Denying the Alpha

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Denying the Alpha Page 31

by Sam Crescent

  “You sure you want to fuck a wildcat?”

  “You heard what your father said. We’re more than compatible.” Lilly was living proof that wolves and cats could procreate. He looked forward to having her pregnant and the mother of his children. And he didn’t care what anyone thought of his choice.

  “You’re right. If we get this over with you’ll be at your best. It’s the only way to defeat Axel.”

  He licked his lips. “Lilly, I have no plans on getting this over with. I’ll be taking my time.”

  She rested her palm on his chest, then raked her fingernails gently down to his stomach. Her touch made his cock even harder than it already was. “You’re able to think about sex right now?”

  “You have no idea the nasty shit I’m thinking of.”

  “Like what?”

  He slid his hand along her curves, over her ass, and then around to cup her pussy. She moaned when he added pressure. “Such a hot little cunt.” He slid his middle finger deep into her pussy, then added a second finger. She was already soaking wet. Titus grabbed her long, blonde hair with his free hand, tugging her head back sharply as he finger-fucked her. “You’re not a human, Lilly. Do I have to be gentle with you?”

  Her breathing was rapid and shallow, her eyes glazed over with lust. “I like it rough.”

  “Such a good kitten.” He leaned down and suckled her tit. She dropped her weight onto his palm, wriggling for more of his fingers. He growled in his chest.


  “I’ve got you, baby. I’m going to make you forget everything.”

  He lowered her to the forest floor. Titus was thankful his mate was a shifter and not a delicate human. His wolf would be too difficult to tame. And he planned to enjoy Lilly.

  Her hair spilled out, light against the dark leaves. Such beauty. He stared at his mate and all her luscious curves—those big tits and rounded hips. Titus knelt down and spread her thick thighs.

  “You’re my first,” she said.

  “I know.” He couldn’t smell another male claim on her. Titus would be the first and only male to enjoy her body. His territorial wolven instinct was deeply satisfied knowing she was untouched. Her pretty pink pussy glistened in the moonlight.

  His mouth salivated, his cock leaking pre-cum. He got his face comfortable between her legs and lapped up her folds. She bucked and gasped, her arms reaching out to her sides. He continued to fuck her with his tongue, licking and sucking her sensitive little clit. She writhed beneath him, but he held her down, knowing it wouldn’t take long for her to come.

  He wanted to taste her, to hear her cry out in orgasm.

  “You like that?” He looked up at her from between her legs. Her beautiful lips were parted, her breathing labored. “Tell me you want more. Tell me to eat your virgin pussy until you come all over my tongue.”

  “Oh, gods.” She tossed her head back, her legs dropping open more. “Make me come, Titus.”


  The things he could do with his mouth were unreal. She’d never known pleasure like this. And she wanted more.

  It felt dirty having a man, an Alpha, eating her pussy. The animalistic sounds he made proved he enjoyed every minute of it. Lilly had always been the one in control—strong, fearless, and ready to survive on her own at any given moment. She never expected a mate. But this wolf, this beast of a man made her feel safe and protected. Made her feel wanted. It was a high in itself to be able to let go and just savor the pleasure he willingly gave her.

  “Claim me,” she murmured. Lilly didn’t trust her own voice. She was floating, the pre-orgasmic bliss taking her higher and higher.

  “You know what you have to do,” he said. Then he began to suck steadily on her clit, his arms stretched out along her sides. His rough stubble scraped her inner thighs. The pressure built, her womb coiling tighter and tighter.

  He wanted her to come, and even if she tried, she wouldn’t be able to hold off much longer. What she wanted was his cock, to feel him fucking her deep and hard. Claiming her. Lilly needed him to mark her, committing to her body and soul. Until their mating was official, it was still a fantasy. And she was still the little girl, the wildcat nobody wanted around.

  Lilly pushed away her insecurities and let go, embracing the mounting pressure. Within seconds, she ignited, her body jolting as she arched off the ground. Wave after wave of heat and raw pleasure coursed through her veins, leaving her spineless. Only once she’d settled did Titus rise up to his hands and knees. His eyes looked feral, more animal than man, and it turned her on.

  His shoulders were corded with muscle as he crawled higher up her body. He stopped to take her nipple in his mouth, then moved to her neck. He licked her pulse point, breathing her in.

  “Are you sure it’s the mating call?” she asked.

  Another breath. “You smell like mine. Your blood is calling to me, calling to my wolf.” He nuzzled her neck, licking, his fangs lightly nicking her skin.

  “You can’t own a wildcat.” There was little conviction in her words at this point, but she feared being controlled.

  “But I make you feel so good you’ll never want to run off.”

  She fought the cloud of desire and pushed Titus off her. Lilly sprang to a crouch. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “You heard what your father said. Your mother was a cat. As soon as you were born, she was gone, regardless of the mating bond.”

  Lilly frowned, her hackles up. “I’m not my mother.”

  She knew it. He’d rather have a she-wolf. Titus thought badly of her race and she wouldn’t be tolerated by a mate. She’d rather be alone forever.

  “Relax, baby.” He reached for her, and only then did she realize her fangs and claws were at the ready. She growled at him.

  “I never should have killed Danny. She would have made the perfect mate for you.” Lilly leaped forward, about to shift and get Oslow from the cottage. She’d bring him home and forget about Titus, his promises, and the way he set her body afire. She should have kept to the mission.

  He caught her in mid-air. “Ah ah ah. You’re not getting away from me so easily, little cat.”

  She struggled in his arms. “It’ll never work, Titus! Admit it to yourself. One day you’ll regret settling for a cat, I promise you that.” Lilly punched him hard in the gut, and he groaned, his jaw clenching down hard.

  “Enough.” He shackled both her wrists, and she was helpless against the Alpha’s power. “I’m not going to regret shit, and do you know why? You’re my mate, Lilly. The only woman I’ll ever want.”

  “I know what you think of cats. You compared me to my mother. She abandoned me!” Tears filled her eyes, and a pain she never realized she harbored was just under the surface. It spilled over, her body sagging against him.

  Titus released her hands and pulled her close, his arms around her body. “It was her loss, Lilly.” He stroked her hair, and she closed her eyes, savoring the simple kindness. “I don’t hate your cat. I’m just scared. Scared to lose you, scared you’ll regret accepting a wolf. I saw the pain in your father’s eyes. I don’t want that to be me.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you. I want us to be together forever.”

  No words formed. The kaleidoscope of emotions had weakened her. In the past hour, too much had been thrust upon her. One thing she knew for certain—she was nothing like her mother. She craved a pack and wanted to belong more than anything. It was the reason she pushed herself, always convinced she had something to prove. The last thing she dreamed of was wandering the world alone forever.

  Hearing her wolf talk about his own insecurities drew her closer to him. She was the Alpha’s weakness. She’d never been anyone’s anything. Lilly took a deep breath, reminding herself about the control she’d perfected over the years.

  She dropped down to her knees in front of her mate, taking his thick cock in her fist. Lilly looked up at him and licked her lips. He gave her pleasure, and she wanted to return the favor. To show him ho
w much she appreciated his love.

  Lilly wrapped her mouth around his girth and sucked until he groaned. Back and forth she fucked him with her mouth.

  “You’ll be the death of me,” he said.

  She felt a rush of power bringing the Alpha pleasure. He was at her mercy, trusting her as she’d trusted him. Her cat clawed to be released, her feral nature becoming stronger as her body heated with desire. She lapped up his length, loving his thick meat and musky taste.

  “Whoa, baby. That’s enough.” He pulled her up to her feet.

  She blinked away her cat pupils, refocusing on her breathing. “You didn’t like it?”

  He smirked. “Barbed tongue.”

  “Oh. Sorry.”

  They stared at each other. Not moving. Not speaking. Only their labored breathing among the night song of the forest. Desire snapped between them like a living force.

  “I won’t be gentle. Not now,” he said.

  “I’m a big girl. I can handle whatever you give me. Just make it soon.”

  He grabbed her by the base of the neck, pulling her in for a kiss. His lips were firm, his tongue probing. She opened for him, savoring the brutality and urgency of the kiss. This was exactly what she craved.

  It was time to see just how compatible a wolf and cat could be.

  Chapter Six

  Titus had waited a long time for this moment. Forty-three years to be exact. He never, in all of his wildest dreams, thought his mate would be a cat. She was stunning. No doubt about it. Even with the threat of Axel hanging over them, he couldn’t go another second without claiming her. It wasn’t about being stronger. He wanted to bond with her. To have a partner in life.

  He’d never let her get away or give her a chance to think that they weren’t compatible. He knew they were destined for each other, deep down into the very essence of his being. Without her, he was nothing. The pack, they couldn’t compare. His mate was his number one priority.

  For many years he’d been warned that when it came to his mate, he’d risk everything to claim her, to be with her. He’d always thought it was lies, an overexaggeration of how important a mate was.

  With Lilly, he felt it.

  He was consumed by this desperate need to mate, to fuck, to claim. To have her submit to him. Breaking from the kiss, he trailed his lips down her body.

  The scent of the earth and forest fueled him. He relished it along with the purrs she kept making.

  The sounds she made went straight to his cock and he was hungry for more.

  Sucking one of her nipples into his mouth, he bit down lightly onto the bud, hearing her cry out his name. He wanted to howl out in the night, but growled low in his chest, keeping focused. Sliding his fingers between her thighs, he found her wet heat and stroked, feeling her body quiver beneath his touch.

  It was her first time but he was going to make sure she’d never forget it.

  Changing to her other nipple, he teased her areola before taking that one between his teeth. She had full, heavy tits. He lapped at her skin, loving the taste of her.

  All of his senses were on alert.

  Mate her.

  Take her.

  Fuck her.

  Claim her.


  Do it now.

  He needed this more than he needed anything else in the world.

  Gliding down her body, he pressed a kiss to her sweet clit before sucking it into his mouth. He was tempted to rid her of that pesky virginity but he had to be patient.

  When she was at the edge of bliss once again, he watched her body.

  There were no more signs of her wanting to leave or having doubts. The flush on her cheeks, the rapid rise and fall of her chest—she was close. There was no way he’d ever allow his woman to question what she meant to him. He felt fucking consumed by Lilly.

  She’d stumbled into his life and everything was going to change. No more loneliness, no more feeling deprived by the gods.

  Lilly was the one with the real power here, not him.

  He was at her mercy and he loved it.

  My mate.

  All mine.

  No one else’s.

  He felt pride knowing this cat, this wild, beautiful woman, was all his. No one else would ever know how sweet she tasted or the sounds she made as she came. Lowering her to her back, he spread her legs wide. Her pussy was pink and glistening, making his fangs prick his gums.

  Grabbing his aching cock, copious amounts of pre-cum already leaking out of the tip, he settled between her legs. Sliding his cock along her slit, he got himself all nicely coated in her cream.

  Wolves didn’t need protection.

  He didn’t want to use a condom to dull the senses.

  They were wild beings.

  Lilly was his mate.

  There was no way in hell that he’d ever be without her.

  If their union ended with a little baby, damn, he’d feel so damn proud. Becoming a mate and a father all within a matter of days. This was his dream.

  “Titus,” she said. “Please.”

  He didn’t give her a chance to change her mind. Putting the tip of his cock at her entrance, he stared into her eyes and slid to the hilt, tearing through her virginity, claiming her as his.

  She cried out. The feminine sound hurt him deeply. He held himself still within her as her pain filled the air.

  He wouldn’t let her suffer.

  Don’t hurt her.


  “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry,” he said. Cupping her cheek, he stared into her eyes, which had gone wide as he slid in deep. “I have to remember this is new for you.”

  “It’s fine.”

  “It can’t be fine if you’re in pain. Shit!” He went to pull out of her but her nails sank into the flesh of his ass.

  “I’m not made of glass. I’m not going to break. I don’t want you to stop.”

  “I don’t want to hurt you, baby. We can wait.”

  “The first time always hurts for a woman, Titus. Just give it a minute and it’ll all be fine. I’m not the delicate human girl I claimed to be. Don’t forget what I am.”

  He wanted to stop. To tell her no, but he didn’t pull away. Lilly was right. Her shifter DNA wouldn’t allow pain to linger. Her body would heal incredibly fast, even in human form.

  She held him in a death grip.

  Lilly’s nails continued to sink into the flesh of his ass. They’d not broken the skin but if her body changed or at least her claws did, she’d cut him.

  Taking possession of her lips, he nibbled at her mouth until she opened up. Plunging his tongue inside, they kissed harder, unable to get enough of each other. Their teeth clashed together, their passion scorching. Slowly, he felt her pussy start to grow even wetter, pulsing around him.

  Lilly began to thrust her hips, riding his cock, wriggling for more.

  It took every ounce of his control to not slam deep within her.

  He wanted to fuck.

  But he allowed her time to grow accustomed to his girth being inside her. Moaning against her mouth, he heard her growl. It sounded so strange coming from her lips. It wasn’t a wolf growl but a feminine one.

  “Please, Titus, I need you.”

  “You want me to fuck you now?”

  “Yes, make me yours. Make me your mate.”

  The words were sweet music and as he pulled out of her only to slide back inside with force, he felt that linking. That bond of their bodies and the connection of their souls. Their inner animals came out to play as they mated together, doing what they should have been doing from that first day.

  In his mind’s eye, he saw her cat and it was beautiful. Strong, confident, loyal.

  This was how they were destined to be together. They were as one.

  The two of them from now until eternity.

  She was his queen, his reason for existing. Her rightful place was by his side and he relished it.

  “Yes, it feels so good.” She writhed beneath him, anticipat
ing each thrust of his hips.

  Taking hold of her hands, he pinned them to the ground. Lilly wrapped her legs around his waist and he drove inside her.

  She took everything he gave and moaned as she did. Her pussy spasmed around him with every thrust, taking them both closer to the edge.

  He felt the first stirrings of his orgasm. The ache in his balls to fill her up. To make her take his cum so that they could have a baby.

  His teeth grew long and as he sank his fangs into the flesh of her shoulder, he was rewarded by the spike of hers.




  “I love you, Titus,” Lilly said.

  Now his world was complete.


  Blood covered her thighs and mouth.

  Lilly couldn’t believe she was no longer a virgin but also that she was mated. She stood beside her mate.

  She felt him. Inside her head. She’d never had a connection with her pack, being a different species. Now she felted united, like she belonged.

  It was strange how to describe him. His energy seemed to surround her with warmth and love. The initial penetration had taken her by surprise, but she was strong and wanted to see their mating through. It didn’t take long for discomfort to morph into the most addictive pleasure she’d ever experienced. Having Titus inside her, bonding them, his thick cock driving home over and over was what she’d been craving for days.

  Keeping hold of his hand, they entered the micro lake they’d found. They looked a sight after their mating and needed to wash up.

  “I think it’s only fair that I get to help you,” he said.

  He picked her up in his arms.

  Rather than fight him, she wrapped her arms around his neck, staring into his eyes. This was the first time in her whole life that she’d ever allowed herself to trust anyone. No man had ever been allowed past her walls before.

  “I’m scared,” she said.

  It hurt her to say those words. Tears filled her eyes.

  For so long it had only been her. Her against the pack. Fighting for her life.

  Titus paused. “Why are you scared?”

  “I don’t want to … fail you.” Being vulnerable was not in her nature. This mating had opened up that path that gave her the courage to believe she could with him. Nibbling her lip, she couldn’t look away.


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