joseph Howe, p. 101.

  33. Nova Scotia Debates 1866, pp. 190 (Annand), 293 (Brown), 287 (Blackwood).

  34. Nova Scotia Debates 1866, pp. 247-54 (Henry), 211-22 (Tupper).

  35. Nova Scotia Debates 1866, pp. 244-6 (Blanchard), 247-54 (Henry), 283-4 (McFarlane), 269-76 (Macdonald).

  36. J. W. Longley, Sir Charles Tupper (Toronto: Morang, Makers of Canada Series, 1916), p. 79.

  37. Phillip Buckner, “The Maritimes and Confederation: A Reassessment,” Canadian Historical Review 61 (1990), pp. 1-45.

  38. Canada, Parliamentary Debates on Confederation of the British North American Provinces (Quebec: 1865), p. 1007.

  39. Confederation Debates, p. 59 (Cartier); G. P. Browne, Documents on Confederation of British North America (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1969), p. 95 (Macdonald).

  40. Tilley story, noted in 1917, is recorded in George S. Holmsted Papers, NAC, MG27 II H6.

  Chapter Seven: “The Leadership Secrets of John A. Macdonald”

  1. Canada, Parliamentary Debates on Confederation of the British North American Provinces (Quebec: 1865), p. 946, quoting Dickey’s letter of December 5, 1864.

  2. E. B. Biggar, An Anecdotal Life of John A. Macdonald (Montreal: Lovell and Co., 1891) p. 116-7.

  3. Joseph Pope, The Memoirs of Sir John A. Macdonald (Toronto: Musson, 1927), p. 780-3.

  4. The Economist’s major articles on confederation in 1864 appeared on July 16 (Vol. 22, p. 892), August 27 (Vol. 22, p. 1080), October 15 (Vol. 22, p. 1279), and November 26 (Vol. 22, p. 1455).

  5. Walter Bagehot, The English Constitution (London: 1867). I used the 1963 Fontana edition, edited and introduced by Richard Crossman, in which these quotations appear on pp. 84 and 102.

  6. Bagehot, The English Constitution, p. 98.

  7. Bagehot, The English Constitution, p. 245.

  8. Bagehot, The English Constitution, p. 94.

  9. Bagehot, The English Constitution, p. 156.

  10. Biggar, Anecdotes, pp. 190-1.

  11. J. K. Johnson, “John A. Macdonald,” in J. M. S. Careless, The Pre-Confederation Premiers of Ontario (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1985).

  12. Biggar, Anecdotes, p. 131.

  13. Donald Creighton, John A. Macdonald, Vol. II: The Old Statesman (Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1955), p. 522.

  14. Richard Cartwright, Reminiscences (Toronto: Wm. Briggs), p. 304.

  15. Donald Creighton, The Road to Confederation (Toronto: Macmillan of Canada, 1964), p. 236.

  16. Confederation Debates, p. 1007.

  17. Bagehot, The English Constitution, p. 152.

  18. Biggar, Anecdotes, p. 134.

  19. Mercy Ann Coles, “Diary,” National Archives of Canada, MG24 B66.

  20. Macdonald to Gray, March 24, 1865, John A. Macdonald Papers, Vol. 51, NAC, MG24 A.

  21. Carnarvon to Monck, August 10, 1866, in G. P. Browne, ed., Documents on Confederation of British North America (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1969), p. 193.

  22. Quotations from the London debates are drawn from the minutes kept by Macdonald’s secretary, Hewitt Bernard, and published in Browne, ed., Documents, p. 195ff.

  23. Browne, ed., Documents, p. 214.

  24. Langevin’s letter to his brother Edmond, quoted in Andrée Desilets, Hector Langevin, un père de la confédération canadienne (Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1969), p. 159.

  25. Desilets, Hector Langevin, p. 164.

  26. Desilets, Hector Langevin, p. 159; Creighton, Road to Confederation, p. 408.

  27. Creighton, Road to Confederation, p. 420.

  28. Economist, Vol. 23, February 23, 1867, p. 203.

  29. Economist, Vol. 23, April 22, 1865, p. 463, and September 9, 1865, p. 1086.

  30. Dunkin quoted in Confederation Debates, p. 498; Galt quoted in H. B. Timothy, The Galts: A Canadian Odyssey (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1984), p. 108.

  31. Bagehot, The English Constitution, p. 159.

  32. Bagehot, The English Constitution, p. 277.

  33. Gordon T. Stewart, The Origins of Canadian Politics (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1986), p. 67.

  34. Stewart, Origins of Canadian Politics, p. 70.

  35. S. J. R. Noel, Patrons, Clients, Brokers: Ontario Society and Politics, 1791-1896 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990), p. 286.

  36. Noel, Patrons, Clients, Brokers, p. 285.

  37. Bagehot, English Constitution, p. 94.

  38. Peter Jenkins, “Article,” Independent, April 10, 1992.

  Chapter Eight: “Nation and Crown”

  1. Can
ada, Parliamentary Debates on Confederation of the British North American Provinces (Quebec: 1865), p. 125-46.

  2. Confederation Debates, p. 60.

  3. Confederation Debates, p. 59; Nova Scotia, Debates and Proceedings of the House of Assembly 1865 (Halifax: 1865), p. 207-10.

  4. Confederation Debates, p. 146.

  5. Dorion: Confederation Debates, p. 255; Acadian Recorder (Halifax), September 12, 1864, quoted in Phillip Buckner, “The Maritimes and Confederation: A Reassessment,” in Canadian Historical Review 61 #1 (March 1990), p. 25.

  6. Peter Russell, Constitutional Odyssey: Can Canadians Be a Sovereign People? (Toronto: University of Toronto Press) p. 3.

  7. Economist, Vol. 2, October 15, 1864, p. 1279.

  8. Confederation Debates, p. 146.

  9. G. P. Browne, ed., Documents on Confederation of British North America (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1969), pp. 185-9, Observations and Notes on the Quebec Resolutions, July 24, 1866; pp. 247-62, Initial draft of the BNA Act, January 23, 1867.

  10. Browne, ed., Documents, p. 169; Economist, Vol. 22, November 26, 1864, p. 1455.

  11. Browne, ed., Documents, p. 180.

  12. Joseph Pope, The Memoirs of Sir John A. Macdonald (Toronto: Musson, 1927), p. 289.

  13. The quotation and much of the detail here are from Ged Martin, Britain and the Origins of Canadian Confederation, 1837-67 (Vancouver: UBC Press), pp. 284-90.

  14. Confederation Debates, p. 132; Peter Waite, The Life and Times of Confederation (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1962), p. 28.

  15. Waite, Life and Times of Confederation, p. 194; Nova Scotia Debates 1865, p. 211.

  16. Confederation Debates, p. 145.

  17. Globe, July 1, 1867; Careless, Brown of the Globe, Vol. II, p. 251-3.

  18. W. T. R. Preston, My Generation of Politicians and Politics (Toronto: Rose Publishing, 1927), p. 18.

  19. Pope, Memoirs of Sir John A. Macdonald, p. 274.

  20. Confederation Debates, p. 541.

  Postscript: If We Had a Parliamentary Democracy …

  1. James Gillies, “Thinking the Unthinkable: The Republic of Canada,” Globe and Mail, June 28, 1997, p. D9.


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