Book Read Free

Denying the Alpha

Page 23

by Sam Crescent

  “Hello?” Kara said.

  “Hi. Who is this? Are you the phone owner?” the voice on the other side asked.

  “Yes,” she replied. “I suppose you have my phone or you wouldn’t be answering.”

  He chuckled. The rich sound made her heart pick up its tempo and her owl preen, sending tiny darts of arousal to her pussy.

  “Can you describe your belongings to me, or can I ask you a few questions?” he asked.

  She frowned. “What are you? The police? If I’m calling this number it’s because I’m obviously the owner.”

  He laughed openly and a giddiness she’d only experienced in her teenage years slammed into her. Her pussy throbbed and she glanced down at her lap. Why hadn’t she bothered to get dressed?

  “Just humor me. It won’t hurt and that way we can both be sure I have your stuff.”

  “Fine.” She rolled her eyes. She supposed he made some kind of sense. “Shoot.”

  “What kind of phone do you have and what’s your background image?”

  “I have a cranky old iPhone5 with a red cover and a shitty battery which doesn’t last more than two hours. The picture is of a gray owl with big yellow eyes.”

  My niece after her first shifting. Kara smiled, recalling the shock in the young girl’s eyes.

  “Great. And your backpack?”

  “Black, a little worn at the edges. Inside I have my wallet with my driver’s ID, a makeup case with skulls printed on it, red-framed sunglasses, a book on business administration and a notebook.” She paused. “Oh and a set of keys.”

  “What does the keychain look like?”

  She took in a deep breath. Her owl fluttered wildly at her chest, making her dizzy. What the hell was wrong with the creature?

  “Is this really necessary? I just told you everything else that was in my bag.”

  “Just trying to make sure. I wouldn’t want to give someone’s house keys to a stranger or a crazy boyfriend.”

  “First, I don’t have a boyfriend. Second, it’s a little Lego RD2 Star Wars key ring.”

  “So, you like Star Wars, huh?”


  “Never mind. It sounds like I have your stuff, little owl. Including your clothes.”

  She almost dropped the phone. “Excuse me?” Had he just called her little owl?

  “You don’t need to sound so pissed.”

  “Pissed?” she echoed.

  The knot of anger in her stomach, which she’d forgotten about at the sound of his voice, returned tenfold.

  “What do you mean I don’t need to sound pissed? You interrogate me, mock my film choices, and call me pet names. How do you even know I’m an owl? Are you the asshole who almost ran me over this morning? Because if you are—”

  “I’m at Coffee First, Kara. Do you know where it is?”

  “Yes, I know where it is. How the fuck do you know my name?”

  “Whoa, calm down,” he said.

  “What?” She jumped up, her chair toppling over. “Are you giving me orders?”

  “No. Are you okay? I just heard something fall.”

  “I’m perfectly fine, except I have some arrogant asshole hijacking my stuff and insulting me over the phone.”

  He laughed again, the sound full of warmth. Kara curled her hands into fists.

  “How dare you?” she said.

  “Listen, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be a jerk. I was just teasing. How long will it take you to get here? I have an appointment at noon.”

  She let out a long breath. Think rationally. Kara glanced at the rest of her school material piled on her coffee table.

  He had her possessions and she needed them.

  “I’ll be there in fifteen,” she said.

  “Great. See you in a few.”

  “Wait, what’s your name?”

  “Name’s Kit.”

  “Kit? What kind of name is that?” she blurted out.

  “The same kind as Kara.”

  Kara dug her fingertips onto the counter, focusing on the bite of the granite and pushing her sarcastic retort aside.

  “And how am I supposed to recognize you?” she asked.

  “Don’t worry, little owl. You will.”

  The line went dead.

  Chapter Three

  Kit smiled at the hovering waitress. This was the third time she’d come by to ask if he needed anything. Considering the size of Coffee First, it was comical. The coffee shop had a grand total of eight tables, two big easy chairs, and a breakfast bar. Her interest in him was obvious and normally he’d have cashed in on the moment, but not today. His thoughts revolved around only one woman: Kara. His mate. He still couldn’t believe he’d been so lucky. Never, in his wildest dreams, did he imagine he’d find her. Those kinds of things always happened to others, like his brother or his friends, not him.

  Yet, here he was, waiting for her to walk through the door.

  Fifteen minutes hadn’t elapsed yet but every time the bell at the front chimed, he looked up. Unfortunately, the damn place was buzzing as customers dropped by to pick up orders or enjoy a quick bite to eat before heading to work. Morning had finally caught up with the city and people ran to and fro, rejoining the frantic rhythm of the gray world around them. Kit glanced at his watch.

  Seventeen minutes.

  She was late. Had he made her so angry she’d decided not to show? He ran his fingers through his hair, combing it back. He didn’t know what had possessed him, but he’d been unable to stop the ribbing. And the little owl pet name? He’d put his foot in his mouth on that one, but it’d slipped naturally.

  The door opened and a young woman dressed in a pin-striped suit walked in. She had the right height and build as well as the same pixie cut as his mate, but one look at her face, and he knew it wasn’t his Kara. Kit glanced away.

  How much longer was she going to take? He finished his coffee and frowned. He should have probably chosen something else. Tension and caffeine didn’t mix and he was getting jittery.

  “Keep it together, man,” he whispered under his breath.

  He toyed with the strap of Kara’s backpack, which rested at his side as a quiet testimony of reality. Kara wasn’t a dream.

  He wasn’t ashamed to admit he’d gone through her stuff before receiving her call. His reasons were both selfish and gallant. On the one hand, he wanted to find a way to return her things. On the other, he yearned to learn more about his mate.

  “Good morning.”

  That voice. Kit’s head snapped up. There she was. His heart cartwheeled and his eagle cried out in victory. She stood at the bar, her back to him, appraising the cakes on offer.

  His woman was petite, with a cute bubble butt, but a waist so tiny he feared crushing her if he squeezed too hard. She wore her hair short with streaks of red, and she dressed informally, in jeans and a flowing shirt.

  Kara spun around.

  Her beauty stole his breath but her eyes were something from another world. Big and bright, they seemed to peer into his soul. His pulse quickened and his eagle sprinted through his system, the need to shift and claim his mate becoming almost unbearable. Was she feeling it? Was her little owl fighting to come out and claim him?

  Kit closed his fist, his talons digging into his palm.


  He took in a deep breath. Sweat slithered down his spine. Control. He had to maintain the reins on the animal.

  As much as his eagle had made up its mind, he needed Kara’s consent and she appeared to be anything but happy as she marched in his direction. Tension rolled off her in waves.

  “Kit, I suppose.” She tilted her chin defiantly, daring him to disagree with her.

  “Yes. A pleasure to meet you, Kara.” He extended his hand, thankfully normal again, but she didn’t take it.

  “I never imagined the guy who almost ran me over would also be the one to collect my stuff.”

  Kit lowered his arm, motioning for her to take a seat. She ignored him.

sp; “I apologize for this morning. I was driving recklessly.”

  “No shit, Sherlock.”

  Kit stifled his laughter. “You’ve got quite the temper, don’t you?” he said.

  “I’m sure you’d be pretty pissed if you were in my position.”

  “I’d apologize, but in reality, I’m glad I almost killed you.”

  Her eyebrows almost touched her hairline. She threw her hands up in the air.

  “Just as I suspected. You’re insane.” She pointed to her backpack. “Mind handing it over? I have things to do that don’t include chatting with a madman.”

  Kit patted the dark bag. “Actually, I thought we could talk for a bit, and get to know each other better.”

  Kara’s nostrils flared and she crossed her arms across her chest, clearly unaware of how the gesture made her breasts stand out. They were small, but perky. His cock stiffened. He could hardly wait to get her in private. Kit’s eagle whistled impatiently.


  “Why would I do that?” she asked. “You almost killed me and now you won’t give me my stuff. The last thing I want to do is sit here and speak to you.”

  Kit frowned. A little resistance and bantering were fun when it came to women, but this open hostility bordered on ridiculous.

  “Come on, you’re going to deny the connection between us?”

  Fire blazed in her eyes. “Connection? I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Chapter Four

  Kara dug her fingertips onto her ribs. She needed to stay grounded. Her stupid owl was acting all kinds of crazy, and the itch to shift or throw herself into this man’s lap was becoming almost painful.


  What she felt went beyond that. It was an edgy tremor that traveled from the nape of her neck to her stomach and took residence there like bubbling lava.

  It’d started the moment she’d walked into Coffee First and had spotted him sitting next to the window. She’d stalled at the bar, pretending to look for a pastry, buying time so she could get rid of the sudden rush of maddening lust racing across her veins.

  He stood out like a sore thumb. Kit was a giant of a man, too big for such a small, cozy place in which hanging light bulbs, plants, and pastel signs were the norm.

  Too badass.

  Biker boots, black jeans, and a t-shirt which stretched across his pecs and made her want to tear it off him and expose him to her gaze to see what else he hid beneath, because surely, he didn’t only have tattoos on his arms. Then there was the long, blond Mohawk and thick beard, which made her hands tingle with the need to touch.

  However, his eyes were what undid and fixed her resolve at the same time. They were a light brown, almost amber in color, and the way they looked at her sent the churning fire in her stomach rolling and spreading across every inch of her skin. Her owl squeaked in delight, pecking at her heart to let go and shift.


  Kit spelled trouble with a capital T and right now, she was trying to stay away from anything remotely similar. She had dreams and aspirations and a man wasn’t in the picture.

  “Connection or the primal urge to mate. Call it what you will, little owl,” Kit said, flashing her a set of pearly whites which stood out against his tanned skin.

  Of course, the man couldn’t be missing a tooth or two so I’d find him repulsive.

  She took a deep breath. She’d endured this nonsense for far too long. Time to make things clear.

  “I have no desire to mate with you. Now, give me my stuff before I call the police.”

  His grin widened, and spreading his arms across the back of the seat, he lifted her backpack and dangled it on two fingers.

  “You want it? Have a seat and chat with me. That’s all I’m asking, unless you prefer we leave and cut to the chase.”

  Her owl twittered in approval at his suggestion. Kara swallowed a groan. Treacherous beast.

  “Give me my stuff now. There’s no connection and no mating happening here. If you think I’d ever go into bed with a guy like you, then you need therapy.”

  He didn’t retract. To her dismay, he moved so close she could see the specks of gold in his eyes and smell the coffee on his breath.

  “Why are you fighting it? Haven’t you dreamed of this moment?”

  “What do you think I am? A damsel in distress?”

  She didn’t give him time to respond and, leaning over the table, she lunged for her stuff. A large hand squeezed her ass. Gasping loudly, she scurried upright.

  “What do you think you’re doing?” she demanded.

  “Just giving you a helping hand,” he replied. “You’re short. I thought I’d give you a boost.”

  “This is harassment.”

  Kit laughed. “It would be if it weren’t because I’m attuned to your arousal, little owl. Lust is pumping through our blood hard and fast, our birds begging to fly together and perform the mating ritual. You want me as badly as I want you.”

  She shook her head but her damn bird was screeching for release and her libidinous body ached with a throbbing rhythm that demanded to be satisfied.

  “Give me my belongings.”

  “Your wish is my command, little one.” He handed her the black school bag. “Unfortunately, I have to go, but this isn’t the end of our conversation,” Kit stated.

  “If that’s what you want to believe, suit yourself,” she said, shouldering her backpack. Kara turned to leave.

  “Don’t forget your clothes,” he said.

  She spun around. Kit held out the jeans and shirt she’d been wearing earlier in the day. Scowling, she took them from him.

  “And my underwear?”

  “Oops.” His eyes held a playful glint. “I must have forgotten it at my hotel room, but you could accompany me and we can go get it. Although the idea of knowing you might not be wearing any panties makes me drool.”

  “You’re disgusting,” she said, even though liquid pooled between her thighs.

  “And yet I’m your mate. Isn’t life full of hard … things?”

  His gaze dipped and she mistakenly followed it. Her eyes widened at the impressive bulge in his jeans. Heat crept up her neck.


  Devilish man chortled. “See you soon, little owl.”

  Not if she had any say, he wouldn’t.

  Chapter Five

  Kara punched the cushion. She’d sat on the couch to get some studying done before lunch but she couldn’t focus. Her body was on overdrive, her thoughts relentlessly returning to Kit.


  Ha! That was probably what he told all the girls to get them in the sack. Then once the deal was done, it’d be a quick apology and farewell. Not that it mattered. She had no interest in him. Kara shut her book with a snap.

  Fine, she was attracted to him, but she didn’t have time for a quick roll in the hay with some jerk. She had to be studying for exams. Her degree was her long-term plan, not romance. Unlike most shifters she knew who secretly or not-so-secretly craved a mate, she’d never cared.

  If she’d learned one thing from her parents, it was that hard work paid off. She’d been working her ass off to be able to graduate with top grades and she was almost at the end of the race.

  She looked at the family picture hanging on her wall. She loved them, but unfortunately, they didn’t understand her. They expected her to stay home and work in the family business forever. Her dreams involved making airplanes and living abroad.

  Sighing, Kara glanced at her watch.

  Currently, however, she had to deal with the cards she’d been dealt. No one in her family knew what she was studying or her future plans. Her mother’s tantrum when Kara mentioned studying engineering was still fresh in her mind, so she never mentioned it again. Instead, and to appease her parents, Kara pretended to sign up for Business Administration at the nearby community college, but the reality was that she drove two hours each way to be able to study Aeronautical Engineering. For them, she had an e
asy life. She went to classes in the morning, studied for a bit, lent a hand in her parent’s business for two hours, and went home.

  Kara rubbed her eyes.

  Her timetable was much more complicated. She’d managed to schedule most of her classes in the morning, so she was usually done by two o’clock. After, she’d eat something quick and return to help out in the shop for a few hours. Next, she’d head home, do some homework, take a nap and then she’d go to her second job, waitress at Moon Point, the infamous shifter bar. Once she got home from work, she’d study for another few hours before crashing in bed and getting up at five again to repeat the whole process.

  Most of the time she was exhausted, but luckily, when it was exam period classes were canceled, so she could focus entirely on studying and didn’t have to worry about commuting, but still, she was sick of lying and making up excuses. Finishing her degree was her number one priority in life. Period.

  Kara checked the time again.

  “Let’s go.”

  Grabbing her backpack and keys, she left her apartment and called the elevator. The only good thing about going to work today would be that the bustle of the shop would keep her thoughts from straying to Kit. Her stomach fluttered and her owl hooted dejectedly.

  “He’s just some guy,” she murmured. “Stop acting all irrational.”

  The elevator pinged and the doors slid open.

  Kara shuffled back a step and did a double-take. Her animal rattled noisily against her chest in ecstatic joy.


  His gaze swam over her face as if he couldn’t quite believe she was standing there. Her owl rammed against her flesh and a wave of dizziness hit her.


  Kara clenched her teeth. Her scalp itched, the first forewarning sign of a shift.


  “What are you doing here, Kit?” she asked. Her voice came out low, and sensual. She scowled.

  Kit’s eyes lit up.

  “Well, I’m a contractor and I had come to see an apartment they’re selling on the seventh floor and which a friend had told me about.”


  So it was a coincidence. Kara swallowed. The doors to the elevator began to close, but Kit placed his booted foot between them, halting their progress.


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