Denying the Alpha

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Denying the Alpha Page 32

by Sam Crescent

  He smiled. “You won’t.”

  “I’m a cat.”

  “You’re mine. Whenever someone tells you differently, you tell them that you belong to Titus. You’re his mate and I will tell them all that I belong to you. You own my heart, Lilly. Cat or not, I’ll never let you go. You will never fail me.”

  He lowered them down into the water. It was cold and fresh, making her nipples pebble.

  The sex had been so crazy. A whirlwind. The feel of him pumping inside her, stroking her with his cock. She wanted to do it again. And again.


  She couldn’t enjoy the pleasure of his cock again until she found this traitor. How dare he think he could take Titus’s place? Her mate’s pack belonged to him and she’d never allow anyone to take that from him.

  “I want to fuck you again,” she said. “After we deal with Axel.”

  He chuckled. “Baby, once we deal with all the pack stuff, you’re not going to have much choice. I’m going to fuck you every single chance I get.” He ran his hand down her body, teasing between her thighs. She jolted.

  She knew he was cleaning her the best way he could, but she was still hypersensitive.

  Once he was done, his hand came to rest on her stomach.

  “How would you feel about us having a baby?”

  She laughed. “A little too soon, don’t you think?”

  “No. I’ve waited a lifetime for you.”

  Whenever he talked like that, she felt this fluttering within her heart.

  She closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax, resting her head against his chest. This was what love felt like. She didn’t want to ever lose this feeling.

  Running her hands down his back, she gripped his buttocks, feeling his cock tighten against her stomach.

  “Woman, we don’t have time for more of that yet.”

  She giggled. “Would you deny me?”

  “You know I can’t.” He held her even tighter, making her pulse with need. Her tits felt so heavy and her mind clouded with the thought of him taking her once again. Thanks to her shifter blood, she’d already healed. Her cat felt feral with need.

  She leaned up about to kiss his lips, but froze.

  “What is it?” he asked.

  With a frown, she sniffed the air.

  The scent was faint but there. Her tracking skills were second to none.

  “I don’t have bad breath, do I?” he asked, with a hint of a smile to his lips.


  Titus tensed up.

  “You can scent him?”

  “I think so. I remember that scent. There’s something else though.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Axel isn’t alone.”

  She didn’t like the twisted feeling in her gut.

  Shaking her head, she made to pull away.

  “Where are they?” Titus asked, holding her still.

  “We must go and find them.”

  “Do you recognize the second scent?”

  “It’s familiar but I don’t know why. I can’t place it. Come on, Titus, or we’re going to lose them.” She looked at Titus and saw the apprehension in his gaze. “What is it?”

  “I trained Axel,” said Titus.


  “He’s … he’s been like a brother to me, Lilly.”

  “You’re not going to be able to kill him, are you?”

  “I don’t know. Does that make me weak?” he asked.

  She placed a hand to his cheek. “Don’t think. You’re an Alpha, Titus. You’ll know what to do. I’m your mate. If you can’t handle it, I’ll end him for you.”

  They were losing time. Axel’s scent was getting weaker. She didn’t know who the other scent belonged to. A hostage? There was blood. He could have a civilian from the pack or even a human. Seeing Titus confused, she couldn’t move on.

  Her cat paced in her mind, wanting out.

  She craved to go on the hunt for the man who thought he could take the pack from her. Only mated a matter of minutes and already it was her pack, her people.

  “I love you, Lilly,” he said.

  This made her smile. After they mated and she told him how she felt, he stayed silent. It had hurt but she knew he felt the same way. How could he not? They were together. They belonged to each other.

  She tasted his lips and his hands moved to her ass.

  Wasting precious time here.

  Come on. We have someone to hunt and to kill.

  She moaned and pulled away from the pleasure of his lips.

  “We’ve got to go,” she reminded. The honeymoon would have to wait.

  “Shit, yes.”

  He was stalling and she hated knowing how hard this would be for him. It made her hate Axel even more for betraying a caring Alpha.

  “A good Alpha questions everything,” she said. “He takes his time. You’re here for your pack. They matter the most. They can’t do without you.”

  He nodded. “We need to turn. We’ll be faster.”

  Titus kept hold of her hand, leading her out of the water. Even as they faced each other, their bodies splitting, she kept on staring into his eyes. Trying to offer him her strength. Whatever they were about to do, he needed her and she’d be with him, every single step of the way.

  “Hello, sexy,” Titus said.

  His wolf rubbed against her side.

  Her cat purred.

  “Come on, let’s go and deal with this. I’m ready.”

  Her cat moved him out of her way. “Remember, I’m still your queen.”

  She took the lead, following Axel’s scent.

  Chapter Seven

  They slowed down when they neared their targets. Titus wasn’t ready for this, but he had to be. He’d avoided dealing with his beta, hoping he’d been wrong about Axel. Where had he gone wrong?

  How many times had they saved each other’s asses? Before Lilly came along, he was the only other person Titus trusted completely. Now he didn’t know what to think.

  “Blood. Do you scent it?” she asked.

  Now that they were close, all his senses were magnified. He even knew who the other person was. It was Sean, Anna’s boyfriend. Axel had gone berserk, claiming Anna was his mate when Sean had already claimed her. His beta was probably going to kill him in revenge.

  This wasn’t good at all.

  It was time to end this, to handle his responsibilities as Alpha, to eliminate the traitor.

  “I’m going to shift,” he said. “Stay in your fur in case things go bad. You’ll be able to get away quickly.”

  “You don’t know me very well, do you? I’d never run away and leave you behind.”

  His wildcat would be the death of him.

  He shifted into his human skin and emerged from the underbrush. “Axel!”

  His beta turned around and fell to his knees. He was wounded, his body covered in blood. “I’m sorry,” Axel said.

  “What have you done, Axel? You kidnapped and nearly killed an elder, and now Sean? Do you crave power that much? Did you never see me as a friend?”

  Axel shook his head before falling forward onto the ground.

  Titus whirled around when a commotion broke out behind him. Lilly’s wild cat had its teeth around Sean’s leg, and he cried out in pain, dropping the knife he held.

  “Call off your bitch!” Sean shouted.

  Titus looked to Axel, then Sean, the true story slowly taking shape. “That’s my mate. And she wouldn’t have attacked unless she felt I was in danger.”

  He stepped closer, kicking the knife away. “What are you doing out here, Sean?”

  “It’s not what you think.”

  “Oh? What am I thinking?”

  “It was Axel. He’s gone nuts. It was a jealous rage. I was only saving myself.”

  Titus tilted his head to the side, searching the man’s eyes and only finding deception. He paced back and forth while the man whimpered, but he refused to ask Lilly to back off. She was in her fur
, so her senses would be much more in tune right now than his.

  “I assumed my beta was trying to overthrow my position. I shouldn’t have been so narrow-sighted. All I want to know is why?”

  “I’m telling you, Titus. It was all Axel. Ask the old man.”

  “What old man?” asked Titus. “If you’re talking about the elder you shouldn’t even know about, he only went on what you said. He doesn’t know what Axel looks like.”

  “He tried to steal my mate!”

  Titus shook his head. “I was a fool not to listen to Axel. Should I get the elder here to point out his true kidnapper? He is alive and well, after all.”

  Sean kept quiet, but Titus didn’t need to hear any more. He approached Axel, rolling him to his back. His eyes fluttered open.

  “You need to shift and heal.”

  Axel grimaced when he tried to move. “He set me up. When he tried to claim Anna, it drove me crazy. No one understood, except Sean. He wanted you to think I was the problem so he could take over the pack.”

  “Shift,” Titus repeated. “We’ll talk later. Everything will be set straight.”

  He watched as Axel struggled to change into his wolf, but he managed.

  There was no way he could allow a traitor in his pack. Sean had gone just under the radar, secretly creating a wave of unrest.

  “Let him go, Lilly.”

  She growled but complied. Sean immediately shifted and rushed off into the forest. Titus smirked at his wildcat. “I’ll let you handle this one, my little huntress.”

  Lilly flashed her fangs, then darted into the forest after the wolf. He knew she could handle herself and wanted to show her that he trusted her as his packmate and queen. He’d also be right behind them in case there was more trouble than she could handle.

  When he caught up with them, it was already over. Blood dripped from her mouth as she stood over the wolf carcass. She was perfect—beauty and power. The perfect mate to stand by his side as they led their pack. Together.

  “I never should have doubted you. You’re a huntress through and through.”

  “Like I said, I’m not delicate. I know how to handle myself,” she said.

  She approached him, the muscles of her cat strong and defined. Lilly licked his snout.

  “Now what?” he asked.

  “We begin. Everything starts now.”

  Lilly dashed away, and he followed. She stopped in a quiet area of the forest and shifted into her skin. Her body was beautiful, all strong, soft curves. He paced around her, scenting her ripeness. She ran her hands through his fur, no fear, only anticipation snapping between them. He shifted to join his mate.

  “What are we doing here, baby?”

  “My father and Axel need time to recover. And we have unfinished business,” she said.

  “Such as?”

  She smiled, turned, and walked away. Lilly peered back over her shoulder, teasing, knowing how much he wanted a piece of her ass. He growled, watching her every move. His cock reacted, despite everything they’d been through.

  “Lilly, behave yourself. You shouldn’t tease.”

  “I don’t plan on refusing my big, bad wolf. Unless you’d rather wait for another day.”

  He still remembered her beautiful wild cat and the way she’d handled herself. She was vicious and capable, no less than any she-wolf.

  “I thought you might be tired.”

  She shook her head. “I feel energized. Complete.” Lilly circled him, running her hand over his back and ass. “I belong. I even have answers to where I came from. I couldn’t ask for more.”

  “That’s right. Your father mated with a wildcat, so we’re not the first. We’ll be able to have children.”

  “There’s a difference,” she said.


  “I never plan on abandoning you or our pack.”

  He tugged her against his body and kissed her hard on the mouth, completely in love with his woman. She was right. Today was the first day of forever. The unrest in his pack would finally be dealt with, and Axel could claim Anna as the gods intended.

  “I want to fill you with my cum. Cover you in my scent.” He ran his tongue along the rim of her ear until she purred.

  “What are you waiting for, wolf?”


  Lilly had spent twenty-eight years as a pariah. Even in her adopted pack, she was always cast aside, only of use when the others needed something from her. It was the reason she’d been determined to be the best at everything. Anything to become accepted. Loved.

  It hadn’t worked until she found Titus.

  The Hawthorne Clan had done her an injustice, keeping her true identity a secret. She could have had a relationship with her father, but so many years had passed. At least now she knew her roots and could slowly build a friendship with the elder who’d always been kind to her. Now she knew why he was different from the rest.

  Titus spun her around, his arms snaking around to cup her tits. Her nipples were sensitive and his hands were rough. He made her feel beautiful when she was certain he’d be disgusted by her wildcat.

  “Doggy style?” he whispered in her ear.


  He pressed her back down and she got to her hands and knees, waiting for him to mount her. Her alpha. Her beast. Her mate.

  He lapped up her folds, taking her by surprise. “Titus!”

  “Let me enjoy myself.” His tongue teased her pussy and clit, then circled her asshole, making her see stars. “Such a good kitty.”

  She clawed the earth as he toyed with her, nearly bringing her to orgasm. Then it was over, his strong hands gripping her hips as he positioned himself behind her. She felt the hard length press against her before he grabbed it and searched for her entrance.

  As soon as he impaled her, she cried out, knowing they were so deep in the forest nobody would hear. She let loose, savoring the feel of his big dick pumping in and out of her pussy. She was hot and slick, savoring the fullness and bonding.

  He pulled her long hair from behind and she growled in appreciation. Lilly wasn’t a delicate-skinned human girl, she was all woman, all wildcat, and his roughness turned her on.

  Titus fucked her hard and fast, never slowing. The man was a machine, all strength and muscle. She began to pant, knowing she’d come any minute. Each time he filled her, he pounded against her clit, making her gasp.

  He reached around and teased her clit as he worked her, bringing her to another level of ecstasy. She’d never get enough of her wolf.

  “Come for me, Lilly. I want to feel you milk my cock.” He began to take her at a fevered pace, and she couldn’t hold back another second. Her orgasm raced through her, detonating with enough power and heat to make her scream Titus’s name over and over. “Take it all, baby.” She could feel his cum filling her and, for the first time, she really began to envision life as a family.

  They collapsed together on the leaves, their bodies spent. The forest was a thing of beauty, the trees rustling in the breeze, and the moonlight filtering over them like a fine lace. She always preferred nature over her ventures into human towns and cities. Titus’s pack was the most feral she’d ever encountered, and she looked forward to learning their ways.

  She tucked herself against his side, watching his chest rise and fall, feeling safe and grounded. Lilly was proud to be a strong female and huntress, and now she’d be leading a pack with her mate. It had never been fun being alone, and sometimes she just craved to be loved and cared for. Her mate filled that void. She knew that Titus would be able to handle himself in the face of danger. He’d die for her, and she’d do the same for him. They were a team.

  “When will you tell the pack?” she asked.

  “As soon as we get everything sorted with your father and Axel, I’ll make the official announcement. I’m sure they’ll be able to scent my claim on you before that though.”

  “And they’ll be okay with it?”

  “I know they’ll love you. You
have a good heart, and you’ll be an honorable leader,” he said.

  “Just like you.” She kissed his cheek, snuggling close, and she couldn’t help but purr.


  Roberta Winchester

  Chapter One


  An explosion inside my skull. It’s all I can remember.

  What the fuck?

  I can’t see. My eyes are open, but nothing’s there.

  Nothing but darkness. And pain. A blade of agony slices through my head and face.

  Where am I?

  Twelve Hours Ago

  “My tie is choking me,” I gasp, yanking at the stupid knot wedged up into my Adam’s apple.

  “Stop messing with it, dude. And stand still. Music’s about to start.”

  Rafe Ulric. Least sympathetic big brother in the world. His soon-to-be new wife is perfect for him. “Your woman tried to strangle me with this thing, I’m telling you.”

  Rafe glares at me, his eyes flashing a warning. “She was trying to help you out, man. If you weren’t such a barbarian, you’d know how to tie your own damn tie.”

  I’m not a barbarian. I’m a shifter, and a damn good one too. In my coyote skin, I can outrace, outpace, and outhunt Rafe any day of the week. He knows it too. But since our dad retired and made Rafe the Alpha, my big bro has been kind of a dick. He’s my boss too, since he’s Alpha and we own the family business together with our youngest brother Weylin—who, I’m happy to see, is standing next to me, shifting restlessly, looking almost as miserable as me.

  The thing is, it’s not just the tie that’s bothering me. Or Rafe. Not really. And I actually like his bride, Corina, a lot. She’s good for him, and vice versa.

  No. What’s bugging me is this damn wedding. Flowers. Cake. Music. Rings. Speeches. Vows.


  Everything I’ll never have.

  Because the only woman I ever wanted didn’t want me back.

  “Hey, man, you okay?”


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